• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Legend of Zelda: Chains of Time [Character Sheets]



wonders in revealing every obscured demon

After a character is officially accepted, their accepted face-claim will automatically be reflected here for others to see! Please go through this list thoroughly before proceeding to choose a face-claim for your own character. Animanga or fan-art that fits the theme of the roleplay only, thanks!



After a character is officially accepted, their accepted occupation will automatically be reflected here for others to see! This channel exists primarily to give you a quick idea of what kind of characters we have on here. Additionally, some occupations in Hyrule may be limited to 1 spot, such as the chief of Kakariko Village or the Knight Commander of Hyrule Castle. These special occupations will be designated as such here. Please go through this list thoroughly before proceeding to choose a face-claim for your own character.



[One image (500x500 maximum) of your character goes here]

Name: (First name is required. Middle names are optional. Last names are are typically only reserved for royalty and are more often than not taken from the land they preside over. For example: King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule. All characters, however, are free to address themselves as "First Name of [Someplace]" if they want to.)
Age: (As we are primarily a PG-13 role-play, the minimum age is 10. The maximum must be reasonable within the limits of your species. Inquire with staff if you have questions or a request.)
Sex: (Male or female.)
Height: (Feet and inches.)
Birthday: (Month/Day)

Gender: (What pronouns do they go by? For example: She/Her/Hers.)
Sexuality: (Heterosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc.)
Birthplace: (Start with the village/area followed by the province that village/area resides in [Central Hyrule/Gerudo/Hebra/Akkala/Faron/Necluda/Eldin/Lanayru]. Feel free to come up with your own village in the world of Breath of the Wild and have your character come from pretty much anywhere within reason. If the circumstances are incredible, such as a Goron being born in 'Hyrule Castle, Central Hyrule' for example, be prepared to explain it in your history.)

Species: (Hylian, Sheikah, Zora, Goron, Rito, Garudo, Other [Fairy/Korok/Spirit, etc. For 'Other', make a request to staff and await approval.])
Trait: (You must choose between Power, Wisdom, or Courage. Whichever best ties into your character's personality, even if it isn't a perfect fit.)
Dominant Skill: (What would you consider your character's dominant skill at this point in time to be? Healing magic? Sword-fighting? Archery? Cooking?)
Secondary Skill: (What would you consider your character's second-most dominant skill to be?)
Skill Overview: (This is where you have the option to write a small little blurb about your character's dominant and secondary skills, such as the way they use them in conjunction with the abilities of their species. Additionally, you can inform us of other minor skills in here. For example: "Link is most proficient with sword-fighting, a means of defense that he vigorously trained in during his time enrolled in Hyrule Castle's knight academy. As a Hylian, his endurance helps keep him in sword-fights longer and more effectively. His second-most proficient skill is archery. Other skills he has picked up and continues training on include horseback riding, cooking, jousting, dungeon exploration, and cucco retrieval.")

Occupation: (What does your character do for a living?)
History: (Doesn't have to be very long, but needs to be a minimum of two paragraphs. Tell us where your character came from, what they've experienced so far in the their lives, what their current goals are, et cetera.)
Description: (Optional. Feel free to describe to us, in 1-3 paragraphs, what your character looks like and what they can be found wearing on a typical day. You are still required to select an actual image and place it at the top of your bio, but this helps us flesh out any additional details you might have had in mind that aren't reflected in said image.)
Personality: (Optional. Feel free to go into depth, between 1-3 paragraphs, about your character's personality and quirks. You are free to just give us bullet-points as well.)

[One 100x100 or 150x150 avatar of your character goes here. You are recommended to use this image prior to any post you make in-character. But if you're using a template with a larger image, that's fine too.]

Face-claim: (The original name of your face-claim structured as 'First Last'. We are strictly animanga and animanga fan-art here. If you need help finding one, reach out!)
Source: (What anime/manga does your face-claim come from? If they are original designs or fan-art, put the name of the artist instead.)
Player Name: (Your username on the site! Simple, right?)
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Name: Charmeine of Hyrule
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Birthday: February 21st

Gender: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Asexual
Birthplace: Hyrule Castle Town, Central Hyrule

Species: Hylian
Trait: Wisdom
Dominant Skill: Light Magic
Secondary Skill: Cooking
Skill Overview: Charmeine is a devout follower of the Goddess Hylia and obtains her mastery over light magic through constant prayer and acts of selfless devotion. When not practicing this miraculous magic, Charmeine loves to cook for charity, putting together marvelous meals with the ability to cure all sorts of maladies— whether physical or spiritual. Growing up in the hustle and bustle of Hyrule Castle Town, she has also learned how to ride and care for horses, haggle with merchants, and perform general upkeep on clothing. Lastly, her experiences as a royal priestess and teacher have granted her the skill to decipher ancient hieroglyphics better than most.

Occupation: Royal Priestess
History: Charmeine was born into a family of wealthy but devout merchants in Hyrule Castle Town. When she was very young, her father had been approached by the head priestess of Hyrule Castle and asked whether he would offer her child to become a part of the sisterhood. Her father, of course, leapt at the opportunity. It was one step closer to royalty, after all, and not all little girls in the town were chosen to become a part of it. So, from the young age of 7, Charmeine was taken to live in Hyrule Castle.

The young girl received a stellar education at Hyrule Castle as she grew older, taking some time on the weekends to venture into town and see her family again whenever she could. She developed a great love for cooking during charity events hosted by her sisterhood, feeding Hyrule's less fortunate and spreading the blessed tenets of Hylia all at the same time. When she reached the age of 17, she was appointed as a teacher for the children of royalty. Life was comfortable for a while. Until finally, at the age of 27, Charmeine was approached and asked to journey past the confines of Hyrule Castle and Castle Town.

She was to prove her devotion unlike ever before: to visit holy shrines scattered and tucked in each corner of the continent, and spread word of Hylia's blessings to any and all manner of sentient creature she came across. In doing so, she would be strengthening her connection to the goddess and maintaining the blissful peace of Hyrule altogether.

Description: Charmeine can typically be found wearing a flowing yet form-fitting set of white robes with gold trim. Her azure blue hair is just past medium length, but she keeps it tied in two separate tails that hang against the front side of her shoulders. She wears a pair of long white gloves that stop just before her elbow, and black tights that stop about mid-way up her thighs. When traveling, she carries a brown knapsack where she keeps her tome, food ingredients, and other essentials. When attending a special ceremony, she wears a white hat resembling something a pope would wear.

Personality: Charmeine is, first and foremost, utterly religious and devout to the Goddess Hylia. This level of commitment may be off-putting for many, but she has learned to curb it whenever she has to. Even if doing so doesn't last very long. Everything she does and everything she aspires to do is with the intention of garnering Hylia's favor and bringing peace to the hearts of many with her teachings. She is charitable and merciful, though whether her religion instilled such qualities in her or whether they were inside of her all along is uncertain. Any insults made to Hylia in Charmeine's presence, such as the mere existence of monsters, however, will be met with her wrath.

Aside from being an obsessed priestess, many have known Charmeine to be caring and motherly, and quite the patient teacher. Her intelligence often leads to stubbornness when confronted with change or a difference in opinion, though. This is not to say she has a temper, because she is almost always cool-headed. But she has had the tendency to utterly frustrate people, and lacked the sentiment to apologize or bend her beliefs for them even a little. Like a mother, she will not tolerate being questioned or ridiculed.


Face-claim: Hildegarde
Source: Dragalia Lost
Player Name: Oslonaut

Name: Remiel
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Birthday: May 20th

Gender: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Enock Village, Akkala Highlands

Species: Sheikah
Trait: Power
Dominant Skill: Sword-fighting
Secondary Skill: Shadow magic
Skill Overview: Sword-fighting comes naturally to the young Sheikah. It was a means of defense he learned from his adoptive father, a retired Hylian knight. Growing up in Enock Village, which has remained a primarily Sheikah village for generations, has also accustomed the young lad to the teachings of shadow magic and meditation. (Even if the latter he's not so good at.) Although he's only capable of using this power in doses, Remiel can blend this magic with his sword combat effortlessly, disappearing in a poof of smoke and reappearing a short distance away to attack again. Additionally, the lad has also acquired some skill in horse-riding, minor blacksmithing, and bounty-tracking.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
History: Remiel was born in a small mining village in Akkala to Sheikah parents. One terrible night, a gang of escaped Yiga Clan convicts forced themselves into and took shelter in the village, on the run from a patrol of Hylian knights. What ensued within a couple of hours of their arrival became one of Hyrule's greatest tragedies and mistakes. As the knights arrived in the middle of a snowstorm, the Yiga Clan convicts launched their surprise assault and killed a handful of them instantly. Deciding this was the time to regain their freedom and honor, the Sheikah villagers grabbed their pick axes and sought to aid the knights in their battle against the Yiga Clan. Unfortunately the chaos they had walked into and the low visibility brought upon by the storm caused the knights to be unable to tell friend from foe. Fires raged and burnt houses down to the ground as they slaughtered every weapon-wielding Sheikah they could find, believing them to be Yiga. Those that fled the village with their children were believed to have died of exposure in the snow storm... all except one.

A child was left abandoned in his crib, his parents dead on the floor in a pool of their collective blood. One of the knights who had incidentally been present in the slaughter of the village found this child and, out of remorse and guilt, taken it upon himself to adopt it. This knight, Guren, would abandon the Hyrule's Order of Knights that same day and escape with the infant boy. Days later, they would find and settle into a silver mining village in the highlands known as Enock. With Castle Hyrule believing Guren to be dead, and wanting nothing more than to erase the atrocity that had occurred from history, the man was free to start a new life with his adopted son. He would name the boy Remiel and establish himself as a blacksmith, working for years to gain the trust and business of the Sheikah villagers there. When smithing wasn't enough, Guren would rely on mining work and bounty hunting to put food on the table for himself and his son.

Despite growing up with a Hylian father, Remiel was always encouraged by the man to get involved and immerse himself in Sheikah culture. He was told his parents, who he believed had died in a 'monster attack', would have wanted that for him. So he did just that, attending their schools and practicing their customs. His father taught him how to protect himself with a sword, maintain his weaponry and armor, and ride horses. His teachers at school taught him the art of meditation, shadow magic, and other general Sheikah education. When Remiel was old enough to wear a complete set of armor comfortably, he would accompany his father on work trips. Some days these would include mining for silver or smithing. Other days they would hunt bounties together, often times serving as peacekeepers for Enock as well.

Now a lad of twenty-four years, Remiel has left his home after a falling out with his father. He seeks to forge his own path through bounty-hunting and discover the true fate of his biological parents, which he has long suspected was different than what he'd been told...

Description: Remiel has dark green hair that almost fades black. Its wavy and he tries to keep it cut at medium-length minimum, but he hardly ever combs it. As a result, it's a messy mop that often times finds itself covering his eyes. His eyes are almost perpetually serious, slender and forest green in color. His build is best described as athletic and toned, his muscles and the scars across his entire body a testament to his years of training. Despite the muscle mass, however, Remiel's motions are fluid and quick. He has more precise control over his body than most, and it shows in the way he walks, the way he positions himself into stances, and, in general, the way he moves.

Remiel's typical outfit consists of his black tunic and cape, armor greaves and plating, gloves, and boots. He carries a royal Hylian dagger against his right hip: a gift from his father. Against his left hip he keeps the sword he's dubbed 'Enfvelt' holstered in its sheath, ready to be withdrawn at a moment's notice. When he's traveling, it is with a leather knapsack that hangs from his shoulders against his back. He keeps all his necessary provisions and items for survival within it. The sack with his rupees he keeps tied to his belt, however.

Personality: Remiel is often considered to be 'too serious' for a man his age. He lacks social decorum and often gets straight to the point of things instead of entertaining anything else. That does not mean he lacks empathy, of course, but he doesn't often show it. Regardless, the young man is definitely self-aware of this perception people have on him, and resorts to remaining quiet as a result. To ask for help is something that comes incredibly difficult to Remiel, if at all. He hates the thought of being a burden on someone, and believes he's the only one he can count on for anything. Others equate this to him being a stubborn and anti-social jackass. In reality, he'd rather struggle or take a beating than admit he's too weak or incapable of accomplishing something without somebody's help. As a result, those who end up helping him without being asked to (and can take his serious expression and mannerisms) often become his friends.

Naturally, friendship opens up a whole new side of Remiel seldom seen by others. He has a sarcastic and dry humor, and loves to hear stories. Though not very good at sharing stories himself, that doesn't stop him from trying. When his friends are threatened, Remiel doesn't hesitate to shift into the role of a guardian and protector. His foes often find him unrelenting and cold, as though he's one bad day from becoming a villain himself. He detests all manner of monsters and malevolent entities, and doesn't much care for Hylian knights either. Perhaps because they remind him of his father. When it comes to his work, Remiel is very professional and attempts to be as discreet about things as possible. He takes his bounty contracts seriously and doesn't stop until the job gets done. He applies this same persistence to his personal goals.


Face-claim: Byleth
Source: Fire Emblem - Three Houses
Player Name: Oslonaut
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Name: Nira Molduga
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 6'2"
Birthday: November 2nd

Gender: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Born in Gerudo Town in the Gerudo Desert, but she and her mother moved out into the desert wilds when she was still very young.

Species: Gerudo
Trait: Courage
Dominant Skill: Archery
Secondary Skill: Athletics
Skill Overview: Nira has fought alone to survive the perils of the Gerudo Desert and she has done so with the bow and arrow. For over a decade, successfully hitting her target in exactly the right spot has often been a matter of life-or-death for her. At this point, the bow is like an extension of herself. Without it she feels naked. Given her lonely lifestyle in the wilderness, she's also had to learn to make her own bows and arrows from raw resources of the land. As every hunter knows, no matter how good you are with a bow, the first shot you make is the most important one. Nira learned the basics of how to sneak and stay hidden, but in the wide open dunes of the desert, the opportunity to set up ambushes rarely present the themselves. Although Nira is an expert marksman, sometimes the option to live required fleeing instead of fighting. As a result, Nira has become a skilled runner and climber. She's also made long, grueling marches across the burning desert requiring a refined stamina and a natural resistance to the blistering heat.

Occupation: Wandering Hunter
History: Born Nira, daughter of Varra, life for the first few years seemed pleasant. She did well learning the Gerudo typography and could speak very well for her age. Nira made friends easily with the other young girls her age and had the Gerudo spirit when it came to playing competitive games. The townsfolk liked Nira and surely, they thought, she would become a strong and productive member of the tribe one day. Her mother, on the other hand, was not liked much by the town. Nira never knew why. She was too young to really understand either way, but something happened the day before her 4th birthday. As evening drew near, her mother frantically returned home and began packing. A crowd of the adults gathered outside their hut and were angry. When Varra had gathered everything she could carry, she took Nira's hand and led her outside. The townsfolk demanded Varra get out of town immediately, but pleaded she leave Nira behind. Varra refused to listen to them and under the moons light Nira and her mother left Gerudo Town and fled further south into the deep desert wilderness.

After walking for longer than Nira had ever walked before, the two rested, hiding from the high noon sun,under a small rock outcrop, and Varra made it crystal clear to Nira that they would never go back home. They were exiles and the people back at Gerudo Town were no longer their friends. From that day forward life was an endless struggle to survive the harsh desert. Water and food was scarce and every time they would find a place they could settle down packs of Lizalfos would eventually find them and try to ambush them. Most often they had to run. Although all Gerudo are trained for combat, not all of them are warriors, and Varra was no warrior. She had no glaive or swords to fight them off with. No armor to deflect their blades and fangs. All she had and knew was the bow and arrow. Though they were crude, she knew how to make bows and arrows from the local resources, and she wasted no time teaching Nira how to craft and wield the ranged weapon proficiently. Even though Nira was still so young, Varra trusted that Nira could withstand the spartan lifestyle. After-all, Gerudo were all born with a strong warrior spirit. Nira made quick progress learning the bow and soon she was able to join her mother out hunting. After a couple years adapting and growing stronger life looked like it was improving and maybe, just maybe, they would be able to make a semi-comfortable life out in the wilds.

That was, until, Nira's mother died. During a hunt, Nira got careless and ventured too far out into the soft, shifting sands, and after making one of her first killing shots she began rejoicing loudly. It a matter of seconds she felt the sand rumble beneath her feet and the whole desert seemed to go quiet. Varra, who had been watching over Nira, rushed out to her and told Nira to run for the rocks. The rumbling got stronger, and Nira's feet began to sink in the loose sand slowing her down. Varra began making loud noises and ran away from Nira's position. Nira made it safely to a rock but the instant she turned around a large Molduga erupted from the sand beneath her mother, swallowing Varra whole. Shocked, Nira sat motionless and silent as the Molduga receded back into the ground and swam away. Devastated and feeling powerless, Nira left what little she and her mother had built to call home and started the long journey back towards Gerudo Town.

A few weeks later a starving, dirty, injured Nira collapsed at the gate to Gerudo Town. Recognizing who she was, the guards brought her in and took her to the palace to receive care. When she recovered they tried asking her what had happened, but Nira had lost the will to speak. Despite her inability to speak, it was clear to everyone what had happened. They pitied her and welcomed her back with open arms. Nira stayed a little while, but soon her melancholy turned to anger. She wanted vengeance. She took advantage of their generosity, took what food and water they would give her, and left for the desert. Every once in a while she would come back to Gerudo Town, older, more experienced, and stronger, stopping only for a couple days to trade some Lizalfos scales, horns and some desert herbs for a new piece of clothes or a couple well crafted elemental arrows, and then leave again. Some of the townsfolk worried about her, but the chief decided it was something Nira would have to overcome on her own, and she would be free to come and go as she pleased. With each visit back to town Nira began to open back up and speak some. Still only a few words or a short phrase, but it was progress.

Around the time Nira was 18, after an unusually long away, she returned to town pulling a crude, wooden sand-sled and on it were the guts and fins of a slain Molduga. The town cheered for her, but Nira was conflicted. She had returned to simply sell the parts, but had no idea what to do afterwards. The town had taken her in like a returning champion but she felt more lost than ever. Her entire life for the past decade or so had been focused on hunting down the beast that killed her mother. That evening, though, the tribe chief summoned Nira to the palace for an audience. A small feast was held in honor of Nira's accomplishment, but the chief sensed Nira's inner conflict. So, in front of the townsfolk, the chief bestowed on Nira the name Molduga so that everyone would know her strength and courage. Surely her mother would have been proud of her victory. The chief then tasked Nira with a quest knowing she would never feel at home there. Nira had shown great talent in slaying a mighty beast, but there were more monsters out in the world, like the Molduga, threatening the lives of travelers and villages. The chief challenged Nira to go out into the wider world and hunt down the greatest beasts. Only when there was no longer a beast Nira could not slay would she consider the quest complete. Nira accepted the challenge and, like so many times before, restocked on supplies the next morning and left, but this time she traveled north.

Description: Nira has very few clothes to her name and what she does have is worn and tattered. Despite their poor condition, she is very possessive of them and refuses to discard them for newer clothes. Her attire includes soft sandals, brown hide pants, a black bandeau, a blue cloak, some ornamental jewelry, and a blue veil. She usually wears the cloak around her waist and pulled over one shoulder unless she's actively hunting or there's inclement weather. Alternatively, she never removes her veil. Does she have a hideous scar underneath it? Does she even have a mouth? You'll never know. Aside from her clothes, bow, a Lizalfos horn knife, and backpack, Nira awkwardly wears two separate quivers. One is strapped to the back of her waist while the second is secured a little lower to the right side of her waist. The arrows in the first quiver all appear to be wrapped like a package in some sort of paper or thin, brittle cloth.

- Quiet - Nira is by no means shy, but she rarely speaks. Not all that surprising considering she's lived alone in the wild most of her life. When she does speak it's either in Gerudo or a simple one or two Hylian words to get a simple idea across (ex. "Me food" = I'm hungry, or dibs on a piece of food, or bite me, or we are all just fellow animals in the natural order of the wild and though we may hunt them we are also prey in the eyes of many other beasts...you'll figure it out). It's almost as if she never learned much Hylian.
- Paranoid - Nira doesn't necessarily mistrust everyone she meets. She's just always on edge. Every vibration of the ground or twig snapping will make her draw her bow or climb a nearby tree like a scared cat. Also, I lied. She doesn't trust animals at all. No matter what you say, she thinks animals are wild beast with the instinct to murder you in your sleep. That puppy chasing a thrown ball is just practicing for when he'll run you down and devour your entrails.


Face-claim: Yuelral
Source: Pathfinder
Player Name: ithinkcat

Name: Zaris

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11"

Birthday: May 13th

Gender: Male, He/Him/His.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, though he does not seek a relationship... yet.

Birthplace: Hateno Village, East Necluda

Species: Hylian

Trait: Courage

Dominant Skill: Animal Taming

Secondary Skill: Whip-Fighting

Skill Overview: As a Beastmaster, Zaris' primary talent is taming the wild animals of the world, though he prefers to travel with his own wolf companion rather than have a small army of creatures following him wherever he goes. Though wolves, foxes, deer, and sometimes even bears are not immune to his charm and flute-playing, this seemingly natural ability of his is anything but perfect. His secondary talent is his ability to use a chain-whip that's tipped with three small sickle-shaped blades, perhaps likened to the sharp claws of a beast. It's not the best at dealing high amounts of damage per hit in combat, but in Zaris' capable hands this is made up for by its rapid striking speed. In a pinch, he can also use the whip as a grappling hook to clear otherwise insurmountable gaps. Many trips through the vast world of Hyrule have also taught Zaris how to forage for food in the wild, and having experienced a number of medical procedures performed by his parents, Zaris also has trace amounts of knowledge under his belt regarding how to heal animals.

Occupation: Beastmaster / Adventurer

History: Zaris was born to a pair of veterinarians in Hateno Village, where even at a young age he was helping his parents to do their job. From this, he learned a small amount of veterinary knowledge on account of how often he gave them help from day to day.

As a child, Zaris was often teased for what was perhaps his most defining feature, his eyes-- yellow as amber, like those of a ferocious, man-eating beast. The other children would say things like:

"Don't make him mad, he'll turn into a wolf and eat you up!"
"I heard he can sharpen his teeth whenever he likes!"
"I guess that's what happens when his mom and dad help so many animals get better, huh? Zaris became one!"

Even when he was permitted to play with the others when they were fighting with wooden swords, they would almost hand a sword over to Zaris only to toss it away and tell him to fetch it. It was due to this teasing that Zaris didn't really have any friends as he grew up, and so he found himself visiting a Cucco pen from time to time, watching them peck at the ground as he played a carved wooden flute his parents had bought for him. Zaris noticed how, without him ever saying a word, the birds would all crowd around the fence and let him touch them. His parents discovered this talent for themselves one day when, during an operation where they had to fix a dog's broken paw, the otherwise uncooperative dog locked eyes with Zaris and, as if by magic, the dog seemed to completely forget it was being operated on long enough for Zaris' mother and father to complete the procedure with no fuss whatsoever.

Zaris, now dubbed some sort of strange animal whisperer when the word spread (even though he didn't ever speak to the animals he encountered), became the real talk of the village. Having received the proper training from a resident combat expert when he was old enough, Zaris ventured out into Hyrule to learn more about the world that existed beyond the confines of Hateno. As he would soon see, dense forests, exotic jungles, and scalding peaks were waiting to be discovered, each with their own sights and scents. He would return home to Hateno every so often, but for the most part would be out and about, documenting plants and animals as he came and went.

One evening during a trip that brought him all the way towards the Great Forest, Zaris heard the pained cries of a male Maraudo Wolf that had been captured in a crude wooden cage by a band of Bokoblins. He saw how they bound the wolf's legs and snout, and how its furry body was covered in minor wounds. Thinking quickly, Zaris slew the pig-like monsters and turned his attention to the wolf, who at first growled defensively at him in its weakened state, but Zaris spoke to them in a calm, reassuring voice:

"Shh... it's okay. I'm going to let you out. I won't hurt you, so please don't worry. Poor thing, I'll take you somewhere where you can be healed."

The wolf ceased growling, and allowed Zaris to free him. Rather than run off and return to its potential pack, the wolf simply stepped out of the cage and, after gorging themselves on some meat that the now-dead Bokoblins had stashed away in their camp, carried some of that meat over to Zaris and placed it at his feet, perhaps as a token of thanks. "Is this for me? Thank you... Mirel." Zaris said to the wolf, giving them a name of their own with a gentle rub behind their ears. What officially sealed their partnership, though, was when Mirel pointed to Zaris' flute on his belt, as if he wanted his newfound friend to play it. Mirel howled a sort of song as Zaris copied him, and from that point forward they were inseparable. For the first time, Zaris had found not just a traveling companion... but a true friend to call his own.

Zaris brought Mirel back to Hateno, and though the other residents were understandably alarmed when Zaris brought a fully-grown wolf into the village, but this changed once they saw how Zaris treated them like a friend and how the wolf seemed to obey every order that was given to them. Mirel grew on them, and with Zaris' permission, children would visit and pet Mirel like a household dog when Zaris was home, enjoying the wolf's fluffy coat for themselves-- though not for very long at a time. Mirel was, after all, still a creature of the wild who needed his boundaries respected and could still bite.

On this particular tiring journey through Hyrule, Zaris and Mirel stopped at a stable to rest. Mirel was made to wait outside, secured to a post by a leather cord while the Hylian that saved his life rested on a cozy bed.

Description: Zaris has short, coal-black hair that waves in the wind. Since Zaris travels around Hyrule so often he does not comb his hair that much, causing it to appear quite messy. His eyes are amber-yellow in color and are sometimes seen as quite intimidating. He bears a slim yet athletic figure brought about by his worldwide traveling and its trials and tribulations.

Zaris' typical outfit is a dark green coat and trousers, a black hooded cloak depicting brown, angular animal designs, brown leather gloves with buckles at the wrists that have their pointer and middle fingers cut off, and rugged adventurer's boots that are also secured by buckles. Zaris wears a small enchanted ruby amulet around his neck, a gift from the Gorons that helps to stave off intense heat (though he still needs ointment to fully protect himself). At his waist is a durable utility belt which has a worn-out currency pouch to keep his Rupees in, a small knife for carving and cutting, his chain-whip, crafted with aerodynamics in mind by a Rito smith, an intricately-carved wooden flute, and a few other small survival tools he keeps for emergency reasons. Zaris also has a pack on his back that he uses as his primary storage for food and a number of larger items that would not fit on his belt, such as his personal journal.

Personality: Zaris prefers the company of animals moreso than his fellow Hylians or other humanoid races, but that doesn't mean he can't make new friends. He has a soft spot in his heart for even the largest of wild creatures, and will help them when he is able to. He can be sarcastic and is not afraid to speak his mind at times, an example being how he refers to the Yiga as "those banana-worshipping weirdos in Karusa Valley", even though he does realize how threatening they can be. He likes to tell stories of his travels, wherein he will read from his journal and describe the landscapes, plants, and animals he's seen, often going into near-poetic levels of detail. Zaris, as someone whose true-blue friend is a wolf, has a quirky fondness for meat-related dishes and the moon, often times admiring its beauty for hours at a time.

Zelda RP Faceclaim.jpg

Face-claim: Anime Boy with Wolf

Source: Pinterest, by Ryuu Dango

Player Name: quadraxis201
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Name: Khalida (Kuh-lee-duh)
Nickname: Kali
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Birthday: October 30th

Gender: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthplace: unknown birthplace. West Necluda

Species: Hylian
Trait: Wisdom
Dominant Skill: Ranged Weapons
Secondary Skill: Magic
Skill Overview:
Being raised by the Sheikahs of Kakariko Village, Khalida trained hard to become proficient in a variety of weapons, both ranged and close combat. However, her skills in ranged weaponry became almost legendary among the tribe as she was able to pick off monsters in the distance with ease with a bow and hunt efficiently with just a few throwing knives. Due to the lack of consistent training, close combat isn't so much her forte anymore. Khalida became an adept magic user over time. With hours upon hours of meditation and practice, she learned how to wield shadow and healing magic, but only for a limited time. She is continuing her training on healing magic as she is only good at healing smaller things such as lacerations and bruises. Other skills she has picked up include horseback riding, cooking, sewing, stealth, lock-picking, deception, and sleight of hand.

Occupation: Mercenary
Khalida was born to unknown mother and as an infant, she was found right outside the entrance to Kakariko Village by a Sheikah named Lyna. Lyna was just on her way back from a recent job, where she worked part time as a mercenary. She adopted Khalida and raised her as her own daughter with the permission of the clan. Khalida was never told of her true origin and the clan knew it was best to keep it secret for as long as they could all tolerate. As Khalida grew up, she began noticing some differences between her and her peers. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were completely different from that of her adoptive mother who sported the typical white hair and red eyes of the Sheikah. However, Lyna waved her daughter's suspicion off and told her it must be her absent father's genetics. That, however, didn't stop the teasing that she must've been adopted and that she wasn't a Sheikah from the other children.

Kali threw herself into her studies and practice as a young child, wanting to prove that she was indeed a Sheikah, and the best among them at that. She meditated every morning, noon, and night, before every practice and before every exam. It became a ritual to her over time. Khalida, even though she was trained in every weapon they had in the clan, began to favor bows and knives as her weapons of choice. She wasn't the best at using the bow, often missing the middle of the target and sometimes shooting it above the actual target. This led to the kids' teasing her all the more. Kali, frustrated yet determined, began spending her free time practicing with her target. After countless misses, she closed her eyes and began meditating. She slowed her breathing, opened her eyes, raised the bow, and narrowed her eyes to the target. With one last breath out, she let go. The arrow whirled through the air and landed dead center. Khalida jumped up and down and quickly ran to her mother, excited about her success. Khalida uses this technique often, granted she has gained greater speed as she trained.

Shortly after, Khalida began studying shadow magic with some of the greater Sheikah. Though tough at first to understand, she slowly was able to unlock her newfound talent. Lyna, being one of the main healing leaders of the village, helped Khalida learn healing magic to pair with the shadow magic she was studying. Though she became quite adept at shadow magic, her healing magic still needed some work. Lyna had also taught her how to sew and mend her own clothes, tame and ride wild horses, and lock pick.

As Khalida reached the age of 19, Lyna brought her on a "trip" outside the walls of Kakariko Village. Little did the blonde hair beauty know, they were on their way to the next target that Lyna was hired for. As they neared the Lanayru wetlands, they dismounted their horses and continued on foot through the marsh. They killed several Bokoblins and Lizalfos with little strain, reaching the northern end of the marsh within a few hours. Lyna motioned Kali to a nearby tree and pointed to a small disheveled structure close to the tree line that extended past the marsh. "What are we doing here?" Kali whispered, unsure of the actual purpose of the journey. Lyna gestured to be silent and once again pointed out to the structure. The door to the make-shift lair opened to reveal a Rito with red feathers and a scar over his left eye and beak. Lyna spoke softly. "I was hired to dispose of him."

After a harder than average fight, Lyna and Kali returned home a little rough around the edges so to speak but with a bag full of rupees. Once settled in, Khalida demanded Lyna teach her everything about being a mercenary, seeing it as her new calling in life. Lyna, though hesitant, agreed. Lyna began with telling her about the times she was an assassin in Hyrule, protecting the kingdom from those that sought to do it harm. However, this was before the Sheikah and Yiga Clans became separate entities within Hyrule, when people didn't have such an innate fear of the unknown and mysterious aura that the Sheikah seemed to possess.

With her being trained by the Sheikah for purposes of self defense, she figured it wouldn't be as hard to use the same training for offense. With more practice came more assignments for both Lyna and Khalida, and soon the young Hylian would set out on her own mission. After her first assignment alone, she returned home, battered but with high spirits. As a gift for doing so well and for her first assignment, Lyna gifted her a young blue horse named Atlas to assist her on her journeys. Khalida began taking her own assignments within a few months, but decided that killing without reason was unlike her even though she enjoyed it. She became pickier with her assignments, but was willing to do anything for the right amount of rupees.

Description: Image below dictates her usual outfit. Most of the time the apron is tucked up. Sometimes she wears an owl mask to conceal her identity further. On her back upper left shoulder, she sports the red Sheikah eye tattoo. She has another tattoo under her right eye (shown below). Her hair is either worn like the image below or fully up in a ponytail.
loz sheikah hylian .png

  • determined
  • agile
  • intelligent
  • levelheaded
  • secretive
  • stubborn
  • tactful
  • patient
Extra: Below is an image of Atlas, her horse companion.

sheikah 100x93.jpg

Face-claim: Zelda (#noshame)
Source: Ross Draws Tumblr
Player Name: Arabella Marie

I would love to credit the design for her outfit, but alas i saved this image on my phone long ago for a cosplay.
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