Leicester Academy


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Sooo, umm, yeah. Basically we start with the character preparing stuffs before the welcoming ceremony. Ahem, I'll start~ .__.


It was the first day of school. Anise got up at 3 am just to get to walk around the school grounds without any students. She finished showering, eating one piece of toast that she calls 'breakfast', and proceeds to unlock the door of the dorm lobby to make her way out. It was refreshing for her; the cold wind and the dark sky slightly hinting the appearance of the sun. She was at the door of the library building when she checked her phone, 4:58 am. "I should head back... After I check the library" Anise mumbled as she tries to pick the lock of the door.

A few moments later, Anise checked the interior of the library, and then proceeds to read the books. She starts reading the summary of mystery novels and finally grabs one that caught her attention. She then checked her phone, 6:34 am. Anise got out, the book in her hand, and locked the door again, proceeding to the dorm lobby again.
Myra lay in bed with her covers half way off of her as one leg hung a bit off the bed, her shoulder length pale brown hair was messy from all her tossing and turning; the sound of the alarm on her phone caused her to gasp and jump up in surprise from the sudden noise, blinking a bit as she tried to stop the dizziness from taking over she was quick to regret getting up so fast. With a groan she slowly climbed out of bed and noticed on her phone that it was about 10-15 minutes away from being 7AM. Shaking her head Myra dragged her feet across the floor and at the moment she was regretting falling asleep in just her underwear when the cold air hit her skin but that wasn't going to make Myra just stop doing what felt so comfortable. It was time to get ready for her first day of school at Leicester Academy... yippy. ~note the sarcasm~
[Oh, by the way, school starts at 8 am OwO And I'll like to leave the uniforms to your imaginations~]

Anise got back to her room and readied her things; books, pencil case, etc. After that, she changed into her uniform and decided to eat another toast for breakfast. She was about to leave when she suddenly forgot to wrap her ever-present scarf around her neck. Anise got back, wrapped her scarf neatly around her neck, then went downstairs to check the bulletin board for her name. Hopefully, her lazy uncle Melman had the sections posted by 7 am.
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Elliot was peaceful in his dreams.The only place he could escape and have everything he ever wanted was in his fantasies where no one could tell him what to do or bully and push him around.The only thing is,it wasn't
real.Elliot woke up to the sound of loud music bursting from the room beside him.He yawned softly and rose up then scratched his head"Mmf..."he said as he plopped back down onto the pillows.The sun peaked through his curtains and tried to wake him up but,failed.What did awake him was his kitten that jumped onto his stomach and licked his face.He smiled and petted the little baby animal then put it aside and got up.He grunted and rubbed his arm"Still fresh..."he said as he looked down at his bruised and cut arm.He sighed and walked over to the curtains then pulled them back slowly so he wouldn't go blind."Well at least i'm moving today..not like anyone would miss me."he said to himself then walked to his closet and pulled out an outfit,which was all black including the shoes.

-Elliot walked out of his room and down to the bathroom then locked the door back so his idiot brother won't try and flush the toilet while he was in there again.He took a warm shower then slipped on his undergarments and ruffled his hair then walked back to his room.He put on his black skinny jeans and long sleeved black sweater then his scarf and shoes.He grabbed his luggage and said goodbye to his family,of course they didn't say anything back to him or maybe didn't hear him,either way he was gone now,and walked out of the side walk.He fiddled through his pocket to find his keys and eventually did then stuck it into the door lock and unlocked the door.He wasn't thinking about just clicking the button to unlock the car but,come on now,whose thinking in the morning?No one is.It was a struggle but,Elliot managed to place all of his belongings into the trunk of his car and began to drive to school.

-When Elliot got to his new school he breath slowly and got ready for the bullies that would come his way this year."Please....just let me get through this year..."he said to himself as he took out his things and locked his car then struggled pulling his things up to the school"Why do i have to be so darn weak!?"he said then crossed his arms and kicked the suitcase.He sat on top of them and grunted before a teacher came out to him"Let me help you with those sir."the teacher said and lifted the bags with ease .Elliot wanted to say thank you but,decided to just keep quiet and look down at the ground."Where's your room?"the teacher asked.After an awkward silence Elliot softly spoke"
2 4 5"he said.The teacher nodded and walked to the dorm building then placed his things beside his dorm door"Well i welcome you to Leicester and i hope you have a wonder time."he said with enthusiasm.Elliot blinked at the man wonderful time?Never heard of a wonderful time at school.....he thought.He snapped out of it and opened the door to his dorm"No one?Good so far i guess..."he said and pulled his things inside then shut the door behind him.

-Elliot looked around the room and at how the size was"Big..hm.."he said to himself and explored the room more.Eventually he picked a bed he wanted to sleep on and put his things down on the floor beside it.He was kind of bored but,he was determine not to go out in the open until it was absolutely
necessary for him to do so.He started to unpack his things out of boredom and put them away the way he wanted them to be.He took out a all black book and a black pen the crawled up onto his bed,crossed his legs,and began to write in it while waiting for either class to start or,if he had one,his room mate to come.
Anise arrived at the dorm lobby. Looking around, she realized that no one will be up this early, she went out again. "It's so boring..." she said in a monotone as she covers her mouth with her scarf. Anise walked around, hopefully meeting a student. A few minutes later, she gave up and went to the greenhouse at the far end of the school. She picked the lock, and entered. Anise sat on the nearest bench, yawned and then read the novel she 'silently borrowed' in the library.
James had, had a pretty ok night, he was glad that he had been able to spend some time with his friends before he left for school and was even happier that it took him less than two hours to get moved into the dorms. Now it was opening day and he was ready, he was quickly dressed in his shirt tie and vest, he rolled up his sleeves and put on his favorite necklace() he grabbed his wallet and watch and headed out his door it was 7:30 giving him plenty of time to get to orientation, he walked ahead calmly a deadpan expression on his face. He thought about what this school might be like and just how he might fit in at this school, he kinda hoped there would be people he could get along with but didn't really care anyway, he proceeded to the opening ceremony putting the thoughts he had out of his head.
Anise checked her phone, about time she readies for the welcoming ceremony. She heads out of the greenhouse, and hurries to the dorm. Anise sees a couple of students arriving at the school gate with their sleepy faces. She couldn't help but snicker silently, "They look drugged" she murmured. "Oh well, it's school, I can feel them", Anise continued as she walks towards the dorm lobby.
(So did I miss much and what exactly is going on? To lazy to read it all...) 
Alan woke up late, he was never a morning person. He groaned rolling over in his bed as Alex persistently tried to wake him. "Alex...stop.....need sleep", he muttered covering his head with his pillow. Alex looked at him and flipped his bed,"Now Alan. You need to get up.", he said already dressed and ready. Alan sighed and stood, getting dressed though it was very sloppy. He always had a more lazy and laid back look whereas Alex looked more cool and collected.

When they were finally ready the two left their dorm room together. There was never a moment that the two weren't together so far. They fixed their schedules and even arranged to be in the same dorm room. While walking Alan greeted people with a smile, Alex on the other hand simply waved.
(I am so sorry for not showing up without any notice! I just had lots of projects to deal with.)

Anise's phone rang while she was reading. She picked the device, and to her surprise, it was Principal Melman. "Anise! Where are you? I can't find you anywhere!" Melman screamed through the phone's speakers. She rolled her eyes while Melman was continuing on speaking "School starts in 30 minutes! I don't want you to skip--" "Yeah, yeah. I got it. I'm inside the greenhouse." Melman, on the other hand, has his mouth agape "What--- How-- T'was locked--" Before he could continue, Anise ended the call.

She walked out of the greenhouse, and frowned to see the sea of students on the school grounds. Anise sighed. She never tried to communicate with other people with her making the first move, but honestly she wants to. Anise walked to the school bulletin board to look for her section.
James became bored with just sitting in his seat and even though it was close to time for the opening ceremony and students had started filing in, he whipped out his phone and checked the time again, It was 7: 43. He wondered if he looked like a loser being there before a majority of the other students, he often wondered about how others percieved him, he didn't want others to get the wrong idea of him, but if they did he really didn't do much about it. He began looking around the auditiorium letting his mind wander aimlessly.
Anise peered up and down on bulletin board to see which section is she under. Fortunately, someone mindlessly murmured her name while looking for his own too. She saw her name at the middle part of a paper labeled 'Class 2-C'. "Finally!" She murmured, and made a mental note about it. She then walked towards the auditorium to look for a nice spot to sit on.
Nana tossed and turned in her wonderful slumber, kicking off anything on her bed that would cause her discomfort which happened to be every single thing on medium sized bed, well everything but the sheets and the actual mattress, Nana has always been a sloppy sleeper, she says that she only trying to get comfortable but her grandmother says she just wants to thrash around which actually made no sense to Nana but hey whatever grandmas are grandmas. Soon enough their were footsteps thumping up the steps and in came Vincent nearly falling over all the candy wrappers and empty can of sprite and Coke "God your room is a junk yard itself.." Vincent mumbled as he picked up a pillow that Nana had probably kicked off her bed and smacked her in the face with it receiving himself a groan but Nana still didnt wake up she was just now aware that Vincent was hear "Svegliarsi!" Vincent yelled out of frustration "Dude, you know I dont speak Italian." Nana said with her eyes still closed a a little smile "It means wake up before I pour a bucket of water on you.." Vincent said annoyed "Fine, Fine im up." Nana said through a long yawn before sitting up from her bed "Alright lets go." she mumbled as she grabbed her car keys from her junky nightstand "Your going to school with a black t-shirt and boxers on?" Vincent questioned, Nana lookd down at her attire and chuckled "You have a point.." she said as she grabbed a towl and some clothes and went into the bathroom.


After Nana was finished putting on her clothes she looked like an absolute guy, wearing a regular black shirt under a plaid botton up with black faded skinny jeans and black chuck taylors and plus she had flattened her chest which wasnt really hard since she was a bit flat chested. She walked down the steps and hopped over the railing just to skip a few, she went into the kitchen and saw Vincent eating a peice of bacon "We need to go or we are going to be late." Vincent said as he grabbed his two suitcases "Go unlock the car." he said as he walked out the front door "Yeah yeah." Nana said as she unlocked the car after grabbing a handful of bacon "By grams." she said kissing her grandmother on the forehead then walking to her black truck, she had alright packed her suitcase so all of her stuff was in the car, she hopped inside and started it up before taking off.


When they arrived at the academy Nana's eyes went wide "This is a bigg freaking school.." she said as she put on her red deadmau5 hat and got out of the car, Vincent followed in pursuit "Yeah. Its pretty big..." he said a bit unphased unlike Nana "Havent you seen bigger buildings? I mean you used to live in New York.." Vincent said as he grabbed his two suit cases, one filled with clothes and the other filled with electronics "Well not really." Nana said with a slight shrug "Anyway I think we should find our dorms before we go to orientation." Nana suggested grabbing her own stuff "Alright sounds good." when Vincent had finished his sentence there was a meow coming from his jacket ".....You didn't.." Nana mumbled before seeing a cats head pop out of Vincents jacket which made him look like he had another head but it was a cats "You brung Nuit!?" Nana askeed even though the answer was obvious "Of course I did.." Vincent said gently putting the cats head back into his jacket "Now lets go find our dorms." he said before walking to the dormitory changing the topic completely "Uhhh I think I will go to the auditorium first.." Nana said "Have it your way!" Vincent called before disappearing. Nana walked on with her duffel bag and one suitcase until she had finally was inside the auditorium which consisted of many people, she looked around then sat down in the back row so when the 'speech' was done she could immediately find her dorm.
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White mist billowed up from the girls lips, the morning was about to rise up over the clouds. The young woman resting on the outside railing lifted a worn envelope to her chest, a sudden glow of blue lit up before going out followed by another light mist of steam. She pressed the slick black cylinder to her lips, before her gaze flickered down toward the parcel in hand.

* Bus station.....A woman with a thick French accent speaks*

" Vora arma...You have everything..."

" Da....Vaj....Mother, I'll be fine."

" So far away though...You write, and remember to stay safe."

The two women embraced one another tightly, before a man came up, as barely as her was a soft sadness lingered in his eyes. She stood higher and wrapped the man around his neck, " Voi dor de tine...papa..." A weak smile rolled over the girls cheeks, one after another separate family members lovingly said their farewells. Once the family had said what they did, the young woman made her way onto the crowded beast, she found her seat, and as the thick horns bellowing tone erupted through the crowded drop off zone the young girl waved good bye to her family.

Clicking back, Suh gazed out at the structures and fine architecture of this place she had now began to call home. A low hum followed by a melody sounded through the silent room, she slowly turned and exhaled the last of her luxury before she walked into the room. The bright light rolled over her face and illuminated her expression from the dark shadows of the room, clicking off the alarm, Suh made her way toward the bathroom. Once there, she turned the knobs letting the water burst forth, shuttering the pipes and hissing steam. The cloth that draped her body fell, before she glided into the shower, she warmth of the water melded with her anxiety and it began to drip away with the streaming droplets. Squeezing the last essence of soap from the hollow tube the young woman whispered to herself " Wonderful...". She tossed the container with a failed attempt having it caren off the toilet into the bin next to it. After finishing Suh, toweled up before walking to the sink and beginning her normal routines. A light buzz and melody sounded off once again, with that indication Suh quickened her actions. rushing over to the dresser she pulled out the clothing for the day, and got dressed. A swift movement let her grab up her shoes and small black case, she rushed through the door, all the while struggling to put her shoes on. With them finally on her stride became more fluid, and with the quick pace, she had reached the auditorium...She looked around, it was a bit full...But she was here. Suh walked in talking a seat to the back of the orientation crowd, she crossed her legs before folding her arms, and looked up to the podium.
Bonnie was curled up comfortably in her bed, cuddling with Snowy when her alarm clock started blaring. She groaned and reached her hand out from under her covers and slammed the snooze button. She was not a morning person, but today was the first day at her new school so she would have to suck it up. Slowly sitting up and putting on her glasses, she grabbed her uniform, and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower, she got dressed and started brushing her hair, choosing to put it up in a bun with her bangs hanging in her face. She pulled on her socks and shoes, grabbed her messenger bag with her school supplies and left her room. She opted to grab two apples for breakfast and made her way to the campus. Once she managed to find her way around she saw it was 7:48 so she walked into the auditorium and found a nice seat in the middle of the room.


Alphonse groaned as the bright sunlight poured in through the window and right into his face. Last night had been the most quiet he'd dealt with in years, none of the annoying guys from back home to bother him as he tried to sleep. He had actually managed to get some sleep, now it was time to get ready for the day. Sliding out of bed he scratched his head and and felt around for his eye patch. Having taken a shower the night before, he went into his suitcase and found his uniform and got dressed. It wasn't really his style especially the vest but he'd get used to it. Making his way out of his dorm he headed straight towards the auditorium after checking the time 7:51. Walking inside and finding a seat, he thought of what this year could bring.
Lucy was on a bus to get to this school she curled her legs up near her she was wearing a long old goodwill sweater and jeans of the same thing she put on her headphones to try and block her mind an prevent herself from falling asleep. She did anyway and dreamed about that night.

Ceil was in his car his father was seeing him off, the car like their house always was, silent. He looked over at his father and their eyes met. Awkward. He leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes trying to sleep.

(Sorry bout the length!)

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Vincent walked along the sidewalk path until the large dormitory building had came into view, he had stopped walking and dragging his suitcase when he had felt his dear friend Nuit rumbling inside of his jacket, meowing here and then, he unzipped his jacket slightly and the black as night cat popped its head up through the small entrance, it meowed again looking up at Vincent with its green eyes "Dont worry we are almost at the dorm so just hold in there for now." Vincent said zippening up his jacket again making the cats head droop back down. Vincent walked into the dormitory and found that there was a bulletin board stating who was where, Vincent found his name and his dorm number, 215. He walked to his dorm and opened the door seeing no one had settle in yet which Vincent was happy about, now he could get the best bed. Vincent tossed his suitcase of clothes onto his bed and placed the one filled with his electronics on the side. He unzipped his jacket and the cat instantly jumped out "Alright I need you to stay under the bed until I get back." and with that Vincent walked out of his dorm and started to walk towards the auditorium hoping that there was still good seats.
Anise spotted her uncle at the auditorium, preparing for his speech for the welcoming ceremony. She looked at his direction for the moment, and then walked towards the seat she likes. Anise just sat there silently, fumbling her fingers on her phone and waits until the auditorium fills up. She later on drifted her train of thought to Melman's welcoming speech. ''I hope he doesn't mess up'', she mumbles.

Elliot had flipped the third page in his book when he heard a lot of noise coming from outside.He blinked at the window a bit before getting up and looking out of him"Aww man...that's means i have to go out there..."he said with a frown.Elliot sighed softly and wrapped his scarf around his neck then made sure his sleeves where all the way down and longer than his arms.He walked away from the window and opened the door of his door.He saw that everyone was rushing to the same place but,it looked like it was mostly force dragging them along,especially for Elliot.Elliot walked out of his room then shut and locked the door "Maybe this will be good.."he mumbled as he walked down the stairs slowly.

~Soon Elliot was out the dorm building and outside in the chilly weather which wasn't a problem for him,at least for now.He walked where everyone else was going
Ahh great...an assembly..just what i needed he thought and entered the doors of the huge auditorium.He stood on his tippy toes to look for a seat but,couldn't see any seat that wasn't far off and not close to anyone.He grunted and walked silently over to a seat with his head down.One particular person had to stick their foot out and make Elliot trip over and fall.Elliot yelped a little as his face almost hit the ground but his hands where fast enough to catch him.He heard faintly snickering from around him as he sat there on the ground not wanting to even get up from where he was.He forced himself up,brushed himself off,then walked into an ile and eased into an empty seat.The bad part was he couldn't even see because he was so short.Elliot groaned as he just sat back and listened carefully to what was going on.

Nana was still sitting down on the uncomfortable chair seeing that who she assumed was the principal or something was about to begin their speech, she did not understand how the other people had lasted sitting in these stupid chairs, she was almost tempted to stand up for this whole welcoming thing. Nana had turned her head when she had heard a little yelp only to see a short male being tripped by some other guys who were snickering, god that really pissed her off. Nana reached into her bag and grabbed a peice of paper and ripped off the straw from her High-C that she was going to drink later, sure it was a childish drink but she loves 'em. Nana ripped a little peice of paper off and put it into her mouth then threw a spit ball at the guy, sure it was bad to bully back but Nana could careless, she shot another and another until the straw was soon taken from her mouth, she looked up expecting it to be a teacher but instead it was Vincent, someone teacher like.


"What in the world are you doing?" Vincent questioned as he dropped the straw back into Nana's black bag "...The right thing..?" Nana's tone was in the tone of a question instead of an actual statement "Sure you are. You didn't even save me a seat." Vincent said with a little scowl "Sorry dude, I guess I forgot." Nana said with a small laugh "Of course you did." Vincent mumbled as he looked for a seat over the crowd, he was pretty tall despite his age. Soon enough Vincent spotted a seat then smacked Nana in the back of the head "Idiot.." he mumbled before going to the row and sitting down next to a boy [Elliot] he then grabbed the blue Beats he had on his neck and moved them to his ears, figuring that this was going to just be an introduction or something he decided it wasn't that important but if it was he would just ask Nana to tell him what the man had said...well depending if Nana didn't fall asleep and actually paid attention for once when she is in a school building.
Alex stood in the back of this auditorium with Alan at his side. They were talking and making jokes about the assembly, not even really paying attention. Alex pointed out the people who were actually paying full attention to it, there were quite a few of them. From anyone else's perspective it would look like they were up to no good, which wasn't a first for them. Alan tapped on Alex's shoulder,"Hey I'll be right back, I'm going to a vending machine. Behave yourself", he told his twin strictly. Alex nodded and waved him off before sitting in one of the free chairs temporarily. It was a rare thing when they didn't go together somewhere.

Alan quietly stepped outside and took a deep breath to calm himself, he wasn't very good with crowds unlike his more sociable brother. After a few moments he walked down the hall to the vending machine, fishing in his pocket for a dollar. There were quite a few things to choose from, chocolate, chips, actual breakfast foods. Eventually he settled on getting a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, that way he could share it.

Alex sat alone in the auditorium waiting for his brother. A few people who ruffly knew the two thought it was a bit odd. He sat in boredom for a while before he took out his cellphone and started to play games. It kept his mind occupied and would help the wait to be shorter.

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