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Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

Jean Otus

Would-Be Prince
Bordered on many sides by a glistening and bountiful ocean, possessing a wealth of natural resources and an ideal climate, the kingdom of Orleans is hailed as being at one with nature. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this is the subtle pulse of magic that underlies the kingdom, even common people are born with a magical connection to the natural world. In ancient times these powers enabled the establishment of the kingdom under a family of magically gifted nobles.

As a counterbalance to the kingdom's magical nobles, those with powers who were excluded from the noble alliance formed their own militia. This evolved into a guild of magical warriors, operating beyond the authority, but for the benefit of the kingdom. These warriors attempted to enhance their powers by growing further in tune with nature. From this came the practice of forgoing traditional names and titles, the warriors instead began naming themselves the knight of one of the many flowering plants which grow across the kingdom. At the same time, the guild master, Knight Carnation, struck an alliance with the Queen of Orleans, allying the guild of floral knights with the conventional army of Orleans. This alliance left the magical wellbeing of the kingdom in the hands of the guild, while the government of Orleans looked after the people.

This peace lasted for generations, the kingdom grew, the nobles maintained their magical bloodlines and the guild passed from one set of capable hands to another, and talented youths from across the kingdom joined the ranks. For many years the people lived joyous, safe, lives, protected from the dangers of the world by the kingdom and knights. In recent years, the crown has passed to Prince Edmond after the Queen Atalanta's passing. Meanwhile, the position of guild master has passed to Knight Lily, a warrior famous for her ability to conjure lightning, as well as her grace and masterful diplomacy.

The hope of Orleans now rests in the hands of the young prince and the guild master, as he with his armies and she with her knights must confront a festering evil which has come to the kingdom. From the great pine forests in the north and racing southward along the continent, a force which has come to be known as The Blight has been laying waste to the lands of Orleans. Life in the path of this plague is taken by terrible sickness, and even the healthiest of plants and animals weaken and die, consumed by an ashen gray rot. Those that are not immediately taken by the disease are preyed on by horrendous creatures, walking nightmares seemingly born out of the rot itself, and eager to consume anything in their path.

Our story follows a party of young warriors who must come together, march with the armies of the prince and Knight Lily, and defeat this blight before it consumes all of Orleans.

The Capital City of Orleans
The Guild's Home, "Le Chateau des Fleurs"
The Guild's Roster (Les Chevaliers des Fleurs)
The Guild's Common Room
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Matthias lingered on the threshold for just a moment longer. He looked back on the monastic cell that had been his sole private space for the past five years. It was now as simple and bare as he had found it all those years ago. Every surface, nook, and cranny had been stripped of possessions and sentiments. The young knight heaved a sigh. Throughout the castle, the last of the knights were lingering just as he did. On any normal day the castle would bustle with activity as knights came and went from their various jobs across the kingdom, but today a pall hung over the brightly tiled roofs of the guild's home.

Today the guild would move as a single force in defense of the entire Kingdom. It was a mission unlike any other before it. At most a party of knights would be sent to deal with a problem, but this, this was much grander in scale. The Blight, a roaming plague of death and terror was charging down from the north, consuming everything in its path. For the first time since its creation, the knights would act in tandem with the army of Orleans.

The life or death scale of this battle did away with the usual atmosphere of amity and levity that permeated the guild's halls. Closing the door to his cell, Matthias trudged down to the courtyard with his pack. Upon arriving, some semblance of life returned to the space as the final preparations for the march out were made. At the center of it all was Knight Lily, the shining leader of the guild, clad in elaborate plate and a furred mantle, each piece as white as fresh snow. She sat upon her horse, giving orders and making groups out of the various knights that appeared before her. Matthias joined the queue and waited patiently until he stood before her.

"Ah, Knight Bramble, I expected you earlier." In spite of the massive ranks of the knights, the guild master knew each and every one by a glance alone. "I'll be assigning you to a group in the eastern flank, meet up with Knights Daffodil, Tigerlily, Aster, and Peony and prepare to move out."

Matthias snapped a quick salute to the guild master and headed to the eastern flank to find his group.
Abendrot Abendrot Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Veridian Veridian Siena Siena Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen
Sylvia, green eyes alert, hefted her travel-pack, a simple black leather and canvas contraption, as she strode with long, steady strides towards the east, as Knight Lily had directed moments earlier, to find her companions. Despite the almost melancholy aura of the guild's members, Sylvia couldn't help but be rather excited about he new developments. Until now, she had only been sent on minor missions, and although she knew the Blight was nothing to joke or make fun of, due to it's deadly nature, the challenge it placed before the guild was one she was fully ready to assist in the resolution of the issue at hand. She knew it would be no easy task, but with the combined forces of the guild, she held little doubt that it was indeed possible to halt the deadly Blight. But first, she must meet up with her group.

Tramping through the lush grass, she arrived at the eastern flank, and tossed a glance around her as she turned in a slow circle. So far, none of the Knights she was supposed to meet were in sight, but she expected it wouldn't be long. Setting her pack down, she grasped the hilt of her right-hand sword and pulled it out of it's scabbard, savoring the familiar sound of steel against leather. She began a series of drills, lithely moving through them in what was almost a sort of dance, adding her own variations and twists to it, battling enemies that were visible only in her mind. She finished the drill and lowered her blade from the raised position the arrangment ended with, and slid her weapon back into it's sheath, sitting cross-legged on the ground, elbows resting on her knees, to await the coming of her fellow Knights.
Knight Aster
Interactions: Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven
Anticipation churned in Alis's gut like a storm, a heady mix of nervous energy that seeped through her veins and left her skin alight with imaginary currents of electricity. It was heavy, exhilarating. Her thumb pressed against the flesh of her lower lip. And impossible to ignore. Eyes sharp, the woman watched as knights filed from the main hall, their voices stilted and low, as if the mere act of talking would break the spell enshrouding them all. Not that she blamed them: the gravity of the situation had them all in its grasp - for there was no escaping the weight of their predicament and no salvation beyond that which they forged themselves. If Orlean's had the capacity to save itself it would have. Their preparation for departure alone was testament enough to its inability.

Her teeth pressed against the edge of her nail and Alis fought the urge to snort. Perhaps inability was putting it lightly. Orlean's was a splendid kingdom - of that she held no doubt - but, like all precious metals and stones, it hid its imperfections behind a guise of grandeur and finery. Nothing was perfect in this world. The Blight had only brought the ugly truth to the surface.

Movement from the corner of her eye caught the blonde's attention, and she turned her head in time to witness the gleam of metal. It was a sword, well polished and cared for, attached to a girl gold of hair like herself. Alis, mind working to place a name with the familiar face, watched the younger knight with an air of speculation. When the dots connected, a grin pulled at her lips. It seemed she had found the first of her party.

Hand dropping from her mouth, Alis made her way toward the girl when she sheathed her sword and lowered into a seat. Her feet were light, grass springing back upwards in their wake, as she moved. The glove-clad length of her fingers laced behind her back, and Alis drew to a stop a few paces from the knight. "Impressive, isn't it?" She turned her face back towards the crowd, though her eyes peered at the girl from their corners. "I don't believe I've seen so many of us in one place - excluding meal times, that is."
Raisa, The Peony Knight

Placing the last of her things methodically in her pack, Raisa heaved a sigh, taking in her room, her place of solace, for what might be the very last time. No, she couldn't afford to think like that. Shaking her head slightly to herself, she checked to make sure she had everything (for the fifth time now), and buckled up her pack.

Throwing her hair back into a messy bun, Rai slipped her chest piece, her single piece of armor, over her head, and set about closing the many clasps and buckles that kept it in place. It would usually take her no more than five minutes to complete this task she could virtually complete through muscle memory and touch alone. Today it took her almost ten, because she was constantly zoning out, thinking about the weight of the task ahead of her and the rest of the Knights. Unable to curb her anticipation, she had addressed Knight Lily quite early and had been told where to meet her group.

Without a last glance back at her dwelling, she adjusted her pack on her shoulders and made her way to the Eastern sector of the guild. The sleeping quarters seemed practically deserted, but once she descended the staircase, the sound of shuffling feet and the clanking of armor and weapons and filled her ears. The halls were surprisingly devoid of voices, the normally happy guild silenced by the solemness of the journey ahead of them all. It gave Raisa the chills, and her pace quickened.

Reaching the meeting place, she saw that two of her companions were already there. Both blonde, light-skinned females, like her. Rai found this amusing, as they could probably all pass as siblings. She dropped her pack and rolled her shoulders, unfamiliar with the considerable weight of her belongings. "Good morning," she said casually, flashing them both a small smile.
Interaction: Siena Siena Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen

Pulling her gaze from the dagger in her hand, Sylvia looked up at the fair woman before her, taking in her appearance, eyes narrowed as she tried to recall the name that went with the face. So the first of the group had arrived. Answering her query, Sylvia looked out at the bustling people with her green eyes, then then switched them back to Knight Aster, or at least she thought it was Aster. "It is indeed." She sheathed her dagger as another female approached, and stood with little effort, and offering her hand in greeting. "Good morning to you as well, Knight Peony, if I recall correctly...?" She again looked to Knight Aster, swiping strands of blond hair from her eyes absently. "And you are Aster, are you not?" The short statured girl stood, feet spread, watching the two newcomers with appearances so like her own.
Interactions: Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen Siena Siena

Matthias walked purposefully through the gathering army of knights. Looking out amongst his peers he was reminded just how green he still was compared to the senior knights. As he scanned the crowded field he tried to pick out the rest of his group. Lotus was easy enough to spot by her trademark eye wraps, and Peony because she had the plain sense to wear her namesake on her armor, the others would take some picking out. Matthias tried to wrack his brain for details about his fellow knights, a handful of them were notably tall. He looked over the sea of people to try to pick out those who stood out.

As luck would have it, Matthias spotted the tall, blonde, Knight Aster standing alongside another blonde and a brunette who wore armor marked with peonies. Glad that the party seemed to be coming together on its own, he walked over to his new traveling companions to introduce himself.

"Hey!" He tried to inject himself into whatever exchange had just been happening. "Good to see that we're all finding each other alright. I'm Knight Bramble. I'll be traveling with you all."

He cleared his throat and scrambled to make conversation. "Aster, Peony, you two seem well. And..." His eyes turned to the third girl. "I don't believe I've seen you around before."
Jean Otus Jean Otus Siena Siena

At the sound of a male voice, Sylvia turned and looked to the the newcomer, taking in his features and storing the information along with his name, in her mind, then meeting his gaze and offering her right hand in greeting. She'd never seen this particular Knight before, but that was expected, considering she had only been here for three and a half months.
"No, I don't suppose you have." Deciding not to elaborate on her previous statement, the blond continued. "I'm Sylvia, or Knight Tigerlily. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Knight Bramble. " she looked at him again, wondering what his powers were. She smiled slightly. Maybe the particular skills pertained in part to how Knight Lily had decided which knights would be in each company. Sylvia rested her left hand on her sword hilt. That was four, so there should be only two more knights they were waiting for, if she remembered correctly.
Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Siena Siena Abendrot Abendrot Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen
Matthias peeled off his right gauntlet and stuffed it under his left arm. He then shifted the spear onto his shoulder so that he could extend his right hand to meet Sylvia’s. She seemed like a decent enough young lady, she didn’t look down her nose at him like a noble would, so he supposed she was at least decent as a person. He shook her hand firmly.

“A pleasure to meet ya, Knight TigerLily. Since we’re all to be traveling together I’d like it if we could get to know each other. What’s it like where you’re from? What’s your family do?”

Matthias ran every new acquaintance through the same rigor of questioning, trying to judge just how trustworthy they were. You could never know with a group as varied as the knights.

“My family herds and hunts down in the lowland plains.” He tried to spur the interrogation along. “It’s simple and rough but we got by. You?”
Knight Aster

Alis's lips quirked at Knight Bramble's actions, amusement dancing behind the stormy grey of her eyes. Familiarity with one's companions was essential to survival on a mission such as this, yes, but the blonde couldn't help but wonder at the male's initiative in beginning the trend. From what she'd heard - and knew - about the younger knight, Matthias was a relatively private individual. Perhaps not as much as herself from time to time, but the man had a tendency towards distance. Then again, his openness and inquiries were likely some form of test. She'd undergone a similar interaction herself after all.

Nevertheless, Alis was hardly one to miss a chance to edge herself into a conversation and derive self-amusement along the way. "Picking favorites already?" There was humor in her voice, and the blonde's lips parted with a smile. "I haven't gotten to know Knight TigerLily either, nor am I as familiar with Knight Peony and yourself as I'd like to be. Why don't we extend the question to the group as a whole, hm?" Her teeth flashed. "Not that I wouldn't mind taking Knight Peony to myself, of course. The quiet ones are always the most entertaining."
Jean Otus Jean Otus Siena Siena Abendrot Abendrot Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen

Sylvia watched Knight Bramble with interest. His grip was firm when she shook his hand, which was always a good sign in her opinion. A good handshake generally--but not always--meant an honest or loyal person. A good thing to know, since they would all be working together. She raised one light eyebrow at his inquiry.

Sylvia didn't like talking about her family. Or what was left of them, rather. But he'd asked, and she hated lying with a deep vengeance. She had just taken a deep breath to answer when Knight Aster spoke up, and she grinned, enjoying the slightly teasing tone, and waiting to observe how Knight Bramble would react before replying to his question. By the way he asked it, she suspected he wouldn't easily miss it if she avoided the issue. She wasn't sure what exactly Aster was getting at with her line of conversation, but was eager to see.

The slim girl let her hand fall instinctively to her side, near her sword, and she shifted her footing ever so slightly, switching most of her weight to her right leg, her bright green gaze flicking from one knight to the other with an amused air. This could prove interesting. Judging by the interaction she had witnessed, Sylvia had the distinct feeling that Aster and Bramble knew each other considerably better than she knew any of them, so she abstained from adding to the conversation for the moment, content for a time, to wait until she was addressed, or the query was repeated.
Julien turned his gaze away from Le Chateau des Fleurs, trying not to think it might be the last time he would ever see it. His place in the army was one of great honor, he reminded himself. It would not do to approach it in fear. He sent his horse into a canter, making his way towards the rendezvous point with speed. Banners fluttered in the air as columns of knights and supply wagons prepared to march on the highway north. Despite the ubiquitous commotion that came with troops moving out, most of the knights remained eerily quiet. No one, understandably, was in the mood for idle chit-chat today. Julien hastened himself, splitting off from the vanguard to turn east. The rendezvous was just over the hill, and as he reached the top, he swung down from his saddle to meet the others. There were four knights in the party by then, three women and one man, all of whom seemed to hold a lively attitude given the situation. "Morning, all." added the Knight of Daffodil briefly. He was already decked in plate armor, steel from neck to toe with a dark brown cloak resting on his shoulders. A sword hung from his left hip, a blade of gleaming blue steel underneath its scabbard. Julien let his travel pack slip to the ground, glad to be rid of the weight for the moment. "I assume most of us are here now?"
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Sylvia, tucking a strand of blond hair that had managed to escape from her braid out of the way, looked up as the next member of the group arrived with a greeting. A tall, dark-haired Knight in plate armor and carrying an excellently crafted sword, from what she could see of it. Hm, she thought. Another person she had yet to meet. And a welcome addition, if he was as good in combat as he appeared. Raising a hand in a brief salutation, the girl answered him. Although wary of most strangers, she was going to be on a journey with all of these Knights, so she knew she better get to know them. So she stepped forward to greet the newcomer.
"Good morning. I'm Silvia. Also known as Knight Tigerlily. May I ask as to your name?" She raised and offered her right hand to the young man, as she had to Bramble. She could already tell this was going to be an adventure worth remembering, what with all the different people she had met this morning. She just hoped it was a journey that ended well, too.
Julien took a moment to look over his compatriots, quickly recognizing Knights Bramble, Aster, and Peony, though not the one who called herself Tigerlily. He regarded the girl with a slight feeling of curiosity. She was a short lass no older than fifteen or sixteen, but with no shortage of eagerness behind those green eyes. A new recruit, then? he surmised. Though she was still young and small of stature, Sylvia seemed like the sort of fighter who could hold her own in combat. The girl extended her hand to him, and Julien accepted it graciously. "The pleasure is mine, Sylvia." he said. He bowed with a refined, formal step, or at least as much as his armor allowed it be. "I am Sir Julien Desjardins, the Knight Daffodil. It would be an honor to fight beside you all."
Sylvia grasped her sword hilt absently with her left hand, an unconcious but useful habit she had. Since a young age, she had carried some sort of blade for protection. Realizing he had responded, she dipped her head in aknowledgment.
"A pleasure to meet you as well, sir Julien," she replied, noting his firm handshake with a glimmer of approval. Also, a point in his favor was that he didn't seem to judge her inferior due to her age, as many she had encountered here before had. Many times she would be introduced to an senior or middle-aged knight, and be brushed off as inexperienced after just a glance. It bothered her to no end, and she was fully ready to prove herself on this journey.

Sylvia looked forward to battling for the good of the kingdom alongside these Knights. They all seemed a good honest type, so far as she'd seen. The girl tapped her sword's simple pommel as she looked around the small group with a smile. Yes, this was going to be an grand adventure indeed. New people, places, and her first mission of much gravity, and importance. The only mission she had been sent on was three weeks earlier, to help with a minor disturbance in a nearby village, which took a total of twenty minutes... She nodded at his words, then looked to the others, waiting for them to react. Meanwhile, she pulled a small dagger from her belt and fiddled with it, tossing it up and catching it, eyes focused on her companions with alert interest.
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Siena Siena Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Abendrot Abendrot Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen
Matthias laughed and tried to wave off Aster’s questions. She was a little more trusting than he was of new people. She herself was a trustworthy type, coming from a family of blacksmiths, honest workers. She was handy in a pinch too, as her record in the knights proved. Still, Matthias wanted his information and tried to redirect the conversation.

“Now there’s no need for that. Knight Aster you of all people should know I don’t have favorites. You know I try to treat everyone equally-“ Just then he felt a chill run through his body, the hair in his ponytail stood on end like a cat’s tail. Matthias could feel the approach like an oncoming storm. His smile soured as the latest member of their party rode up. Matthias had a troubled relationship with the Knight Daffodil. It wasn’t strictly personal. It was just that his family was one of status. Matthias detested all people who didn’t have to earn their status. Families that passed down their prestige were the worst of all.

“Ah, Sir Daffodil, how kind of you to join us. Good to know that the powers that be granted us someone from a prestigious military family to guide us.” He teased through a forced smile.
Raisa, Knight Peony

Raisa had turned at the sound of a male voice, and been pleased with what she saw. "Knight Bramble, it's good to see you," she said, "I'm glad you'll be joining us." She had seen him often in passing, but did not know much about him other than his name. Looking at those who had arrived, Rai couldn't help but wonder how this group fit together. Knowing Knight Lily, there was a reason for each grouping. Perhaps it was their powers?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her name, and she blinked once before registering what Aster had said. Rai crossed her arms with a smirk. She was a woman of few words, but her body language often revealed more than she would like. 'This journey will certainly be interesting,' the thought flashed across her mind, and continued watching the interaction between Bramble and Tigerlily with amusement.

The sound of hooves announced the arrival of their latest company member, Knight Daffodil. How very interesting. His skillfully crafted armor and equally as impressive sword was representative of his status. All she had ever heard of Sir Julien was the wealth and privilege his family held. So Rai was interested to find out more about him personally. From what she was seeing, he was relatively amicable, and showed no sign of the arrogance she had seen in previous interactions with other nobles.

With a brief nod of acknowledgment in his direction, Rai continued to silently observe, a content expression on her face.
Sir Nightshade
Interacting with: Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen Jean Otus Jean Otus Siena Siena Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven Abendrot Abendrot

As Jacque's ornate black and silver carridge rolled up the hill to Le chateau des fleurs he couldnt help but look out the window at the architecture. It was a beautiful sight, much more bright and cheery than his own dark manor. He leaned back in his comfortable seat letting the curtain fall back into place while he silently contemplated the task ahead of him. When the driver finally stopped and opened the door for him he let out a sigh and stepped out of his carridge carefull not to touch the driver.

The sounds of armed men walking too and fro filled his ears and instilled a growing sense of excitement. By the time he made his way to Knight Lily he was practically beaming.
"A beautiful day is it not? I have sent a large shipment of supplies to orleans as you have asked...so where am i stationed now." he asked with a voice dripping with false plesentry. After being told where to gather he strode towards the Eastern flank, his footfalls silent and leaving nearly no impression on the grass beneath. He quickly noticed the other knights and announced his presence as he approached.
"what a diverse bunch of Flowers this is...makes one wonder what task we will be doing, wouldnt you agree." he said with a cruel, wicked smile which could easily haunt dreams. His voice had the tone and eloquence of a lord, an personna further reinforced by the ornate polished steel gauntlets and boots, and the black baggy silk clothes with silver embroidery. He bowed very slightly to the group but made no attempt to offer his hand, or even stand closer than 6ft to any of the group. "Lord Jacque Poerieth, Or sir Nightshade if you prefer i believe we are to be working together." he regarded each if them breifly, his eyes shifting from Knight to knight, with a calculating predatory gaze as if he were sizing them up.
Siena Siena Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Jean Otus Jean Otus Nellas Eledhwen Nellas Eledhwen Abendrot Abendrot

Sylvia raised one speculative brow at the haughty-looking Knight, a far bit older than she, if she judged correctly, then bowed back, holding her dagger in her left hand, where she'd last caught it. Making sure not to seem subservient, she kept her eyes up. She had a feeling that one would need to be careful around this man.

Jacque, or Knight Nightshade obviously didn't care to stand with them, as evidenced by the considerable distance between him and the nearest of the others. She narrowed her eyes at him, their green depths flickering to a dark shade that one might find in a enchanted forest, her right hand rubbing the pendant that hung around her neck. Shifting slightly, she answered with a cordial, wary tone.
"Sylvia Darret. The Knight Tigerlily. Pleased to meet you, and I would have to agree with that." She noted the dark clothing and silver trim, along with the rest of his apparel with a quiet, secretive grin. The man seemed to purposefully try and intimidate others with his greeting, tone, clothes, and even his seemingly malevolent smile. The girl adjusted her right arm guard and dark blue tunic, sheathing her dagger with a muted 'shink' of steel against leather. She met his gaze with an firm one of her own, and flashed a brief, friendly grin. Well, if intimidation was his goal, then she would be wary, although being intimidated by anyone went against her nature.
Knight Lotus​
Rhea approached the rather diverse group that she heard somewhat warily, she did not quite know these people yet. Of course, she had heard stories about them, and she had heard them before, but she was still rather new to Les Chevaliers des Fleurs, and had not bonded with anyone yet. Calmly and quietly she came upon the group, listening intently to their conversation, it seems that many were already there.

"Hello." She said softly to the group, turning towards where the majority of the voices were coming from. She could feel the wind gently dancing on her skin, guiding her movements. "I was told to come to the Eastern Flank. I assume it's here as I hear Knight Bramble's voice." She said, formally referring to her senior as she gestured in his general direction. The wind adjusted her hand slightly to the left, then left it alone. "I am Knight Lotus, my name is Rhea."
House Poerith shared roughly equal status with House Desjardins on the social ladder, and from what Julien knew of them, they were very flagrant with their wealth. Even by noble standards. Indeed, they always insisted on wearing the most bedazzling wardrobes at every ball and social function. Their silk robes would sparkle with gleaming gemstones, and their fingers glittered with silver and gold. They'd probably be the richest men in all of Orleans by now if they could only stand to be more fiscally responsible. Lord Jacques strutted about the hill, carrying himself with all the grace and pompousness of a court sycophant. Julien stepped forward to introduce himself, but froze as the lordling turned his gaze towards him.

Those eyes. Far too keen and familiar for his liking. Julien felt uncovered before them, as if he'd been stripped away of his armor and reduced to a frightened boy once more. Father. Julien thought ruefully. He reminds me of Father. The Knight Daffodil managed to suppress his apprehension, bowing courteously to the lordling in the same way he'd bowed to Sylvia. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Poerith. I look forward."
Just as he finished uttering those words, he heard the voice of a newcomer shuffling up the hill, soft and gentle. He almost didn't hear it. Julien turned to find a short woman standing before the group, thin and wispy with a youthful face. Raven black hair hung down to her knees, stylish yet unsuitable for battle. It would have to be cut or tied sooner or later. Her eyes were the most striking thing about her, though; they were closed. Blind, perhaps? Julien theorized. But then, why would she carry that bow around if she were blind?

Regardless, Julien treated the girl with the same respect he gave to the others, bowing politely and saying a few words of salutations. "Welcome, Knight Lotus. I trust you will be a great friend of ours."
Raisa, Knight Peony

As the newest arrival introduced himself, Raisa felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Nightshade indeed. Something was off about this guy. A hand resting on a dagger at her waist, she dipped her head slightly instead of bowing as Sylvia had so she could still see him clearly. "Knight Peony, or Raisa if it suits you," she stated, her voice devoid of any emotion. That smile of his was one that could strike fear into the enemy. Not a bad quality for someone on your side to have.

A slight breeze blew past, pulling a few stray hairs from Rai's loose bun. Tucking them behind her ear, her eyes scanned the group, assessing their numbers. Six. If there were more, they were probably waiting on either one or two more people. Small companies were better for the sort of quest they were undertaking.

With the arrival of the breeze came another person, whom she almost didn't notice had joined them. Rai could tell this newcomer was a relatively quiet person, like herself, but perhaps quieter. The cloth bound over the girl's eyes seemed symbolic, a sign of blindness perhaps? Whatever the reason, the girl seemed like she would be good company. A calming presence, if Rai's gut served her right.

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