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Fantasy Les Chevaliers des Fleurs

Jean Otus

Would-Be Prince
Bordered on many sides by a glistening and bountiful ocean, possessing a wealth of natural resources and an ideal climate, the kingdom of Orleans is hailed as being at one with nature. Perhaps the greatest evidence of this is the subtle pulse of magic that underlies the kingdom, even common people are born with a magical connection to the natural world. In ancient times these powers enabled the establishment of the kingdom under a family of magically gifted nobles.

As a counterbalance to the kingdom's magical nobles, those with powers who were excluded from the noble alliance formed their own militia. This evolved into a guild of magical warriors, operating beyond the authority, but for the benefit of the kingdom. These warriors attempted to enhance their powers by growing further in tune with nature. From this came the practice of forgoing traditional names and titles, the warriors instead began naming themselves the knight of one of the many flowering plants which grow across the kingdom. At the same time, the guild master, Knight Carnation, struck an alliance with the Queen of Orleans, allying the guild of floral knights with the conventional army of Orleans. This alliance left the magical wellbeing of the kingdom in the hands of the guild, while the government of Orleans looked after the people.

This peace lasted for generations, the kingdom grew, the nobles maintained their magical bloodlines and the guild passed from one set of capable hands to another, and talented youths from across the kingdom joined the ranks. For many years the people lived joyous, safe, lives, protected from the dangers of the world by the kingdom and knights. In recent years, the crown has passed to Prince Edmond after the Queen Atalanta's passing. Meanwhile, the position of guild master has passed to Knight Lily, a warrior famous for her ability to conjure lightning, as well as her grace and masterful diplomacy.

The hope of Orleans now rests in the hands of the young prince and the guild master, as he with his armies and she with her knights must confront a festering evil which has come to the kingdom. From the great pine forests in the north and racing southward along the continent, a force which has come to be known as The Blight has been laying waste to the lands of Orleans. Life in the path of this plague is taken by terrible sickness, and even the healthiest of plants and animals weaken and die, consumed by an ashen gray rot. Those that are not immediately taken by the disease are preyed on by horrendous creatures, walking nightmares seemingly born out of the rot itself, and eager to consume anything in their path.

Our story follows a party of young warriors who must come together, march with the armies of the prince and Knight Lily, and defeat this blight before it consumes all of Orleans.

InTEResTeD!! I do have questions about race but I feel like it'll all be answered once the CS thread is up.
I can answer your questions here while I'm waiting on more players.
Cool, thanks. :) I was just wondering if there were any magical, ie. classical supernatural races that can be RPed?

Also from what I read the magic is mainly nature based so would it be okay to assume it's somewhere along the lines of the Avatar and 'bending' the elements when it comes with their powers?
Cool, thanks. :) I was just wondering if there were any magical, ie. classical supernatural races that can be RPed?

Also from what I read the magic is mainly nature based so would it be okay to assume it's somewhere along the lines of the Avatar and 'bending' the elements when it comes with their powers?
In this RP it's just going to be humans because I didn't want to incorporate magical races which are stereotypically more in tune with nature than humans, I wanted everyone to be on a level playing field in that aspect.

As for the magical powers they're less like Avatar's bending and more like a specific, nature-related quirk. Some, like the ability to control lightning which Knight Lily possesses are much more rare and powerful than the average quirk. Most quirks are small things like the ability to speak with animals, or speed plant growth, or walk on water.

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