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Fandom Legend of Zelda Idea

Flawless said:
Ooooohhh I just found this and it looks a-ma-zing!! I know I'm late, but can I join?? Pwetty pwease??
I know quite a lot about the Zelda franchise.. I'm a little rusty in some areas tho..

As for the reincarnation bit... Could the villain be some kind of 'anomaly' in the Zelda universe and when he kills Link ;-; (assuming he's the one doing it) it completely crashes the regeneration cycle..? That would potentially be a reason for his disappearance..

And a question about this; who would we be RPing as? Ordinary people? Renowned warriors? Heroes like Link who have randomly been thrown back into Hyrule because of the fray in the system? Or maybe just a big mashup of all of those and potentially even more options?

((Oh and hi again @Johnomono and @Red Thunder :3

I'm not stalking you, I swear...))
Sorry, I don't accept stalkers here. Go away.

Haha just kidding.

The anomaly idea sounds sort of cool, but you should ask the others what they think.

Also, this is entirely random, but do any of you guys ever wonder where the fuck ganon's evil minions come from? Like the Darknuts or the moblins or the lizalfos?
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Also, this is entirely random, but do any of you guys ever wonder where the fuck ganon's evil minions come from? Like the Darknuts or the moblins or the lizalfos?
I always kind of figured they were animals/races of Hyrule that had been corrupted by evil forces, a la orcs from elves in Tolkien's Middle Earth.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]I always kind of figured they were animals/races of Hyrule that had been corrupted by evil forces, a la orcs from elves in Tolkien's Middle Earth.

Even Sauron got to the point where there wasn't enough things to corrupt anymore, and just started making them.

Also, what if during the last "cycle" ganondorf died too? SO all of his forces were suddenly leaderless?
That would open up a great opportunity for an aspiring villain to take command of his forces... And he could also be the reason behind Ganondorf's sudden death as well if we are having that. Although, of course in secret otherwise the troops would never follow him.

((Or it could be that he won them over with a display of power that far outmatched Ganon's, so they turned traitor against him... A bit more unlikely but could still happen, I guess..))

And I don't think that his army was corrupted as such... I think it was made up of actual races that fought for him, who were potentially 'evil' in their own right.

As I said, my knowledge is a little rusty so I could be wrong ^^

If this all becomes canon then we're talking about a real piece of work for the villain...

Or maybe he isn't really the enemy? Is there a bigger picture we do not know about? Maybe there is a greater force at play...

Nya, I'm just shooting out some random ideas here :3

Feel free to correct or change them~
Flawless said:
That would open up a great opportunity for an aspiring villain to take command of his forces... And he could also be the reason behind Ganondorf's sudden death as well if we are having that. Although, of course in secret otherwise the troops would never follow him.
((Or it could be that he won them over with a display of power that far outmatched Ganon's, so they turned traitor against him... A bit more unlikely but could still happen, I guess..))

And I don't think that his army was corrupted as such... I think it was made up of actual races that fought for him, who were potentially 'evil' in their own right.

As I said, my knowledge is a little rusty so I could be wrong ^^

If this all becomes canon then we're talking about a real piece of work for the villain...

Or maybe he isn't really the enemy? Is there a bigger picture we do not know about? Maybe there is a greater force at play...

Nya, I'm just shooting out some random ideas here :3

Feel free to correct or change them~
True, true. But shouldn't we have whoever plays as the villain, if he/she's not an NPC, have to work a little more for taking over Ganon's forces, other than just strolling in?

And would the seperate "evil races" have made little kingdoms of their own?
'Strolling in' makes it sound so easy xD

Another option could be that said villain joins at an inconspicuous place in the army and gradually works his/her way to the top, and upon Ganondorf's 'sudden death', takes command?

Or maybe the villain comes with their own army and Ganondorf's army is already leaderless, they could be merged, leading for a greater army for the villain.

Another thing I need to ask! What is the villain trying to achieve? Complete domination of Hyrule (classic..)? Somehow the power of the Triforce? If he had already taken out Link AND Ganondorf he would already have two. And I saw in the previous comments that he could capture Zelda and her unborn baby.. But if Ganondorf had already disappeared before the villain arrived that would make that theory irrelevant, unless he had found a way to obtain it.

And the second question...? I have absolutely no idea xD

I think we need a set time to work around before we go anywhere, or this would just go round and round in circles. I think the most popular is a century after Skyward Sword. Should we work with that? We can always change it if needs be...
Flawless said:
'Strolling in' makes it sound so easy xD
Another option could be that said villain joins at an inconspicuous place in the army and gradually works his/her way to the top, and upon Ganondorf's 'sudden death', takes command?

Or maybe the villain comes with their own army and Ganondorf's army is already leaderless, they could be merged, leading for a greater army for the villain.

Another thing I need to ask! What is the villain trying to achieve? Complete domination of Hyrule (classic..)? Somehow the power of the Triforce? If he had already taken out Link AND Ganondorf he would already have two. And I saw in the previous comments that he could capture Zelda and her unborn baby.. But if Ganondorf had already disappeared before the villain arrived that would make that theory irrelevant, unless he had found a way to obtain it.

And the second question...? I have absolutely no idea xD

I think we need a set time to work around before we go anywhere, or this would just go round and round in circles. I think the most popular is a century after Skyward Sword. Should we work with that? We can always change it if needs be...
That sounds pretty good, the villain rising up. Which again, we could use the corrupt Hylian guy suggested earlier, coming to Ganondorf as a spy, but rising through the ranks to become a general, then after Ganondorf's Demise, (Get it?), becomes leader. But how would they fuck up the cycle? Would they use some powerful artifact after Link's and Ganondorf's death that prevented them from ever returning?

And what you said about the villain having his own army is pretty interesting. Perhaps some of Ganondorf's forces seek to rebel against our main villain, but can't do to the main villain's large army?

And this villain should be unique, as he did sort of fuck up the cycle. What if he wants to kill the Godesses themselves or something? And he already has two parts of the tri-force, courage, and power, because Link and Ganondorf died, (By his hand? I dunno) If he kidnaps Zelda at the beginning, that' wisdom too, so he essentially has the Triforce already.

And a century after Skyward Sword sounds good, but other realms should be incorporated aswell, like the Twilight Realm, or a little bit of Termina, or Skyloft, or stuff like that, to give the RP more stuff.

And if the "evil races" had their own little kingdoms set up, that'd allow our main villain a stronghold to launch his conquering armies from.

Also, on what scale should this RP be? Should it be like the Legend Of Zelda games, following one character (Or in our case, several characters) fighting evil? Or should it be on a much broader, more millitaristic scale? Or both?
Depends on how the heroes attack the issue, depending on what the issue is. I'd suggest possibly having to raise an army or ally countries that otherwise hate each other. Fighting as a small group during it, potentially in conjunction with armies, then in an especially large army at the end.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Depends on how the heroes attack the issue, depending on what the issue is. I'd suggest possibly having to raise an army or ally countries that otherwise hate each other. Fighting as a small group during it, potentially in conjunction with armies, then in an especially large army at the end.

That sounds pretty good. You know what? I think I'll host. I'll make a thread in a bit.

Also, none of the LOZ games tackle the world of Hyrule in a broad view, so this'll be interesting.

AND ALSO, Should all races be playable?

And any suggestions for a title?
Being unfamiliar with Skyward Sword, I can't really say myself what races to include. But I'd at least include the mainstays: Zoras, Gorons, and (obviously) Hylians.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Being unfamiliar with Skyward Sword, I can't really say myself what races to include. But I'd at least include the mainstays: Zoras, Gorons, and (obviously) Hylians.

Those being obvious, they will obviously be included. I meant the others, like Kokiri, Moblin, Darknuts, Lizalfos, Deku, Gerudo, Sheikah, (If that counts as a seperate race), the Ikana, Stalfos, Twili, Fairy, Rito, Minish, Subrosians, Mogma, Garo, Yeti, ETC?
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]How will fights and such work in this rp? Will there still be temples?

Good questions.

Fights will either A, be dice, or B, just RP. Just... try not to be OP? I dunno. In several sections of the RP, there will be major battles with large forces on both sides, which will probably be RP.

And yes, there will be temples. We aren't changing Hyrule THAT much. Although temples will most likely be battle grounds.
I think you should have the majority of races that could logically be playable. I'm iffy on stuff like the Stalfos as they're generally considered to be evil. I don't mind them being playable, but if they are, there needs to be a reason why they aren't working for the antagonist. Also, something like a Minish would need a bit of working. I'm a bit rusty on my Minish events, but they'd need some way to be reasonably sized other than the Cap.
I agree with Synaria; Ithink all races should be playable, as it all depends on what everyone wants. One of the biggest problems with making an RP on a large game franchise like this is that not everyone has played every single game so not everyone would know what all of these are. Should we make all the races available as long as you put a short definition down with it? Not paragraphs and paragraphs, just two or three lines with a brief description.

Also it would be nice if people used characters that were sentient and could speak the general language of this RP, just saying before people go running off like "Oooh I'm gonna make a DEKUBABA!!"

Tempting, I know, but not very helpful xD

And the name of the RP? Heh, no idea~ I'll think about it.

And battlegrounds as temples sounds good. When I first read 'temples' I was like NUUUU NOT THE WATER TEMPLEEEE! (God I hated that thing..)

For the fighting, it's all up to you, SirDerpington! It's whatever you prefer. I would just advise you to keep it all within reach of our characters though, because quite a lot of the RP's that I've seen die is because they just got too large-scale for everyone to keep track of; this doesn't stop it at all from being military based, just as long as it isn't overcomplicated :3
Synaria said:
I think you should have the majority of races that could logically be playable. I'm iffy on stuff like the Stalfos as they're generally considered to be evil. I don't mind them being playable, but if they are, there needs to be a reason why they aren't working for the antagonist. Also, something like a Minish would need a bit of working. I'm a bit rusty on my Minish events, but they'd need some way to be reasonably sized other than the Cap.
Flawless said:
I agree with Synaria; Ithink all races should be playable, as it all depends on what everyone wants. One of the biggest problems with making an RP on a large game franchise like this is that not everyone has played every single game so not everyone would know what all of these are. Should we make all the races available as long as you put a short definition down with it? Not paragraphs and paragraphs, just two or three lines with a brief description.
Also it would be nice if people used characters that were sentient and could speak the general language of this RP, just saying before people go running off like "Oooh I'm gonna make a DEKUBABA!!"

Tempting, I know, but not very helpful xD

And the name of the RP? Heh, no idea~ I'll think about it.

And battlegrounds as temples sounds good. When I first read 'temples' I was like NUUUU NOT THE WATER TEMPLEEEE! (God I hated that thing..)

For the fighting, it's all up to you, SirDerpington! It's whatever you prefer. I would just advise you to keep it all within reach of our characters though, because quite a lot of the RP's that I've seen die is because they just got too large-scale for everyone to keep track of; this doesn't stop it at all from being military based, just as long as it isn't overcomplicated :3
And yeah, that makes sense, I was just listing them to make a list, as logically, the Stalfos are mindless abominations, and the Minnish are just too fucking small.

And no worries, I'll provide a complete description! :D


Oh god why



Deadkool said:

This guy (Hyrilian)

He was one of Zelda's royal advisors. He was studying an ancient artifact when he was corrupted by said artifact. How would he be for a main villain?
This guy shall be our villain, if you guys are alright with that. Also, what if the artifact was Majora's Mask? :o
Oo! Yes! Possibly THE Majora before his spirit was imprisoned in the mask, since we're doing pre-MM and post Skyward?
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]
Oo! Yes! Possibly THE Majora before his spirit was imprisoned in the mask, since we're doing pre-MM and post Skyward?

OH MY GOD. You do realize how fucked we'd all be though if it was actual Majora, right?

Plus I've already written a couple paragraphs of the intro about the evil advisor guy. xD
Haha, just an idea. One I'll probably hold on to for my own future game.

In the meantime, looking forward to yours!
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Haha, just an idea. One I'll probably hold on to for my own future game.
In the meantime, looking forward to yours!


And I am almost done!


Time period.

I'll just read though

Shouldn't be so lazy xD
I'm even more looking forward to this after reading the set up.

I'll lay claim to a Goron champion sumo wrestler, if that's alright.

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