Let the fun begin!


Tomato Goddess
Okay, so we have 6 members now (including me). I am waiting to see if one more person is going to join, but I think you can all start your character sheets now. :)
Posted my character sheets! I made two characters, one prisoner and one staff member. Hope they're okay, I'm excited for this RP. 
Sweet! They look great!

Now, once everyone has posted their character sheets, we can get this rolling. ^^

I'm excited, too! 

Can't wait till a certain character makes their appearance. >:]
By the way, we could use some more staff.

I'm assuming Quill Harrisford are Elsie Weisshart are prisoners. With Mae and May Ernest also being prisoners, Tobias Reynolds and Richter Haynes are our only staff at this point.

Anthony Moretti is also staff, but... well, he likely won't be introduced for some time. 

So, at the moment our prisoner to staff ratio is 4:2.

If anyone who's already posted a character would be interested in also playing as a staff member, feel free. And to anyone who hasn't posted a character sheet yet, maybe consider playing as a staff member (either alone, or in addition to a prisoner). It would help out a lot!
Sorry I just now posted to this thing, I've been waiting for it to be a thing again but I've been having typical 12-14 hour days to struggle through before getting some RPN... and sleep.
Sleep? What is this strange word? 

Yeah, RPN has been destroying that for me as of late. But, tonight, I am going to bed at a reasonable- *looks at clock* Okay. Guess that ship sailed. 
Actually, I tried to find my old character but the tabs in old RPs are gone or something... or I just can't find them, in which case I never will -.-
can i just say that was the fastest i've ever had an app be accepted like i am amazed
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By the way, we could use some more staff.


So, at the moment our prisoner to staff ratio is 4:2.

If anyone who's already posted a character would be interested in also playing as a staff member, feel free. And to anyone who hasn't posted a character sheet yet, maybe consider playing as a staff member (either alone, or in addition to a prisoner). It would help out a lot!

Posted my char, 'Nora Arden', she's a prisoner and will be my main, but I'm willing to play staff members on the side.
Actually, I tried to find my old character but the tabs in old RPs are gone or something... or I just can't find them, in which case I never will -.-

Yeah, they are gone. :/  Had to rebuild mine from the ground up. Luckily, I remembered most of the info for mine. You gonna use Alistar again? :)

can i just say that was the fastest i've ever had an app be accepted like i am amazed

Yeah. This was going to be a small group, but I'm surprised how many people want to join! Hopefully this is as good as I think it could be. 

Posted my char, 'Nora Arden', she's a prisoner and will be my main, but I'm willing to play staff members on the side.

Great! Looks good. :)

Can't wait to get this started!
Yeah, let's get this show on the road! Even though some people haven't posted their sheets yet. *nudge nudge*
i might be a bit late on my entry post, ive managed to get sick and my head is not clear enough to write anything actually worthwhile.. .. sorry!
i might be a bit late on my entry post, ive managed to get sick and my head is not clear enough to write anything actually worthwhile.. .. sorry!

That's okay. :)  Looks like it's going to take a while to get this going, anyway. Hope you're feeling better soon!
Everyone's posts so far are really great! I just posted my intro for Elsie, I have to go to work really soon so when I get back I'll write up an intro for Tobias and add it to the post.

If you couldn't guess, Elsie isn't meant to be a very sympathetic character ._.
@moka It looks awesome! :D

I'm not sure if I should start posting more about my characters, or wait until you guys all have your intros done. 
so i'm not the only one 

i only get notifications if im quoted... guess theres some bugs in the new setup?

There must be. I don't get any notifs unless it's status updates or replies to status updates. Though, I did get yours just now... odd. Maybe because you quoted me?
@Impysh That is really weird. I think I'll make a thread about it, because I'd like to actually know when someone is talking to me. -_-'

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