New Member

Nolan's intuition are as quick as the sudden *click* of change around the tent. From the tied up man to the flickering flames of ever rising stakes, he had noticed it ever since he had eyed Mabel's gaze peering at him in a devious grin. She wanted something from him, something he had been hiding from them this whole time. Or rather, something that had been slowly seeping through his cracks. Eventually, that moment presses by her command. Nolan realized something as she called out to an assortment of names:
She was pitting the team against each another.
But an unpleasant turn of events doesn't sway his senses. The faintest breeze leads Nolan's senses, his eyes turning to a flickering blue flame that had scanned the crowd in a frantic manner. It stopped there, left, right - and eventually - it had stopped moving. Judging by her stone cold glance, had her eyes set on a target; him. He supposes he shouldn't be surprised. Everyone had their doubts, so estranged from the worlds that they knew most. Nolan himself had attracted a couple of glances beforehand; wary eyes that were perhaps, to some extent, aware of the bloodshed he had done. He didn't exactly know why but neither did he intend on asking too many questions. The young girl in black said nothing as she drew her weapon; an armed cannon that she wields with minimum effort. With her silence and immediate, Nolan had assumed she had the wits of an experienced hunter; an instinct that naturally draws her to dangers nearby.
With the events unfolding into a brawl, Nolan saw the inevitable. Talking wasn't gonna help defuse the situation, but he at least didn't need to resort to extreme measures. His eyes merely close in reconsideration even as a wave of bullets fire ruthlessly at his body. Head to toe, Nolan's form was soon covered in smoke, biding his time until she had wasted her round of plentiful ammo.
As soon as the smoke clears, Omni-Man had made his decision.
He didn't need to kill her.
He just needed to subdue her long enough.
A threat that he intends to deal with outside.
"... MY TURN."

In the mere blink of an eye, Black Rock Shooter is suddenly taken through the tent, a red blur zooming past many people before she could do any harm elsewhere inside. Once they were outside, Omni-Man delivers a swift punch to her face, lightly pushing her away in a great distance far from the entrance.
"If it's me you're looking for, here I am." Nolan slightly descends, slowly leveraging himself to Rock. His voice is stern, but not overtly fierce.
"I'm ready when you are."