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Legend of the Guardians: The New Band

We first follow the young elf owl, chip, as she began her journey to the tree.

She was currently wedged into a nook in the canyon wall, waiting for a pure one guard to pass by. She had resisted the moonblinking process for three days, and now she had decided to make her escape. She memorised the guards shifts, and found a route that she could climb to escape the canyon. She was almost at the top now. The coast was clear, and she climbed from the nook, resuming her climb. She tried to minimise scratching the rock face, for fear of being detected. She managed to reach the top. She took shelter temporarily inside a small pile of rocks, so she could catch her breath. She didn't realise she had been holding it until she reached the peak. The sun was just starting to rise. She had to get away from the Canyons soon. So she had to learn to fly on her own. She prepared herself, taking a deep breath, then bolted from her hiding place, headed away from the Canyons and to the north. She had her wings out, and she flapped them furiously as she tried to gain lift. She managed to get herself aloft. She was loud, and very shaky, but she was flying. She set her coarse and just flew.
I sit in silence, trying to curl up and make myself as small as physically possible. After a few moments, I slowly unfurl and walk quietly to the entrance of the hollow in my tree, my home. Slowly and carefully, I peek an eye out of the opening and look around. After looking hesitantly for a moment, I heave a small sigh and pull back inside. Thank god that Pure One flew past without noticing me. Maybe he wasn't look for me, and he was just patrolling for more unfortunate souls.

I escaped from the Academy moons ago, but I still feel like I'm being watched. I see one of those cocky devil spawn at least every other day, and that always scares me. Especially since I am probably pretty recognizable now.

On the night that I made my escape, under the shelter of fog, one Pure One saw me and chased after me. I was only 36 moons old at the time, so I could hardly fly. While trying to escape my rapidly advancing attacker, I saw a hole in the ground, which I later determined was an old badger set. I dove under there, still just small enough to fit. The fully grown owl following me, though, was too big. I stayed in that hole for hours, knowing that the owl was still perched above and waiting for me to make my escape. And I found that out by starting to hop out when I thought it was safe, then having one set of the enormous talons of the owl reach down into the hole from the back of the opening to try and snatch me. I evaded his grasp, but not the very tip of one of his talons, which scraped across my chest and left a ragged wound the went from the top right corner of my chest all the way down to the middle of my abdomen. It wasn't deep enough to kill me or seriously hurt me, but it still hurt like all hell, bled like crazy, and made me call out in pain. From then on, I stayed in the very back of the thankfully empty set, hurting and hungry and wishing I could leave. I waited for at least a day, until I finally heard the sound of wings silently lifting and leaving from the top of the opening. I waited for another few hours, just to be sure, then carefully crept out of the hole and looked around. Seeing that the coast was clear, I quickly hopped out.

For the next half moon or so, I just lived in whatever shelter I could find while I waited for my wound to heal. I didn't really know any herbs to use on it, and I couldn't fly because it hurt too much, so I just stayed where I was. I mainly hid away in a cave close to the ground that crept back into the face of a cliff. I only left to try and find food to eat. Once the wound healed enough, I tried flying. It was very iffy and difficult, not to mention scary and loud as ever, but I managed to stay off the ground after a few tries. Then I found a tree to live in, stayed there for the rest of the moon, then left to get even farther from the devilish academy. I didn't get much farther away, but far enough to not have too much to worry about.

Now, my wound has healed to a ragged scar. I have no doubt that it is recognizable, so I try to stay out of the Pure One's sight as much as possible. Not to mention they scare the hell out of me.

After waiting a few more minutes to make sure there are no more of the devils flying about, I hop to the edge of my hollow and lift off. My flight is better now; not the best, but better. At least it is quiet enough for hunting, which I am aiming to do right now. So I regretfully head a small bit closer to the academy, knowing that the forest closer to the canyon has better hunting than around my hollow.
Chip kept flying, as fast as she could. She blitzed passed what looked like a pure one flying higher than normal. This kicked her back into gear as she sped up again. But she was tired, and any second now, she would collapse in exhaustion. She powered on until she found a decent hollow to take shelter. She flew at the entrance, and crash landed inside. She was sleeping before she even came to rest. So, she couldn't notice the signs that this hollow was used recently.
I fly along, my sharp ears searching for the sounds of mice on the forest floor as I glide silently along. I start to pick up the sounds of a mouse scurrying along the forest floor, in a small clearing under some trees. My eyes lock onto it once I find it, and I start to veer in that direction. I carefully get into position, prepare to dive-

A loud flutter of tiny wings behind me startles me as it shoots shakily past. It makes me lose sight of the mouse, who runs under cover. Cursing, I turn around, mad at what I expect is an owl who went flying past.

"You arse, you made me lose my-!"

I stop squawking abruptly as my eyes land on a small owl, probably an elf owl fledgling as it barrels farther into the forest. It looks scared, almost unable to fly since it's so young, and just plain bewildered. I try to tell myself as I hover there that it is probably a young fledgling that strayed too far from its hollow, but they tend to live in the desert regions. Those are far away from here. And, regretfully, I can't help but think about the closeness of the dreaded Academy, and my frightful escape from the place.

With a flutter of worry in my gizzard for the fledgling, I quickly take off after it. I don't get too close, but I keep an eye on it to make sure it's okay and doesn't get caught. Even if a fully grown Pure Own were to find it now and catch it, I would still fight them to save the fledgling, despite my small size.

I continue to follow the young one, interested to see where it heads to. There aren't many other owls with hollows nearby, so maybe it will land and rest in the branches of a tree. I begin to veer silently in the direction of my hollow as it comes into sight, expecting the other owl to continue on beyond it. But, instead, the bird goes in the same direction I am, shaky wings failing. Then it dives full-speed into the entrance of my home, making a cacophony of noise as it does so. I stop shortly as it doesn't make anymore sound, surprised and peering at my home.

"Uh..alright," I say quietly in surprise as I continue to stare. Then I sigh quietly and shake my head, fluttering calmly back to my hollow. When I land on the ledge outside, I look in. I find the fledgling heaped in the far corner, out cold and shaking slightly.

I stare at the poor thing for a moment, wondering if I should wake it or leave it be for a while. It's obvious to me now that the bird indeed did escape from the academy, with how ragged it looks. And how far away it is from its natural habitat: the desert. Also, I have no doubt that any Barn Owl it sees would send chills down its spine and fear into its heart. For this reason, I am tempted to leave this hollow and find a new home, letting the fledgling wake without the sight of me making it even more scared. But I know that, despite all of that, the baby would survive better if it had someone to look after it and feed it until it could do that on its own. Also, I don't even know where I could find myself another hollow. So I decide to stay. But before this owl wakes, I need to find it something to eat, and something for myself as well. So with one last glance at the deflated little bird, I lift off, quickly looking for prey nearby the tree that I can feed us with.
Night had fallen, and the owlet still slept. She did however calm a bit, and wasn't shaking anymore. At least not from fear. She stirred at one point, righting herself and standing on one leg, the other tucked up into her feathers.

A couple of hours in to the night, her eyes fluttered upon. Thank Hoole the hollow was still empty. She had been certain the pure one had spotted her, but she just wasn't able to keep herself aloft anymore. She didn't move as she began to think about what she'd do, or where she'd go next. She did a little preening as well, to help her think.
After a little while of hunting around my tree, I manage to catch a mouse and vole. A good catch, if I do say so myself, and I head back to my hollow with one in my talons and one in my beak.

When I reach my home, I expect the little owl to still be asleep, because it was out cold when I last saw it. So, before I land on the ledge outside the hollow, I simply toss the vole - which is in my talons - just inside the entrance. It lands a couple inches inside. I then lightly land on the edge of the hollow and duck inside.

And I am surprised to find that the fledgling is indeed awake. Knowing that she - it looks like a girl? - will probably be scared out of her wits to see me, I quickly drop the mouse out of my beak towards her and try to look as nice as possible.

"Don't worry, you're fine, I promise," I hurriedly say. "I'm not a Pure One. Seriously. I despise them as much as you probably do." I pause for a breath, then I add, "Please, believe me."
A vole landed at the entrance of the hollow. strange... she thought. An instant later, a barn owl landed. She went yeep on the ground. The still lightly bloodstained feathers on the owls breast strongly reminded her of the markings she saw on most of the pure ones.

Then the owl spoke, claiming she was not one of them. Chip did not believe her. So many at the academy seemed nice, but were cold and heartless when they weren't around the other owlets. Chip looked for options for escape.
As I look on at the young owl, now scared beyond belief, I feel horrible for scaring her. I didn't mean to. In fact, I want to help her! But sometimes others don't always understand your intent.

I also see her give me a look like she doesn't believe me, then her eyes scramble around as if looking for an escape. I have to make her believe me.

"Please, little one, I am not one of them," I say quietly, calmly. "The only things I have killed are prey, and the only blood on my talons are from them as well. I have never harmed another owl, especially not a young fledgling." Lifting a talon to awkward gesture to my chest, I continue with, "Do you see this scar? That's from a Pure One. I got it as I was escaping the Academy a moon ago, hiding out in a badger hole to get away. The Pure One chasing me scratched me as I tried to leave." My foot drops back down to the floor, and I stand normally again.

Realizing that what I am saying doesn't reassure the little owl, I heave a sigh and hang my head for a moment. Then I look back to her again.

"While you were asleep, I left to hunt some prey for both of us to eat. One mouse, and one vole. You can have the vole." I pause to push the small animal over to her with my talon, careful to not touch her. I know that would only scare the poor thing even more. "If you truly want to leave, so be it. I won't stop you. But if you do leave, please eat this vole before you do. I don't want you to starve. And also know that, if you do plan to leave, you can always come back, as I seriously do not want to harm you. I want to help, rather than harm, making sure you stay alive rather than die. And I am nothing like the Pure Ones. The only thing similar between us is our species name, but, other than that, I am nothing like them. So, please, know that you can leave if you so wish, but I only want to help you." The speed of my voice slows as I finish, my chest heaving ever so slightly in my attempt to convince her, and I have a slightly sad look on my face as I think about the fact that the little owl in front of me doesn't believe me.
She stayed frozen in place, but backed up when she nudged the vole towards her. She examined the old wound again. It didn't actually seem like an intentionally placed mark. Perhaps... She was quick to judge? Understandable, considering what she was being judged for. Her gazed slowly broke away from the stain, and down to the vole. It was far too big for her to swallow, and vole wasn't exactly her favourite food. She would have preferred some nice snake instead. But, she didn't say a word. She was too hungry to. She began to tear the vole apart, into manageable strips.
I stand there for a moment, watching the fledgling watch me. She seems to eye my scar, which I ignore. I only care about her making it, no matter if she doesn't believe me.

She then slowly starts to eat the vole. I know the thing is probably too big for her, and the mouse would have been better for her size, but if she is going to be on her own for a while, she needs to build up her strength before she finds her next meal. Or if she needs to, ya know, escape the blasted Pure Ones. And I can hunt at least somewhat decently. I doubt this little owl can't.

I awkwardly stand there for moment, watching her curiously before I realize that I'm staring. I give myself a small shake, then take one step back before I begin talking.

"I will spend the night in another tree, if you'd like," I carefully offer. I know that might make her more comfortable. "But," I continue, even more carefully, "it would be kinda nice to know your name before you go, just in case we ever meet again. My name is Kie. What is yours, if I might ask?"
As she ate, she found her mind cleared significantly. She hadn't realised quite how hungry she was, and how clouded her mind was because of it. "i-if you were a pure one..." she began. "you would have turned me in by now. B-being alone with them around... Won't help if they found me." basically, she was saying she could stay in this hollow, as it would make her feel safer. But she wasn't finding the right words. Her mind was still very clouded. She resumed eating. "thank you." she said, swallowing a strip and ripping off another.
As the little owl eats, I can visually see her get calmer. That makes me feel better, too. Maybe she does believe me after all.

"You're welcome," I say with a long nod in response to her thanks. "So," I continue, shuffling my feet a little, "would it make you feel more comfortable to spend the night in here alone or to have me in here with you? I can always stand guard while you sleep, even during the day if you'd like, to make sure no Pure Ones come after you." I wait for her to answer through her mouthful, not bothering to ask about her name again right now. That can be done later.
"please, stay." she said.

The vole would shortly be stripped down to the bones. The little owlet had definitely been hungry, obviously. Chip moaned a little. "I think I ate too much..." she muttered to herself.
I nod my head slowly a few times at her wanting me to stay, watching her strip down the vole to nothing. Then I can't help but laugh a little when she complains about eating too much.

"Well, at least you won't be hungry for a while," I comment, smiling slightly.

After saying that, I hop farther inside and grab the mouse in my beak. After choking it down whole, I give myself a shake. Then I turn around and hop to the entrance, perching on the edge of the hollow.

"You can sleep for the night of you'd like. I'll watch out for any danger while you do. Then, tomorrow or after the next few days, we can go in search of a hollow farther away from the Academy. That will make things safer. But," I add, glancing back at her over my shoulder with my black eyes, "that all depends on how long and well you can fly. So it will be your choice when we leave."
"you mean allow the pure ones to get away with what they tried to do to us? I would rather try and find d the guardians of Ga'hoole, and earn them. You have heard the tales of the guardians, right?" she returned to her sleeping position and settled in again.
"Well, either way, even if we do try to get revenge from the Pure Ones, we should still leave for a while so we can grow some more and gain our strength back. The problem, though, is that we would need more allies to even do that, and we don't exactly have that right now." I pause for a second, cock my head slightly and say, "And, no, I have never heard of whatever you just mentioned."
"it's a quite popular tale that's been going around. If we find the guardians, we will have everything we need to overthrow the pure ones... The guardians probably think that they are gone for good... That's why we have to find them, as soon as possible. And I refuse to stay here. At the very least, we should travel to the edge of the sea of Hoolemere." she grew deep in thought again. "from there, build our strength and improve our flying... Mine, at least, I don't know how well you fly." she said quietly, thinking everything over. She stood on one leg again.
I look at the little owl as she explains what these "Guardians" are, and how they seem to be strong individuals that are quite popular. It wouldn't surprise me if they were, but I haven't heard of them. That is probably due to the fact that I hardly ever see any owls anymore, let alone talk to them, and I was stolen from my nest only a week after hatching. So I...never really got to know my mother and father. And if they told me about these tales, I don't remember them.

When she mentions leaving, I nod my head a few times while shuffling my feet. "That's fine by me if we leave in search of them, as I'm only here because I only recently became strong enough to leave my hollow long enough to go on long hunting trips, due to my wound. So I never really got around to leaving. Besides, it is dangerous around here. Especially for you, since you're still just a fledgling. I may not be a whole lot older, but I can still probably fly for longer distances. Now," I continue, my voice now more professional than conversational, "we can go to the sea if you want. I've never really been out of the forest, so I don't know where that is, but I'm sure you do. So you should lead the way from here on. And we will only leave when you believe you are strong enough to fly. Because I may still be a kinda weak flyer, but you've only just started learning, so you probably wouldn't be able to last as long."

I preen a small spot on the underside of my left wing for a moment, relieving an itch, then look back at the little owl. When I do, I see that she is standing on just one leg. That is the second time she done that. I wonder why?

My head cocks slightly to the right as my eyes narrow, and I ask her, "Is your leg okay?" as I gesture to her leg with my beak.
"we should leave now. I can fly will enough to get away from here. We would head north, and towards the east a bit." then she looked up to Kie, then down at her lug, tucked neatly in her feathers. "oh, yes, I'm fine. Old habit. Don't worry."
I nod a few times while also absent-mindedly saying okay a few times in agreement. Then I turn and hope to the edge of the hollow, looking out. I continue talking, though, turning my head back over my shoulder a bit.

"You will lead the way, as I have no idea where we are truly heading. And we should stop whenever one of us feels too tired to continue. That's the safest way."

When I finish, I pause, then glance fully back over my shoulder at the little owl. "I didn't get your name earlier. If we are going to be traveling together, it would be nice if I knew it. So, what is your name?"

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