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Futuristic Legends of The Guardians: Alfa (Rp 1)

Name: Yeshua Alphonse Mukti

Age: 236 Years

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Class: Swordman

Advanced Class: King

Alignment: Neutral

Faction: Syndicate of Guardians

Birthdate: The Fifteenth day of The Fifth Month of The 165th Imperial Year.

Birthplace: Sanctuary (On Earth)

Current Homeworld: Neptune

Abilities: Longevity, Intense stamina, Intense strength, M.A.G.I.C Augmentation.

Weapons: Swords, Hand to hand Combat

Interests: Psychedelic drugs, Alien life, Adventure, Righteousness, Fighting.

Likes: Cake, Vegetarian lifestyle, Goodness, Helping out, Self Confidence, Physical Strength, Mental Strength.

Dislikes: Cockiness, Lack of respect, Evil, Pain caused for self pleasure.

Height: 6’1

Body Type: Lean Built


Born to a humble family in a farming village, Yeshua was always interested in arts and music from a young age. When he was 18, he set off to Neptune to enroll into the Institute of Guardians. At age 47, he reaches rank of Master and is given a laboratory where he could conduct experiments, do art, and all sorts of things. At age 100, he becomes a Captain in the 23rd order of Knights, “Highrise”, of Earth. From age 123, to present day, he has been an official Guardian.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b1a864c8-43e9-42d3-ac44-bb9d64849d59.png.2bf816467281d0198299590eba977851.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b1a864c8-43e9-42d3-ac44-bb9d64849d59.png.2bf816467281d0198299590eba977851.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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