Legends of Ithilien


New Member

Medieval Roleplay.

Region: Ithilien


Humans, Fae (Elves), Nymphs, Sirens, Faeries, Dwarves, Goblins, Trolls.


Man is separated from mythical. In their religious views of honor and fighting they solely avoid any magical being. Mythical creatures are looked down upon by man as abominations, imperfections; really they envy them for their abilities. In the forests, magical beings find refuge - where myths are reality.

My only guidelines would be to play nice and no God-modding please. Everyone just have fun.
:D Oh, and no character sheets needed. You can just join in how you like, simply just include in your starter what race you are. ^^

--- Merged Double Post ---

Breathe in...breathe out..

Rain endlessly falls from the sky, dancing across the leaves in their peaceful music. Balanced perfectly on a thick branch, she draws the string back from her bow - directing it at her target. An elk stoops to partake of the morning dew. He's beautiful in every way, shape and form - fit to perfection, muscles flexed and a good portion of meat on him as well. But as nature would have it, he will not be in the pickings for mating season.


Her arrow is released and hits directly into the elk's throat - a quick death to the creature. The girl lowers her bow and jumps down from the tree, landing on both feet and positions herself in a crouch, studying the dead animal.

"Been a while since I had a good kill." She says with a slight smile, her eyes scanning the rest of the slain elk. Just by looking at him, she can already tell she won't be able to carry him all the way home. Her hands reach into her pouch as she pulls out a thick rope. "Looks like this will have to do."

Thunder rumbles overhead and the girl directs her attention to the sky, her emerald eyes looking around. It always rains in Ravenwood, and she finds no complaint in this. The rain is a peaceful and delicate thing to her. She enjoys the delicate kisses when each drop trickles down her skin or the way everything is ten times greener when there's a storm. That's what makes Ravenwood so special. Many avoid it in fear of the place being cursed. But as a Wood Nymph who enjoys her privacy, she could care less what stories men pass from one another. The less, the better in her opinion.

She finishes with the last thick knot around the elk's ankles and drags him down the trail. When she reaches her cottage, a small smile forms across her lips. It's nothing but completely gorgeous. It lies buried deep in the earth, the soil, moss overlapping the roof and vines stretching up the sides. Wild flowers have freely spread themselves all around. The only thing really separating it from nature is the large, rustic wooden door and the small bay window. A sigh of admiration escapes her lips and with that, she enters the cottage with the elk and shuts the door behind her.

"Well that hardly took any time at all, Jade. You're putting me to shame."

The girl looks up and smiles widely, humor reaching her eyes. "Oh come now, Arcane. You flatter me too much."

The large white wolf before her stretches and strides his way over, away from the fireplace. "No really. I'm quite jealous."
ooc: You can just reply back to the rp. That way you don't have to repeat anything. Unless you want to, it's up to you. :P
Ooc: Okays! Lol, I'll just do this 'cause I'm feeling a little lazy today...


Crimson sat against a tree stump, holding her short dagger in one hand, the other tracing the small designs imprinted into the blade. It was one weapon her father had given to her before he passed on. Glancing up, her mossy green eyes searched for any kind of movement. As sensitive as her ears were, she could hear even the slightest sound from afar. It was strange, but over the years she had learned to adapt to it. "Hmm." She muttered, standing to her feet and taking a few steps forward. Blinking a few times, Crimson ran her hands through her hair.
Jade smiled teasingly at the large white wolf. "Well, if you haven't been sleeping all the time for the past 3 days, maybe you'd have a better record. Hmm?" She laughed slightly, looking at Arcane. He huffed in response and stretched again.

"Blah blah blah. So, are you going to skin that elk or what?" He responded, eyeing the large dead creature.

Jade's lips spread to a small grin, the smile reaching her eyes. "Yes, I'm taking it down to the basement for that. Don't worry, Arcane. You'll have your food in no time, silly wolf." She cooed, tauntingly scratching his head like a common house dog. His golden eyes narrowed but he couldn't hide the laugh that rumbled in his chest. And with that she proceeded to take the elk downstairs, readying her skinning knives for the process. As she laid the elk across the wooden table, her shoulders sank a bit. "What am I going to do with all this meat?...." Jade whispered to herself, relieving a heavy sigh. "No matter. Arcane will probably inhale the whole thing anyway." This formed another grin on her face.

"I heard that." Arcane peered his head around the top of the stairs, making sure he gave her a serious look. Which at this only made Jade burst into a laughter.
Crimson placed the short blade into the side of her belt, now beginning to fiddle with the strap of her bow. She soon began moving forward, keeping the grip on her strap tight; she knew there was another life out in Ravenwood, but she never wanted to introduce herself. Or much less even go near them. For some reason today, she was feeling rather adventurous and curious.

Crimson pushed her way through a few branches and bushes, although she was trying absolutely hard not to make any noises. That was impossible for her. She simply wanted to watch - to study what the person.. or nymph, was doing. At last she had reached a cottage home. This was something she had seen before. Brushing a few strands of her red hair away from her eyes, she made way towards it quietly.
After about an hour, the deer was finally skinned and the meat was cooking. "It'll be ready soon, Arcane." She called up to him. After a few moments, she received no response. She peered over her shoulder, now curious. "Arcane?" Again, no response. She quickly wiped her hands of the elk blood and made her way upstairs. There she saw him, his paws perched on the sile of the bay window, staring through the vines outside. "What is it?"

"One of your kin." He replied simply, still staring out the window. He was surprisingly calm and his fur showed no signs of standing up from stress. Jade walked forward, peering over him outside. There she saw a pair of two green eyes staring right back at her. A smile formed on her lips as she raised her hand and waved, not necessarily sure what to do. It was obvious this girl was curious, but she needn't be afraid.
Crimson was slightly taken aback by this, but raised her hand and returned the wave. She also gave the girl a smile, stepping away from the bushes. Brushing the leaves and dirt away from her clothes and arms, she returned her attention back to them. "I hope I don't seem like a bother, but I've seen you a few times... I didn't know how to approach you." She blurted out, focusing her gaze on the white wolf.
Dusk stood on a ledge over looking the forest. "So beautiful." he said floating down and landing on the ground with no noise. "Wonder what creatures live in there." he said. Then he started walking. He came across a hut in the forest he walked inside. "Oh hello." he greeted the girl inside.

ooc: Feel free Gale! :D

ic: Jade laughed a bit at this. "That makes two of us, I suppose. Well, are you hungry? I'm cooking the Venison now. I've prepared a stew." She said with another smile, walking over to the broth filled pot and adding this and that. Arcane eyed Crimson for a little while then trotted over and sniffed her hand. Suddenly his ears perked up as he looked by the door.

"We have another visitor, Jade." He said matter-of-factly and sat across the room, watching the newcomers. Jade looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with the male. "Oh, hello." She said with a soft smile. "There's plenty of food to go around."
"Thank you." Dusk sat down and he looked around. "This is a nice place." he said his voice was very beautiful sounding. "So I see you are a wood elf." he said looking over to jade.
Bult lumbered along a wooded trail draging his log club behind him. The troll droped his club on the trail and sat on it muttering to himself in a human tongue, "Bult not dumb, shaman dumb." As the troll sat there he heared what he thought was elves or humans.
Dusk heard a loud thud of something being dropped. "Uh I'm going to check what that was." he said standing up. He walked outside to see a large troll sitting on a log he seemed upset. Dusk walked over to him. "Are you okay?" he asked in a soothing voice. Being a male Siren Dusk can do many things with his voice.
Bult looked at the elf with a simple expression on his face and said, "Shaman make me leave. I not kill nice human and elf. They not mean like others." He looked around and felt his stomach growl. "Bult need food but not good hunter. Dose you have food." Bult looked at the elf as a beggar would.
Dusk looked up."Well Bult I'm not an Elf I am a Siren. And I know of where you can get some food." he said in a caring voice."Follow me friend." he said waving his hand to the hut. "You can get food there." he said.
With looked like a smile, Bult picked up his club and followed Dusk, leaving a small rut as his club dragged on the ground. "You is nice, not like others," He said with a happier tone to his voice.
Strap sits quietly in the bushes a few feet away from the little hut, being so small and green no one notices him... He stands up and crawls out of the bush dusting himself up and grabs his blunted short sword. "Why does da king always send me on these stupid scout runs" he mumbles to him self. Strap slides up against the side of the hut and peeks through the window wondering what is going on
Jade looked at Dusk with curious eyes as she tilted her head. "Well, Wood Nymph to be exact. The Fae, well, elves are quite a different species. Their magic abilities exceed mine." She said lightly with a small smile. Suddenly hearing the thud, her eyes widened for a moment and her gaze fell to the door. As Dusk left to investigate the sound, Jade stood in the doorway, looking at the precious being. "Oh you poor darling! Please, come inside. You must be famished." She said with another smile, her green eyes seeming brighter with all the rain. Her attention turned to Dusk once more. "Thank you for bringing him here."
Straps, looks in through the window more, revealing most of his head. "A Troll! what kind of group meeting is this? ugh i better head back to the king and tell him nothing is happening with this wood nymph" he says grudgingly. Straps begins to walk away then he gets a whiff of something cooking. He looks down at his stomach hearing it grumble... The little goblin comes scurrying in standing in the front door looking all sad and hungry.
Jade turned her head looking at the little goblin, her eyes held every bit of sympathy. She walked over and extended her hand, smiling softly. "You hungry? I've made Venison stew. Would you like to come in?"
Straps looks at Jade, staring deep into those eyes. "err if there is some left after dat troll takes some them i would love too." he strolls in arms close to his side, feeling very exposed. "Dat king of mine thinks she is a threat? i doubt it" he mumbles under his heavy breathe. Straps looks at the troll with a large grin than lands a strong glare at Dusk. "err Jade, can i ask something? why are you all the way out here...?"
Dusk glared back. "What?" he asked crossing his arms. "Never seen a male Siren before?" He looked at Jade. "Thank you far letting me join you for this meal." he bowed his head.

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