Leicester Academy [Still Open!]

Character Name: Lucy Cori

Age: 16


sweet, nice and gentle. She can be a pushover and shy but get her in a crisis and you better move when she tells you. She loves to read and watch TV, she wants to be an actress but doesn't think she will be able to do it. She gets intimidated easily, and doesn't like conflict. She also won't talk about her own problems with people and keeps it all to herself.

Bio/Character Background:

Grew up in a happy home and had a very normal family until she was suddenly orphaned when she was 10. She's been bounced about since then untill she got a scholarship.



Others [OPTIONAL]:

-loves animals

-self harms on occasion

-is always happy outwardly 
Character Name:

Ceil Normon




Stubborn and strong willed, almost never asks for help even though he often needs it. Very clumsy, and has been weak since the day he was born he was born into money. He is often sick but will often just ignore it until it gets very bad, since he doesn't like to be a bother. He likes to talk to people and be happy, no matter how sad or sick he is other peoples happiness and well being are his #1 concern

Bio/Character Background:

Was born into a rich family but his mother soon died, leaving him to grow up happily with his single father in a big house, they don't talk much but care for each other greatly.



Others [OPTIONAL]:

-very sickly

-also very gay

Character Name: Bonnie Finch

Age: 17

Personality: Bonnie is a rather sweet girl who sadly due to a stuttering problem tends to keep rather quiet as it makes her shy and quite self conscious. Aside from that however she is a very warm and caring of others, known for wanting to help her friends and loved ones however she can. She prefers to avoid conflict as she can be a bit of a pacifist and as such tries her hardest not to rub anyone the wrong way.

Bio/Character Background: Bonnie has lived with her grandparents since she was young as her mother and father died in a car accident. Her grandmother owns a bakery which she frequently helped out at. She was homeschooled by her grandfather who used to be a college professor until middle school where she began to attend regular school. Upon entering high school she was proven to be a smart diligent student and one of her teachers recommended the academy to her grandparents who promptly agreed and after a fond farewell she departed.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/6b73542790ff67bb3226cc4bf4024aa30aa914af.jpg.f316631c37478c2e06f45fce81857639.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/6b73542790ff67bb3226cc4bf4024aa30aa914af.jpg.f316631c37478c2e06f45fce81857639.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Others: ·Her grandma taught her how to sew, cook and bake.

·She has asthma and can't participate in physical activities.

·She has two prized possessions, a gold heart necklace and a white cat plush toy that she's named Snowy.

·She's bi-curious.

Character Name: Alphonse Bellamy

Age: 18

Personality: Alphonse is a somewhat cold young man mostly choosing to ignore those around him and build up walls around his heart to protect himself. This is due to events in his past that have caused his trust in other people to diminish. This, however does not mean that he can't trust and befriend someone, it just takes time. Once he's somebody's friend his personality takes a 180 and he can be very playful.

Bio/Character Background: Alphonse used to live with his father until he was 13 when they were assaulted by a thief. His father was fatally stabbed trying to protect him and while trying to retaliate against the thief he lost his eye. His dad died in the hospital and he was placed in a foster home. The other children that lived there would tease him because of his eye patch and he would get into many fights because of it. One day while researching schools he came upon information about the academy and jumped on the chance to get the scholarship and get away from all the kids in the home.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/tm__commission_for_k_shoin_by_nanoless-d5jxtna1_zps6f124ab6.jpg.e1a829f762d23f196df02203a3c9ca3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/tm__commission_for_k_shoin_by_nanoless-d5jxtna1_zps6f124ab6.jpg.e1a829f762d23f196df02203a3c9ca3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Others: ·He can play the violin.

·He suffers from insomnia.

·He has a large sweet tooth.

·He's bisexual.



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with her family she couldn't be more warm.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/IMAG0001.JPG.241e7be039afb9991e66dd6acaec870b.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/IMAG0001.JPG.241e7be039afb9991e66dd6acaec870b.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Others [OPTIONAL]:

-Sadly she is a bit of a smoker, but she knows in moderation, plus she goes out of her way to get E-cigarettes, her budget pays for it though.

-She may usually wear loose dresses, sometimes...she just wants a little more freedom



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@DozenRoses Of course! ^^ But please make sure that you'll be active after I aceppt your character. Thank you! :D  
@yonmita rae Yes, of course! Please be active after I accept your character, thank you! ^^ 
@Chibi-Hotaru Accepted! You can now post in the RP thread! ^^ 
@Nerdygeekflower Also accepted! (Did I tell you that yet? I forgot .__.) Please check the RP link! :D

Character Name: Xue An (pronounced SH-oo-eh Ahn. Xue is his family name, An is his given name)

Age: 19

Personality: Serious, a thoughtful nature, shrewd, efficient, and business-minded. He’s a trailblazer with a mind of his own and dislikes being told what to do and having people make decisions for him. An anarchist in spirit, he’s not trying to overthrow the man, but he likes to keep his freedom. Socially, people view him as being rather serious and not seeing the humor in things others see, which makes it hard for people to be around him. His rebellious nature gets him in trouble a lot, but he’s working on that.

Bio/Character Background: Born in Guilin, China and abandoned by his family soon after he was born. He was raised by a very humble family who worked as fishermen and sold seafood at a local market in town. They barely had food on the table but An was grateful for the Xue family either way. He wanted his family to have better lives so he studied and worked hard. Although his rebellious ways get the better of him sometimes. He’s not interested in making friends, he just wants to support his family. Because of this he was enrolled in Leicester Academy, so he could be a son his parents could be proud of.


Character Name: Etna Soleil Love “Soleil” (pronounced So-LAY)

Age: 16

Personality: Etna is special to say the least. Special in the sense that she’s the oddball in her family. She spends her time playing video games, reading, and learning languages. She has a taste for all kinds of music. And she just loves good food. She’s thoughtful, cunning, honest to a fault, and incredibly indecisive. Her introverted tendencies holds her back from being the social butterfly that her parents think she could be. She was never interested in relationships because they could never hold a candle to the ones created in games or written in a story. She values the friends that she has and would do anything for them.

Bio/Character Background: Etna is, for lack of better words, misunderstood by her family. Although she is greatly loved by her parents they just don’t seem to get her. Her father is a retired former heavyweight champion in the boxing world (personal trainer now) and her mom is the owner of a small cafe. They’re not the richest and they are definitely not the poorest but they do enough to get by and give Etna the things she needs to grow and continue to be the very weird daughter they have always loved. Etna has never been frivolous like other girls, or even vaguely interested in anything outside her family, books, games, and those languages she studies. So they enrolled her into Leicester Academy where they hoped she could become a bit more open with herself and those around her.
Character Name: Suhni Viollca

Age: 19

Personality: Suh is down to earth, she has a relaxed way about her. She tends to be less audible at times, but don't take that as an offense, she may not know what to say...Or may not be that into the situation. Suh is personable when the time comes, if someone asks for something or needs something in that situation, she would be willing to lend a hand. Overall, this young woman is a cool and collected soul, she doesn't ask for much and doesn't need much...Except for a smoke every now and again.

Bio/Character Background: French/Romanian

Suhni was raised an english speaker in America, her mother and father raised her with respect to everyone, although Suhni was not that interested in the lessons sometimes they proved helpful. Suhni has a big family, lots of kin strewn across the globe, but her more dominant family consists of her brothers, and one other sister. She was raised in a humble household, they may not have had that much but at the end of the day they had one another, this is one factor Suhni hold close...Although she may seem standoffish, when with her family she couldn't be more warm.


Others [OPTIONAL]:

-Sadly she is a bit of a smoker, but she knows in moderation, plus she goes out of her way to get E-cigarettes, her budget pays for it though.

-She may usually wear loose dresses, sometimes...she just wants a little more freedom
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Character Name: Athalia Crimson

Age: 17

Personality: Athalia is quite the happy-go-lucky type of girl. She wants almost everything to be done in her own way, which is a free and happy kind of way. She prefers doing only the things she like or find interesting. A few people (especially hardcore nerds) don't really like her, but from her experiences in the past, you could say that the students younger than her look up to her and how carefree she is. She's not really boyish, but she doesn't prefer doing the things that a normal girl do, for example, putting on make-up. (One of the reasons also why the famous girly girls at her former school would not like her so much).

Bio/ Character Background: Athalia didn't really live high, nor live low. You could say that her family was quite wealthy. Her mother, which was a housewife, would always lecture her about how she should act, think, speak, and be like a lady, but heck won't she like that. Athalia always found a way to get out of things, and luckily her mother wouldn't even notice. Athalia's father on the other hand, works non-stop for he's a well-known lawyer, but you may spot him giving a few presents to his beloved daughter. After all, he's most probably the reason why the family is rich.

And just when a letter was sent to her, she knew that she would like this so called, 'Leicester Academy'.


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Character Name: Mei

Age: 16

Personality: Mei is extremely shy. She hates when people stare at her; that's why she transferred schools. She hasn't often had friends, so she is awkward around big groups of people but pretty fun when it's just a few.

Bio/Character Background: She was raised and home schooled in France by her french mother. Her father was a Japanese business man, so her mother taught her the language as well as french.When she started middle school she wasn't prepared for making new friends and meeting people. When other children would speak to her she reverted to speaking Japanese rather than french. After a while of being a loner at her school she got a letter from Leicester Academy; apparently her mother had applied to the school for her. She excitedly packed an left her home and went to this wonderful school. Her father and mother write to her often and make sure she is okay.



Others: Talented in baking and cooking. She is also an avid swimmer.

Character Name: Colin 'Ebony' Dante

Age: 17

Personality: Colin doesn't seem nice. Like, ever. He's the type of person that skips classes and steals lunch money, never pausing to say ''Thank you'' or ''Sorry''. He's always been pretty sarcastic, mocking what people say and pushing them to the floor. He does this alone, never really seems scared of anything. But at heart, he is nothing but scared. He has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and is very ashamed of it. His addiction to crack doesn't help his symptoms, and their family is dirt poor because of Father, so he doesn't get any help or medication. He may not seem it, but he's a environmentalist. He's all-for saving the world from the monsters we call pollution. Due to a bad life style, he cycles much more rapidly then most, so his mood changes from anywhere from a week to a minute after the last mood.

Bio/Character Background:

Colin lived a happy life until age ten. Then, his sanity took a toll, when his father took his first trip to the mental hospital. They didn't have the money to pay for insurance, so the money that the family had left was scraped away. At fifteen, his mother started having voices and visions again. She would occasionally get into full fledged shouting matches with her, her claiming that she saw him do something he didn't really do. He onset, and the cycles started, him getting really depressed at times, and doing stupid things at others. At sixteen he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after going to a free clinic for sleep medications. His father has been in and out of the hospital ever sense the first time, and whenever he's home, it's peace. But when his craziness starts up again, it's another big chunk of money out of the closet. Then just a year ago, his little sister committed suicide and he fell into a addiction. (YAY MY IMAGINATION)

Appearance: {I'm having a hard time finding a picture, so here's a description: Colin is not the most soft looking man in the world. He has brown hair cut in a punk version of the ''Justin Beiber'' style, spiked up in back and cut in zigzag lines. His eyes are a calm hazel, but always have a look of hatred and pain in them. They are a regular size, but are very sharp and defined. His cheek bones are sharp, and his chin angular. Basically, there isn't a soft part of his face. He has three piercings, one on his tongue, one on one of his ears, and one on his right nostril. These are all little ruby circles. His body is more buff, but not too buff. He is very muscular.)

And here is a attempt at a good picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/upload_2013-11-12_21-58-46.png.79783221ce054ccc57ef95f46239a0c5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/upload_2013-11-12_21-58-46.png.79783221ce054ccc57ef95f46239a0c5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sorry if this is too long..



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