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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways CS


Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
(picture or description here)
Race: Hylian, Human, Garudo or Sheikah
Lineage: One of the below
Royal (max 2)
Knight (max 3)
Noble (no limit)
None (no limit)
Descendant from: One of the below
Zora (sharper teeth allowed better swimmers)
Rito (Basic wind magic known or not known)
Garudo (abnormally tall, only woman allowed)
Sheikah (Stealthier the the others)

Weapons: (please give a description)
Items: (give description)

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Name: Rosalyn
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Race: Hylian
Hometown/city: Castle Town
Lineage: Royal
Descendant from: Hylian and Sheikah

Weapons: Master Sword, chained dual blades
Cloak of invisibility - an item passed down through generations of her family, it's origin is unknown. It allows the user to become invisible when the hood is pulled up, you can still bump into people when invisible though
Mirror Shield - can reflect light and deflect weak to normal beam attacks. (not yet obtained)
Chained Duel Blades - Duel blades connected to each other by a chain allowing for long and closed ranged attacks. the chain is around three meter long, was given to her by her great grandfather before he died. Can be used to grapple from place to place.
Sailscloth - Bought from a strange shopkeeper named Ravio. It allows her to spread it over her head and land safely from any given height, can't be teared in half, it's been tested.
Sheikah Slate - Currently has no use as it has lost most functions over time, the only thing still working is the map function. (not yet given)
Wallet - Used for storing rupees
Smartphone - An expensive phone she brought with her allowance.

Rosalyn prefers reading a book to hanging out, but if it's a special occasion she will come, she isn't the most social person either, prefering to listen to people as opposed to talking to people, but will talk when it's something she's interested in or gets involved in the conversation. She's still a bit traumatized by what happened to her parents (she believes it was no accident at all) and refuses to talk about what happened to anyone other then her remaining family.

While originally born in Castle Town she moves from place to place with her parents, until they died in an accident, she was six at the time and they were staying near Garudo town, they helped her get to her grandparents house back in Castle Town. Ever since then she's been extremely careful when traveling to places. Her grandparents were anything but boring though, as they had legends of the old days when there was a hero who saved the entire kingdom, multiple legends in fact, some didn't make sense to her, but they were nice stories. They also revealed she came from the royal lineage and should anything ever happen she should be careful, her grandmother gave her a cloak afterwards that should she ever be in danger she can use it to run, to this day she hasn't used it yet, but she keeps it with her at all time.
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(Art drawn by me)

Name: Dia
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 14
Race: Holodrumian Gerudo
Hometown/city: Horon Village, Holodrum
Lineage: Technically a minor noble, but only recognized as such in her home country
Descendant from: Holodrumian Gerudo and Human


nD_34Q6xRabv-GHyzACC0GbRnZ4ZA8d9wz0BuGVQqCm0iV4i9Gds9__NcUJS2dHsOCl73lVszgHzF2dLGV5o1r3xmfF2LBrJpebpEU2qCLvk_vyUFSl5jc1Ff5IbMvMBVzyeMK54RMJO8qXLyKdUOOc.pngRod of Seasons: A magic scepter with the ability to change the seasons, in a pinch it can also be used as a makeshift mace to knock back enemies, though it’s incapable of permanently slaying anything save for undead creatures. Dia has a habit of using the rod as a twirling baton. (Not Yet Obtained)


N9QraDS3bvlnT3YRH6v9KI3JOmIxVYMzF9AeeKM3pUjQyxirsiQBgqZTDhVU7xX8tAwxRtDhc8MvyeoJuvEF0aMOyRXn3qfIhlKDWbhAFJAbXr0eNdQizZRfXWY3JEaFwnfM-vr7pP6LvlI8w46PGis.pngFriendship Ring: Dia collects rings as a hobby. She left most of her collection back in Holodrum save for the friendship ring. While it holds no noteworthy abilities, it represents the creation of a new friendship.

nILiStVdrBg4Q0ughHiwLJLWNUMTqERWs7RqLBKvt9LkQ4mF3pUWUTvLV2WQJVdhM3YoPDgqrRMxhiXOQLkGs-_uj75CI81e1J3P9ANMc3bEb6kBC-MLF5inn_16c9T1VrSnRjEjJJAYKsDIschW1Qw.pngWallet: A place for Dia to store any rupees she comes across

1714805862821.pngGolden Bee: A friendly bee that will attack enemies for its master. Dia uses dance to communicate with the bee and to direct it’s attacks. As it flies it leaves behind a sparkly trail (Not yet obtained)

1714804519875.pngPegasus Boots: A magical pair of shoes that allow the wearer to leap long distances and preform dash attacks. Dia wishes she could meet a real pegasus one day but for now these will have to do. (Not yet obtained)

1714806994893.pngTri-Phone: A simple cell phone.

Personality: Dia, although striving to be a sociable and kind young lady, suffers from a heightened self consciousness as a result of her upbringing. After years of being compared to her more successful twin sister Dia truly desires nothing more than to prove her worth to the important people in her life, even if it comes at the detriment of her own well being. However, when it comes to other people, Dia holds a strong sense of justice and will often be the first to try and defend those she views as in need, though this can lead to her being rather rash and jumping to conclusions without a second thought.

Besides this, Dia truly is the pinnacle of young girlhood. She has a strong fondess for things often associated with femininity like makeup, pretty dresses, and pink. By extension she’s fascinated by fairy tales, to the point she’ll often joke that she must have been a princess in a past life. Funnily enough, despite her appreciation for the aesthetics of princesses and princes in legends of old, her own strong sense of justice prevents her from fully condoning the opulence and wealth associated with such positions, as she especially holds a rather negative opinion on most grandiose showcases of wealth found in the modern era.

Lastly, if there’s one thing that motivates Dia it’s her love for dance. Out of everything compared between her and her sister, the one thing Dia always had a leg up on was her natural dancing capabilities, and so she’s made it a focal point of her personality. Innthe fourteen years she’s lived Dia has learned ballet, ballroom, modern, break dancing, and more. But, out of all of these styles, she prefers Flamenco the most.

Fourteen years ago in the small town of Horon, one of the remaining places in the modern world that clung to the practices of old, a set of twin sisters were born by the names of Don and Dia. These twins were born into a family that for generations passed down the titles of “Din” and “Oracle of Seasons” to a single heir, a position that only one of the sisters could ever inherit. Yet for the vast majority of their childhoods (WIP)
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Sara screenshot.png
Name: Sara
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Hylian
Hometown/city: Ordon Village
Lineage: None
Descendant from: 2 Hylians

Weapons: Standard Arming Sword (not yet obtained) and Hunting Knife
Items: Hawk Whistle; a man-made imitation of Hawk Grass and a gift from her father
Wooden Targe Shield (not yet obtained); affordable but durable. Also highly flammable.
Falconer's Glove; those talons are freakin sharp!
Cellphone: who doesn't have one at her age?
Ancient Dodongo Scale Half-Armor (refitted/not yet obtained); the remains of a once complete set of armor, there was only enough left to repurpose it into an archer's breastplate, pauldron, and gauntlet. Still quite durable as well as highly flame resistant.
Wallet; for any rupees she finds or acquires
Shadow Crystal; allows Sara to become a Twilit Tiger.
Sara Twilight Form screenshot.png

Personality: Sara is a typically quiet girl that prefers the company of animals to people, likely because they don't talk back to her. She loves nature and explores the outdoors every opportunity she gets, occasionally getting in trouble with the local wildlife.
Backstory: Born and raised in Ordon Village just outside of Hyrule, Sara is a farm girl that grew up taking care of the unique goats of her village in various ways; including warding off predators with help from the local hawks. Of course, there is other livestock that she helps with, but Ordon Goats and cheese are typically the first thing everyone thinks about when they hear about her hometown.
Sara was quite content with her life in Ordon, but her parents wished for her to expand her horizons and see the world outside. So, reluctant as she was, Sara was sent to Castle Town and enrolled in the academy as a student.

Here's what I have right now, will add more.
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Wulf screenshot (1).pngName: Wulf
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Hylian
Hometown/city: Hateno Village
Lineage: None
Descendant from: 2 Hylians

Weapons: Sheath Knife
Walking Staff, as a last resort
Items: Leather Vest and Pauldrons, both fur-lined
Canvas Arm wraps
Wallet for Rupees
Bag for wild fungi, plants, and other ingredients
Ocarina of Time, not yet obtained

Personality: Cool and calm, Wulf prefers listening over talking. Not because he is blind, but he'd rather have a good grasp of the conversation before saying anything, often giving the impression of being slow. He is also quite stubborn.
Backstory: Wulf was born and raised in Hateno Village to a family of crop farmers. His eyes having never developed properly, he was rendered blind since birth, forcing him to rely on his remaining senses. Without sight, he instead "saw" the world through scent and sound, developing especially keen senses of hearing and smell. He self-taught himself how to use echolocation, occasionally emitting small bursts of clicks and other sounds to navigate with his especially long ears.
Wulf was about ten when he accidentally discovered his talent for music, learning to play through sound and touch. His favorite instruments were the Lyre and the Ocarina. He would practice every day and between chores. A few years later, his parents gifted him a rather large seeing eye dog, despite his insisting that he was fine without. Eventually though, the wolfish dog won him over and he relented, naming him Shadow. Turns out, Shadow was an even bigger help to Wulf than he thought he would be. Especially when it came to stairs.
Shadow  screenshot.png
A couple of months later, he was accepted to the academy in Castle Town with special permission to bring Shadow with him for assistance. He ended up joining the school orchestra while excelling in Herbology thanks to his background. He does have quite a bit of trouble with brewing potions and cooking food however.

What do you think?
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creation (2).png
Name: Alys
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Hylian
Hometown/city: Castle Town
Lineage: Knight
Descended From: Hylian and Rito

Weapons: Phantom Sword (not yet obtained), rapier
Phantom Sword: A longsword with an hourglass set into the hilt, it has the ability to temporarily stop time (not yet obtained)
Hylian Shield: A metal shield with Hyrule's crest on it, the triforce above a red loftwing, set against a blue background. It's good at blocking and deflecting attacks (not yet obtained)
Roc's Cape: A white and blue cape that looks to be woven out of feathers. Wearing it allows Alys to jump further than normal and to glide through the air short distances (not yet obtained)
Rapier: A long, thin blade with a plain guard to protect Alys's hand. The hilt is stylized to look like wings.
Power Bracelets: A pair of simple metal bracelets she found in her family's attic one day, they have a golden tint but it's uncertain if they're made of gold or not. They're nothing much to look at, but when she wears them, she feels stronger.
Smart Phone: An older model of a smart phone that she bought on sale.
Wallet: A light blue wallet with white wings on the back, it matches her bag. Good for storing rupees.
Bag: A cute bag designed to match her wallet. It's shaped like a light blue bear with small white wings on the back. It seems to hold anything she puts in it with no added weight whatsoever, but that's common for bags in Hyrule.

Personality: Alys is determined and hard-working, with a great desire to prove herself. She's also very hopeful and even if something seems far-fetched or impossible, she will still hope things will turn out the way she wants, no matter how many times her hopes get crushed. She doesn't have very many friends, having spent her time growing up either studying or learning to use a sword, or exploring dark alleys and the nature in the area surrounding Castle Town, places other kids weren't eager to go. She longs for adventure and for a chance to be a hero, or at least noticed by her family.
Backstory: Alys was born the second and youngest child in her family. With a five year age gap between her and her older brother, she had very little in common with him growing up. She would see him and be compared to him and hear about his triumphs, and though she loved her brother, she would come to resent him just a little.

She felt she had one person in the world who saw her for who she was though--her grandmother. It didn't matter if Alys had failed a quiz or gotten a bad grade, her grandmother would congratulate her for trying her best and studying hard. She loved listening to her grandmother's stories, passed down for generations, about Hyrule as it used to be, with knights and queens and kings and heroes fighting monsters, and the best stories of all were the ones about heroes and princesses working together to defend the land against evil. When her grandmother told her their family was descended from knights in the old days it made Alys long to return to that time, to become the sort of knight-hero who could slay monsters and protect others. She decided to take up the sword, just as her ancestors did long ago, and begged her parents until they finally found her a trainer to teach her to use a sword. They saw no value in it, nobody had use for a swordsman anymore, but they could afford it and it kept her quiet.

But then her grandmother passed when she was 13, and Alys heard no more stories of knights and mythical dragons and maze-like woods. Her grandmother's stuff was packed into boxes and stuffed in the attic. Her dream of being a hero faded, but it didn't disappear completely. Every time she went up to the attic to look through her grandmother's things, it would be reignited, as if she were once more listening to her grandmother's stories. It was on one such trip to the attic, while rifling through boxes, that she found a pair of bracelets. They were plain, ordinary things that she'd seen her grandmother wear them a hundred times, and when she put them on, she hardly noticed the heavy boxes she was lifting. She decided to keep them, in memory of her grandmother.

As she grew, Alys noticed her parents becoming more and more oblivious to her. They no longer expected the best from her and would simply sigh and shake their heads when she came home with subpar grades. But this only made Alys more determined to make them proud, to try harder and become better than her perfect older brother, so they'd have to acknowledge her.
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Name: Aruna
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Garudo
Hometown/city: Garudo Town
Lineage: Noble
Descendant from: A hylian and a Garudo

Light Garudo blade, a curved sword that's use since the old days
Wind Waker, allows the user to control the wind (not yet obtained)
Wallet, for rupees
Bag, for essential items
Garudo Blade. a light sword that's easy to use and carry around, was a gift from his mother when he left
Garudo shield, a round shield he can use to protect himself.

Generally quiet. Aruna tends to keep to himself during his travels since he doesn't know what to expect, but he has a good moral code, taught to him from an early age. He tries to protect the weaker people, but knows he can't always help out, he'll still try. He likes reading since it gives some peace and quiet, mostly and he found out that by reading he'd learn some things he may need to know. Born as a Garudo he stands a least half a head over most Hylians, making it sometimes annoying when he has to talk to someone, he has learned to ignore the feeling of annoyance, but is still a bit insecure about it.

Born in Garudo Town hasn't made Aruna's life easy, while the tradition that the male born will become the king has long been abandoned he's still treated like royalty much to his annoyance, he's learned to live with it though and his mother is very protective of him to the point he's homeschooled. He left after his 16th birthday to travel the world, promising his mother to be careful and come home once in a while, he needed to learn other cultures after all and figure out why they never let him leave the house when there were a ton of tourists in the city. He learned why and vowed to never let history repeat itself, his travels led him to the festival in Castle Town. Has a pet bunny he found and saved during a trip through the forest, he called it Carrot (it likes carrots the most)
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