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Fantasy Legend of the Seven Stars (Main RP)

Hunter Vargas - Eon Enterprises - His Office / In the streets.
Hunter was sitting at his desk, watching the recording of the press conference. There he had unveiled his latest development, the Watcher. It was multifaceted program that served many different functions through various systems. What it did for the public was use all network enabled cameras such as traffic, security, and other such cameras to scan all civilian traffic and send it back to the law enforcement agencies that used his program. The system also simultaneously ran facial recognition software that he had created and integrated into their databases. The system would flag anyone registered in the criminal system with 97% accuracy and notify the authorities immediately. Eon Enterprises also had an app that would send out an alert to those in the general area of the suspect, notifying them with a picture of the suspect, their danger level, and where they were. Along with any police orders for safety. Users of the application could also report suspected criminals, which would activate the system and coordinate appropriately.

What Hunter didn't disclose was that the system also allowed him scan for people with magical auras. This was a key piece in his effort to discover the Seven. Hunter grinned as he watched himself awe the crowd, then sell his newest design without a hitch. Already there were hundreds of agencies and corporations that had called to order his system just 30 minutes after the live broadcast.

The doors of his office opened and Amara strolled in, her tablet in her right hand, and a pair of gloves in her left hand. Her pace was brisk, and though her face didn't portray any emotion, Hunter could still sense her unease. Without a word, Amara placed the gloves on the desk, turned and left the office, shutting the door behind her.

Hunter snorted with amusement. He then stood up and took hold of the gloves. They were soft and white in color. Decorating the gloves were hundreds of tiny runes stitched with immense precision and skill. Slipping them on, Hunter took a deep breath, calming his thoughts. His hands erupting in blue energy tinged with black, causing the runes on the gloves to start glowing red. Hunter walked around his desk, with his back facing the front of the object. Hunter closed his eyes, then a moment opening them again, this time they were red with a thin black iris like a serpents. With the backs of his hands touching, Hunter took a step forward, his fingers disappearing into nothingness.

Hunter grunted, bright blue energy tinged black erupting over his entire body. The seems on his tailored suit tore as Hunter struggled, pulling his hands away from each other and creating a tear in the air before him. Horrible cold seeped into Hunter as he worked on the tear. When his hands were a foot away from each other, Hunter stopped trying to widen the tear.

Hunter opened his mouth, but what came out wasn't words or a scream. Instead it was a roar no human could ever hope to make naturally or with special effects. It shook his entire office lasting several seconds. Hunter closed his mouth, and a few seconds later, a black mist seeped out of the nothingness beyond the tear. The mist flowed past Hunter into the office and then took on a shape, solidifying into a shape that was obviously not human.

Hunter let go of the tear and stepped back, his energy fading away along with the glow from the nearly ruined gloves. Hunter turned towards the monster before him. The gladiator demon was huge, fearsome, and reeked. Its red eyes seemed to burn with malice comparable with Hunter's. The red glowing protrusions of bone on its knuckles making the air around it hazy from intense heat even steam puffed out of its mouth and nostrils.

Hunter closed his eyes, then reopened them, his normal eyes having returned. "I want you to destroy the Lookout, there is a man there with blond hair and a scar on his eye, don't kill him. But kill everything else. Then create as much damage as you wish." Hunter said, watching as the demon nodded his head in understanding. Then called out. "AMARA!"

The woman entered the office and quickly marched over to Hunter. Purple energy covered her hands and she formed it into a ball. When the ball was about the size of a softball, she threw the energy ball. A second later, there was a feeling of power as the ball expanded, becoming paper thin and bigger than the gladiator demon. The glowing disc of power enveloped the demon, transporting it to its destination. Then it flew towards Hunter, enveloping him too and sending him to as well, though to a location a ways away from the demon, so he could watch the chaos unfold.
Dahlia Manchester || Olivia Malenkov
Golden Gate Bridge

The breeze felt nice against her pale skin, her shade doing a mighty fine job at protecting her eyes from the intense sun. Feeling somewhat relaxed she walked through downtown San Francisco the bustling streets and the eye catching restaurants tickling her fancy. How long has it been since she was able to go somewhere without her guards or entourage? Dahlia couldn't even remember the last time she wore shoes like these let alone went somewhere on foot. She loved her current life, she really did. If she didn't she was sure to move on to the next body she wanted, but as of now this suited her taste.

However, as the saying goes, you could take the poor girl out the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the girl. Embracing this time alone, she found herself wandering off to small time street vendors who sold lovely decorated crepes and other pastries local to the area. Having not eaten anything so fattening in a long while, she couldn't help but purchase a chocolate crepe with bananas and strawberries with a pile of whip cream to top it all off. She admittedly found herself drooling at the sight of it, the old pâtissier snapping his tongue together in order to regain her attention.

"Little miss, that'll be five big ones!" he stated, withholding the decadent desert hostage until she gave him what she owed. A smile caressed her face as she chuckled, her hand reaching into her jacket pocket to pull out a rather expensive looking wallet, a Dahlia symbol printed on the middle. Opening it, she grabbed a 20, the smallest bill she could find and handed to him.

"Alrighty, let me get you some ch-"

"No worries, you can keep it. Just consider your next three patrons as already having paid." she interrupted, the couple behind her thanking her as the vendor owner handed her her order. Waving them off, she bit into the folded pancake of sugar and smiled. It wasn't anything extraordinary. Hell she wouldn't even feed it to her dogs, but it did remind of her time in Carolina, something that she often kept hidden. Taking another bite, she made her way through the crowded sidewalks until she reached a tour bus on its way to the golden state bridge. It had stopped for a moment to show off one of San Francisco's most historic districts. Having planned nothing, she decided it wouldn't hurt her if she rode it for awhile, and so she paid the fifteen dollar fee and join the rest of the tourist.

They drove around for awhile, the speaker stopping at every little street as it had something of value to the vibrant city. Dahlia listened halfheartedly, her attention focused on the numerous gazes she felt from all around. Men who seemed pleased with her hour glass figure some even ignoring their partner to stare at her. Disgusting really, but being a model, she was used to people staring. It was came along with the job. She ignored them for the most part attempting to maintain focus on the presenter, but was interrupted yet again, this time by a buzzing of her phone in her purse.

Digging through her purse she pulled out the latest model smartphone and swiped left to see that had received new messages from Carlos. Pulling up next to the main attraction, she made her way down the stairs and onto the bridge, her eyes glued to her cellphone.

Madam, He's sick.
What's wrong with him?
Seems like he has a fever. He keeps calling for you. What should I tell him?
I'm busy, just tell him I'll be home later. In the meanwhile, call his doctor.
Understood, but he really wants you to call him.
I can't right now. Tell him I'll talk to him when I get back to the hotel.
He still wants to talk to you.
Dammit Carlos, put him to sleep! I will talk to him when I see him.
Yes Madam.

Exasperated, she wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into someone, nearly dropping her phone. Looking up, she saw a large boy with grey hair wearing a jacket, seemingly mumbling to himself. The push didn't seem to affect him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." she apologized, feeling that something was a little off about the young man.

Gohan510 Gohan510 (OOC: If I messed up where he is at, I do apologize ;-; )
Kuro Takeshi
Running through San Francisco Kuro was trying to keep up with the school bus but it nearly seemed impossible so he had to go through the roof's, while jumping through the roof's he was Kuro was following the school bus as he ran through the streets and then soon after being bumped by someone. Kuro looked at the women who had bumped into him as he gave a slightly emotionless glare. "Who are you?" Kuro stared at her as she seemed to have apologized for bumping into him. "The rich are careless because they have nothing else to live for, since everything is simply given to them. They don't have a clear view of life itself." Kuro stood parallel to the women giving her an evil stare as if he was going to kill her.
Bum Bear Bum Bear
Kai Kurosaki
Kai finally finished his game as the bus seemed to have stop at the famous museum Kai stepped out of the bus with the rest of the students looking around as he stretched. It was nearly two hours and a half drive as it took them quite some ways to get there. "Finally out here in San Francisco it feels nice I never been out here before."
Ahri Love
Ahri smiled and wrapped her arm around his as she looked around as people were minding their own business walking and driving. "It's really expensive out here we should go shopping after the tour we have two hours after the tour till the bus comes back to pick us up."
Kai Kurosaki
"Sounds good to me I don't mind going shopping at all."
Dahlia Manchester || Olivia Malenkov
Golden Gate Bridge

Dahlia dropped her phone back into her purse, the boy rudely asking her for her name. The manners on this one. Kids just had no respect for their elders. Readying to introduce herself, she became somewhat agitated when the fellow commented on the rich. She smirked, his out of no where statement causing her to laugh within while maintaining the smile on her lips. A child trying to play an opinion off as fact, how cute. Adjusting her the shades o her face, she skipped the introductions and went to straight to his comment.

"Rich, poor carelessness if all the same. The rich people who grow careless go broke, so there is much to lose in ones negligence. The stakes are high for either and effects are all to real. So keep you knife in your sheathe and move on." she stated, noticing the anger coming from the boy. Dahlia hadn't known what she had done to garner such fierce hatred from him, but she was not going to allow him to treat her in a manner that degraded her style of living. If only he knew the truth about her everything, but that was knowledge only for a select few.

"Now to answer your earlier question my name is ..." she paused wondering if she should give him her real name. It wouldn't hurt to tell him seeing that she was undercover after all. "Dahlia. Dahlia Manchester. I won't lie and say this was a pleasant meeting as that'd be farther from the truth. However, manners state that one introduction calls for another. What's your name little boy?" she inquired, her heart racing at the fact she was using her real name. It had been so long since she told someone her actual name, not Olivia, not Charles, not ... Madeleine, but Dahlia.

Gohan510 Gohan510

Kuro Takeshi
Kuro stood and listened to her speak as he sighed turning his back to her. "Little words do not phase me, you are beneath me on levels even you don't even understand Dahlia. My name is Kuro." He did not mention his last name to her because he felt there was no reason to as she did not seem worthy of such a thing. "I will take my leave now." I said walking off towards the crowd as he turned into an ally-way. He then used the walls to jump to the roof of a building to his right he watched as the students entered museum as he noticed Kai from nearly being the tallest in his class and with that girl. "We were born to fight. A battle that may shift our fates in life." Kuro looked at the sky as he felt like following Kai had no point, he had a plan. Walking to the edge of the roof he looked at the streets and sighed.
Bum Bear Bum Bear

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