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Realistic or Modern Legend of the Pigman

Hello all! I'm looking to start a horror roleplay involving a group of maybe four, or five people. It won't really involve much romance but if you want to then by all means I don't really care. The killer, however, won't be involved in any of that action. They have the job of terrorizing the crap out of these teens and enjoy doing it. So will the kids survive?

  • An Urban Legend

    The small suburban town
    Muse A and Muse B live in is in many ways the same as hundreds of others across the country. Like many places it harbors a few local urban legends and scary stories passed on over weekend bonfires and at summer camps The most well known here is the story of the ‘Pigman.’ The Pigman, Muse D (or Muse E if five people), was a farmer who lived on the rural outskirts of town. He was a private man, so private in fact, that in order to keep the locals away from his property, the Pigman would place the heads of butchered swine on stakes near the end of his long, winding driveway to discourage any solicitors. Back in the 1950’s three troublemaking teenagers had trespassed onto the Pigman’s farm. The following night it wasn’t the heads of pigs that adorned the stakes, but the heads of the unwelcome interlopers, their decapitated corpses swinging from the road’s overpass. Now it’s almost considered a rite of passage to drive down Pigman Road at night. The especially brave will park the car and take a midnight walk underneath the bridge. With Halloween in the air, Muse A and Muse B decide to embark on this little adventure. Muse B not realizing this whole idea is a set up. The drive is fairly uneventful and although the backwoods setting is a little creepy for the suburb dwellers, Muse A wants to impress Muse B with their bravery, and talks them into going for a stroll.

    It starts quietly enough, but then the pair begin to hear the sound of metal against metal out in the field, almost as if someone is hammering a post into the ground.
    Muse B’s mind starts to imagine the worst, but Muse A assures them it is nothing. Muse A advances towards the sound, determined to prove that it’s all a case of Muse B’s imagination running wild. Muse B stays with the car, too spooked to follow. Muse C (and Muse D if five people) is a friend of both Muse A and Muse B who had the job of scaring Muse B. The plan was definitely messed up but instead of going perfectly, Muse C is the first to encounter the real Pigman. They hide until Muse A comes just in time and thinks the real killer is their friend. Once they see Muse C, terrified and warning them to run, it becomes apparent this isn't a typical scare. The minutes tick by with Muse B who becomes more and more worried about Muse A’s absence. Finally Muse A comes running in a panic, Muse C hot on their trail, shouting at Muse B to get in the car, but when they all jump in and lock the doors, the car refuses to start. They’re stranded on Pigman Road...

So this will be played out in PMs so if you want to join then go ahead and hmu. I don't have any preference on how much you post just make sure it's enough for others to respond to. All other RPN rules apply here. Besides that there's not much to say and hope we all enjoy a good thriller.

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