Legend of Samurai

Emperor Shadow IV

The Emperor of Shadows


Welcome to the sign-ups! If you haven't already, take a brief moment to read over the rules. Also, ensure you have a strong understanding of the plot. Thank you!


Akihito is co-founder of this RP. If he is available when I am not, he will accept your character application sheets.

(7) Hitomi - Leader: Shura11

SayuriTokage, kirito1337, CelticHero37, SekiryuuteiDxD, PicaPirate, WeirdBraxto Kun

(6) Katsuro - Leader: Robin man

Akihito, Ethreal Oatmeal, Hazouken, Syrenrei, Hijoshikina

(3) Nobuyuki - Leader: Emperor Shadow IV

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki, Emperor Shadow IV

(5) Kage - Leader: Emperor Shadow IV

SayuriTokage, kirito1337, Akihito, Shura11

There are four different clans to play as in this RP. The first three are samurai clans, the Hitomi, Katsuro, and Nobuyuki respectively. The fourth is the clan of the corrupt, the Kage - Gashadokuro's army. Back-stories for each of the samurai clans will be posted soon!

The clan leaders are all playable, one for each of the three samurai clans, but I must post a quick warning: If you are to play as a clan leader, you must be fully active in this RP.

Clan leaders are currently unavailable

Clan leaders shall play a large role in this RP, and therefore you must be dedicated to this if you wish to play as one. The clan leaders' families are also playable, only aside from a leader's children possibly inheriting his/her power during the course of the RP, they are ordinary characters.

The Hitomi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3138710_FemaleSamurai.jpg.bed08f424b4e9a1c831a517848cb92e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3138710_FemaleSamurai.jpg.bed08f424b4e9a1c831a517848cb92e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> A Hitomi samurai

The Hitomi are a clan of nearly all female warriors. They follow the samurai way and uphold the same ideals, but in terms of combat they differ. Hitomi are stealthier and less proficient in one-to-one combat. If they are able to utilize the environment to their advantage, it may be easy to vanquish their opponent, but on level and open ground they are inferior to a well-trained swordsman. They are similar to ninja.

The Katsuro

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf313dd69_SamuraiandTiger.jpg.a31435c35d8e0f38d023c57dd13c43dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf313dd69_SamuraiandTiger.jpg.a31435c35d8e0f38d023c57dd13c43dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> A Katsuro atop his beast mount

The Katsuro are primarily beast-riders or horsemen, and wield a vast arsenal of long-ranged weapons. The Katana and Wakizashi, a samurai's traditional weapons, aren't as common as the Naginta or Yumi amongst these warriors. Though they allow women to join their order, there are very few. Home to also many outcasts.

The Nobuyuki

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf314637f_SamuraiMonk.jpg.c063f67a22d2752a75e4fa9f89669343.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf314637f_SamuraiMonk.jpg.c063f67a22d2752a75e4fa9f89669343.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nobuyuki warrior monk

The final clan, the Nobuyuki, are master swordsman and monks. Some of the ancient arts developed before The War of Fire are still preserved in this clan's traditions. It has made many of their kind expert healers. The Katana and Wakizashi are their primary weapons, every samurai girds himself with both, but they wield other weapons as well. Women are not allowed to become warriors.

The Kage

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf31530a4_ShadowWarrior.jpg.eafbf898ace593a1a330c8b6c817a834.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf31530a4_ShadowWarrior.jpg.eafbf898ace593a1a330c8b6c817a834.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kage shadow warrior

The clan of fallen men and demons; a vile gathering of darkness. Weaponry is entirely dependent on the individual, as are fighting styles and tactics.



Hitomi Classes:


- Standard and most common class among the Hitomi. Well-rounded with swords, stealthy, and able to hold his/her own in combat. They are capable of also using ranged weaponry.


- Poor with melee weaponry, but proficient with ranged weapons such as the Yumi. They are versed in medicine, often referred to as "Herbal Masters", and may cure most wounds.

Katsuro Classes:


- Beast-riders and cavalry. They are experienced with polearms and swords alike, decent with ranged weaponry, and skilled hunters.


- Masterless samurai. Deadly in battle and unpredictable. They carry only a Katana and Wakizashi.

Nobuyuki Classes:


- Warriors and expert swordsman, renowned for their skills in battle. Well-rounded with most weapons, swords especially, but very lacking with ranged weaponry.


- Fighting monks. They possess great healing abilities passed down from before The War of Fire, and are also skilled in combat.

Kage Classes:


- Completely open-ended. Just a monster from hell.

Fallen human

- A man or women who is no longer purely human.


Character Sheets

Please note, in order to make a character for the Kage clan, you must first create a character for one of the three Samurai clans.

Normal Application:



Appearance Notes:







Likes and Dislikes:

History/Bio: (optional)



Clan Leader Application:



Appearance Notes:




Beast Guardian:

Weapon of Choice:

Immediate Family:

Clan Successor:


Likes and Dislikes:

History/Bio: (required)



Kage Clan Application:


Appearance Notes:




Demon or Fallen Human:

Demon Power: (if Demon. Must be within realistic bounds)

Demon Weapon: (if Demon)

Weapon(s): (if Human)









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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Unification.Chronicle.full.1701312.jpg.dbb11b6aaea939640c040ba763dbf3df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Unification.Chronicle.full.1701312.jpg.dbb11b6aaea939640c040ba763dbf3df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes:

Height - 6'2"

Weight - 199 lbs


Takashi Wakahisa









Yumi Bow


Takashi is quiet but a strong, loyal soldier. He prefers not to talk unless spoken to but enjoys pleasantly talking to his friends. In his heart, he is more of a peaceful spirit but when his clan calls, he will answer with his bow and horse. Takashi can form very strong friendships even though he does not talk much. When he does however, his words are powerful and helpful to the situation.

He is very polite and remembers his manners. Someone commented that it's as if he is doing everything automatically. Like he was trained from a young age by his parents. Takashi agrees he was trained at a young age but by himself. He doesn't do them because he was exactly trained to do so, he does them because it is the polite thing to do and speaks to everyone with kind and respectful manner.

Takashi hates to fight. Although he is fine in a real battle, he doesn't like it when he watches a brawl between two people. He tends to calmly simmer down the situation or just ignore them and walk away. When he fights, he is deadly as he does not waste time talking or yelling. Takashi was once called the Silent Demon as he killed seven enemy soldiers without changing his expression or even saying a single word.

When you get down into it, Takashi is a loyal friend and loves his clan and his horse. He has a special bond with his horse and will never enter any battle without her. All in all, Takashi is someone you want to make friends with. Pray hard if you are on the receiving end of his arrows.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes - Friends, Leadership, His horse

Dislikes - Bullies, Loud people, Having to speak to a crowd, being a leader


None at the moment.

@Emperor Shadow IV



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Appearance Notes

Height: 5'6"


Hikaru Anei





Beast Guardian


Weapon of Choice

Yumi (Ranged)

Kodachi (Close)

Immediate Family

Daughter - Shintoa Anei (Alive)

Husband - Kashiro Anei (Deceased)

Clan Successor

Shintoa Anei


Hikaru is said to be the embodiment of the fox spirit, for better and for worse. She carries herself with confidence and grace demanded of the role of a clan leader. A polite smile is part of the daily mask she wears even face with confrontation. She rather talk her way out of a situation but when that fails a swift unseen dagger to the chest is always a second option. Hikaru is sly and mischievous rarely passing up the opportunity poke fun or instigate something. Hikaru is very stubborn at times and when she gets an idea or has a goal there are very few things than can sway her from her path. Which has often gotten her into trouble. To those outside her clan she is not to be trusted because of her uncanny ability to disappear when trouble starts.

To those inside her clan she is more relaxed, and to her family she can be down right smothering. She is very protective of her clans members and does what she can to make sure they are well trained and protected. She believes in the school that to learn a lessons some times pain is involved and allows people to make their own mistakes so long as it doesn't endanger those she vowed to protect. respects those with a strong will and determination but will not tolerate stupidity. Hikaru is extremely patient and rarely looses her temper. For those on the receiving end of her wrath there is little hope of walking away.


Archery, playing tricks, reading, spicy foods, rain, proving people wrong


Disrespect, being underestimated, undeserved arrogance, stupidity


Drowning: nearly drowned as a young child. She is able to swim but will have anxiety issues if her head goes under.


Hikaru was an unlikely choice to be clan head when she was a child. She didn't like to study or train preferring to play tricks on other people and play mind games with authority figures. Hikaru has had to learn many lessons the painful way inuring many injuries that could have been avoided. Having been the daughter of the clan head Hikaru was used to getting her way and tended to be a spoiled brat. She was fairly rebellious and didn't like to be told what to do. She developed a friendship of sorts with Katsuro clan heir at the time, Tekeshi over the times their families would meet and visit one another. It wasn't the smoothest of meeting or friendships, however being that they were both heirs and would no doubt have to work together to ensure peace between the clans, they at least tried to get along. Hikarus rebellious nature didn't really change until she was in her early teens.

Hikaru had been ditching her lessons for a chance to explore the surrounding forests. She'd managed to lose her body guard, Yumi, and wandered deeper than she intended to getting lost in the mystery that nature offered. She didn't realize her error until she'd come face to face with a group of feral looking beggars. Hikaru managed to escape them for a short time but was quickly caught up to fortunately her Yumi followed the noise of a struggle and was able to defend her from the wild-men. In the process of defending her however her guard was severely injured, nearly loosing his arm in a moment where she was nearly overwhelmed. The two managed to escape alive and well however the fight had costed Yumi the use of her right arm. Hikaru learn the the hard way her actions had repercussions not only for herself but to the rest of the clan as well. Not wanting history to repeat its self Hikaru became more diligent in her studies, goofing off every once in a while but learning everything she could in order to fulfill her roll as Hitomi Clan heir.

Hikaru was married young like most girls at the time. It was an arranged marriage however she wasn't completely estranged from her husband to be. There was a mutual respect for one another but not necessarily love, or much affection at all for that matter. Hikaru could tell that Kashiro resented her to some extent. She was to be the head of the clan and make most of the decisions. Something that, at the time, only men were allowed to do. He would offer his input when he could but there was always an undertone of jealousy in their marriage. Things changed when Hikaru became pregnant with Shin, she was much happier knowing she would have someone to give her attention and love towards. Kashiro was also happy and would brag about how his son would be the strongest in the land. The pregnancy wasn't easy for Hikaru because of her small frame and Kashiro took on more responsibility as clan head which made him very happy at first. Hikaru was very good at getting what she wanted done even while bed bound. She maintained control over the decisions in the clan and Kashiro would only be addressed if minor with in the clan was wrong such as a despite between families.

Once Shin was born Kashiro grew even more distant then before. He had wanted a son but was birthed a weak daughter instead. Some say it was this disappointment that pushed Kashiro off the edge. Hikaru had suspected him to be bitter towards her even angry however she didn't let it bother her. Hikaru expected to recover and be ready to resume her duties as clan head after a few weeks of rest. One night Hikaru went to sleep early since caring for Shintao was quite exhausting.

Hikaru was vaguely aware of her husbands presence when he came to bed and was abruptly woken by something being pressed to her face blocking her from breathing. She tried to fight her assailant off despite being pinned. Hikaru always slept with a dagger tucked inside her robs in case of such an incident and was able draw the dagger and stab her attacker. The wound was not fatal however it got the assailant to ease his pressure and allow her to breath. Hikaru called for her guard before the pressure resumed. a few seconds later there was a commotion then the pressure was off.

Hikaru was surprised when she pulled the pillow away to find her husband slumped next to her with an arrow through his heart. Kashiro was arrogant and greedy for power, something she had figured out shortly after they married. Yet she never expected him to try and murder her just for power. There was no great lost love between them, Hikaru hadn't loved the man and was glad to have his remains burred far from Hitomi lands. It did, however, hurt a bit when her her daughter ended up taking more after her father in terms of looks. Hikaru raised Shin as best she could, teaching her right from wrong and how to be humble instead of arrogant like her father. At times she would be to light on the girl, allowing Shin to make her mistakes and pay for them as well. She knew that Shin was rough around the edges, as was she growing up, but would make a great clan leader.


Daughter - Shintoa Anei ( @WeirdBraxto Kun )

Friend while growing up - Tekeshi Shirou (@Robin man )


Hikaru is skilled in the arts of herbal medicine and is aware of its potential to help as well as cause great harm.

Very few can match her skill with a bow
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Shura11 said:





Appearance Notes

Height: 5'6"


Hikaru Anei





Beast Guardian

Kitsune/ Fox

Weapon of Choice

Yumi (Ranged)

Kodachi (Close)

Immediate Family


Clan Successor



Hikaru is said to be the embodiment of the fox spirit, for better and for worse. She carries herself with confidence and grace demanded of the role of a clan leader. A polite smile is part of the daily mask she wears even face with confrontation. She rather talk her way out of a situation but when that fails a swift unseen dagger to the chest is always a second option. Hikaru is sly and mischievous rarely passing up the opportunity poke fun or instigate something. Hikaru is very stubborn at times and when she gets an idea or has a goal there are very few things than can sway her from her path. Which has often gotten her into trouble. To those outside her clan she is not to be trusted because of her uncanny ability to disappear when trouble starts.

To those inside her clan she is more relaxed, and to her family she can be down right smothering. She is very protective of her clans members and does what she can to make sure they are well trained and protected. She believes in the school that to learn a lessons some times pain is involved and allows people to make their own mistakes so long as it doesn't endanger those she vowed to protect. respects those with a strong will and determination but will not tolerate stupidity. Hikaru is extremely patient and rarely looses her temper. For those on the receiving end of her wrath there is little hope of walking away.


Archery, playing tricks, reading, spicy foods, rain, proving people wrong


Disrespect, being underestimated, undeserved arrogance, stupidity


Drowning: nearly drowned as a young child. She is able to swim but will have anxiety issues if her head goes under.


Hikaru was an unlikely choice to be clan head when she was a child. She didn't like to study or train preferring to play tricks on other people and play mind games with authority figures. Hikaru has had to learn many lessons the painful way inuring many injuries that could have been avoided. Having been the daughter of the clan head Hikaru was used to getting her way and tended to be a spoiled brat. She was fairly rebellious and didn't like to be told what to do. The turning point for Hikaru didn't come until her early teens.

Hikaru had been ditching her lessons for a chance to explore the surrounding forests. She'd managed to lose her body guard, Yumi, and wandered deeper than she intended to getting lost in the mystery that nature offered. She didn't realize her error until she'd come face to face with a group of feral looking beggars. Hikaru managed to escape them for a short time but was quickly caught up to fortunately her Yumi followed the noise of a struggle and was able to defend her from the wild-men. In the process of defending her however her guard was severely injured, nearly loosing his arm in a moment where she was nearly overwhelmed. The two managed to escape alive and well however the fight had costed Yumi the use of her right arm. Hikaru learn the the hard way her actions had repercussions not only for herself but to the rest of the clan as well. Not wanting history to repeat its self Hikaru became more diligent in her studies, goofing off every once in a while but learning everything she could in order to fulfill her roll as Hitomi Clan heir.




Hikaru is skilled in the arts of herbal medicine and is aware of its potential to help as well as cause great harm.

Very few can match her skill with a bow

Accepted! Great looking character. :3




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/166821.jpg.6bf066933431cdff1766ac5d2ddb1c99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/166821.jpg.6bf066933431cdff1766ac5d2ddb1c99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fujinaka Ichigori








"White Dragon"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/0000196_shinwa-white-knight-ninja-katana-sword-damascus.jpg.d4faeaa90d57cbbca917d3bf82d038de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/0000196_shinwa-white-knight-ninja-katana-sword-damascus.jpg.d4faeaa90d57cbbca917d3bf82d038de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Pure Absolution"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/DBHK127WT.jpg.f7ce35afa31c2614a43f4ede3daabeab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/DBHK127WT.jpg.f7ce35afa31c2614a43f4ede3daabeab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Ichi was born under a man and a woman by the names of Sabusa and Akumi Fujinaka. He was the middle child of three; an older brother and a younger sister grew up with him. As a child, Ichi and his brother always seemed to be pit in rivalry. Seeing as they were only two years apart, it’s only natural for that to happen. Their parents began to think it was too much though, considering they fought constantly. It was unhealthy for the household. They now had a decision to make, which son to remove. Although Ichi seemed to be growing up as the superior brother physically, his parents believed his older brother, Hiroshi, would bring them more wealth in his future. Hiroshi was also the first born. Subsequently, at the age of 12, Ichi was removed from his household dishonorably. Now, though, he was left to fend for himself considering no father wanted a child that would bring dishonor to his own family.

Ichi became a wanderer for a few years in his life. Passing from town to town, begging and living in the slums. Every day was very much a struggle to keep the strength to want to keep living. Deep down though, Ichi had always thought he was destined for something great. Surprisingly enough, Ichi was able to gain a very optimistic view on life. Constantly using the fact that his life was hard to reinforce him and keep him pushing forward. This came to his advantage, as one day he was spotted by an elderly blacksmith that had perfected the craft of forging katana for the top Samurai in the region.

This famous blacksmith saw a strong future in the boy, so he decided to take him under his wing and train him. The blacksmith began with teaching Ichigori the basics of all martial arts, slowly working his way up until weapon training began. Almost immediately after having a wooden training katana placed in his hands, it seemed Ichi was born to wield this blade. Around the age of 17 the blacksmith believed Ichi was finally ready to receive his own blade, forged in in heat of the famous blacksmith's own fires. It took him many grueling months to master the perfect mixture of material to create this boy's blade. However, once it was complete, it would be measured to rival some of the most famous legendary blades of Japan. He named it the “White Dragon”.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/lion_clan_samurai_by_auspiciouspanda-d4fy6bd.jpg.51868d058a294dad17c3a8922ae136ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/lion_clan_samurai_by_auspiciouspanda-d4fy6bd.jpg.51868d058a294dad17c3a8922ae136ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Soon after Ichi had received his right of passage in form of his new blade, a group of Ronin samurai kidnapped him and forced him into their ranks. These Ronin were nothing more than an underground criminal group of samurai that use their skills for their own personal gain. Noticing Ichigori’s skill as a swordsman, he was welcomed happily and his ability quickly overwhelmed those in the lower ranks. He soon worked his way up though, becoming even second to the leader of this warrior gang. Just as it seemed Ichi had his life on track for what he had considered glory, though, he and a group of his gang members had been ambushed and captured by the Katsuro’s Royal Guard. They outmatched him purely on their level of discipline. Fighting in a gang had made him sloppy. After capture, Ichi was left to rot in prison for a year before he was brought out to the execution blocks. Being in jail had brought him to his senses; he came to terms with himself and regretted many of his actions in the past. As he was walked to the blocks, he could see all his past successes and failures in his life running through his mind at a million miles an hour. He closed his eyes as he was knelt on his knees, he could smell the dried blood from the criminals of previous offense. It almost made him gag, but considering the fact he was about to die, the feeling never actually came. To his surprise though, neither did the feeling of death.

Then he heard it. He heard him. It sounded like his brother, but it couldn't have been. Why would his brother have happened upon the same city Ichi had? He opened his eyes to the execution being stopped and he was stood up by a group of the Katsuro’s Royal Guard. His brother was at the lead. After that beautiful reunification of blood, Ichi became a disciple in the special training the Royal Guard received. Ichi was at the age of about 28 now; he had reached his brother side at head of the Royal guard. He felt he had finally made up for his life of so much treachery by serving the Guardian Samurai that was the head of the clan loyally. Ichi had now been given word that the current leader had died unexpectedly and, since he had no heir, a younger relative of his was now in power. Ichi didn't like this, but he was bound to his Guardian Samurai, no matter who he was. With this news of a new man in power, he also received new orders that he and the other guards were going to be sent to battle with a rivaling group to the north. However, he had some downtime before he was actually said to leave, so he decided to take odd jobs here and there to occupy time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Samurai_by_GBrush.jpg.326782193715d0b759f77571398e315d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Samurai_by_GBrush.jpg.326782193715d0b759f77571398e315d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

One of these jobs consisted of being assigned to guard one of the clan leader’s cousins. On this mission, he was accompanied by a female blade who called herself Chika. She was a freelancer. A mercenary for hire, he would have judged her, had he not been with the Ronin for so many years himself. She actually turned out to be a very pure hearted girl and he respected that. The fact that she was so bubbly and talkative was the one thing that bothered him though. A swordsman must be cold and calculating. Smiling and talking the whole time does not help with that image. However, it was inevitable that the cart would be ambushed. When they were attacked, Chika and Ichi were fluid in combat, almost as a double bladed swordsman. They had bonded that day, unexpectedly to Ichi. However as much as they might disagree at times, he sees her as somewhat of an attachment. She became the Yin to his Yang. Something he decided he would protect with his life.

Soon after that job, Ichi was deployed to battle. However, the mission had been an utter failure. This resulted in the death of the majority of the Royal Guard, including Ichi’s brother. Feeling extreme pain and uselessness as he felt he carried full responsibility for the death of his brother, he returned to the kingdom with destroyed emotions. He was engulfed in shame and gave it no thought when the head general said that the Katsura Clan leader gave him and the rest of the guards the command to commit Seppuku for their failure. Ichi returned to his quarters and removed his dirtied and bloodied battle dress and got into his ceremonial Samurai Kimono and Hakama before falling to his knees and unsheathing his Tanto, Pure Absolution. This blade was used by the samurai to be and offhand parrying weapon. Perk is it could be doubled as the easiest way to commit Seppuku, considering he could actually gain the reach to make a stabbing movement. Ichigori placed both hands on the handle of the Tanto and outstretched his arms; his brother was the only thing on his mind. The serenity of an honorable death and finally being able to join Hiroshi in the afterlife.

Chika luckily ended up hearing of what had happened however and was able to get to him in time. She kept him from killing himself and she helped him escape the capital city. Ichi had become a Ronin once more. They were on the run for years, eventually running into one of Chika's childhood friends, Sakura. Sakura was a girl who had grown up in the same orphanage as Chika, so they went way back. After many experiences with each other, Sakura was finally exposed. She, over the course of her life, had become an assassin. Her current target being Ichigo.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/daigotsu_yuhmi_by_artpox-d37zw1s.jpg.61eb469450e3fbf0f8d9cdb65ee7a0c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/daigotsu_yuhmi_by_artpox-d37zw1s.jpg.61eb469450e3fbf0f8d9cdb65ee7a0c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In the attempt to kill him, Chika gave her life to save his. A pivotal moment in Ichi's life. He killed Sakura in a blind rage and later fell off the map. He decided to go undercover, even donning a mask. Ichi decided to use this alias to become a mercenary and assassin, in an attempt to get closer to the leader of the clan. He wanted to be able to kill him discreetly. After many missions and many dead politicians, Ichi was finally hired by the clan leader himself. He had gained a large renown as this "Masked Swordsman" by now, so it was only natural for him to attract the clan leader's attention.

After killing a few targets for him, Ichi had gained full trust. He then began his plot for murder. After tracking the Katsura Clan leader for days, Ichi learned that it was in fact the head General of the Katura who had given that order. Ichi came forward and presented his findings. The General then defected and was exposed as a fallen human who had been in disguise.

After recognizing the darkness in his heart from planning to murder an innocent man, Ichi now cut his long ponytail and became a loner yet again. Keeping the title of Ronin in his shame, but still swearing his allegiance to his clan.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/thumb_big_other_1375d90adde9bae44e82d6b6247a209e.jpg.dd8b45ea70aa2d7865fabaece708c338.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/thumb_big_other_1375d90adde9bae44e82d6b6247a209e.jpg.dd8b45ea70aa2d7865fabaece708c338.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Shinjo Setsuna (Ex-Sister in Law)



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Looks great, can i reserve a place? And no ninja or are they under ronin, kinshe or something? 



Appearance Notes: scar running down his left eye. 6ft 4in, 94kg

Name:Taro Tanaka



Class: Sohei

Weapon(s): Naginata, katana , tanto

Personality:Serious and determined, when you first meet him coming of as fanatical to his clan and straight laced especially amongst his own clan. Though know him long enough or getting him outside the clan, and he softens a bit being more jovial, joking and hedonistic. He is not above breaking a few vows for hint of pleasure or for the greater good, though he temperate enough to know when enough is enough and enough. His loves his clan but even he thinks they take things a tad too seriously.

He has spiritual, of course, due to be raised by monks, however he carries a different view of the world the most of the world. He believes the rise of the demons not as a mistake by the old gods but a necessary add on to the world created. To him, the fight between good and evil is a necessity, like a forest fire to cleanse a forest for new trees and plants to grow so does a demons are necessary for human development and to appreciate what ones already have. But by no means supports the successful rise of demons, nobody wants that as a fully burned forest serves no one as nothing there to help growth.

In general, due to his hedonist and easygoing nature, he tries to avoid a fight when possible but still considers his options for when things come to his fight. Believing in the "you first strike being the last in the fight" he favors a defensive fight.

Likes and Dislikes:Likes: saki, meditation, dice gambling, learning, a good fight.

Dislike:fanaticism, cruelty, demons,

History/Bio: Orphan

Relationships:None in particular. Celibacy vows prevent any intimate relationship, and Taro seems to stick with it as so far the monastery is concerned at least.

Other:Dont gamble with him, you will lose. Some skill in healing and unarmed combat.
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Appearance Notes:height 6'3 weight 200 Ibs

Name:Kenzo Tachibana





Personality:Kenzo is Serious in a real battle but he is sometimes Carefree and sometimes dosen't take things seriously because he made mistakes from taking small things too seriously in the past,he dosen't like waiting and wants to do anything he wants and he always takes care of his white horse and he easily gets angry, he may be Immature sometimes but in a real battle he is fierce

Likes:Taking care of mounts,Trust,Confidence

Dislikes:Misunderstanding,Arrogance,Abusing Horses,Untrustworthy

Relationships:None Yet

Other:He Sometimes Charge into the battlefield without a Strategy
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Clan Leader Application:

Clan: Katsuro

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.75dc9bf0d3348de762b0b1317cf72545.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17920" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.75dc9bf0d3348de762b0b1317cf72545.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes:


160 lbs

Name: Tekeshi Shirou

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Beast Guardian:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.67fe5a62a00189b2f5472d4c487705a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.67fe5a62a00189b2f5472d4c487705a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of Choice:

His katana

Immediate Family: None

Clan Successor: Daughter


calm, quiet the only he talks to is his daughter, he's kind to everyone, at times he can be impatient, at other times blunt, he always want to do the right thing just in his own way, he can persistent at times, he always speaks the truth, if he thinks he can trust you he will watch your back. But he will put the need of his clan first.

Likes: Training


Good people

Dislikes: Betrayal

Being underestimated


History/Bio: Tekeshi was the third son of the previous clan leader. His brothers are five years older then him. He was also the smallest of the three. Which meant that he was picked on a lot by his two older brothers. So that meant that he toughened up,the quickest. All three of them were incredible swords men. Tekeshi learned the fastest.

When Tekeshi was eighteen something big happened. Their father was old at the time. He didn't have much time left. So he was ready to pick his successor. So to find who would take the spot he sent them on a quest. He told them to find the powerful demon that was living in the mountain and take his heart. Then the one who returned it to him will have one more assignment. Of course all three left.

Two years later and all three made it to the mountain. When they entered they found the demon. All three attacked him. But the demon was very powerful and he killed the middle child. Shortly after his death the two killed the demon. Tekeshi had the heart in his hand. But the worse moment in his life happened. His oldest brother betrayed him. He stabbed him in the stomach and left him there to die.

But Tekeshi willed himself out of the mountain. When he got out of the mountain entrance he passed out. When he awoke again he was in a tent of a monk. The monk found him at the entrance and he healed him. Tekeshi was ready to leave and find his brother. But the monk stopped him. He told him that he can't defeat him. Not in the way he is now. So he offered him teaching him a katana.

Not just any katana. It was a rare blade. The metal was cold to the touch. The blade was dark as night. Tekeshi accepted his offer. That was the easy part. It took him six months too learn to use the blade properly. You see the blade has a certain fighting style to the blade. But the knowledge is old just like the blade.

Once he learned the style he left the old monk and headed back to his quest. He hasn't seen the mysterious monk ever since. Another six months past and he returned to his village. And conveniently his brother returned on the same day. Takeshi waited till he was at their fathers house to challenge him. His brother accepted the challenge.

After a tough forty-five minute duel Tekeshi finally stabbed him in the heart. He found the demon heart. He didn't noticed that his father watched the whole duel. Takeshi gave him the heart. His father told him his next assignment. He must beat his father in a duel. He wanted one last duel before stepping down.

Tekeshi accepted his fathers offer and they dueled. Tekeshi was victorious. Even though this duel weakened him considerably. He was given the power that his father has had for decades. Afterwards his father died of natural causes. And for the last decade he's been the proud ruler of the Katsuro clan

Relationships: None at the moment

Other: (I hope this can be as good as everyone else's)



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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Looks great, can i reserve a place? And no ninja or are they under ronin, kinshe or something? 


Appearance Notes: scar running down his left eye. 6ft 4in, 94kg

Name:Taro Tanaka



Class: Sohei

Weapon(s): Naginata, katana , tanto

Personality:Serious and determined, when you first meet him coming of as fanatical to his clan and straight laced especially amongst his own clan. Though know him long enough or getting him outside the clan, and he softens a bit being more jovial, joking and hedonistic. He is not above breaking a few vows for hint of pleasure or for the greater good, though he temperate enough to know when enough is enough and enough. His loves his clan but even he thinks they take things a tad too seriously.

Likes and Dislikes:Likes: saki, meditation, dice gambling, learning, a good fight.

Dislike:fanaticism, cruelty, demons,

History/Bio: Orphan (wip)

Relationships:None of any kinds as far as he know. Celibate as per vows but still available.

Other:Dont gamble with him, you will lose. Some skill in healing and unarmed combat.
Please add some more to his personality. Then I'll be glad to accept you. :)

Hazouken said:


Appearance Notes:height 6'3 weight 200 Ibs

Name:Kenzo Tachibana





Personality:Kenzo is Serious in a real battle but he is sometimes Carefree and sometimes dosen't take things seriously because he made mistakes from taking small things too seriously in the past,he dosen't like waiting and wants to do anything he wants and he always takes care of his white horse and he easily gets angry, he may be Immature sometimes but in a real battle he is fierce

Likes:Taking care of mounts,Trust,Confidence

Dislikes:Misunderstanding,Arrogance,Abusing Horses,Untrustworthy

Relationships:None Yet

Other:He Sometimes Charge into the battlefield without a Strategy
If you could still add some more personality that would be great. Some better punctuation too please, if you can manage it. :3

[QUOTE="Robin man]

Clan Leader Application:

Clan: Katsuro

Appearance:View attachment 51189

Appearance Notes:


160 lbs

Name: Tekeshi Shirou

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Beast Guardian:


View attachment 51190

Weapon of Choice:

His katana

Immediate Family: A uncle, and a nephew

Clan Successor: Tba


calm, quiet the only he talks to is his daughter, he's kind to everyone, at times he can be impatient, at other times blunt, he always want to do the right thing just in his own way, if he thinks he can trust you he will watch your back. But he will put the need of his clan first.

Likes: Training


Good people

Dislikes: Betrayal

Being underestimated


History/Bio: Tekeshi was the third son of the previous clan leader. His brothers are five years older then him. He was also the smallest of the three. Which meant that he was picked on a lot by his two older brothers. So that meant that he toughened up,the quickest. All three of them were incredible swords men. Tekeshi learned the fastest.

When Tekeshi was eighteen something big happened. Their father was old at the time. He didn't have much time left. So he was ready to pick his successor. So to find who would take the spot he sent them on a quest. He told them to find the powerful demon that was living in the mountain and take his heart. Then the one who returned it to him will have one more assignment. Of course all three left.

Two years later and all three made it to the mountain. When they entered they found the demon. All three attacked him. But the demon was very powerful and he killed the middle child. Shortly after his death the two killed the demon. Tekeshi had the heart in his hand. But the worse moment in his life happened. His oldest brother betrayed him. He stabbed him in the stomach and left him there to die.

But Tekeshi willed himself out of the mountain. When he got out of the mountain entrance he passed out. When he awoke again he was in a tent of a monk. The monk found him at the entrance and he healed him. Tekeshi was ready to leave and find his brother. But the monk stopped him. He told him that he can't defeat him. Not in the way he is now. So he offered him teaching him a katana.

Not just any katana. It was a rare blade. The metal was cold to the touch. The blade was dark as night. Tekeshi accepted his offer. That was the easy part. It took him six months too learn to use the blade properly. You see the blade has a certain fighting style to the blade. But the knowledge is old just like the blade.

Once he learned the style he left the old monk and headed back to his quest. He hasn't seen the mysterious monk ever since. Another six months past and he returned to his village. And conveniently his brother returned on the same day. Takeshi waited till he was at their fathers house to challenge him. His brother accepted the challenge.

After a tough forty-five minute duel Tekeshi finally stabbed him in the heart. He found the demon heart. He didn't noticed that his father watched the whole duel. Takeshi gave him the heart. His father told him his next assignment. He must beat his father in a duel. He wanted one last duel before stepping down.

Tekeshi accepted his fathers offer and they dueled. Tekeshi was victorious. Even though this duel weakened him considerably. He was given the power that his father has had for decades. Afterwards his father died of natural causes. And for the last decade he's been the proud ruler of the Katsuro clan

Relationships: None at the moment

Other: (I hope this can be as good as everyone else's)

More on his personality, and then if you could go back and check some spelling and punctuation that'd be great. Then I'll accept you.

Also, do you plan on creating a character for his daughter and this Tba? Anyone listed under "family" for a clan leader should be an already existing character.
Kage Clan Application:



Appearance Notes:

Name: Hisori Narisake


Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Fallen Human

Weapon(s):daish? ( one short katana and one long katana)

Personality: Highly intelligent with a blood-thirsty drive, very sadistic and poetic in thought and speech.

History/Bio: Once Strong Young Samurai who had a heart of gold known best by his dual back slash Technique. He kindness bought him wealth and family that he loved and cherished. Till his house and kindness was taken advantage of. He was defeated and as he begged for the gods to come and save his family, his prayers fell short as he watched unspeakable things happen to his wife and two daughters till they were slain. In near death he gave up calling on the gods and called on the another. As he surrender his soul he was given his revenge. But that was not good enough he travels slashing anything in his path. If the gods didn't answer his plea. Then they shouldn't answers their as he slits their throats.

He has cause destruction wherever he goes. His blades has caused so much destruction the blood of his victims has stained his blade red completely never to be pure and silver again. But he no longer cares those who follow the Gods shall be destroyed by his blade.

Relationship: none that i know of right now.

Other: Keeps his wife necklace on the long blade and the on the short his two daughters.
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YoungChaos said:
Kage Clan Application:


Appearance Notes:

Name: Hisori Narisake


Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Fallen Human

Weapon(s):daish? ( one short katana and one long katana)

Personality: Highly intelligent with a blood-thirsty drive, very sadistic and poetic in thought and speech.

History/Bio: Once Strong Young Samurai who had a heart of gold known best by his dual back slash Technique. He kindness bought him wealth and family that he loved and cherished. Till his house and kindness was taken advantage of. He was defeated and as he begged for the gods to come and save his family, his prayers fell short as he watched unspeakable things happen to his wife and two daughters till they were slain. In near death he gave up calling on the gods and called on the another. As he surrender his soul he was given his revenge. But that was not good enough he travels slashing anything in his path. If the gods didn't answer his plea. Then they shouldn't answers their as he slits their throats.

He has cause destruction wherever he goes. His blades has caused so much destruction the blood of his victims has stained his blade red completely never to be pure and silver again. But he no longer cares those who follow the Gods shall be destroyed by his blade.

Relationship: none that i know of right now.

Other: Keeps his wife necklace on the long blade and the on the short his two daughters.
The Kage Clan is only open to those who have made a samurai character first. I could make this an exception, but I'd need you to expand more on his personality first. Just be warned, unless other players make characters for the Kage Clan he won't have much to interact with; fighting between the evil clan and the good clans won't happen right off the bat.



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Setsu Matsura










Setsu is the silent type, choosing not to speak unless it's needed. When she does speak, it's only to the Clan Leader, almost never anybody else. Her loyalty to her Clan Leader is unshakable and she only takes direct orders from her. Anything else she simply ignores. If someone were to talk ill of her Leader, she wouldn't lose her cool, but simply make them apologize through force. She tends to resort to violence quickly, her hands always placed upon her Kusarigama.

When her face is revealed for any reason, she feels incredibly vulnerable to the point of hiding until her face is covered. At some times, she may even cry. There are very few who have actually seen her face, and those who do are considered blessed because it's such a rare occurrence. Because she doesn't speak much and rarely shows her face, she has a hard time of saying things she really wants to say. This often leads to her bottling up her emotions and becoming distant from others.

Likes :

Her mask

The winds

Flowers (Roses in particular)




Spicy food

Self-centered people

When someone touches her mask

Being seen without her mask on

Anything that opposes her Leader


Growing up, Setsu was raised by her older brother, Tetsu. He, being a very skilled warrior, taught her many things, including how to use a Kusaigama and throwing needles. Being the only family to her, he spolied her often, taking her somewhere to eat or just going on a walk with her. One day, as they were passing by a mask shop, she found a mask that she loved, which her brother bought for her. This is the one she always wears even to this day. As the years went by, Tetsu had to leave to fight in a war, leaving Setsu behind to take care of herself. In hopes that her brother would come back, she stayed in their old, village house, eagerly waiting for his arrival. However, he never did. When she turned 15, she finally decided to leave the house and start a new life. Taking all of her brothers precious belongings with her, she left in search of a place in which her skills would be useful. In her search, she found a clan, the Hitomi, which consisted of mainly women.


Her brother : Tetsu : Believed to be deceased

Clan Leader : Hikaru Anei ( @Shura11 ) : Living


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SayuriTokage said:



  • 1441687-bigthumbnail.jpg


Setsu Matsura









Poison-tipped Throwing Needles


Setsu is the silent type, choosing not to speak unless it's needed. When she does speak, it's only to the Clan Leader, almost never anybody else. Her loyalty to her Clan Leader is unshakable and she only takes direct orders from her. Anything else she simply ignores. If someone were to talk ill of her Leader, she wouldn't lose her cool, but simply make them apologize through force. She tends to resort to violence quickly, her hands always placed upon her Kusarigama.

When her face is revealed for any reason, she feels incredibly vulnerable to the point of hiding until her face is covered. At some times, she may even cry. There are very few who have actually seen her face, and those who do are considered blessed because it's such a rare occurrence. Because she doesn't speak much and rarely shows her face, she has a hard time of saying things she really wants to say. This often leads to her bottling up her emotions and becoming distant from others.

Likes :

Her mask

The winds

Flowers (Roses in particular)




Spicy food

Self-centered people

When someone touches her mask

Being seen without her mask on

Anything that opposes her Leader


Growing up, Setsu was raised by her older brother, Tetsu. He, being a very skilled warrior, taught her many things, including how to use a Kusaigama and throwing needles. Being the only family to her, he spolied her often, taking her somewhere to eat or just going on a walk with her. One day, as they were passing by a mask shop, she found a mask that she loved, which her brother bought for her. This is the one she always wears even to this day. As the years went by, Tetsu had to leave to fight in a war, leaving Setsu behind to take care of herself. In hopes that her brother would come back, she stayed in their old, village house, eagerly waiting for his arrival. However, he never did. When she turned 15, she finally decided to leave the house and start a new life. Taking all of her brothers precious belongings with her, she left in search of a place in which her skills would be useful. In her search, she found a clan, the Hitomi, which consisted of mainly women.


Her brother : Tetsu : Deceased

Clan Leader : Hikaru Anei ( @Shura11 ) : Living



Accepted! :D Glad you decided to join. And if you want to, please go right ahead in making her brother.


  • zerochan.jpg


Tetsu Matsura





Demon or Fallen Human:

Fallen Human




Tetsu was once a very kind person; one who always took care of his little sister and helped those in need. He spoiled his sister often just to let her know that he was there for her and did unnecessary things just for her. By far, she was the most important thing to him. He was often seen going out of his way to help people when he visited a village.

However, after becoming a Fallen Human, he changed dramatically. His love and kindness towards others were replaced with hate and anger. Everything that was happy made him mad, often leading to a killing spree. Tetsu's logic is, "If I'm not happy, you can't either." He often states this just as he kills someone. But when it comes to his sister, he cannot help but throw all logic away. When he is with Setsu or someone has news about her, he reverts back to how he was before becoming a Fallen Human, but only for a moment. After all, he wishes for nothing but the best for her.


Tetsu and Setsu grew up with their grandmother. Their parents, being skilled assassins and such, passed on their abilities to them both. However, Setsu was too young to learn directly from them, so Tetsu took the weight and learned it all himself. Just as he was learning the last of what he had to, his parents left to fight in the war and were then killed. But Tetsu never let their deaths get to him or his sister. By the time he was 12, he had gotten used to taking care of Setsu to help his grandmother, who was becoming ill. One year passed, and their grandmother passed away, leaving the two of them alone. Tetsu did everything he could to provide for his sister, which surprisingly came easily to him. He had no trouble with money and always spoiled her with gifts. When she was old enough, he taught her skills that he thought she would excel at. Eventually, it was his time to enter the war. During the war, he was faced with a near-death situation in which he begged desperately to see his sister once again. His prayers were answered, only to become a Fallen Human as a result. Suddenly feeling angry at his disgusting self, he murdered anybody on the battle field, leaving his entire body covered in blood. Not wanting his pure sister to become tainted as he was, he never returned home, but continued to watch over her from afar.


His little sister : Setsu Matsura : Living


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-Nobuyuki Clan Leader-



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34db1a9_SamuraiWarrior.jpg.28641af0b20999289d855ae45ad7684f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34db1a9_SamuraiWarrior.jpg.28641af0b20999289d855ae45ad7684f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes:

Typically not visible, but the skin around his chest and shoulders is very scarred from flames. He's also missing his right hand.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 135 lbs.


Nobuyuki Gonzo





Beast Guardian:


Weapon of Choice:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34ef4cf_CrimsonKatana.jpg.078aef5f65461351685523bc09df4749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf34ef4cf_CrimsonKatana.jpg.078aef5f65461351685523bc09df4749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Immediate Family:

Nobuyuki Hatchigatsu

Nobuyuki Rei (deceased)

Nobuyuki Akane (deceased)

Clan Successor:

Nobuyuki Hatchigatsu


Gonzo was once the noblest, kindest and purest of all warriors. He was handsome, he excelled in combat, and his heart was always devoted to the high ideals of honor and justice. Even as his father's successor, and with all the duties and training thrust upon his shoulders, Gonzo's resolution and optimism never faltered. He embraced his path in life and was the type who held the opinion, that, if you made the best out of what you were given, and gave more than you received, you would reach enlightenment and ultimate happiness.

Sadly this eventually diminished, as multiple tearing events decimated the threads that held together Gonzo's life. Like a brilliant flame, it was snuffed out as the wind flew by on icy wings. But he denied the wind the pleasure of ripping him apart. His strength was still there, and he turned his concealed grief into even greater fortitude. Though what is a man who does not know how to grieve? In his actions, Gonzo left a part of himself behind.

But after Gonzo's wife's death, his soul slowly succumbed to the wind's devilish intentions. As he began to slip, his high ideals were shattered, his outlook on life defiled. The Gonzo who believed in a bright future now believed only in the present, and what he could do to stay alive another day. Off and on he still switches between his current self and his old from the past, but day by day his soul is stretched. This immeasurable illness has only sparked hate in the old warrior - hate, spite, and darkness. Because of this, the Nobuyuki leader has never been a proper father to his son. From a distance he sometimes praises him, but when they are two together in person, all he can show is spite.

Gashadokuro's coming may be the last thing to give Ganzo strength in this world. With word of the coming darkness, the man's old fortitude slipped back into his cracked heart.

Likes and Dislikes:

He enjoys peace, quiet, and the cherry blossoms around his clan village.

There is much he hates.


Gonzo grew up a prideful boy. He knew from a very young age what was expected of him and how he would one day succeed his father as the clan's leader. Combat and discipline were both essential to his upbringing. In order to please his parents, and impress those around him, Gonzo worked diligently at all he was given, whether that be management of livestock accounts or Kenjutsu, but his father was never pleased. If Gonzo weren't the only son of the Nobuyuki family, his father would have disinherited him from birth. For it was said, that the firstborn child of the 100th Nobuyuki clan leader, Gonzo in this case, would bring shame upon himself, and the clan, three times, each contributing to the downfall of the Nobuyuki.

Although not aware of the prophecy, Gonzo soon came to know of it, and the tension between father and son was imminent. This proved to be a thorn deep in the family's side, for when the Nobuyuki were all gathered together, Gonzo's tension with his father always posed difficulties. His mother, on the other hand, cared for Gonzo just as she did all of her children, and didn't give a second thought to the child's predicted fate.

Gonzo's sister, Nobuyuki Akane, also accepted him without worry about the supposed prophecy, and the two truly bonded when they were both teenagers. Akane initially gave Gonzo the resolution to cast aside his father's opinion and embrace his path in life. He later came to hold the opinion, that, if you made the best out of what you were given, and gave more than you received, you would reach enlightenment and ultimate happiness. His bond with Akane only grew over the years, past puberty, and became his greatest tie in the family.

Once Gonzo was of age, his father reluctantly revealed the clan's legendary sword, Akuma Sureiy?, to Gonzo. It was a centuries old weapon, its blade permanently stained red by the blood of its enemies. The true mark of a Nobuyuki clan leader lay in this sword, and it was the leader's duty to present it to his firstborn son when he came of age. However, Gonzo's father did not intend for him to ever use the sword. No, he ensured it. Showing his son the sword, he unsheathed it, revealing the naked crimson steel, and with one swift movement struck off Gonzo's right hand.

Still WIP


Father of Nobuyuki Hatchigatsu


Unable to wield his clan's legendary sword, Akuma Sureiy?, Gonzo merely wears it on ceremony accompanied by his uchigatana.





Appearance Notes:

His eyes shift hue depending on the cycle of the moon. When the full moon is out, they are said to be nearly black. There is also a scar on his left cheek, a token from his birth.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 110 lbs.


Nobuyuki Hatchigatsu

"Hatchi" to some








A katana and wakizashi. He also uses an odachi, but doesn't carry it around with him like his other two swords.



Hatchi has been raised to greatly uphold the ideal of honor and life by the sword. His father was the authoritative figure in this style of upbringing, and because of the harsh lessons which he taught about honor and the sword, Hatchi has been left with a cold attitude towards those who cannot wield a weapon. Not only that, he can be condescending even to his fellows. He doesn't have many friends - his personality may or may not be the key reason for this - so the young samurai does suffer from loneliness and dejection.

Yet as if to make up for this, his skills as a swordsman are undoubtedly impressive. Hatchigatsu practices both Iaijutsu, the art of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard, and Jigen-ryu. He devotes the majority of his days to honing his skills as a swordsman and practicing these styles. Such devotion to the principal of honor has drilled him into a living weapon, but much less a human being. Setsuna is, and has most likely been, his only personal relationship with another human, and the only person whom he has ever been 'himself' around. Hatchigatsu doesn't realize the truth himself, but he has lost his way among the years of rigorous training and discipline from his father. It's strange to see him smile when around Setsuna; the only other time he can be seen to emit such emotion is when painting. Hatchi loves to paint.

The heir to the Nobuyuki clan isn't uncaring, this shouldn't be misunderstood, his ideal of honor just takes precedence over all else. Even in his emotionless face is compassion, gentleness, and sometimes love. A fallen comrade he would be sure to help; he isn't so cold that the lives of others mean nothing to him. Hatchi just needs the guidance and love of companionship to aid him, and make him again whom he once was.

Likes and Dislikes:

Painting, poetry, Spring, nature, quiet, and a simple bowl of ramen are the things which he likes best.

Blood, surprisingly, his father, and the haunting memories of his mother he hates.


The beast guardian bound to each leader of the Nobuyuki clan, Ry?jin, has lived since the forming of the clan. His ties to the Nobuyuki family are very strong, sometimes overpowering. His presence and bond has slowly poisoned the blood of the Nobuyuki; his life has merged with theirs . . .

Hatchigatsu Nobuyuki, only son of Gonzo and Rei Nobuyuki, barely survived birth. For the first three years of his life he was greatly ill, and since he emerged from his mother's womb, a blood red scar has been etched into his left cheek. As he lay ill those first three years of his life, the scar never ceased to bleed, bringing him greater pain and anguish than you could imagine. It took all the toil and efforts of his mother to keep him alive, which, in the end, brought about her premature death. Once she died, Hatchigatsu's scar ceased to bleed.

As he grew older, it became apparent to Hatchi that his father, Gonzo, seemed greatly ill. Not physically, but spiritually. He was treated harshly by his father throughout his early training, and continued to endure such harshness until he came of age. Haunting memories of his mother, always outlined in a maddening red, also continuously pursued him at night. These horrors, nightmares, caused him great pain. Eventually the mere thought of his mother hurt him, so she was shut out of his head. The memories didn't cease however.

Once when daughters of the Katsuro clan paid the Nobuyuki a visit, Hatchi gained the opportunity to befriend Setsuna. It was his first time making a friend, his first time being in pleasurable company at that, and he enjoyed the time they spent together very much. Even after he could no longer see Setsuna in person, he continued to write to her. Still Hatchigatsu felt at unease though, like he always had, and began to train even more rigorously. It wasn't long before the sword truly became his life.

Because of the mystery behind his eyes, the shifting of the iris' color depending on the cycle of the moon, some members of the clan secretly claim he is a demon. They make jabs and stab him in the back as well. Hatchgatsu is well aware of this, his father may be as well, but nothing can be done about it. Hatchi is unknowingly a tormented soul, waiting for redemption.


Son and successor of Nobuyuki Gonzo.

Childhood friend of Shinjo Setsuna.


He is named after the legendary hero Hatchigatsu the Dragon.



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Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes: When not in combat, she wears traditional kimonos as pictured above. Her armor is pictured above and is a purple in colour. All of her personal effects of importance are emblazoned with her family crest/symbol of the kirin.


Shinjo Setsuna

(family name given name)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Class: Kishu


Daisho (Katana + Wakizashi), Yumi

->Setsuna is particularly skilled at combat on horseback, and much less proficient when not mounted. Her current stead is a stallion named "Hoshi" that can be ridden only by those with some manner of animal handling skill.


Honor. For many this is a but a noble pursuit or something for the samurai caste to explore at leisure. The Shinjo family has always taken honor very seriously and this has not been lost on Setsuna. She strives to embody all that is believed to be honorable: honest, forthright, never being stealthy or attacking from the rear, charging into battle fearlessly, loyal, obedient, yet remaining humble. At first glance she is a paragon of these virtues and her pristine appearance only gives the illusion of perfection.

Inwardly, Setsuna is many of these traits- but her eyes belie the great sorrow that she has come to know in her life. As a young widow, she knows grief most profoundly. It has always been a secret desire to have a calm, peaceful life with a romance of legend and several children at her feet. She has been hesitant to give up her samurai life that she has such great success with, but would readily do so for the right opportunity. Unfortunately, she knows herself to be undesirable as a widow and now suffers from great insecurity. Will her dream be realized? Is she destined to brandish a sword for eternity?

As inner conflict rages inside, she pours all her being into what she knows she can d0: be a samurai that everyone can be proud of. Her words are sincere, her countenance placid, her garments immaculate, and her attacks steadied by focused skill. Her one failing is that she lacks the pride that many other samurai hold. While she responds to insults with duels as required, melancholy and worry have started to make her pause before doing so.


Animals of all kinds (tame or wild)

Daifuku & Mochi

Purple (particularly in clothing)




Beach/sandy areas

Drinking to excess (alcohol)



Setsuna was born the third of four children; she has an elder sister, elder brother, and younger sister. Her mother and father naturally named their single male child heir and began preparations to determine what could be gained from their girls. It was immediately clear that they would need to train the sisters in several different areas to groom perfect brides for the many eligible bachelors of notable families. While many others might wait for their children to be in school to hatch plans, Setsuna's parents began at infancy.

Setsuna, her elder sister (Noriko), and her younger sister (Yukari) spent time with the Nobuyuki clan in particular. The Shinjo family believed that it would be beneficial to wed one of them to someone of prominence in the Nobuyuki clan (though they did not aim so high as the successor) and sent all three to spend time with them accordingly. Even if the Nobuyuki clan did not allow female members to become samurai, they had need of strong brides to bear future lines. While all three were beauties, Setsuna did not appreciate her mother and father's desires and Yukari had a poor personality that did not gain favor. As a result, Setsuna became quick friends with Hatchigatsu but only Noriko found herself betrothed to someone respectable at a young age.

Noriko's samurai studies were largely abandoned as she learned how to become a perfect housewife. Setsuna was allowed some peace while her parents focused on readying Noriko for quick marriage and she found a true friend in Hatchigatsu. Her letters to him was a refreshing breath of contact with a world not so singularly focused on prestige. Her respite was short, however, as once Noriko had left the household to join her new husband's, Setsuna was next in line. It was swiftly apparent that she would make an excellent warrior and she was thus trained to be so. Time crept by until she was engaged to wed the eldest son of the Fujinaka family when she turned 21. While she was not thrilled to be a wife quite yet, he was a kind person that treated her well enough. Combat was no longer a consideration and she set aside her daisho and yumi to learn how to keep a home as Noriko had.

Setsuna's marriage was short-lived. She had started to become accustomed to the strange changes of life in living with a man (who was several years her senior) when he was killed in battle. The flames of romance that had slowly been kindled were now dashed as well as her dreams of having a family. Perhaps things had not developed exactly the way she envisioned... but this was a turn for the worse. A widow at 22, Setsuna went into profound mourning. All seemed lost in that instant- her family had 'used' her and no longer truly wanted her to return, she was no longer a desirable maiden, her husband that had cared for and comforted her as a friend and recently more was perished. It was hopelessly bleak. After a month of crippling despair she turned to her clan to give her purpose. With an almost religious fervor she took up her weapons.

For seven years she has sought peace and end to the quiet suffering of her soul.


Hatchigatsu Nobuyuki (Childhood friend)

Fujinaka Ichigori (Ex brother-in-law)

Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes: (my mount)

Name: Akira Wolf-Bane

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Class: Kishu

Weapon(s): Dual Long spears (in pic)

Personality: Akira is a burning young spirit. He is always looking to help those in need. Akira uses his burning passion to over come his enemies.

Likes and Dislikes: Akira loves his companion Ama. He dislikes water

History/Bio: (optional)

Relationships: Unknown

Clan: Katsuro

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf373ff1f_swordofthestanger.jpg.6e5ce51b633850543fb5b8a509c75658.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf373ff1f_swordofthestanger.jpg.6e5ce51b633850543fb5b8a509c75658.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Masashi Nishimori

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Class: Ronin

Weapon(s): Katana

Personality: Reserved and quiet, bordering on carefree around those he doesn't know, but when it's time to draw blades he becomes fierce and tenacious. Generally keeps to himself but if befriended, he will have your back for life. Can sometimes come off as cold or arrogant, but means well although his expression may not show it. Before he joined up with the Katsuro Clan he was a member of an elite squad of ronin for hire, who took on many jobs of less than reputable nature. His last job before he left the group was the annihilation of a troublesome gang that had been terrorizing a region they had been in. As the fighting commenced a strange group of warriors appeared and wiped out both the gang and all of his troop aside from his brother and himself, and that's when his younger brothers' intentions became clear. His brother was to kill him to prove his loyalty to the Kage and the scar on his body is from the attack that nearly robbed him of his life. His joining of Katsuro clan is his attempt to reclaim his brother and help subdue the dark forces, or if necessary, to put an end to his brothers' life in the process. His silence comes from his failure to see the darkness growing inside his brother and pulling him in, and his cold demeanor is his way of keeping ppl at a distance so that he can objectively judge so that he will never be so easily blinded to what he should've have noticed in his own brother

Likes: Crossing blades with strong opponents, drinking, and rigorously honing his skills

Dislikes: People who boast about their fighting prowess, crowded places, and untrustworthy people

Relationships: None currently

Other: Has a younger brother that he hasn't seen in years, but whom he suspects has become a member of the Kage Clan. Bares a deep diagonal scar across his chest (left hip up to right shoulder), for which he doesn't speak about since his close usually hide it.



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Hitomi Application:

Clan: Hitomi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girl.jpg.5548bc79644d08d34e9555f37fae7c75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girl.jpg.5548bc79644d08d34e9555f37fae7c75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Mitsuyo Ikeda

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Daisho

Personality: Loud and very straightforward, always getting into fights with superiors. She likes to do things her own way which tends to put her in bad situations at times. Very playful and fun when meeting new people, but when it comes down to a fight she gets very serious. She has never backed down from a fight and she's also always thinking five steps ahead of her opponent.

Likes and Dislikes: likes hanging around with new people, eating out, polishing her sword, fighting strong opponents, and wearing blacked-out attire. Dislikes people who think they are better than her, demons, male samurai, and all people who look down upon the Hitomi as an

inferior clan

History/Bio: Mitsuyo was an orphan; she was raised by Mimaru(one of the clan members)who cared for her like she was her own child. Even though Mitsuyo thought Mimaru was her mother she knew something was wrong. She wondered why people treated her differently, the pointing, the laughing, the whispering behind her pack. Mitsuyo knew from the start that she would be an outcast, and she accepted it. Nothing could stop her, nothing could crush her dreams and bring her down, nothing could hold her back, for she longed to become the strongest member in the Hitomi Clan. Not only would she give her life to fulfill that goal, but she would delve into the depths of hell to gain the power she needed to exceed those who cast her aside like she was nothing but dirt.




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Clan: Hitomi

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf374815d_chicksamurai.jpg.715c86f3522a2c335eae56a0126a4306.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf374815d_chicksamurai.jpg.715c86f3522a2c335eae56a0126a4306.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rei Nagura

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Odachi (Nagura Family Sword)

Personality: The hot-blooded type that is quick to use force in a situation. Not necessarily the team player type, but whatever her clan leader says is golden to her, regardless of her personal feelings. She will defend her clan members if they are in need and is even willing to put her life on the line for those who she isn't particularly fond of, because regardless of how she may personally feel about them, she sees all members as family. Doesn't really care too much for small talk and only keeps a few close friends.

Likes : Girls and Guys, star gazing, quiet places to reflect, competition

Dislikes: Bugs, haughty people, being looked down on or underestimated


Rei grew up in an infamous gang that was headed by her father, and as such was accustomed to violence and fighting at a very young age. Her father could see that she had a talent for such activities and sent her to his father's place to learn the sacred arts of the Nagura Clan. She excelled far beyond her grandfather's expectation as her ability to pick up and understand and execute what she was taught was top-notch, and it wasn't long before even at the young age of 13 she was a high ranking member of her father's troop. After years of what seemed like endless fighting Rei began to feel that she had somehow lost herself in a sea of bloodlust and decided that it would be best for her to find a way to curb her violent nature and point it in a more positive direction. While being counselled by her grandfather about her decision to leave the family, her father and his men were eradicated by a group of Kage Clansmen, and upon the revelation that whilst she was concerned about her self the whole of her family was decimated, she never forgave herself. For vengeance and for redemption she set off in search of something that was greater than herself , and in that search she found the Hitomi Clan and has decided to dedicate her life to this new family, one which she will never leave behind

Relationships: None at this time



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[QUOTE="Jhames Lloyd]

Hitomi Application:

Clan: Hitomi

View attachment 51743

Name: Mitsuyo Ikeda

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Daisho

Personality: Loud and very straightforward, always getting into fights with superiors. She likes to do things her own way which tends to put her in bad situations at times. Very playful and fun when meeting new people, but when it comes down to a fight she gets very serious. She has never backed down from a fight and she's also always thinking five steps ahead of her opponent.

Likes and Dislikes: likes hanging around with new people, eating out, polishing her sword, fighting strong opponents, and wearing blacked-out attire. Dislikes people who think they are better than her, demons, male samurai, and all people who look down upon the Hitomi as an

inferior clan

History/Bio: Mitsuyo was an orphan; she was raised by Mimaru(one of the clan members)who cared for her like she was her own child. Even though Mitsuyo thought Mimaru was her mother she knew something was wrong. She wondered why people treated her differently, the pointing, the laughing, the whispering behind her pack. Mitsuyo knew from the start that she would be an outcast, and she accepted it. Nothing could stop her, nothing could crush her dreams and bring her down, nothing could hold her back, for she longed to become the strongest member in the Hitomi Clan. Not only would she give her life to fulfill that goal, but she would delve into the depths of hell to gain the power she needed to exceed those who cast her aside like she was nothing but dirt.



[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]

Clan: Hitomi

Appearance: View attachment 51744

Name: Rei Nagura

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Odachi (Nagura Family Sword)

Personality: The hot-blooded type that is quick to use force in a situation. Not necessarily the team player type, but whatever her clan leader says is golden to her, regardless of her personal feelings. She will defend her clan members if they are in need and is even willing to put her life on the line for those who she isn't particularly fond of, because regardless of how she may personally feel about them, she sees all members as family. Doesn't really care too much for small talk and only keeps a few close friends.

Likes : Girls and Guys, star gazing, quiet places to reflect, competition

Dislikes: Bugs, haughty people, being looked down on or underestimated


Rei grew up in an infamous gang that was headed by her father, and as such was accustomed to violence and fighting at a very young age. Her father could see that she had a talent for such activities and sent her to his father's place to learn the sacred arts of the Nagura Clan. She excelled far beyond her grandfather's expectation as her ability to pick up and understand and execute what she was taught was top-notch, and it wasn't long before even at the young age of 13 she was a high ranking member of her father's troop. After years of what seemed like endless fighting Rei began to feel that she had somehow lost herself in a sea of bloodlust and decided that it would be best for her to find a way to curb her violent nature and point it in a more positive direction. While being counselled by her grandfather about her decision to leave the family, her father and his men were eradicated by a group of Kage Clansmen, and upon the revelation that whilst she was concerned about her self the whole of her family was decimated, she never forgave herself. For vengeance and for redemption she set off in search of something that was greater than herself , and in that search she found the Hitomi Clan and has decided to dedicate her life to this new family, one which she will never leave behind

Relationships: None at this time

[QUOTE="Gregory Lloyd]Clan: Katsuro
View attachment 51739

Name: Masashi Nishimori

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Class: Ronin

Weapon(s): Katana

Personality: Reserved and quiet, bordering on carefree around those he doesn't know, but when it's time to draw blades he becomes fierce and tenacious. Generally keeps to himself but if befriended, he will have your back for life. Can sometimes come off as cold or arrogant, but means well although his expression may not show it.

Likes: Crossing blades with strong opponents, drinking, and rigorously honing his skills

Dislikes: People who boast about their fighting prowess, crowded places, and untrustworthy people

Relationships: None currently

Other: Has a younger brother that he hasn't seen in years, but whom he suspects has become a member of the Kage Clan. Bares a deep diagonal scar across his chest (left hip up to right shoulder), for which he doesn't speak about since his close usually hide it.

Both look great! Rei is accepted, and if you could add more to Masashi's personality I'll accept him as well.

Syrenrei said:

Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes: When not in combat, she wears traditional kimonos as pictured above. Her armor is pictured above and is a purple in colour. All of her personal effects of importance are emblazoned with her family crest/symbol of the kirin.


Shinjo Setsuna

(family name given name)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Class: Kishu


Daisho (Katana + Wakizashi), Yumi

->Setsuna is particularly skilled at combat on horseback, and much less proficient when not mounted. Her current stead is a stallion named "Hoshi" that can be ridden only by those with some manner of animal handling skill.


Honor. For many this is a but a noble pursuit or something for the samurai caste to explore at leisure. The Shinjo family has always taken honor very seriously and this has not been lost on Setsuna. She strives to embody all that is believed to be honorable: honest, forthright, never being stealthy or attacking from the rear, charging into battle fearlessly, loyal, obedient, yet remaining humble. At first glance she is a paragon of these virtues and her pristine appearance only gives the illusion of perfection.

Inwardly, Setsuna is many of these traits- but her eyes belie the great sorrow that she has come to know in her life. As a young widow, she knows grief most profoundly. It has always been a secret desire to have a calm, peaceful life with a romance of legend and several children at her feet. She has been hesitant to give up her samurai life that she has such great success with, but would readily do so for the right opportunity. Unfortunately, she knows herself to be undesirable as a widow and now suffers from great insecurity. Will her dream be realized? Is she destined to brandish a sword for eternity?

As inner conflict rages inside, she pours all her being into what she knows she can d0: be a samurai that everyone can be proud of. Her words are sincere, her countenance placid, her garments immaculate, and her attacks steadied by focused skill. Her one failing is that she lacks the pride that many other samurai hold. While she responds to insults with duels as required, melancholy and worry have started to make her pause before doing so.


Animals of all kinds (tame or wild)

Daifuku & Mochi

Purple (particularly in clothing)




Beach/sandy areas

Drinking to excess (alcohol)



Setsuna was born the third of four children; she has an elder sister, elder brother, and younger sister. Her mother and father naturally named their single male child heir and began preparations to determine what could be gained from their girls. It was immediately clear that they would need to train the sisters in several different areas to groom perfect brides for the many eligible bachelors of notable families. While many others might wait for their children to be in school to hatch plans, Setsuna's parents began at infancy.

Setsuna, her elder sister (Noriko), and her younger sister (Yukari) spent time with the Nobuyuki clan in particular. The Shinjo family believed that it would be beneficial to wed one of them to someone of prominence in the Nobuyuki clan (though they did not aim so high as the successor) and sent all three to spend time with them accordingly. Even if the Nobuyuki clan did not allow female members to become samurai, they had need of strong brides to bear future lines. While all three were beauties, Setsuna did not appreciate her mother and father's desires and Yukari had a poor personality that did not gain favor. As a result, Setsuna became quick friends with Hatchigatsu but only Noriko found herself betrothed to someone respectable at a young age.

Noriko's samurai studies were largely abandoned as she learned how to become a perfect housewife. Setsuna was allowed some peace while her parents focused on readying Noriko for quick marriage and she found a true friend in Hatchigatsu. Her letters to him was a refreshing breath of contact with a world not so singularly focused on prestige. Her respite was short, however, as once Noriko had left the household to join her new husband's, Setsuna was next in line. It was swiftly apparent that she would make an excellent warrior and she was thus trained to be so. Time crept by until she was engaged to wed the eldest son of the Fujinaka family when she turned 21. While she was not thrilled to be a wife quite yet, he was a kind person that treated her well enough. Combat was no longer a consideration and she set aside her daisho and yumi to learn how to keep a home as Noriko had.

Setsuna's marriage was short-lived. She had started to become accustomed to the strange changes of life in living with a man (who was several years her senior) when he was killed in battle. The flames of romance that had slowly been kindled were now dashed as well as her dreams of having a family. Perhaps things had not developed exactly the way she envisioned... but this was a turn for the worse. A widow at 22, Setsuna went into profound mourning. All seemed lost in that instant- her family had 'used' her and no longer truly wanted her to return, she was no longer a desirable maiden, her husband that had cared for and comforted her as a friend and recently more was perished. It was hopelessly bleak. After a month of crippling despair she turned to her clan to give her purpose. With an almost religious fervor she took up her weapons.

For seven years she has sought peace and end to the quiet suffering of her soul.


Hatchigatsu Nobuyuki (Childhood friend)

Fujinaka Ichigori (Ex brother-in-law)

Woot! :D Accepted!

DeathMaster said:
Clan: Katsuro

Appearance Notes: (my mount)

Name: Akira Wolf-Bane

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Class: Kishu

Weapon(s): Dual Long spears (in pic)

Personality: Akira is a burning young spirit. He is always looking to help those in need. Akira uses his burning passion to over come his enemies.

Likes and Dislikes: Akira loves his companion Ama. He dislikes water

History/Bio: (optional)

Relationships: Unknown

I'll need you to add more to his likes and dislikes, and a lot more to his personality. 

[QUOTE="Ethreal Oatmeal]




View attachment 51162


Fujinaka Ichigori








"White Dragon"

View attachment 51781

"Pure Absolution"

View attachment 51782



Ichi was born under a man and a woman by the names of Sabusa and Akumi Fujinaka. He was the middle child of three; an older brother and a younger sister grew up with him. As a child, Ichi and his brother always seemed to be pit in rivalry. Seeing as they were only two years apart, it’s only natural for that to happen. Their parents began to think it was too much though, considering they fought constantly. It was unhealthy for the household. They now had a decision to make, which son to remove. Although Ichi seemed to be growing up as the superior brother physically, his parents believed his older brother, Hiroshi, would bring them more wealth in his future. Hiroshi was also the first born. Subsequently, at the age of 12, Ichi was removed from his household dishonorably. Now, though, he was left to fend for himself considering no father wanted a child that would bring dishonor to his own family.

Ichi became a wanderer for a few years in his life. Passing from town to town, begging and living in the slums. Every day was very much a struggle to keep the strength to want to keep living. Deep down though, Ichi had always thought he was destined for something great. Surprisingly enough, Ichi was able to gain a very optimistic view on life. Constantly using the fact that his life was hard to reinforce him and keep him pushing forward. This came to his advantage, as one day he was spotted by an elderly blacksmith that had perfected the craft of forging katana for the top Samurai in the region.

This famous blacksmith saw a strong future in the boy, so he decided to take him under his wing and train him. The blacksmith began with teaching Ichigori the basics of all martial arts, slowly working his way up until weapon training began. Almost immediately after having a wooden training katana placed in his hands, it seemed Ichi was born to wield this blade. Around the age of 17 the blacksmith believed Ichi was finally ready to receive his own blade, forged in in heat of the famous blacksmith's own fires. It took him many grueling months to master the perfect mixture of material to create this boy's blade. However, once it was complete, it would be measured to rival some of the most famous legendary blades of Japan. He named it the “White Dragon”.

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Soon after Ichi had received his right of passage in form of his new blade, a group of Ronin samurai kidnapped him and forced him into their ranks. These Ronin were nothing more than an underground criminal group of samurai that use their skills for their own personal gain. Noticing Ichigori’s skill as a swordsman, he was welcomed happily and his ability quickly overwhelmed those in the lower ranks. He soon worked his way up though, becoming even second to the leader of this warrior gang. Just as it seemed Ichi had his life on track for what he had considered glory, though, he and a group of his gang members had been ambushed and captured by the Katsuro’s Royal Guard. They outmatched him purely on their level of discipline. Fighting in a gang had made him sloppy. After capture, Ichi was left to rot in prison for a year before he was brought out to the execution blocks. Being in jail had brought him to his senses; he came to terms with himself and regretted many of his actions in the past. As he was walked to the blocks, he could see all his past successes and failures in his life running through his mind at a million miles an hour. He closed his eyes as he was knelt on his knees, he could smell the dried blood from the criminals of previous offense. It almost made him gag, but considering the fact he was about to die, the feeling never actually came. To his surprise though, neither did the feeling of death.

Then he heard it. He heard him. It sounded like his brother, but it couldn't have been. Why would his brother have happened upon the same city Ichi had? He opened his eyes to the execution being stopped and he was stood up by a group of the Katsuro’s Royal Guard. His brother was at the lead. After that beautiful reunification of blood, Ichi became a disciple in the special training the Royal Guard received. Ichi was at the age of about 28 now; he had reached his brother side at head of the Royal guard. He felt he had finally made up for his life of so much treachery by serving the Guardian Samurai that was the head of the clan loyally. Ichi had now been given word that the current leader had died unexpectedly and, since he had no heir, a younger relative of his was now in power. Ichi didn't like this, but he was bound to his Guardian Samurai, no matter who he was. With this news of a new man in power, he also received new orders that he and the other guards were going to be sent to battle with a rivaling group to the north. However, he had some downtime before he was actually said to leave, so he decided to take odd jobs here and there to occupy time.

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One of these jobs consisted of being assigned to guard one of the clan leader’s cousins. On this mission, he was accompanied by a female blade who called herself Chika. She was a freelancer. A mercenary for hire, he would have judged her, had he not been with the Ronin for so many years himself. She actually turned out to be a very pure hearted girl and he respected that. The fact that she was so bubbly and talkative was the one thing that bothered him though. A swordsman must be cold and calculating. Smiling and talking the whole time does not help with that image. However, it was inevitable that the cart would be ambushed. When they were attacked, Chika and Ichi were fluid in combat, almost as a double bladed swordsman. They had bonded that day, unexpectedly to Ichi. However as much as they might disagree at times, he sees her as somewhat of an attachment. She became the Yin to his Yang. Something he decided he would protect with his life.

Soon after that job, Ichi was deployed to battle. However, the mission had been an utter failure. This resulted in the death of the majority of the Royal Guard, including Ichi’s brother. Feeling extreme pain and uselessness as he felt he carried full responsibility for the death of his brother, he returned to the kingdom with destroyed emotions. He was engulfed in shame and gave it no thought when the head general said that the Katsura Clan leader gave him and the rest of the guards the command to commit Seppuku for their failure. Ichi returned to his quarters and removed his dirtied and bloodied battle dress and got into his ceremonial Samurai Kimono and Hakama before falling to his knees and unsheathing his Tanto, Pure Absolution. This blade was used by the samurai to be and offhand parrying weapon. Perk is it could be doubled as the easiest way to commit Seppuku, considering he could actually gain the reach to make a stabbing movement. Ichigori placed both hands on the handle of the Tanto and outstretched his arms; his brother was the only thing on his mind. The serenity of an honorable death and finally being able to join Hiroshi in the afterlife.

Chika luckily ended up hearing of what had happened however and was able to get to him in time. She kept him from killing himself and she helped him escape the capital city. Ichi had become a Ronin once more. They were on the run for years, eventually running into one of Chika's childhood friends, Sakura. Sakura was a girl who had grown up in the same orphanage as Chika, so they went way back. After many experiences with each other, Sakura was finally exposed. She, over the course of her life, had become an assassin. Her current target being Ichigo.

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In the attempt to kill him, Chika gave her life to save his. A pivotal moment in Ichi's life. He killed Sakura in a blind rage and later fell off the map. He decided to go undercover, even donning a mask. Ichi decided to use this alias to become a mercenary and assassin, in an attempt to get closer to the leader of the clan. He wanted to be able to kill him discreetly. After many missions and many dead politicians, Ichi was finally hired by the clan leader himself. He had gained a large renown as this "Masked Swordsman" by now, so it was only natural for him to attract the clan leader's attention.

After killing a few targets for him, Ichi had gained full trust. He then began his plot for murder. After tracking the Katsura Clan leader for days, Ichi learned that it was in fact the head General of the Katura who had given that order. Ichi came forward and presented his findings. The General then defected and was exposed as a fallen human who had been in disguise.

After recognizing the darkness in his heart from planning to murder an innocent man, Ichi now cut his long ponytail and became a loner yet again. Keeping the title of Ronin in his shame, but still swearing his allegiance to his clan.

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Shinjo Setsuna (Ex-Sister in Law)




Appearance Notes: About 6'8", weighs 198ibs, he has purple eye's, and the rest you can get from the pic.

Name: Kohaku Tanaka

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Demon

Demon Power: Enhanced Speed

Demon Weapon: Ignore the person....


Personality: Tanaka (just gonna refer to him using his last name) is actually a heartless and sadistic demon. He expresses these traits in a very passive and sarcastic manner. He is ruthless when attacking others. His diabolic nature is also shown through his dark humor and inability to see good in much of anyone. Despite all of this he is actually very polite. He finds humans in general to be "difficult creatures," but he adds that their struggles and lofty goals make them interesting. He is also intrigued about how insatiable they are.

History/Bio: Being a young Demon, Tanaka doesn't really have much of a history. He was born into the Kage clan and was trained to be very proficient in Kendo, especially with the katana. He hasn't progressed much in Kyudo or in demon powers though. Tanaka has proven himself in the clan many times before, fighting in some battles and going on many hunting trips, once slaying a rampant hell hound, but he still has a long way to go.

Clan: Hitomi



Appearance Notes: she is 5'5", she has blues eyes, she is physically fit and she has several scars along her back as well as a scar going through the centre of her left eye lid and continuing up her forehead a little and down her check a little (which never actually damaged her actual eye)

Name: Ayaka Mori

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Two Katana's


Personality: Ayaka shows a sadistic side but she is an honourable warrior who gives respect to those whom have earned it. She is also very blunt about most things, usually stating the obvious and not caring what she says, but she holds her tongue when being addressed to by the clan leader. Ayaka is also very loyal and honourable, all the same she doesn't like being told what to do, but she follows orders just fine. She is also a rude person, to anyone but the clan leaders of course. When it comes to things like romance she is completely and utterly dull and blunt, she does not have much experience in saying you look nice or I love you. She also acts like she knows everything and is never wrong, which can lead her into difficult situations.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Sake, her swords, her clan, battle, killing for her clan.

Dislikes: Annoying people, being told what to do( Unless its orders), a broken blade, lazy people.

Relationships: Open for one, so pm me
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kirito1337 said:

Appearance Notes: About 6'8", weighs 198ibs, he has purple eye's, and the rest you can get from the pic.

Name: Kohaku Tanaka

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Demon or Fallen Human: Demon

Demon Power: Enhanced Speed

Demon Weapon: Ignore the person....


Personality: Tanaka (just gonna refer to him using his last name) is actually a heartless and sadistic demon. He expresses these traits in a very passive and sarcastic manner. He is ruthless when attacking others. His diabolic nature is also shown through his dark humor and inability to see good in much of anyone. Despite all of this he is actually very polite. He finds humans in general to be "difficult creatures," but he adds that their struggles and lofty goals make them interesting. He is also intrigued about how insatiable they are.

History/Bio: Being a young Demon, Tanaka doesn't really have much of a history. He was born into the Kage clan and was trained to be very proficient in Kendo, especially with the katana. He hasn't progressed much in Kyudo or in demon powers though. Tanaka has proven himself in the clan many times before, fighting in some battles and going on many hunting trips, once slaying a rampant hell hound, but he still has a long way to go.

Clan: Hitomi



Appearance Notes: she is 5'5", she has blues eyes, she is physically fit and she has several scars along her back as well as a scar going through the centre of her left eye lid and continuing up her forehead a little and down her check a little (which never actually damaged her actual eye)

Name: Ayaka Mori

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Class: Kenshi

Weapon(s): Two Katana's


Personality: Ayaka shows a sadistic side but she is an honourable warrior who gives respect to those whom have earned it. She is also very blunt about most things, usually stating the obvious and not caring what she says, but she holds her tongue when being addressed to by the clan leader. Ayaka is also very loyal and honourable, all the same she doesn't like being told what to do, but she follows orders just fine.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Sake, her swords, her clan, battle, killing for her clan.

Dislikes: Annoying people, being told what to do( Unless its orders), a broken blade, lazy people.

Relationships: Open for one, so pm me
Kohaku is accepted! Just add a little more to Ayaka's personality and I'll accept her too. :)
Clan: Katsuro



Appearance Notes:

Name: Abe Hanzo

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Weapon(s): Dual wield Katana

Personality: He is a righteous kid who likes to have a good battle but will back down from a fight that he knows he will lose he is a friendly guy who really doesnt have much hate in him he will forgive and forget mostly anyone and out side of battle he is calm and collect trying to keep the peace but in battle he is cocky and arrogant.

Likes and Dislikes:

his swords and battles.

Evil and cheaters

History/Bio: Doesnt

Relationships: have much of a past he grew up a samurai and has been a prodigy to be recon with he hasn't had really any rivals since everyone is his rival.

Offspring said:
Clan: Katsuro


Appearance Notes:

Name: Abe Hanzo

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Weapon(s): Dual wield Katana

Personality: He is a righteous kid who likes to have a good battle but will back down from a fight that he knows he will lose he is a friendly guy who really doesnt have much hate in him he will forgive and forget mostly anyone and out side of battle he is calm and collect trying to keep the peace but in battle he is cocky and arrogant.

Likes and Dislikes:

his swords and battles.

Evil and cheaters

History/Bio: Doesnt

Relationships: have much of a past he grew up a samurai and has been a prodigy to be recon with he hasn't had really any rivals since everyone is his rival.

I will need more for his personality, likes and dislikes. Please check over some of your punctuation too, because I want this RP to be as literate as possible. :3

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