Legends of Taqaria! [Inactive]

Feeling a little uncomfortable with the deafening silence that oozed from the man's sheepish face, Nemo eagerly seized the chance to talk again when the girl addressed him. Upon a second look he began to doubt his own eyes, he'd sworn she'd looked like a child, no older than a butterfly just moments ago, but now her features were more mature. Perhaps she'd been right after all, perhaps she really was older than him. Just like everyone else he knew I town.

Shaking himself from his contemplations he rested his back against a nearby tree and inspected his dirty nails before finally answering her question. "I am Nemo. I am from the village, and you are?"
Furattā took her hair out of its pigtails and put it into a ponytail instead. The style made her looked closer to her actual age. Furattā realized that she did in fact look younger than she was, and it did bother her. Maybe dressing differently would help. The problem with that though, was that she didn't have other clothes. Oh well. There was not much she could do about it.

Nemo, huh? Interesting name, that's for sure. It seemed to fit the kid well. "My name is Furattā," she told him. "Nice to meet you, Nemo," she added in a polite tone. She then noticed her bunny toy frowning deeply at the other people, and turned it around. Stupid thing. Couldn't just be friendly, could it?
After the rebel attack, Taqlord decided it is about time for another rebel hunt. The fat wizard walked back to his red crystal to send out the proper orders and authorization codes. 
Outside of the forest a large contingent of straw men lined up.

"OKAY MEN" yelled a huge and gruff straw man general named Malik. "WE ARE GOING TO KILL THESE REBELS" for some reason he could only yell. The general had forgotten how to speak normally.

A hundred straw men in tin helmets with wooden spears stood still. They listened to every word trying not to yawn. For the last four days all they have done is rebel hunts and every day General Mailk started with the same speech.


"For Taqlord wills it!" replied the soldier, the ritual had gotten boring for a straw man, which is quite the feat. Straw men were designed to do boring tasks.

"ONWARD!" screamed the General as the small army marched through the forest.
Julio watched beside Taqlord as the general screamed the usual sally at them. Recently he had began to have strange... sensations. He struggled to describe them. The other straw men had been doing this every day for a long while now, going to another place where there had been the barest hint of the minuscule possibility a slight rumour of something that might be related vaguely to rebel activity.

When he looked at the soldiers, getting gradually more and more beat up relentlessly, without even a chance to repair themselves, he felt an odd sensation. They were going through terrible ardour, while he helped Taqlord with trivial tasks. It was a sort of... feeling that the straw men did not deserve it. How could he describe it? Pity? Yes, pity, that was it.

Julio realised, he was feeling feelings.
The forest tops russled quietly in the blowing air, the soft huffing of a young man moving through the grounds was heard. He struggled to drag the large axe dragging behind him. He looked about, bright green eyes scanning over fluttering humming birds with butterfly wings, watching them twist and fly about. His being began shifting, body molding and visually morfing into a huge black bear, slowly making its way through the bush and leaving the axe there. The boy patted its huge paws at the butterfly hummingbirds and he roared softly.
Furattā stood up and stretched. "Well, Nemo, you should go back to your mother. It is not safe to be out here, and if anything were to happen I would not be able to protect you," she said and picked up her bunny toy and hat. "Goodbye," she said and walked away from the child and large man. Now what? Furattā began trying to think of other things,she could possibly do. But, nothing really came to mind. The girl sighed and continued walking through the forest, beginning to hum lightly to herself.
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