Let the Games Begin

Name: Adrian Mason

Age: 19

What your city/town is like: Ashlind is a small settlement, with an equally small garrison of troops. It produces just enough grain to support itself, and despite not being exorbitantly wealthy, the standard of living for the citizens of Ashlind is high. Almost everyone within the town limits is part of a comfortable middle class, and the families that reside there have done so for generations, in harmony with each other. Life in Ashlind is comfortable because in the eyes of the rest of Ardin, it is entirely meaningless... aside from the fact that it is the only geographical obstacle in between Verria and Vanir.

This fact threatens to disrupt the happy existence of Ashlind and its people. If Verria and Vanir were to go to war against each other, Ashlind would most likely be destroyed and claimed as a strategic post by one of the armies. And so, Ashlind finds itself in a difficult position; if they favor Verria too heavily, it might anger the governing forces of Vanir, to the east, and if they ally with Vanir, the same could be said for Verria's forces to the west. So, the leaders in Ashlind have came to the conclusion that the only way to continue to survive and thrive is to ensure that a lasting peace is brokered between the two cities.

And that leaves us with the reason why the village leaders son was sent to Verria. He is not there to win, but rather to make sure Vanir's candidate doesn't lose.

Appearance: Adrian is 5'11 and lithe, with a close cropped head of blonde hair. His eyes are a light blue, matching a clear sky perfectly.

Personality: Adrian is soft spoken and generally shy, preferring the woodlands and the animals within it to a large city. As the son of an (albeit low ranking) noble, he is well schooled in many subjects, and because of that he is quite intelligent and knowledgeable.

Other: Adrian is an able hunter, and would much rather utilize a bow or ranged weapon before a sword. Also, he loves music, and his first love will always be a beautiful melody or ballad. He is well aware of his duty to his loved ones and his village, and knows that he should be entirely focused on aiding Vanir's suitor in winning the competition. However, there is one problem...

Adrian has been in love with Giselle ever since he first saw her, years ago while attending a diplomatic ceremony with his father.
[MENTION=1161]BLADE MdM[/MENTION] Your character is pretty good, it'll make things pretty interesting with so many conflicting motives. [MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] said she'd be off on holidays for a few days, but I really don't see why she wouldn't accept you. She'll be back on the 30th though if you wanna wait and get a proper acceptance from her.
[MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION] thank you for the compliment, I new to rp-ing and am truthfully just attempting not to screw up too badly ;)

Also, I'vr decided to start now. If for some reason she decides to decline my entrance into this rp, just ignore my posts, I guess.
I know about this. I just keep forgetting and when I remember no one speaks to me character wise. @.@
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] Well Asduskfalls commented about an idea if anyone was willing to play it:

Would anyone be interested in creating a male character interested in Cass before realizing the she's a "boy?" Like maybe a suitor meets her in the hall or something. Or even a servant. That would provide me many giggles.
It's an idea, and the ensuing awkwardness would be very amusing. Character interaction is a big part of this rp, so it really would be great if you joined. What kind of characters are you used to playing? Maybe you've already created a character you liked that can easily be modified to suit this rp?
I tend to play a wide range of things that's the problem. xD Usual characters speak to me when I look at new rps saying ooo play me play me. But you mean a male servant of sorts, is in love with her thinking she's a guy only to find out she's not? Only interested in males persay? *can play almost anything needed, but must warn I put my own twist to stuff.*
Well, a suitor or a servant/anybody who works in the castle who sees or talks to her before realising she is a suitor but does recognise that she is a girl, flirting with her a bit prehaps but then finding out she is a suitor and a "boy". But the the other way could work too. And please, by all means put your own spin on things.
Personally I don't think the family would allow female suitors, so all think she's a male. The whole carrying on the family name and given birth to children a bit difficult with same sex. *grins* I may make a servant of sorts, just need to figure out what type, a knight in training maybe. Squire is it? poor kid if so.


((Here's a servant for you. lol Who knows this may give the trophy someone to talk too. :P ))


Name: Saben Wagner

Age: 18

What your city/town is like: Verria




Gentle, yet firm in some things, he tends to keep things clean to a point and feels keeping up a good appearance is half the battle. This doesn’t mean you have to have the best clothes and all, just wear what you do have with pride and cleanliness. Happiness comes from within, and if you’re too busy trying to mess with the happiness of others you may never achieve it. He tends to watch things from a far at times, and never fit in when it comes to others. Always feeling the outsider, knowing he is a man not meant for this age in ways. He counts the few blessings he has and continues on his lonely path doing what he can to make up for his few flaws.


Saben’s parents had great hopes of knighthood for their boy, only for the child not to be able to last a month. Fainting at the first site of blood he was ruled as a disgrace to his family and thrown out. Starting as a stable hand he worked his way up to a servant for the main household due to his eye for details. A mockery still by all the ‘real men’ out there, or even some of the other staff at times when they get jealous of the rank he built for himself. He does his best not to let this get to him, for he knows he is more a lover than a fighter.

Despite not being able to fight or stand the sight of blood at times (something he has worked hard to at least manage to be around now) Saben is a jack of all trades. He can mend clothes with grace and style, cook wonders, even clean better than most, he also knows how to tend to animals as well as weapons and armor even if he isn’t able to do any of the killing. If you need anything that doesn’t have to do with violence Saben usually is the man to go too, he is even known to be great at keeping secrets. (Seeing as he has quite a few of them himself.)

~Side note: Saben so far has never shown any interest in anyone that others have noticed. Then again it could be that he leans in a way not supported by the times as much. That or he may have yet to find that special someone to catch his eye.
Name: Aiden Alexander McKnight

Age: 20

What your town/city is like: Tyrial is a flourishing port city which supports Arrdin by bringing in treasures and goods from distant lands. Run by a council made up members of the wealthiest merchant houses, the city is run with maximizing profits in mind. As a result, the middle and upper classes live very well, but those from lower classes find themselves ground into the dirt even further by those with power. Money and power are everything in Tyrial. Without it you don't stand a chance.

Appearance: View attachment 5954

Personality: With a wondering mind and a wondering eye, Aiden is a free spirited, bright, yet impulsive young man. Generally a sociable fellow, he finds himself interacting in some manner with almost everyone he meets. Friends are important to him, but in many cases his intentions aren't nearly as pure as he would have you believe. Every father in Tyrial knows of Aiden and his 'socializing'. Not surprisingly, he often gets in over his head and is usually unwilling to back down if he finds himself in such a situation. Character flaws aside, Aiden is fiercely loyal to those who he considers close friends, willing to give everything he can for them. This, however, does not extend to his family, who he feels have tried to force him into a mold which he simply doesn't fit in.

Other: The McKnight family are one of the wealthiest merchant families in Tyrial. Seeing a marriage with the Hawthorne family as a chance to rise to the top, Darian McKnight, head of the McKnight family, knew what needed to be done. His oldest son had learned the ways of the book and of the sword, training with vigilance to keep his family atop the world. He knew he could count of his son to bring this honor, this power to their family. This of course, wasn't Aiden. His older brother, Niro, was the poster child for their family, virtually perfect in every way. Darian called in favors that other houses owed him in order to secure his family's right to send a competitor. Things were going as planned until an accident left Niro with a broken leg only a few weeks before the competition. Reluctantly, he was forced to turn to Aiden. After pleading to his son's sense of honor and duty to family fell on deaf ears, he offered this: Win and you'll be free of any responsibilities to our household. Additionally, you'll still reap the benefits as if you were doing your share. This meal ticket sent Aiden on his way. The freedom which he saw was enough to convince him, but the fact that he would have to get married if he won just hadn't clicked.

Hopefully this works! My first rp on this site, but not overall. It looks like a ton of fun, so I hope enough people join!
Excellent, so glad people are joining. However, I really don't think it's my place to say you can go ahead and post. I only said yeah to Blade Mdm 'cause it was just the one and I knew we needed more rpers, but now I just feel like I'm overstepping it a tad. It's not my rp. Aura's going to be back in a day or two anway, so yeah I think it'd be best just to wait.
No problem at all, sides I was wondering if Aura wanted Saben to be a friend of her Lady or not anyways.
Everyone's made such interesting characters and stories for their towns. I'm so impressed with everyone. :D

Also, I think we have enough suitors. Too many might be overwhelming so should we move the roleplay forward and close sign-ups.

[MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION] - I don't think you're overstepping at all. I pretty much consider you co-owner and if I knew how to make that official I would haha.

@BLADE MdM - Of course you're accepted.

[MENTION=1552]Poshib[/MENTION] - You're accepted as well : )

[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] - Your character is accepted and I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for our characters to be friends. Giselle probably would have gotten to know Saben.

@TheJoker - Sorry to hear about that. You're a pretty good roleplayer if I may stroke your ego.
[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] thank you very much. Some of my other roleplays have died down, so is it still possible for me to join?
[MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] - Of course you can. Just be prompt about creating a character because we're still discussing closing sign-ups. Six competitors may be a little better than five anyways.
Now I just need to get my muse working again. ^.^ I plan to read what post are out there first who knows I may be inspired.
Name: Gregory Fillone

Age: 19

What your city/town is like: Beniza (Ben-ee-za) is a town in the wilderness. Their main camp is a big clearing in the Beniza Woods. Gregory's father is the king of this land, but instead of learning what his duties will be when his father passes on, Gregory hunts. Yes, he knows the basics of what he must do, but other than that, he doesn't care. He spends most of his time either hunting or eating.


Personality: Kind hearted, hard-working, funny. Gregory is a natural-born leader.

Other: He lets those closest to him call him Greg. But mostly, he is Gregory or Prince Gregory.
Sounds good. Once everyone posts I'll move the story forward... maybe before if I'm impatient, but we'll get started real soon.
Aah oops. I really remember typing that you were D:

But yes, you are accepted. : ) Sorry about that [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION]
I'm laughing my butt off! I swear just with the ideas coming to mind already. All of you, any of your suitors can be flirted with by Saben, this is going to be great!

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