Legends of Ithilien

As he finished eating Bult felt at the top of his head. He felt an apparent dent in his thick skull. He exited the building and sat on his club trying to remember something, without any idea of what to remember.
Jade nodded at Dusk politely, "It's certainly nothing to thank me for." She said with ease, now making her way back to the pot and checking on the venison stew. "Nearly perfect.." She whispered, her eyes narrowing in thought. She reached up into a cabinet, grabbing a hold of some seasoning and sprinkling it into the stew. Her emerald eyes glanced at Straps after hearing his question. "Well, as a Wood Nymph, I prefer being where I'm....more of at peace. The forest, nature itself is where I feel most alive. Granted, Ravenwood never ceases to rain, but I rather enjoy that. I'm not one to necessarily love warm and sunny. But all in all, I feel at home here. Why do you ask?" She turned her attention to the pot for a moment, then happened to catch Arcane's stare. Her wolf's golden eyes were watching her, as if he was on edge. She shook off the feeling and then noticed that their other guest had sat outside with his club. As if puzzled.
It was hard to focus.

It's not like the river nymph needed to be focus or anything. She was out of her river for a while to scout for some food. Being a bit off she wanted to try something over than fish. Berries would be nice. Sometimes when they fell into the water she would eat them. Some may be poisous to humans but to a river nymph it was nothing.

But she could not focus on finding her berries. Something in the woods was distracting her. Or actually someone.

As the man in front of her moved - he appeared to be stalking some sort of prey - she watched him. She watched the way his body moved and the way his shoulder length black hair flowed and shifted as he moved. She caught a look at his eyes and smiled as the river nymph noted they were a dark blue color, similar to how her river looked at night in the moon. A rim of light blue surrounded them as well. His ears also jutted out from his head which marked the man as an elf.

The river nymph was excited by the possibility of meeting another elf. She felt that elves and nymphs were close in terms of species and she had always got along best with them outside her own kind.

An arrow flew from the man's bow and she smiled as she heard it strike it's target. The man lifted it to reveal a rabbit. The river nymph moved, her movements smooth. She walked over to the man and touched his shoulder.


Yew, the elf, dropped his food for today and turned to see a girl standing behind him. He looked her over (much to the girl's embarrassment) and decided that she was most likely a nymph or siren. He was hoping more for the former.

"May I help you?"

"I just..." What did she want from him? Well she could think of some things but none too appropriate to say. Instead she introduced herself. "I am Gii."

"I am Yewdayl but you may call me Yew. It is nice to meet you Gii. Are you a river nymph."

Gii nodded, happy that he was able to guess at her race. "You are obviously an elf."

"I am indeed. I guess my ears gave it away."

Gii giggled and Yew smiled, his face a bit pink. "Would you like to dine with me Gii?"

"in a matter of fact yes i have seen a siren before.. but she screamed so loud i was deaf for weeks. i havent looked fondly upon them for a fair while now... would you like to change that?" Straps lifts his chin high and grins. He takes a deep breath and smells the nearly perfect stew

"MMM yum i cant wait to have some of dat stew! oh yeah to answer that question about that question i asked you"

"ugh ok.. well i have been following you for a while... well cause i have been ordered to by my ki... erm aahh... king.. yes my goblin king. I'm sorry you don't seem like a bad nymph and all, your a very nice one!" so i think i better avoid going back to my ki...king for a while. Can i stay low with you guys? if thats ok?"
Dusk smirked."Well if you must know little goblin, I'm am a very special type of Siren. I am a Bleeder. We don't sing but scream. From what you just told me sounded like my younger sister." he said looking at the window. "Speaking of, Aria! Come in here!" he called.

Hearing her older brother call. Aria walked out from some bushed and walked into the hut. (looks like this: http://images.wikia.com/kingdomhearts/images/2/2c/Kh2-yuffie.png) "Ah, sorry brother." she said looking at the ground. "I just wanted to come with you." she said in soft voice.
Yew made a fire while Gii watched him. She was doing good at that. Watching him. She blushed a little as he looked over and smiled at her. She seemed somewhat shy and cute.

He sat down once the fire was lit but it did not last for long. Rain began to pour down on them and it appeared they would not be able to eat in the rain. They made their way through as Yew said he might know a place to take shelter and finish eating.

"It sounds like there is people inside."

"What if we are turned away?"

"They could not turn you away. You are far too lovely." At this Gii blushed. She was a pretty thing with long black hair, thicky and wavy and dark, deep blue eyes like pools of water. Still him saying it made her feel all kind of things. "Besides we have food," he added holding up the rabbit.
Aria heard people talking outside. "There are people out there." she said.

Dusk looked at the door. "Perhaps they are friendly." he said.
Maybe the goblin could be of help?

"well i wasn't seen when i turned up here.. maybe i should go sneak around see whats happening?"

"i need to some way to earn some respect around here... goblins are looked upon fondly ive heard."
Dusk smirked. "Yeah sure." he looked at Aria as if to say 'do you remember him?'

Aria nodded slightly. Her eyes were saying 'yes I attacked him'
Straps began to sneak outside, looking back and glancing at that girl. Thinking to himself "i've seen her before."

"I wont be too long, i'm trained for this!"

within seconds straps has vanished.

"I have seen that girl before! now where....?" straps trips on a rock and tumbles a bit.

He gets back up and dusts himself off. "It was HER! the one that ATTACKED ME! what do they have against me...? oh wait yeah im a goblin"

Straps comes up through a berry bush, peaking through the small gaps within the leaves he sees a nymph and an elf of some sort.

Casually grabs a couple of berries and eats them. Straps grabs a handful and scurry's off back to the others down the dirt trail.
"Yes, you can stay here as long as you like." She replied to Straps, kindling the fire once more. Soon seeing the female Siren enter her home, Jade nodded in greeting. Arcane's ears twitched again, listening to the group speak of other people around. His eyes found Jade's as he exhaled roughly from his nose. And with that he turned and found another room, laying down. Jade looked at the others, "If they wish they can have dinner with us. I'm staying inside to tend to the kitchen." She added, grabbing plates from the cuboards and setting the table.

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