Legends of Taqaria!


The Space Dude
Taqhart submitted a new role play. @Taqhart, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Fill out as much as you can, in the end only a really cool name is required for acceptance into the LEGENDS OF TAQARIA!

Name: Name

TikTaqTow follower: Yes or No

Race: Anything you want

Gender: Anything you..... want 0.0

Looks: Pic or description, or both!

Profession: What do you do for a living.

Status: Rich, poor, slave, dude

Weapons: Anything medieval or magic.

Anything else you want to add...
Name: Urga Blurga

TikTaqTow follower: Absolutely

Race: I am a unicorn human. A human with a unicorn horn. I am also a lady knight and trained in chivalrous beliefs.

Gender: Lady

Looks: See avatar.

Profession: I save people from bad stuff, especially princesses.

Status: Poor. I only take donations.

Weapons: I have Excalibur and Arthur's sheath, and a unicorn horn.
Name: Taqlord the Mighty, Powerful, Tall, Handsome, Muscular, Mysterious...

TikTaqTow follower: Of course, he made it.

Race: No one knows..........

Gender: No one knows........!


Profession: Wizard king of Taqaria

Status: Insanely rich, he invented money.

Weapons: A magical sword that causes any who touch it to explode.
Name: Justice Fli

TikTaqTow follower: Neva! Don't speak such blasphemy to me!

Race: Kirin

Gender: Girlie



Profession: Rebel Leader

Status: Poor, but lives for Justice.

Weapons: In pic. Nice pretty sword.
Name: Rayna Martiarti

TikTaqTow follower: Yes or No

Race: Dragon

Gender: Female

Looks: Rayna Mortiarti

Profession: Second in Command of the Rebel

Status: Rich

Weapons: She can turn into a dragon and she can control fire but prefers to use her good archery skills over the other two, she's pretending to be human

Hope this is alright :]
Name: Markus Talow

TikTaqTow follower: Nevah!

Race: Human!

Gender: Male.

Profession: Rebel knight.

Status: Dude

Weapons: One long thin sword.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2278331-sterkenburg_cranach.jpg.5c9eaed389de7964a80cacc210d4efde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2278331-sterkenburg_cranach.jpg.5c9eaed389de7964a80cacc210d4efde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Michiko Meiyo

TikTaqTow follower: No

Race: Human

Gender: Female


Michiko wears a dark forest green one piece. Starting from her right shoulder and the left you have 4 inches of fabric that comes down over her chest that is just enough to cover up her nipples. This then follows down further and connects into a V. On the side of the 4 inch fabric is a two inch brown line that follows the same path, going into a V. Instead of it staying at the V like the original cloth this one branches outward in a diagonal patter. it is then curved downward forming half a circle like half a moon. This connects to the right side which is done the same way the left was. The middle part of this suit is open which exposes a good bit of her breast along with her midsection. Moving on to the sleeves which are long but thing so wont get hot easily. The sleeves on both arms go all the way down to her hand but stops 3 inches before then. The 3 inches before her hand are cuffs that are much like the design near her midsection. The cuffs are thick and measure to be 3 4 inches so that it hangs over her hands a little. The main color of the cuffs are brown. The top and bottom of the cuffs have gold lining and wrap around. Moving from the arms to the hands , she wears white gloves that are skin tight to her hand and fingers. A small gold symbol of a fire in a circle is printed in the center of the white gloves which she wears on both hands. Now moving to the bottom piece of the one piece , it is the same color like before. The side of both her left and right leg starting from 2 inches below her hip an ending before her knee hits are exposed. The rest which are the front, back of her leg are covered only leaving the sides open. This travels down toward her knees and bottom legs which is now stuffed into brown boots that have a 2 inch heel. Going back up toward the top part of her attire she has a brown chocker around her neck with a gold square in the middle. Her face is next of course. Her skin tone is brown, some one say it would be tan. She has a medium sized nose,. She has an eye patch over her left eye which is the same color scheme of her cuffs. The man body of the eye patch is brown and the outside is outlined with a gold color. The eye patch has no curves and is formed in an upside down triangle. The reason for this eye patch is the fact that she has a blue eye that is to be said to be like the blue sea while her other eye is green. Her hair is green as well and stops at her calf muscle. When in battle you would see her hair up in a high pony tai so it wouldn't cause any problems. On the side of her hair which is on her right side she has a moon clip that is medium sized.

Profession: Rebel

Status: Neither for money was never a concern, for nature was strong with this one.

Weapons: She carries three weapons in total. Two long swords and a short one. The first sword is name Tiamt. This is the Longest sword out of the second one. It is 10 inches long and is made of pure steel. This is a double edged sword so it is good for both offense and defense. This sword's cover is a ink black cover with a gold cross design on the bottom. The hilt is gold as well and is weaved like vines coming up on to a side of the house. The handle is pitch black and has a gold ribbon crossing over one another. The second sword is name Fraun. This sword is 9 inches long and does not have a double edged. The tip of the blade is rigid like shark teeth while the rest is smooth. The cover for this is also black but instead of gold the color is brown. The last sword which is the smallest is Lang. This sword is 5 inches long and is also not a double edged blade. This blade is strictly used for close range combat, or for blocking. The cover is white. Instead of gold and brown the color is black.

Weapon Abilities: Tiamt is able to conjure up the heavens themselves and bring down fierce lightning from above. Fraun is able to conjure up the rage within the core of the earth and harbor its flames to strike down her foes.

Others:She is able to do dual fighting. She has a bad habit of sleeping when she should be paying attention.


Furattā (means "flutter" in japanese)

TikTaqTow follower:



Butterfly Child. She can turn into glowing butterflies that look like the one covering her eye.




Original design by Shotze on Deviant Art. I bought this character, so she is mine. Don't use her for your own purposes and don't ask to either.

Bonus picture by .Beck on Chicken Smoothie.




She lives in the forest, so she doesn't really have a status.



More information here.

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Name: George C. Selous, of house Selous

TikTaqTow follower: Yes

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Looks: Young, quite big and muscular, but very gentle, kinda sheep looking. Clothed in good fabrics, but nothing fancy. Around his neck a discrete locket with his house's insignia

Profession: Dragon hunter

Status: Rich and noble dude

Weapons: A giant crossbow. I mean massive crossbow, like a punt gun from the 19th century. He also has an assistant automaton (if allowed, a straw man of the kings would be cool) that helps him carry and fire the Crossbow. As a back up to the bow he also carries an axe, and the automaton carry a dagger.

George C. Selous is a great grandson of the famous dragon hunter Selous, who was knighted for his deeds. Ever since, it's been the family tradition that all males in the family take up the profession of dragon hunting in their youth, and they are stripped of their name unless they can kill at least a monster of troll or higher before age 25. George don't really fit in as a hunter though, and even less as a noble. He is already 24, and are now determined to bring down a huge beast before the year is up

(This is kinda a Don Quixote character)
Name: Azaza Winter

TiqTaqTow follower: Yur kidding right?Nope.

Race: Snow Elemental

Gender: Female

Looks: Long, soft white hair. Icy blue eyes with long eyelashes. Rosy cheeks and a pale complexion. Soft pink lips. About 5'.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-46.jpeg.9936983f3230c63df1b8548d06130b27.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-46.jpeg.9936983f3230c63df1b8548d06130b27.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Profession: Winter hobbies, such as making ice for drinks and making it snow. (No judging xD )

Status: Middle class. She has money, but she is not rich.

Weapons: Ice daggers. She has about four or five around her waist at all times. She also has an ice sword. All have winter powers.



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Name: Tekkan Faerwen (Tek for short)

TikTaqTow follower: No, although he's not a rebel. He just doesn't bother with it.

Race: Human

Gender: male

Looks: He stands 5 feet and ten inches tall, with a fairly slim build. He has dark, short hair, and his eyes are a green colour.

Profession: He makes bows and arrows, and hunts and forages for his food. This allows him to always be moving around, as he also does odd jobs

Status: Wanderer

Weapons: He has a huge longbow, which he uses to hunt, as well a several throwing knifes, and a large, heavy-bladed knife, which is also balanced for throwing.
Name: Nemo Dederit

TikTaqTow follower: Absolutely not. Quite the rebel.

Race: Human.

Gender: Male



Profession: Pilfering, littering, loitering, shambling, strutting about.

Status: Poor.

Weapons: Dagger.

History: Nemo is quite a disorderly character with a devious, but well-intending heart. Often looked down upon by his peers as lazy, snobby and sly beyond his years, many saw more evil him than good. With his father often away on trips as a trader and his mother working in a nearby tavern, he got to see little of his parents. He loves his parents and they dote on him, but without their supervision his wilder tendencies have reached their climax. Yet it was precisely this behaviour that saved his soul from being gobbled up by a straw man during the culling of the village he lived in. At that time, he happened to be cutting down imaginary foes with a branch, only to stumble across a girl with a bunny and a rather large man...
Name: Kadapan

TikTaqTow follower: i will go with my best interest

Race: Were-Panda

Gender: Male

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/wallpaper_world_of_warcraft_mists_of_pandaria_04_1280.jpg.d05027bb8806ab8690b4b95dedd8cba9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/wallpaper_world_of_warcraft_mists_of_pandaria_04_1280.jpg.d05027bb8806ab8690b4b95dedd8cba9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/fantasy-warrior-1440x900.jpg.14676b41962fb69bd9d755ae7c4015e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/fantasy-warrior-1440x900.jpg.14676b41962fb69bd9d755ae7c4015e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Profession: Mercenary

Status: Sit on a chair, eating and thinking about philosophy

Weapon: a long bamboo stick and a shoque (chain with short sword). He got some fighting skill too



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Name: Julio

TikTaqTow follower: he... is unsure

Race: straw man

Gender: male, pretty much

Looks: He's a straw man. he has buttons for eyes, and his skin is made of patched together sacks. he wears simple clothing, and is stuffed with straw.

Profession: Personal assistant to the the Taqlord

Status: basically a slave to the kinf, although he is unsure as to whether he is loyal to him, or actually has control over whether he follows him

Weapons: he can swing his arms with surprising force, as in case of emergency, the king fitted him with lead weights in his hands, which can hurt quite a lot.
Name: Robby

TikTaqTow follower: Inbetween (He's not sure which way to go))

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Looks: Curly, sandy-blond hair, bright green eyes, scrawny, frail frame with scars and bruises from running around in forests and feilds, he usually wears scraps of clothes torn and ripped with how poor he is.

Profession: He pulls wagons and carts for people around the small town he lives in.

Status: Slave

Weapons: He stole an axe from a slave driver when he was young and carried it about ever since.

He is an autistic boy, low functioning. He's very sweet and curious as well. (If thats okay VuV))
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