Legend of Samurai

I'd love to join! But I have one question. I want to make a male character, but when I read the descriptions, I like the Hitomi clan the best. It says that it's made up of mostly female, so could they still have a male warrior? I'll make a character profile now. I can edit the necessary changes if need be.
Clan: Hitomi

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4021ff3_AnimeSamurai.jpg.3dbd623554edf5c2f12bd937ccceca87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4021ff3_AnimeSamurai.jpg.3dbd623554edf5c2f12bd937ccceca87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes: His hair is a little shorter He has the words Honor and principle embroidered on his robe.

Name: Midorikawa Chiaki

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Katana, Wakizashi (When he uses this in tandem with his Katana, he holds it backwards in an unorthodox form), and throwing stars. (and possibly staff as well, depending on the place. When he has his staff, he won't have his other weapons I don't think).

Personality: Midori is a man of principle. He lets situations play out and waits to make the right decision. His demeanor tends to be laid back, respectful, and quiet. When he does speak, he tries to sound profound. Though he sometimes fails miserably, making his words count is important. He does his best to avoid fighting, but won't back down when it comes down to it. He sits back and lets the women have their fun (after all, most of them are warriors), but looks at himself as their silent protector. He enjoys teaching and interacting with the younger children of the clan, helping to instill culture and heritage. However, deep down inside, all of this niceness might just be for his own personal glory and attention.

Likes and Dislikes: He loves storytelling, sporting activities, teaching, (and attention). He dislikes bullies, clunky weapons and armor, and losing a dispute.

History/Bio: Nothing for the moment.

Relationships: Open for one.


((OOC: I check this site multiple times a day, basically whenever I get the chance to between classes. Thus, I'm pretty committed when it comes to rp's. So if you need a new clan leader made or something of that nature, I'd be up for it.))



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[QUOTE="Michael Dineen]Clan: Hitomi
Appearance: View attachment 52813

Appearance Notes: His hair is a little shorter He has the words Honor and principle embroidered on his robe.

Name: Midorikawa Chiaki

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Katana, Wakizashi (When he uses this in tandem with his Katana, he holds it backwards in an unorthodox form), and throwing stars. (and possibly staff as well, depending on the place. When he has his staff, he won't have his other weapons I don't think).

Personality: Midori is a man of principle. He lets situations play out and waits to make the right decision. His demeanor tends to be laid back, respectful, and quiet. When he does speak, he tries to sound profound. Though he sometimes fails miserably, making his words count is important. He does his best to avoid fighting, but won't back down when it comes down to it. He sits back and lets the women have their fun (after all, most of them are warriors), but looks at himself as their silent protector. He enjoys teaching and interacting with the younger children of the clan, helping to instill culture and heritage. However, deep down inside, all of this niceness might just be for his own personal glory and attention.

Likes and Dislikes: He loves storytelling, sporting activities, teaching, (and attention). He dislikes bullies, clunky weapons and armor, and losing a dispute.

History/Bio: Nothing for the moment.

Relationships: Open for one.


((OOC: I check this site multiple times a day, basically whenever I get the chance to between classes. Thus, I'm pretty committed when it comes to rp's. So if you need a new clan leader made or something of that nature, I'd be up for it.))

Accepted! :D I'm liking his personality, it's different from everyone else's thus far.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/41334599_p0.jpg.d5e97ee8bf588efa4fad8f49c95ce74f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/41334599_p0.jpg.d5e97ee8bf588efa4fad8f49c95ce74f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes:

Height - 5'11"

Weight - Unknown


Sakyu (Nickname)

[Her actual name cannot be pronounced by the tongue of Man]


Appears to be around 24 - 36 but actual age is not known.



Demon or Fallen Human:


Demon Power:

Fear and Terror - This is her only known demon power. When you get within eyesight of Sakyu, you're mind begins to feel fear/terror. Her power makes you want to flee for your life. Those with weak minds and bodies, her power will cause them to become paranoid and eventually hallucinate. If they cannot fight it off, their mind will just shut down leaving them in a comatose state. However, that will only happen to those with extremely weak minds. The power mainly will make any warrior feel afraid. No one can escape her terror no matter how strong the mind. It will always be in the back of your mind, making her appearance all the more terrifying.

Demon Weapon:

Dual Kusarigama


Sakyu is only in this world to serve Gashadokuro. She is completely ruthless, merciless, and she be can summed up in one word. Terrifying. She does not care for anything. Even though she serves Gashadokuro, she does not care one bit about his well being. If he were to die, she would feel nothing for him. Despite that, she is still 'loyal' to him. If he orders her to save him from a mortal wound, she will do as he says.

Interacting with other humans is a completely different story. She looks at them as nothing more than little children. Sakyu pays them no attention and finds it amusing to watch them live their 'short' lives. Sakyu especially likes it when she kills them. To her, it's like a sport or hunting. She takes pleasure in it.

Fallen humans are like minions to her. She thinks they're stupid and laughs at them but she knows they can be slightly useful to her. Sakyu doesn't mistreat them but will not allow any kind of disobedience among their ranks. She finds them disgusting and classifies them as the In-Between.


Known only by Gashadokuro.


She has a direct relationship with Gashadokuro. Sakyu is his second in command and fulfills every order he makes. She holds the same command as him and answers only to Gashadokuro. It is believed that she is the one who Gashadokoru sold his soul to in return for immense power and her loyalty for the time being.


  • She has never been seen without her mask on.

  • Sakyu is extremely strong and can fight long after a human would drop from exhaustion.

  • She rarely enters the battlefield, only under direct orders by Gashadokuro. Sakyu prefers to send her minions to do the work.

  • Sakyu is known to extremely like sake which she drinks like a human would drink water.

  • Sakyu hates females, demon or human, with a bust bigger than hers.



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Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes: She has few scars considering she's constantly in combat, but she has a quite noticeable mark across her neck.

Name: Aika Okazakki

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Class: Ronin

Weapon(s): Katana (shown in picture above) This is the only weapon she can efficiently use, but man, can she use it.

Personality: Aika has a very bad temper, which is the very reason she seems to constantly be in a fight (whether it be with another one of her clan or just an enemy.). This trait, in her opinion, only makes her stronger. In others' opinions, it makes her foolish. She is hard to handle, but is very useful in battle. Even though it's difficult to look passed her rough exterior, she's a good and loyal samurai.

Likes: Being right, training, horses, spicy food, Sake, swimming

Dislikes: Ignorance, laziness, her temper, spiders, losing.

Bio: To be Roleplayedddd

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Hijoshikina said:

Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes: She has few scars considering she's constantly in combat, but she has a quite noticeable mark across her neck.

Name: Aika Okazakki

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Class: Ronin

Weapon(s): Katana (shown in picture above) This is the only weapon she can efficiently use, but man, can she use it.

Personality: Aika has a very bad temper, which is the very reason she seems to constantly be in a fight (whether it be with another one of her clan or just an enemy.). This trait, in her opinion, only makes her stronger. In others' opinions, it makes her foolish. She is hard to handle, but is very useful in battle. Even though it's difficult to look passed her rough exterior, she's a good and loyal samurai.

Likes: Being right, training, horses, spicy food, Sake, swimming

Dislikes: Ignorance, laziness, her temper, spiders, losing.

Bio: To be Roleplayedddd

Accepted~ Hop on in!


Appearance Notes:5"1'

Name: Shintoa Anei

Age: 16

Gender: female


A short Yumi bow

Personality: Shintao is very much a lover, though when provoked by violence or otherwise, she is very serious and has quite the temper. She steps up in times of need only if it is required, not quite hitting the peek of maturity. She is generally sweet, being respectful yet playful to most everyone.

With her mother, Shintao very much so respects, but is dis-obedient many times, being obedient makes her grumpy as she likes to be in control. She respects and thinking nicely of everyone until given a reason to think against that. Alone, she is content and happy, not afraid to show emotion even though no one is around, almost to the point of self bliss.

Likes and Dislikes: She very much enjoys being a flirt, being sweet at almost all times that she can get. Other than that, archery, heavy studies, hanging out with others. Dislikes, she does not enjoy long boring meetings, being the weak link, underestimating

History/Bio: (I'll spare you my terrible backstory skillz X.X)

Relationships:Daughter of Hikaru

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[QUOTE="WeirdBraxto Kun]Clan:Hitomi

Appearance Notes:5"1'

Name: Shintoa Anei

Age: 17

Gender: female


A short Yumi bow

Personality: Shintao is very much a lover, though when provoked by violence or otherwise, she is very serious and has quite the temper. She steps up in times of need only if it is required, not quite hitting the peek of maturity. She is generally sweet, being respectful yet playful to most everyone.

With her mother, Shintao very much so respects, but is dis-obedient many times, being obedient makes her grumpy as she likes to be in control. She respects and thinking nicely of everyone until given a reason to think against that. Alone, she is content and happy, not afraid to show emotion even though no one is around, almost to the point of self bliss.

Likes and Dislikes: She very much enjoys being a flirt, being sweet at almost all times that she can get. Other than that, archery, heavy studies, hanging out with others. Dislikes, she does not enjoy long boring meetings, being the weak link, underestimating

History/Bio: (I'll spare you my terrible backstory skillz X.X)

Relationships:Daughter of Hikaru


Accepted! x3 Jump on in whenever!
Clan: Hitomi(it's said nearly so i thought there has to be a few males in there)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-6.jpeg.05da5112dd980fba619dd8df9e09dcba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18790" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-6.jpeg.05da5112dd980fba619dd8df9e09dcba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kaien Souichirou

Age: 18

Personality/Likes and Dislikes: He bears no actual femine-ness despite being in the Hitomi Clan. He actually appreciate's manliness and dislikes any man that would act like a woman. He's bold and unwavering which can lead him to do unexpected or stupid things. He dislikes

those who would give up. He battles with a blend of intelligence and boldness. To most he'd never give an impression of having a sense of intellilect as he would appear to almost charge most things head on, but in reality it's all apart of his plan. One thing he does like is those who don't abuse their power and work hard.

Gender: Male

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Kumouken

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-7.jpeg.16ddde98acbc2e2e4809ab69f70c7b31.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-7.jpeg.16ddde98acbc2e2e4809ab69f70c7b31.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: He's one of the few males in the clan.



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"You could say he's pure to a frightful extent. A crystallization of martial skill."


Appearance Notes: Generally wears his cloak over him. His hair is black. He looks older than he is from all the phyiscal exertion and marks from fighting.

Name: Bushin Hokusai (family name first)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Fallen Human

Weapon: Glaive/Guan Dao, as shown in first picture. Inherited by the Bushin he grew up with.

Personality: Hokusai has a rather abrasive , frank personality. He has only just just started trying to emulate standard human thinking and mannerisms, so he is clumsy with his words and manners. Raised in purely fighting, he lacks other kinds of training. His mind is strong in a purely martial sense, from thinking for years on the manner of war. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion. His temper is like that of a hawk, seeking opponents when at their weakest. He confronts his problems directly and bluntly. He is unfamiliar with emotions, as one of the codes the Bushin follow is that sentimental emotions are not needed for those who seek strength and the Bushin commit themselves fully to the "martial path" in order to purge themselves of unwanted emotions.

His free time is spent meditating to hone his mind in fighting or training. He has been known to fight wild animals and cut down trees with swings of his glaive.

He has no form of tactical thinking or conversational skills, as his childhood had none of it.

When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. They blank their thoughts and synchronise their breath their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force.

His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon.

History/Bio: Hokusai was born with no name. A war orphan in times of strife, he has no knowledge of his parents. All he knows is that he was as a child picked up by a small secretive group of demons known as The Bushin (God of Military Arts). A Bushin is someone who secludes themselves from society and dedicates their life to achieving the pinnacle of a "path". All their warriors were nameless and known as Bushin by name. As they are all seeking different "paths", some do so alone while others do so as a group living together. As Bushin apply themselves to continuously honing and refining a "martial path", the Bushin here learnt to fight after becoming old enough to train alone.

As a Bushin, fighting was all he did. He fought for his food by attacking convoys and would attack armies to hone his skills. He became renowned as a skilled killer known for his powerful sweeping attacks and keen instincts. Within time, he was feared in his area. Known as a Bushin, that was his name.

This changed at the age of 26. While fighting a large battalion, he became heavily injured due to their overwhelming numbers and the presence of Demons who crashed the battle. He survived, however also having to fight demons took a large toll on his body. While resting on the riverside he met a Hitomi maiden. While part of the clan, this woman did not fight as a profession. This woman cleaned the mans wounds and healed him from his injuries. In the month it took for him to heal fully, she would engage in discussion with him about near everything. At first, the Bushin did not respond at all, merely listening. After time, he would question various things she said. As a man only in war, he knew nothing about how to live in any other way.

During this month period in healing, this woman taught him the principle of humans, valuing life and not mindlessly killing. She explained to him foreign concepts such as justice and simply not fighting. The Bushin would try to grasp these concepts, attempting to learn them. In one sense, he was like a very old child, where a large part of the world was unknown to him.

After he healed, the Bushin began training again. This included meditation to hone his thoughts taught by the woman and cutting trees with simple swings, which she said scared him. Fear was an unknown concept to the Bushin, so he couldn't understand this. By 3 months he was in his full dangerous self again, though with some human knowledge and with a woman who he never learnt the name of.

The woman decided it had been suitable time to travel back to her clan, when things went south. While basically on the doorsteps to a Hitomi clan area, they were ambushed by a large group of raiders. While the Bushin eliminated them in front of the Hitomi reinforcements that came with ease, the woman became injured from an arrow to a vital area. Her dying words to him were to not kill mindlessly but for a purpose and calling him Hokusai, the great wave who will sweep the nation. While the Hitomi cried in mourning for their sister, the now named Bushin Hokusai stood towering over her. His anguish was not expressed, but he felt it, an emotion he never experienced before and didn't wish to again.

He now seeks redemption for his past sins (of large scale killing) by joining the Hitomi and learning their way of life and attempting to emulate it into his martial soul. He decided that joining their cause to defeat Gashadokuro. Whether the Hitomi will accept him however is another matter entirely.

Relationships: None. In his time as a path seeker, he never had romantic interests, being entirely devoted to martial skill. Ever since he freed himself from the grasp of the Bushin, he has yet to see anyone that caught his eye.
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Kage Clan


Height: 5'11"


Kashiro Anei





Fallen Human


Katana and wakazashi


Kashiro is very arrogant ambitious and vengeful. He wares a mask of calm indifference, in life Kashiro would his words and charm to get what he wanted however after resurrection he is quick to draw his weapon and intimidate others. He hungers for power and to lead a clan of his own and despises those in power. Although he hates the leader of the clans and those above him but is wise enough not to cause problems with in the Kage ranks. Although he hungers for power he understands that as a fallen human he will not be able to lead the Hitomi clan, so instead he seeks to destroy it and above all else end Hikarus life himself.


Kashiro was always hungered for power. In his youth he trained hard to escape the shadow of his older brother but was never able to do so. It wasn't until his engagement to Hikaru that he was able to break away from being over shadowed. His brother had married a woman of lower standings out of love which Kashiro deemed foolish. Kashiro married expecting to have control over the Hitomi clan but was severely disappointed when all his role in the maters became was to make suggestions and act as an advisory rather than make the decisions himself. He tried to take on responsibility and respect of the clans members little by little which worked in his favor. Especially when Hikaru's pregnancy took a turn for the worst causing the clan leader to have to step down temporarily in order to ensure their child's health.

Kashiro tried to change policies and make decisions but constantly found his authority being undermined. Many of the important decisions fell to Hikaru to make. He was further shamed by the birth of a daughter rather than a son. When Hikaru was told that she could resume Clan Leader activities with in a few weeks Kashiro snapped. He tried to smother his wife as she slept in an attempt to make it seem like she died from complications of child birth instead. However he had underestimated Hikaru and was stabbed in the leg for it. He attempted to try and smother her again but she had called for her guard and before he could even use her blade against her was shot by a deadly arrow.

Kashiros spirit remained enraged and sought out revenge for being the one to die instead of Hikaru. His hatred and anger was so great that he made a deal with a demon to be resurrected and take his revenge and in exchange the demon would have her soul along with any Kashiro killed along the way. He joined the ranks of the Kage army since their goals were the same and seeks to fulfill his lust for revenge.


Hikaru Anei - Wife

Shintao Anei - Daughter


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PicaPirate said:
"You could say he's pure to a frightful extent. A crystallization of martial skill."

Appearance Notes: Generally wears his cloak over him. His hair is black. He looks older than he is from all the phyiscal exertion and marks from fighting.

Name: Bushin Hokusai (family name first)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Fallen Human

Weapon: Glaive/Guan Dao, as shown in first picture. Inherited by the Bushin he grew up with.

Personality: Hokusai has a rather abrasive , frank personality. He has only just just started trying to emulate standard human thinking and mannerisms, so he is clumsy with his words and manners. Raised in purely fighting, he lacks other kinds of training. His mind is strong in a purely martial sense, from thinking for years on the manner of war. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion. His temper is like that of a hawk, seeking opponents when at their weakest. He confronts his problems directly and bluntly. He is unfamiliar with emotions, as one of the codes the Bushin follow is that sentimental emotions are not needed for those who seek strength and the Bushin commit themselves fully to the "martial path" in order to purge themselves of unwanted emotions.

His free time is spent meditating to hone his mind in fighting or training. He has been known to fight wild animals and cut down trees with swings of his glaive.

He has no form of tactical thinking or conversational skills, as his childhood had none of it.

When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. They blank their thoughts and synchronise their breath their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force.

His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon.

History/Bio: Hokusai was born with no name. A war orphan in times of strife, he has no knowledge of his parents. All he knows is that he was as a child picked up by a small secretive group of demons known as The Bushin (God of Military Arts). A Bushin is someone who secludes themselves from society and dedicates their life to achieving the pinnacle of a "path". All their warriors were nameless and known as Bushin by name. As they are all seeking different "paths", some do so alone while others do so as a group living together. As Bushin apply themselves to continuously honing and refining a "martial path", the Bushin here learnt to fight after becoming old enough to train alone.

As a Bushin, fighting was all he did. He fought for his food by attacking convoys and would attack armies to hone his skills. He became renowned as a skilled killer known for his powerful sweeping attacks and keen instincts. Within time, he was feared in his area. Known as a Bushin, that was his name.

This changed at the age of 26. While fighting a large battalion, he became heavily injured due to their overwhelming numbers and the presence of Demons who crashed the battle. He survived, however also having to fight demons took a large toll on his body. While resting on the riverside he met a Hitomi maiden. While part of the clan, this woman did not fight as a profession. This woman cleaned the mans wounds and healed him from his injuries. In the month it took for him to heal fully, she would engage in discussion with him about near everything. At first, the Bushin did not respond at all, merely listening. After time, he would question various things she said. As a man only in war, he knew nothing about how to live in any other way.

During this month period in healing, this woman taught him the principle of humans, valuing life and not mindlessly killing. She explained to him foreign concepts such as justice and simply not fighting. The Bushin would try to grasp these concepts, attempting to learn them. In one sense, he was like a very old child, where a large part of the world was unknown to him.

After he healed, the Bushin began training again. This included meditation to hone his thoughts taught by the woman and cutting trees with simple swings, which she said scared him. Fear was an unknown concept to the Bushin, so he couldn't understand this. By 3 months he was in his full dangerous self again, though with some human knowledge and with a woman who he never learnt the name of.

The woman decided it had been suitable time to travel back to her clan, when things went south. While basically on the doorsteps to a Hitomi clan area, they were ambushed by a large group of raiders. While the Bushin eliminated them in front of the Hitomi reinforcements that came with ease, the woman became injured from an arrow to a vital area. Her dying words to him were to not kill mindlessly but for a purpose and calling him Hokusai, the great wave who will sweep the nation. While the Hitomi cried in mourning for their sister, the now named Bushin Hokusai stood towering over her. His anguish was not expressed, but he felt it, an emotion he never experienced before and didn't wish to again.

He now seeks redemption for his past sins (of large scale killing) by joining the Hitomi and learning their way of life and attempting to emulate it into his martial soul. He decided that joining their cause to defeat Gashadokuro. Whether the Hitomi will accept him however is another matter entirely.

Relationships: None. In his time as a path seeker, he never had romantic interests, being entirely devoted to martial skill. Ever since he freed himself from the grasp of the Bushin, he has yet to see anyone that caught his eye.
He looks awesome! :D Technically I think Aki already accepted you, but let me just say it again. Accepted!

Shura11 said:

Kage Clan


Height: 5'11"


Kashiro Anei





Fallen Human


Katana and wakazashi


Kashiro is very arrogant ambitious and vengeful. He wares a mask of calm indifference, in life Kashiro would his words and charm to get what he wanted however after resurrection he is quick to draw his weapon and intimidate others. He hungers for power and to lead a clan of his own and despises those in power. Although he hates the leader of the clans and those above him but is wise enough not to cause problems with in the Kage ranks. Although he hungers for power he understands that as a fallen human he will not be able to lead the Hitomi clan, so instead he seeks to destroy it and above all else end Hikarus life himself.


Kashiro was always hungered for power. In his youth he trained hard to escape the shadow of his older brother but was never able to do so. It wasn't until his engagement to Hikaru that he was able to break away from being over shadowed. His brother had married a woman of lower standings out of love which Kashiro deemed foolish. Kashiro married expecting to have control over the Hitomi clan but was severely disappointed when all his role in the maters became was to make suggestions and act as an advisory rather than make the decisions himself. He tried to take on responsibility and respect of the clans members little by little which worked in his favor. Especially when Hikaru's pregnancy took a turn for the worst causing the clan leader to have to step down temporarily in order to ensure their child's health.

Kashiro tried to change policies and make decisions but constantly found his authority being undermined. Many of the important decisions fell to Hikaru to make. He was further shamed by the birth of a daughter rather than a son. When Hikaru was told that she could resume Clan Leader activities with in a few weeks Kashiro snapped. He tried to smother his wife as she slept in an attempt to make it seem like she died from complications of child birth instead. However he had underestimated Hikaru and was stabbed in the leg for it. He attempted to try and smother her again but she had called for her guard and before he could even use her blade against her was shot by a deadly arrow.

Kashiros spirit remained enraged and sought out revenge for being the one to die instead of Hikaru. His hatred and anger was so great that he made a deal with a demon to be resurrected and take his revenge and in exchange the demon would have her soul along with any Kashiro killed along the way. He joined the ranks of the Kage army since their goals were the same and seeks to fulfill his lust for revenge.


Hikaru Anei - Wife

Shintao Anei - Daughter


Accepted of course. ^^ Great character.
Clan: The Katsuro

Appearance: Fairly well built, has black hair tied in a flowing bun and blue eyes. Usually wears what's left of his armor (It has been passed down through generations)


Name: Akio

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Class: Kishu

Weapon(s): Primarily uses a naginata but keeps a katana sheathed on his side to be safe.

Personality: Usually quiet and avoids others - quite a lone wolf style of character though works with others when needed (He doesn't have to enjoy it). Akio may seem cold on the outside, shunning people away but with enough patience and persistence he may open himself up to you.

Likes: Being alone and thinking or perhaps talking with someone he considers "worth" spending time with, exploring, taking care of his mount (A large tiger) and making sure his equipment looks it's best - sharpening his blade etc.

Dislikes: People who are too energetic or ignorant, anything that doesn't care for the lives of others, seeing anything in pain, being forced to work with others and being alone in woods/forests.

History/Bio: He was brought into the world surrounded by a caring family, raised perfectly. His life was almost a dream, until one day - that dream was shattered. At the age of 12 the young Akio and his parents were travelling through the woods far from the town, it was family time, except... They weren't alone. All he remembers is a flash, then darkness. A few hours later Akio awoke to find both of his parents missing and himself to be alone in the darkness of the night. Several days later and he was still alive, creating a small camp while hunting for food and supplies - avoiding the dangers which lurked in every shadow. This continued for a year or so, the isolation nearly breaking him - that was until a band of soldiers from the Katsuro clan chanced across the camp. Akio didn't know whether to leave with these people or stay alone... Ultimately it was the voice of his mother in the back of his mind that made him join them "Never walk alone in the woods..." the calm behind the words flooding into his mind as he wiped away a tear, that was the beginning of his new life training to be a Kishu in the clan of people who became his new family. Though the year spent alone in that place left him scarred, and those scars run deep...

Relationships: None, he walks alone.
Wait so are you allowed to make your own clan, Or are you just becoming something like a Daimyo for such a clan?

Cause i had an awesome Clan idea

Example app:

Clan: Sens? no dansei or ?????


Motto: Sh?ri, ch?sei, shi. ???????

Leader ????,Shukketsu tenshi :

??????,Meiyo no g?do:

???????, Ch?jitsuna samurai:

?????, Kamigami no heishi:
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