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Fantasy Legend of Knights



Other than the inclusion of magic, it is realistic.

If you're looking for what kind of magic, there's mostly elemental. Everyone has some inclination towards it but there are those better at it than others and it's usually to only one type of magic, whether a certain element, healing or, in very rare cases, necromancy.

Admittedly, the inclusion of magic is a bit of a put-off to me, but if explained well, I may be able to work with it. What about the immediate world - ie the Kingdom or Queendom they live in? What does this look like? And what is the history behind the knights whose roles we're stepping into?

I think I'd like my knight's focus and purpose to be healing through something other than 'nature' magic. Water, light... either of those would work for me, but I'm also open to alternatives. I could use some suggestions here, I think, for my element.
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Admittedly, the inclusion of magic is a bit of a put-off to me, but if explained well, I may be able to work with it. What about the immediate world - ie the Kingdom or Queendom they live in? What does this look like? And what is the history behind the knights whose roles we're stepping into?

I think I'd like my knight's focus and purpose to be healing through something other than 'nature' magic. Water, light... either of those would work for me, but I'm also open to alternatives. I could use some suggestions here, I think, for my element.
Right now, it is ruled by a King over a large amount of land and it takes up most of the continent that they reside in. There's only one civilization there other than them which is Lidel. It used to be much bigger before the first generation of Knights and it was the war between them that made them so famous. Right now, there's a peace treaty between them but some still harbor a grudge, though too afraid to take any action due to the size difference now. Oskenia, the country they live in takes up the majority of the west, and the capital Arrowbrooke (which most of the Knights reside in) is towards the southern portion of the country. There's other districts that separate the country up into smaller bits ruled by nobles but the district that the capital resides in is ruled directly by the King.

I cover some of the magic types in the Lore page (which looking at the above I can see that I could update, thank you sincerely for forcing my lazy butt to actually write this down), but generally Healing in of itself can be a magic type.
Right now, it is ruled by a King over a large amount of land and it takes up most of the continent that they reside in. There's only one civilization there other than them which is Lidel. It used to be much bigger before the first generation of Knights and it was the war between them that made them so famous. Right now, there's a peace treaty between them but some still harbor a grudge, though too afraid to take any action due to the size difference now. Oskenia, the country they live in takes up the majority of the west, and the capital Arrowbrooke (which most of the Knights reside in) is towards the southern portion of the country. There's other districts that separate the country up into smaller bits ruled by nobles but the district that the capital resides in is ruled directly by the King.

This is helpful; thank you. =)

I cover some of the magic types in the Lore page (which looking at the above I can see that I could update, thank you sincerely for forcing my lazy butt to actually write this down), but generally Healing in of itself can be a magic type.

Yeah, I read the lore page but didn't see anything really helpful as far as picking an element. I don't get magic as a general concept, so I tend to avoid it. Some kind of elemental foundation at least makes it semi-logical to me... sort of. It would be better if there was some kind of explanation as to why and how magic even exists in the first place, honestly. Just 'healing' makes no logical sense, so I'm looking for something more reasonable.
Yeah, I read the lore page but didn't see anything really helpful as far as picking an element. I don't get magic as a general concept, so I tend to avoid it. Some kind of elemental foundation at least makes it semi-logical to me... sort of. It would be better if there was some kind of explanation as to why and how magic even exists in the first place, honestly. Just 'healing' makes no logical sense, so I'm looking for something more reasonable.
I think of it as a mental capability, so it would take practice to fully utilize sort of like training the body. As for why it exists, I don't really have an answer.

Healing is a manipulation on the body, so it can have some connection to Water. The difference is, is that it takes a lot of practice and a focus and attention to detail to use so the manipulation of larger bodies of water is sacrificed.
NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 can I use the themes of Victory, Grace and Discipline for three characters two of which will count as one because they're gonna always be together?

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