Legend Lost to Dust

Lost to Dust

New Member
Okay, this is the story of a seemingly average girl, but she isn't human. And neither is some of her friends. The new kid(s) in school are about to find out her secret.


No godmoding

Be on at least once a week

I am ruler of RP

Send me the profiles.

Character Skelly.





Power: (Only if you are not human)



Name:Alexis Andrewa

Nickname: Yami

Age: 15

Grade: 10

Power: Ability to control Light

Bio: Yami grew up in this small town(Which by the way is on the Lake Erie). She is involved in a lot in the school and knows most of the people. She has a huge family and is the only non-human in her family. She believes that she got it from her grandmother. She defends her friends to the death and her family.

Other: She got her nickname through her long time friend. She has this dark personallity so her friend began calling her Yami.

Name: Skyda Kluz

Nickname: Sky

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Power: Ice

Bio: Skyda's first memories begin 5 years ago, when he was in an alleyway somewhere in town. It was midwinter, and he didn't know who he was or where he lived. The only thing he could remember: he could control ice. He was shivering on the ground, about to die from hypothermia, when a tall man held out his hand and took him to his house. A few years later, Skyda's new "Father" had him take an entrance exam to a highly academic school. Skyda passed, somehow easily getting a 98% on the exam, and is now on his 3rd year in the school, and the 3rd year of avoiding conversations with people.

Other: Skyda is apathetic, he keeps the same dull look on his face, no matter what happens around him. Due to that, his "father" kicked him out of the house when Skyda didn't even cry when his "mother" died. So Skyda has been given permission to live at the school, sleeping in the library.

Name: Jake Roberts

Nickname: JR

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Power: Telepathy/Slight mind-control

Bio: Born to a moderately rich family, Jake never had to worry about much. One thing that was always a mystery to him, however, were the voices he constantly heard in his head. He chalked it up to him being crazy, however he soon tested it and figured out that it was other people's thoughts that he was hearing. Jake eventually learned to block out certain voices and hear others, and has even taken control of people from time to time. However, once he does this, it wears him out and he needs to rest.

Other: Jake doesn't have many close friends, but of those he does have, he will defend until the end. One time, he even got kicked out of school for knocking out a guy who was teasing and being mean to one of his female friends. Also, one perk to mind-reading is that he is always one step ahead of those he is fighting, knowing what they plan on doing before they do it.

Name: Jason Dillinger

Nickname: Ace--sometimes by close friends

Age: 16

Grade: Grade 10--Sophmore

Power: (Only if you are not human)

Bio: He's pretty casual, and easy to get along with. He's got too many interests to count. A conuesuier of music, he's got over a thousand songs on his iPod and knows the lyrics to almost all of them. Jason grew up in a fairly stable financial home so never had to worry much about home life--but is a hard and dilegent worker. He likes to have fun--and if he isn't entertained, he becomes his own and other's entertainer, and can be quite sacrastic when he feels neccesary.

Other: Is a skilled fighter, is light on his feet, and corrdinated.


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May as well, and let the others just jump in. No sense in waiting forever for people who may not even join...

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