• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy ☾ℒℯtℴ☽

I think we are all in that position, I'm waiting for @Gospeller to respond, if he doesn't by tomorrow when I get home(Which btw won't be til like 4 p.m pacific time cause i got 1 last practice) then I'll respond and keep us moving to the village.
Yeah. I'm waiting for @Cyber Wolf to reply for Ashlyn.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I'm so happy to have such creative and imaginative people in this roleplay! It's pretty steady, which I like, and going well.

Thank yall

I made two new characters, angelic to try and have more type ranges, and I'll post their intro tomorrow. Hope yall like them. I have to get to bed because I have work tomorrow morning. I'll be off at 5 PST and will post and do things while I do homework.
I apologize for my lack of posts and stuff, but I actually have some stuff that needs my attention IRL, therefore, I am going to have to retreat from this RP. Thank y'all though!
I need more roleplays that I don't control, but people aren't very diligent at the moment except for the one on one people :/ I don't want to make another because I want to focus my efforts here
well, that would mean touching it right? That would basically mean having to get hit(and probably die lol). Also Mutt was kinda in a crash, so that would cause Mutt to be as agile as he normally is
DergTheDergon said:
@Puffhead Pharos answered Mutt's question, dude. Read my last post again.
Oh sorry man, I didn't see that. xD

Federoff said:
well, that would mean touching it right? That would basically mean having to get hit(and probably die lol). Also Mutt was kinda in a crash, so that would cause Mutt to be as agile as he normally is
Yeah, obviously. Otherwise that would make this situation way too easy and that's no fun!
lol rampaging lion distracted by wolves xD

I'll be staying on for a few more minutes, but other then that I'll be leaving very soon; its night here and I got school tomorrow.
*sigh* I should be happy y'all are all going to bed because then I will be forced to, but I feel sadness in my heart.

@Nonalaka Sorry I didn't respond faster. It didn't inform me you had posted. I don't get why it does that to me from time to time

I think on Monday (since most people have a hard time getting on during the week) I will put characters on hiatus that can't respond and delete those that never responded. That way it keeps the board clean. What do yall think?
I think that's a great idea! I lost count of how many rps I was in that came to a screeching halt because people just stopped responding and everyone else just kept waiting for them. This will hopefully negate that possibility.

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