Let the Wolf show you how an Idea is made. {{RP Idea: Short Story}}


New Member
What's the biggest problem we RPer's have? Staying with our Roleplays. Why? Because the adventures are too long? Possibly. Maybe we'd do better on Short Story RP's, you know? Maybe "chapter" updates that signal scene changes and how to end a day? Then the story comes to a full close, and everyone feels good about ending the RP, maybe with motivation to begin and end another one.

Honestly speaking, how many of you have stayed with a Roleplay from beginning to finish?

We should begin with smaller RP's, get an idea of start and finish, then expand our abilities. Plus, being active helps a little. >.>

Anyone interested in making a short plot? xD Nothing complex like "Collecting seven holy orbs from around the world with people from six different tribes who have four different elements and two different powers so they can become strong enough to defeat the demon lord".

Maybe something like:

A group of humanoid creatures dumped into the human world on a mission to find and eliminate the source of evil (turns out to be the principle of a college or high school) and they team up with some humans to bring him/her down?

Throw me a bone~ (and not because I'm Wolf >.>)
I think your on the right track here but I'm not so sure about reducing the complexity being what we need. Maybe we make roleplay's set in the same "setting" but describing smaller self contained events. Like one roleplay we just do an epic battle between X number of heroes and the big bad villain and then in another roleplay we focus on the one time a slaves of the villain tried to stage a revolt. Or a time when one of the x number of heroes ancestors found the legendary sword. Its not reducing the complexity but its placing the roleplay in a smaller context with cearly defined start and end points (entering the ancient cave and leaving with the legendary sword for example)

That would be my take on it, but I'm the first responder, so whatever other people come up with.
I tried making such an rp with small missions but the main flaw in most created rp's I've seen so far is that the playerbase is too large and whenever 1 person quits the rp, the rest follows.

We could make like 2-3 rp's, all of which are short. That way we can divide up the playerbase a bit and have smaller groups to work with which would hopefully result in the rp's actually getting finished.

I'm up for creating one or multiple small rp's with you if you want. Let me know.
Personally I don't see many of the RpNation RP's coming to an end. They simply fizzle out. I like where you are going with this. I will keep tracking this topic. Good work!
I can see what you mean, Rex (Although complexity can due some damage on a roleplay). Making smaller stories out of a bigger plot does seem like one way to do it, and if the Rper's all decide on that, then we can go with it. :3 But there's also just simple plot'd RP's that don't require 8 people. Larger amounts of people also influence how active an RP is. Like stated before, when one person leaves the RP, others tend to follow because most of them rely on the ditcher to move the story along.

So, smaller ideas with few people should help us a lot. :3 And maybe a posting "schedule" like, once or twice a week? Depending on the story.

We could try to experiment with a 2, 3, or 4 person RP. Feel free to go ahead and post some of your ideas down. :3 I'm interested in hearing them. ^^

If we did want to make shorter stories from a big plot, we could start the first RP as a "Prologue". You know? For example: 4 Humans turned into Werewolves, Introduce the main characters, how they get turned, their first hunt, meeting each other, etc. The basics, getting to know them. Then the plot can thicken as the story progresses with each RP. Like each mini story is connected to the other, or something... But anyway, I'm interested in ideas. :3
i see how this could work. I mean serious think of it in terms of this.

If you did a main stream manga like say fairy tail. You could do a mission, and once completed, move on to the next thread. only having one open at a time or something of the sort.

I do like the idea but people will get tired of making characters. I think we need some sort of rp that we can possibly use the same characters over.

So I take it we'll make small RP's that feed off a bigger idea? I'd lke to.

My first idea that I will make up as I go:

A group of humans are chosen by an angelic race (characterized by humonoid features but with feathered wings on their backs) to fight their counterpart, demonic bretheren who have fallen to the dark side. The darks, little by little, plan to overthrow their angelic counterparts in order to dominate the world.

First Chapter: Meet The Angels; Fight Your First Battle.

We take a look into their lives pre-angelic transformation, how they feel about their lives now, and how they manage to win their first fight.

But it's not all fine and dandy, because some angelic people will fall into the dark and become possessed by the wicked nature.

Anyway, that was just a quick idea I cam up with. What do you think?
Angel stuff hasn't been done much yet, + 1.

Angels are hawt, +3

It sounds like fun, +3



PS: I like this idea, if that wasn't clear. ^^
*Rips the Barbie's head off* =^= Moot. *throws plastic thing into a burning furnace*

I do liek the points, though~ :3

But really, just need to develop the plot. Get the story straight... you know? Feel free to throw an idea in.

I'd do it right now, but I'm needing to do some school work... *totally slacked off* D:
There's only one thing you need to make an RP last: people who are interested

It really doesn't matter how good, complex, simple, planned or whatever it is, you need people with enough interest, time and dedication.

So saith the Hatchet, based on observation
Your arguement is stupid imo, no hard feelings sweetcheeks.

Just letting it all up to ... whatever ... and hoping people are going to be interested in it so it'll last is dumb.

You need planning ( an Idea thread to poll IF and/or HOW MANY people are interested )

You need structure ( Some sort of small story/plot/subject to give the people something where they can get interested in. )

You need an active playerbase ( People who post in the thread on a regular. )

And probably more stuff, but those are the things you need. Not JUST people who are interested.

Anyway, cheers ^^
Well the last thing in your list is exactly what I said. And I didn't mean you didn't need anything else at all, but the number one thing you need is membership base, and that's not something you can conjure from imagination...unless you're all the characters, I guess. And then it's a story, not an RP.
You made it sound like it was the only thing needed though, that's why I replied to it.
Well it doesn't matter how many people are interested in it, Hatchet, if the story just keeps going on and on it'll lose the spark. I'm also not saying we JUST need a small story, we also need people who are interested (which is pretty obvious).

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