Legend of the Rangers [Inactive]

shadowdude505 submitted a new role play:

Legend of the Rangers - Heroes with powerful auras travel the land and help citizens while a new evil slowly rises.

Welcome to Eodai (E-O-Dye), a realm in a universe like England's Mideaval times, but with the occasional Dragon and other creatures.
Legends speak about heroes; this one is no different. They're called the Rangers. They travel across Eodai to fight evil and help those in need. Each Ranger has an artifact of power known as an Aura Stone.

Aura Stones are smooth, round stones that come in a verity of colors. Each stone has a marking that relates to an animal, when Rangers unleash what is called...
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shadowdude505 updated Legend of the Rangers with a new update entry:

@SekiryuuteiDxD, @DrHuggies, @Icefox11, @Amityvillager, @Zarath, @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki, @Thesmashbro.

Officially Starting

I think we have enough people to start the roll play. After I post the opening we're in business. Don't worry other members of RPNation, this RP will remain open for new characters.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Ariel D'Coolette walked down the stone road to De Leone. A group of orphans followed behind her. They all had red markings around their wrists where their chains used to be. They had just been saved by slave traders trying to make a quick buck. "Open the gate!" the regal warrior woman shouted.

Once inside the capital, Ariel personally took the kids to the front door of the orphanage. She smiled as they scurried inside before walking off toward the pub.

She sat down at the bar. "A round of ale, bartender," she said as she placed coins on the tabletop. The bartender took the money and placed a large glass of ale in front of her. She began to quietly sip it down. The ale wasn't as good as Ashford's, but she didn't complain. Ale is ale and that's good enough for D'Coolette the Lioness.
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Ariana walked in the tavern soon after, sweeping her cane in arc near the ground in front of her as he walked and with a free hand feeling out for the bar counter. It was a strange to see, most of her inflection were usually beggars but she dressed in armor and well looked after and noble making her stand out among the rabble in the tavern. The air of nobility though occasionally ruined when she disturbed few of the drunk with her feeling around. However most just waved her off more out of a quite sense of worry of the sense indecisiveness of what to make of her anything else.

"Wine and is there a D'Coolette here?"She called to the bartender finally finding the bartender's counter.
Issei finished a good day of hunting, he had a nice good haul and decided to take it to tue trading hot spot. He entered the city of De Leone with a wagon full of dead animals that were properly strapped and covered. He marched into the market and left it there with one of his friends from Tree Blade who's good at this stuff. He needed a drink so decided to go to a tavern. He kicked open the door as usual and yelled "Rooooooooaaaaaarrrreggghgghhhh, bartender some water or something please!"

To most it may seem strange but that's how he normally enters a building, he has a "Deal with It" attitude on the matter.
Ariel watched as people entered the pub. She noticed Ariana making her way toward the front. At first she thought Ariana was drunk, before she noticed the cane; she felt bad for judging prematurely. She was surprised to hear the newcomer speak her name. She was about to reply when Issei burst into the establishment. "I'm D'Coolette," she replied before the bartender had the chance. "Why are you looking for me?" she asked, before taking another sip of her ale.
Ariana picked up her drink before leaving a bit of gold. She followed the direction of Ariana voice, slowly and abit clumsily but she got to the table. She found the chair and sat down making herself comfortable. She stretched out her hand:

"Under the circumstances, you will forgive me if i ask if i can have your stone."She said in a general direction she believed Ariel was. "Don't worry you will have it back."

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Issei got his cup of water and chugged it down and yelled "Oh yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh nothing like some good water. I'm back from a hunting trip and boy is my haul good today." Then he overheard someone ask for Ariel's stone. He didn't know much about her only he's heard that she's a Ranger like him and has an Aura Stone. Issei's interest got the better of him and he decided to listen in. He payed the bartender and scooted a bit closer to hear. Then some drunk man next to him said "Can you stopped yelling before i make sure you can't yell again." Issei turned around and said "Got a problem we can deal with it outside."

The two ,man walked outside. The man look liked your average drunk of a boring man. The man swung and missed then was too drunk to stay conscious. Issei decided to pretend like that never happened and walked back in the bar. He took his seat again and said "What would someone like you do with such a stone, why not just take the whole ranger?"
"Cant be too sure with eyesight like mine."She said pointing at her eyes. Before turning to the direction of the new male voice"Need to find other ways to make sure you now who you speak to. Make a habit of eavesdropping? If you do you make a poor one, i have heard more subtlety from pigs. They smell better too."
Moxie whistled a tune from the other side of the bar. She noticed three others had come together, and they all seemed to be unfamiliar with each other. She wondered what they had in common. Moxie just shrugged her shoulders and called for another round, promising the bartender it was going to be her last. He warned her about last week's incident and she smiled sweetly like she was innocent. She peered into her cup and pulled out a spider. It didn't surprise her really, this place's ale wasn't near as good as her home town's, which she had basically been raised on.

She downed the glass and left a small tip on the counter. "We might just have to put your name on the wall at this rate," the bartender joked. Moxie just grinned and waved. She was obviously their best customer, although her means of obtaining funds was somewhat mysterious. She passed the group and heard them talk about Aura Stones. She immediately turned on her heel and plopped down at a nearby table. Moxie jumped right in the strangers' conversation like she knew them, but she was discreetly listening in to the newcomers' discussion.
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Ariel noticed that Ariana and herself were getting more attention. First from the not-so-subtle Issei. She noticed Moxie's location using the corner of her eye. She pulled out her Aura Stone, keeping the loose string around her neck, she handed the stone to Ariana. "I'm sure you'll find that I'm the real deal," she said confidently. "Why were you looking for me?"
After a little while of lazing about Kaindecided to go back to his "actual" home for a while; he didn't know why but he felt something important would happen to him there. So he dashed towards the city, trying to get there in little time though it wasn't to far away, he had wasted so much time he had to get the some exercise.

Eventually he got to De Leone, however very tired from running so unnecessarily; he decided to stop at the bar first and immediately his nose caught a whiff of the strong smell of alcohol it was a smell he had tried not to become too familiar with but had ended up so. After sitting he had tried not to bring much attention to himself until he heard a trio talking about stones. He remained where he was not looking but definitely listening in.
She took a moment to take the stone offered, she moved it back and forth in her hands getting a sense of the weight, feel and shape. She smiled satisfied handing the stone back with one hand and with the other she unvailed her own aura stone.

"I am Ariana, in case you didnt know. I got use use help on a matter that might interest you. But before that..."She returned the stone in her pocket, before reproducing a couple of full coin purse bags. The one stained in dried blood." A donation to the orphanage, graciously provided by the Blank mark gang. This was meant to be payment for human requisition services provided."
Issei said "No, i'm not subtle at all and i was just on a hunting trip. I come from Treeblade which someone like you couldn't never navigate in your life. You talked about Aura Stones so of course that's going to draw the attention of other possessors. We even had a couple more pile in." Issei had taken notice of new arrivals in the conversation.
"If you quieted down a little, other people may not get interested at what we're doing," Ariel told Issei in a low voice. She turned her attention back to Ariana. Human requisition. That's a fancy word for slavers and kidnappers. She thought with a frown. "Looks like you did your homework." Her frown changed into a smirk. "What's the job?"
When Moxie saw them flipping a few Aura Stones around, she reached into her pocket and thumbed her own, but very gently. Only a trained eye could have seen the faint orange glow around her. This allowed her to sharpen her senses only a little, but enough to hear what was going on. She heard mention of a job, but in hushed tones. She leaned into the man on her right and laughed with the group of strangers she was sitting with. If only she was a little closer! Then she did something really dumb.

Moxie lifted her hand to grab her glass of ale, but enhancing her senses threw her up-close depth perception off. She instead knocked the glass over into the man's lap and he jumped up. He was annoyed with this random woman--very annoyed. He said some choicce words to her before she could snarl at him. Her heightened aggression was a result of her use of the stone combined with her drinking. But she managed to stop herself before she did more damage. Her cover was blown with the group of Rangers, so she decided to step outside. Both to cool off and to await their departure.
"You would be surprised on how much people are willing to say around a blind person, especially on the wrong end of a blade."She said with cheeky smirk before turning serious."Anyways, though the gang is gone the people they have taken were not with them and i don't want to return to the families empty-handed... i need an extra pair of eyes and sword of course to find the next link of this slaver chain."
Issei decided to ignore the old woman's remark and said "Question, does this job involve kicking some can and killing some criminals?" Issei was thinking this day was just too boring and that he needed some exercise. Besides, his pay from the market would be in soon,...... wait right now as the man walked in. He simply tossed Issei a pretty good pouch of gold coins, waved, then walked out.
Ron Kenn briefly passed by Moxie as he walked into the bar at De Leone with his backpack of weapons. He walked up to the bartender and said "Put up a notice that I'm in town." before finding a table to sit at, the heavy backpack landing next to the chair with a clunk. He was known as a sword-for-hire in a lot of places, mostly because he traveled a lot, and was looking for work. As he looked around, he noticed a group of three with an aura stone. Rangers. He didn't have much respect for them. They go around and fight "evil" with the power that was just put in their lap. Some people actually have to work to get strong.
"I tend to insist on it."She replied to Issei with a smirk, sharing his feeling on the matter. She as well enjoyed fighting, there is no more satisfying thing then taking down oppression who underestimated her. "But we might have to exercise some restraint for the sake of the slaves."

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"I want in," Kain spoke up from where he was, as he walked over to the group of rangers he spoke again, "the more the merrier, am I right, and yes I am a ranger," he pulled out his stone in case they needed proof. Though he said that he was secretly thinking about those that were kidnapped as it reminded him of his own kidnapping. Kain was lucky to get out that time and he wanted to help others without a chance of escape; he decided to add in as he put back his stone, "anyone else know about this."
Ariel noted the people that were coming and going. She noticed Moxie had walked out and newcomer Ron Kenn. She eyes his backpack for a moment. "Only those listening in," she replied to Kain's question. "Do you know where the slavers are operating from or are we searching blind?" she asked Ariana before drinking the last few drops of her ale. "No offense," she added as she put down the empty mug.
"Well we shouldn't waste time, afterall the longer we take the farther those slaves get." Issei said. "Also, i don't like that guy over there, heard he's a hater." He gestured to Ron. "Hey you, you big hater got a problem with people like me." Issei heard about this guy a while back and he's been on Issei's list since.
Hearing that ranger yell at him made Ron take a sigh. He glared at Issei and said "You're not helping your case." before turning his head back. This was exactly what he was talking about; since power is just put in their laps, they become pompous pricks who do whatever they want in the name of "justice". It would hardly be fair to assume that every ranger was like that, but Issei proved that he was right about a fraction of them.
Kain decided to intervene, as he said toward the other guy, "forgive my... associate he's had a little too much to drink." He didn't want to leave a bad impression or start a fight, so he pulled Issei back to the table and the conversation as he scolded, "please do not start anything you're just giving non-Rangers a reason to dislike us." He sighed and looked back at the other guy, then turned back to the table and face palmed.

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