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Fantasy Legend of Knights


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I don't have a plot for this one, just warn you. But I had an idea, based on a manga I had read but not completely like it, where knights are more politically natured rather than actually expected to fight. They're capable of it, but rarely engage. There are twelve knights (or more based on interest), based on the original knight that they took their name from. For example, the Leaf Knight is expected to be kind because the original was kind so he has to act like he's kind. In reality, he has a cruel streak that he has to hide.

If you would like to join, I could come up with the surface personality or you could, it's up to you. But you would be responsible for making your character's actual personality (of course lol). Just to clear things up, to everyone else, you will have to abide by the surface personality. It's not an option to try and rebel against it, considering the Knights are willingly taking up the mantle, whether for the fame or fortune that comes with being a Knight.
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Curious and would like to see where you take it. I'd like a bit of information on the world we'd be writing in and would like to see a plot developed before jumping in with both feet. I'd also like to know the 'rules' associated with the Knight personalities - IE, when it is OK to show your true nature and when it is not - as well as what the purpose of the knighthood was in the first place. A little bit of generic background on the kingdom (or queendom) we're playing in would also be helpful.

TLDR: I'm interested but want to see some development before I go in gung-ho!
Curious and would like to see where you take it. I'd like a bit of information on the world we'd be writing in and would like to see a plot developed before jumping in with both feet. I'd also like to know the 'rules' associated with the Knight personalities - IE, when it is OK to show your true nature and when it is not - as well as what the purpose of the knighthood was in the first place. A little bit of generic background on the kingdom (or queendom) we're playing in would also be helpful.

TLDR: I'm interested but want to see some development before I go in gung-ho!
I'd have to think about the type of world we'd be writing in, but it's definitely medieval and in that direction, though not exactly this world if that's understandable.

As for the rules when you can show your true personality, most of the time you have to play along with the fake one. The instances where you can reveal your true nature is behind closed doors and with other Knights that one might have a friendship with. But even around close underlings and the Knights that one hasn't gained friendship with, most have to find a way to get their true meaning across without revealing that they might be anything other than what they pretend to be.
I'd have to think about the type of world we'd be writing in, but it's definitely medieval and in that direction, though not exactly this world if that's understandable.

As for the rules when you can show your true personality, most of the time you have to play along with the fake one. The instances where you can reveal your true nature is behind closed doors and with other Knights that one might have a friendship with. But even around close underlings and the Knights that one hasn't gained friendship with, most have to find a way to get their true meaning across without revealing that they might be anything other than what they pretend to be.

Keep me posted! I'm curious to see what else you come up with. =)
I'm going to wait until we have more information on the world we're working with. Not only is it difficult to create a character without knowing the world, but there are certain world types that I'm not interested in and would like to avoid.
I get it. What kind of information are you looking for then?
I get it. What kind of information are you looking for then?

For starters, something really basic would help. What world type are we looking at? Realistic? Fantastical? Supernatural? Something entirely different? If something other than realistic, what sorts of things should we expect to see here that would not be in a realistic world?
For starters, something really basic would help. What world type are we looking at? Realistic? Fantastical? Supernatural? Something entirely different? If something other than realistic, what sorts of things should we expect to see here that would not be in a realistic world?
Other than the inclusion of magic, it is realistic.

If you're looking for what kind of magic, there's mostly elemental. Everyone has some inclination towards it but there are those better at it than others and it's usually to only one type of magic, whether a certain element, healing or, in very rare cases, necromancy.
Very very interested! Is there anymore spots open? Also, are the titles of the knights always linked with elements? Such as fire, or ice? I saw some others in the character sheet so I was wondering what the theme was to base on my title. I'm guessing that it just needs to relate to my surface personality but I thought I would confirm this with you. ^_^
Very very interested! Is there anymore spots open? Also, are the titles of the knights always linked with elements? Such as fire, or ice? I saw some others in the character sheet so I was wondering what the theme was to base on my title. I'm guessing that it just needs to relate to my surface personality but I thought I would confirm this with you. ^_^
It's not always elements but it does have to do with nature, e.i. Sky Knight, Sparrow Knight and things like that. That general theme, ya know haha. If you're having trouble coming up with something I have no problems lending a hand. And yes, I'm still accepting!
It's not always elements but it does have to do with nature, e.i. Sky Knight, Sparrow Knight and things like that. That general theme, ya know haha. If you're having trouble coming up with something I have no problems lending a hand. And yes, I'm still accepting!

Oh wonderful! Thanks for getting back to me so fast. For now I think I'll be okay with developing my character but if any questions arise I'll be sure to bring them to your attention. Onward to the character sheet then! Haha

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