Legendary Revolution [Inactive]

WhimsicalWriter submitted a new role play:

Legendary Revolution - The legendary pokemon, now stuck in human form, must stop the rising villain teams on their own.

Arceus, the creator of the universe, watched over it for many centuries as he fabricated lesser legendaries to spread out his own many responsibilities among them. This method allowed him to relinquish the stress from himself and, exhausted from the many creations, he finally retreated into his own haven to rest high above Spear Pillar. His very last act before ascending was starting a cycle of potential among the humans, which ensured that trainers of extraordinary ability would be around to...
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Arceus lowered himself onto the ground before his shaking legs could collapse underneath him. The last burst of energy he had spent had drained him immensely, to the point where he could barely sense the ties between him and the other legendaries. Although it required much more effort than it should have, after a moment he managed to focus enough to pick out certain telepathic connections.

The legendaries he had bestowed a human form upon were safely in the Viridian Forest. Well, safe for now, at least. The others who had not been given the gift were still in very real danger, though most likely didn't know as of yet.

The god pokemon allowed his head to rest on the ground and closed his eyes. His body was spent, and his mind exhausted. Arceus telepathically sent one last message before his physical system shut down completely.

"Wake, my children."


Consciousness slowly returned to a young green-haired girl who lay upon the grass. She opened her eyes and sat up, looking around curiously. Several other people were strewn out in the clearing and beginning to stir. She opened her mouth to speak out to one of them, but she didn't know any of their names.

Or her own, for that matter.

That realization made her pause, confusion settling in. She was supposed to have a name, right? But whatever it was, she couldn't remember it. Or anything else, really. Well, that would just have to change, she decided. Hm…Linette. Linette sounded good. The rest of the stuff could come later.

That almost nonchalantly decided, Linette stood, blinking a few times at the ground. Something about the view felt off, as if she wasn't used to being this tall. She shrugged it off and looked to see if anyone else was awake yet.
"Argh.... Lah.."

The white haired girl was beginning to rise up. Images flashed in her mind, but she never managed to catch them before they were whipped away. She reached out to them physically, hands reached for the sky. Until he suddenly noticed her hands. Wait. This doesn't look right...

Right? Had she always had hands? She couldn't remember, and she stared at her hands, turning them around in front of her face, confused.

She needed a name. A name sounded good, right? Hows about...

The white-haired boy looked upwards, blinking at the faint light that managed to make its way through the thick canopy above. It was weak, but still bright to him. Really bright. And warm. But also bright. The little glow began to hurt his eyes, so he drug himself backwards, into thicker shade.

He felt something odd on his foot. His bright blue eyes peered over his own cloaked body. A small pidgey stares back before resuming its attack on his shoe.

The eyes continued to scan the area around him. A few others were stirring, so he decided to stay still and hope that they wouldn't notice him.

As he lay there, his mind moved to who he was. He couldn't remember, but he could tell something had happened. There was sadness... Destruction... Death... And a faint voice... Perhaps it was best that he could not remember...

A sound. Some of the bodies around him were speaking. He heard a name. Pointless, names. Why need a name when no one ever sees you?
A heavily-built man jolted upwards at the sound of the awakening voice, imminently his sense of duty to protect forced him to think of where he had to rush off to. As he sits up, hes confused for a moment, he recognized the forest, but how did he get here? He was sure he was doing something rather important, and he knew that sleeping was not acceptable when something important needed to be done. He noticed a few others on the ground, one shuffling away in the corner and one standing and looking around, he was about to demand they tell him what was going on, but the voice gets caught in his throat. Instinctively, he puts his hand up to his throat to cover while he coughs out the blockage, but then looks at his hand in shock-horror. He knew that was definitely wrong.
Luciana looked at her hands somemore, then her eyes travelled down the large sleeves on her arms, to the dress, to a tail sticking out of her tailbone. "What... Where... This... Where am I?" She looked around, seeing someone else sitting up. "Hey... You, mr. man, where are we? Do you even know? Who are these people... I'm so confused right now."
Awakening was a sharp sudden awareness. Sitting up took little effort and yet there was something off to the movement that the man couldn't place. It took a moment to open his eyes so that he could take in his surroundings. The forest was peaceful and the sunlight dappling the ground was a strange beauty that the man didn't feel used to... a rare sight that to some would be like seeing the aurora borealis.

It took the man only a moment to see that he was not the only one in the clearing and another moment to push to his feet to get a better view on everything. He felt strangely... heavy... like he wasn't used to being attached to the ground but he couldn't think of there ever being a time he wasn't on the ground.. he couldn't remember any other times at all. Though for some reason he felt ashamed...

Taking in his own apparel caught his interest for a moment... the clothing was appealing and yet it too felt off. Gaze roving to the others that had awoken he found that he was not the only one looking puzzled. Whatever was going on here was effecting all of them. He turned to the girl who had spoken, glancing around to seek out who she was speaking to. Something seemed vaguely familiar about the girl... about all those gathered in the clearing... but who she was he couldn't bring to mind. He didn't even know who he was.

"Maybe I would feel better if I had something to call myself." He said softly under his breath. He didn't want to come up with a name until he saw his full appearance, however... wanting something that fit him. The man stretched before beginning to take note of everything that was part of him, finding a book in his pocket along with rosary. A rush of warmth surged through him at the memory of a god but no other memories came back to him... and the pure belief that there even was a god was shadowy and vague, lingering at the corners of his mind.
Despite being transformed, he had been through the forest many times on his way to where ever duty calls. Regardless, he tries getting up before answering the persons questions. At first, he gets up onto his hands and knees, feeling satisfied he tries moving around, but realizes something wasn't quite right, so he gets up further onto his feet uneasily before looking around. Letting out a heavy sigh, he turns to the person talking to him. "Uhm... Viridian Forest... definitely... leaves are too dark for it to be anywhere else...but that's all I know" he says in a pondering voice. Taking another look around, more of the others were beginning to get up, and he felt like he should be talking to them, but stays quiet, instead reaching out his hand to the person on the ground so he could help them get up.
The girl waved her arms around in a flapping motion- It just seemed natural, maybe these giant sleeves were supposed to catch the air or something- but she just ended up looking like a fool, waving her arms around, instead, she reached out and flailed, her eyes not quite adjusted to her surroundings before finally finding the hand of this man and holding on, using his help to stand up. She tottered back and forth a few times before getting the whole standing up thing. "Viridian? Like, the color? Wait, how do I know thats a color?" She muttered, then looked up at his face. He looked familiar... All of these people were familiar to her.... Why?
Linette took a step forward and felt something uneven brush against her clothed side. Looking down curiously, she pulled on the sash of her dress slightly, realizing there was a small concealed pocket hidden underneath. Inside was a strange red cloth; a headdress of some sort. A stray breeze that barely managed to make it through the thick trees caused her long hair to move just the slightest. Hm. Maybe she could use the cloth thing to put up her hair if it ever got in the way.

That mystery satisfied--although there were more than enough her and the others would have to figure out--she carefully stepped around those who were still unconscious to reach the few who had awoken. "Viridian..." she spoke the word, feeling its unfamiliar syllables on her tongue. "So...this is really weird. Like, I don't know about you, but everything feels kind of off somehow."
The man's eyes widened a bit in shock, he didn't even realize that Viridian was a color, though it made a little more sense now, he felt as though he might have known it in the past and had simply forgotten. The other people reminded him of... something, something definitely important, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. The girl he helped up seemed to have trouble with walking like he had, it was all a run of trial and error for the both of them. He turns to see a new person who had arrived. "I agree, I don't remember being this tall..." He examines his hands a little more as he stoops down below him to pick up a hat that was laying on the ground "Well, we aren't gonna figure out whats going on my standing around confused!" He puts the hat on, he felt alot more confident with the hat on his head, more natural, anyway.
"I know, right? Like, I feel like, it shouldn't be this way... Like, I should be somewhere else. Also, all you look familiar, but I don't know why..." She looked around, her deep blue eyes sweeping the figures in the grass, taking in the trees and the scenery in general. She registered another darker figure shifting and rolling to his knees... When the figure stood, there was a neutral pulsing of bright blue at the tips of his hair, his dark expression, like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.... When the man spoke up again, she looked up and shook her head with a sigh. "I have no idea what's going on here..."
The man in blue remained quiet as he watched the others. Something held him back from speaking... he felt like he shouldn't be speaking to begin with. The words that had slipped out earlier felt alien in his mouth and he didn't appreciate the feeling. Looking more closely at the book he had discovered in his pocket he opened it to a random page and skimmed the words, seeing that they made sense to him but feeling as if it was wrong for them too... like he hadn't earned the right to understand the information. Where as the others were confused about Viridian being bother a place a color, the man in blue was more interested in what the book meant and if it held any secrets about why they were here.

All he really discovered were writings about religion which seemed to speak to some inner part of him. He ended up closing the book and placing it back in his pocket before moving to take a step forward. Unlike the easiness of rising to his feet, it was very difficult to move forward. He was determined to set it aside, however, and pushed forward, walking slowly towards a rather large man before turning to walk away, and then moving to return once more. The more he moved the more easier it became, like his mind was connecting with his body... though he didn't know why there would be a disconnection.

In the end he found himself standing in front of the man who he had been walking to and away from. "What do you propose we do?" He asked steadily, his tongue feeling thick yet forming words. This body knew what it was supposed to be doing even if his brain wasn't completely in sync with it just yet.
Linette tapped a finger against her chin. The other had a good question. They had practically nothing to go on. "We should wait until more people wake up before we do too much, of course. The only thing we really can do is get out of this forest. I'm sure we can figure out something from there." she optimistically responded.
"UGH, it's so DRY! What I wouldn't give to be deep in the ocean, UGHH." The white haired girl grabbed her head and moaned in frustration. "There isn't even a STREAM nearby, it's so dry, I feel like a fish out of water!"

The new boy, tall and dark, stood up finally. He took in his surroundings, his expression neutral. The boy was taking it all in, his red eyes roaming about the green forest. T dark haired boy stood stock still, then finally spoke. "...This isn't right..."
I woke up in a weird place. it was a forrest and there were other people there but i didn't know who they were. wait i didn't know who i was all i knew was my name,jiro. then i started crying like crazy because i didnt know anything and i was scared. i backed up into and and quickly climbed it and continued crying just staring at the people below.
(OOC Note: We're going to go ahead and say that everyone else is awake so we can get going. Those who haven't posted yet are still welcome to jump in whenever they can.)

Linette, pitying the scared blonde child, carefully climbed the tree and gently picked him up in one arm. "Hey, everything's alright." she insisted, carrying him back down. Once they were back on the ground she set Jiro down. "Nothing to be scared of--" The sound of angry buzzing met her ears. A chill of dread trickled down her spine as she turned around to see a horde of beedrill rising from the bushes around tree she had taken Jiro out of.

She stumbled back. "Stay...Stay back!" Her last word echoed strangely and visible sound waves erupted from her mouth. The waves struck two of the beedrill down. Linette brought a hand to her mouth. She hadn't expected it, but for some reason, while her human body didn't seem used to it, it didn't suprise her as much as it should have. It was a pokemon move...Echoed Voice, although she couldn't figure out why she knew that.

The beedrill, ticked off even more by the assault, held up their gleaming stingers and prepared to attack.
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I stepped in front of linette. "don't hurt my mommy"

i said spreading my arms out wide. " i wish you would just go away" as i said that the beedrill stopped then flew away. then i felt really weak and fell to the ground before blacking out
The beedrill left in an almost uniform manner, as if they had been given an order they couldn't refuse. Jiro must have had some special abilities too. With the danger seemingly over, Linette hurriedly moved forward to reach him. She looked him over; he would probably be unconscious for a while from such a strong move. She picked him up, unaware of a couple of ariados lurking on a branch just above her.

As much as he didn't like it, the girl was right, waiting for the others to awaken was most likely the best course of action. It seemed as though most of the group was already up or awakening, so it wouldn't take long for their group to be ready to move. An idea pops into his mind as the girl walks off to retrieve a boy that had climbed a tree in his confusion. "We need names... so we can... you know... communicate with each other better." He felt that names were necessary part of any group, allowed a certain amount of trust and companionship etc. He didn't have a name, or at least didn't remember one, so he just made one up on the spot. "I'm Theo" the name sort of rolled of his tongue, it wasn't quite right, but it'll do. In the corner of his eye he notices the girl from before cradling the child, but doesn't see their impending attackers in the branches.
It made logical sense for them to at least have temporary titles for themselves.... at least until they found out more about who they were and the situation they had been placed in. Surely it wasn't common to wake up at this age and have no memory... perhaps, like the beedrill that had been ready to attack them, they had all been caught up in a severe pokemon attack. What if they had been a traveling group of some sort? Story lines on what could have caused the situation began to play through the man in blue's mind while he tried to figure out what the truth was. They didn't seem to really have anything in common except that none of them remembered their past.Or it didn't seem like anyone remembered their past... especially if the one man was mentioning that they needed names. He let his gaze wander, he still didn't want to figure out a name for himself until he could see his own reflection. A glimmer of shine caught his eye and he headed over to find a puddle of water. He studied his face in the puddle, thinking hard on what a good name for this face would be. Finally he figured out what seemed to fit this face best. Straightening and turning to the others he gave a small smile. "Ezra. Nice to meet you, Theo."
"I'm Luciana." She looked at Theo, then at the others. "That one just came to me when I woke up."

"...I'm Zach." The dark figure said, looking up, the part of his eyes that should be white a bloodred color, his irises yellow. He glanced around, sparks trailing up his spine, up to the tips of his wing-like protrusions. "We need to leave... This place is only the beginning.."
Hefting Jiro up in her arms, Linette stood and returned to the others. The ariados continued to watch the group for a moment before scuttling away; it seemed that they had no interest in picking a fight, unlike the territorial beedrill. "Call me Linette." she introduced. She glanced around a little warily, the attack from earlier still keeping her on edge. "Yeah, you're right. We really should get out of here before anything else happens. But does anyone know the way out?"
"A path is hidden in the bushes, it leads to a cleared road." The woman blinked and sniffed. She had been watching the group for a while now and she too only had woken up. Her body felt cumbsy and unstable, but she would have to grow use to it. Memory iluded her and she couldn't remember her name as she tried to speak. But somehow she knew of the path and the lake near here. She stepped out from behind the tree, gracefully making her way to the group.

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