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Fantasy 𝕃𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝕌𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 - ɪᴄ

Legacy Unbound
Scene 011
As the scholar carefully opened the casing, the Vorpal Blade within began to glow with an gossamer light, growing brighter the closer his hands came to the weapon, as if it were beckoning him to take it up. Relief momentarily washed over the group as the case creaked open, their hopes rising at the sight of the legendary weapon. But that relief was short-lived. In an instant, the ground beneath their feet trembled violently, and the mountain itself groaned with a rumbling. Before they could even register the threat, a deafening roar shattered the air, and a dragon emerged in a blur of motion and sound.

On instinct, the members of the group rushed out of the cave, drawn by the thunderous sound that had shaken the earth beneath them. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they took in the sight before them. Towering over them, nearly as large as the mountain itself, was a creature of legend — the Jabberwocky.

The draconic beast was a monstrous sight to behold, its immense size dwarfing everything around it. Its fangs, sharp and gleaming, were as large as the icicles that had hung ominously in the cave they had just walked through. The wings, vast as buildings, stretched out like a dark shroud. The black flesh that covered them was so thin that the intricate web of veins was visible, pulsing with life as the creature unfurled them, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow the very light around it.

But what caught even more members by surprise was the figure perched on the dragon’s back. The Elder, their revered commander, stared down at them, his mask concealing any trace of emotion. For a fleeting moment, some among the group felt a surge of relief—perhaps their leader had tamed the beast, perhaps everything was under control. Yet, as they met his gaze, that hope began to wane.

Most of the members couldn’t ignore the unsettling reality. The Elder's eyes, usually so full of resolve, were devoid of their usual fire. He scanned the group, his gaze drifting over each member one by one, not with the confidence of a commander in control, but with a cold detachment, as if he were searching for someone — someone specific, someone who might hold the key to whatever was unfolding.

The Elder's eyes finally settled on The Scholar, his gaze lingering on the Vorpal Blade, its glow reflecting in his cold, calculating stare. His eyes then shifted, catching sight of The Keyblade Wielder and The Sovereign. He took his time, giving each of them a thorough once-over, as if weighing their worth and significance.

A twisted smile curled beneath his mask as he seemed to reach a decision, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "Ah, it is so nice to see you all." His words slithered through the air, barely audible over the dragon's thunderous wingbeats. "It seems you have found what I was looking for."

The Elder extended his hand, fingers curled in a commanding gesture, beckoning The Scholar to deliver the Vorpal Blade. The Jabberwocky, sensing its commandant's intent, inched closer as well. But before anyone could make a move, a woman clad in red from head to toe stepped out from the shadows, her entrance as sudden as it was bold. "Enough." She snapped, her voice sharp and dripping with disdain. "I'm sick of your idle chat. I never understood why you bothered with such pointless conversation. Hand over the Vorpal Blade."

The Elder, though his face remained an impassive mask, radiated irritation. He said nothing, but the subtle shift in his stance and the narrowing of his eyes betrayed his displeasure. "Well, hurry along now. I've got a world to take over." The woman barked, snapping her fingers with sharp impatience. Her outstretched hand quivered with barely contained urgency, fingers twitching as if they could snatch the Vorpal Blade on their own. Among the group, uncertainty rippled like a wave. Some members began to glance around, subtly eyeing potential escape routes, their minds racing to find a way out of this volatile situation. Others, however, instinctively tightened their grips on their weapons, resolve hardening as they prepared to fight.

As the group debated their next move, the tense silence was interrupted by the unexpected sound of creaking wheels. From the side of the cave, the wagon that had brought them there began to make its way back into view. The card guard at the reins, who had likely been sent to retrieve them, froze the moment he laid eyes on the Jabberwocky—and, more crucially, the woman in red.

His face paled at the sight of her. With exaggerated care, he began to pull back on the reins, his movements slow and deliberate, as if attempting to tiptoe out of the scene with a wagon far too large and horses far too noisy for such a delicate escape. "T-that's.." The card guard stuttered, his eyes wide in fear as he looked at the woman in red, terror seizing his voice.

The woman's grin widened, satisfaction gleaming in her eyes. "The Red Queen." She completed with a grin, her voice laced with triumph. Now, with her patience now ran thin, an outstretched arm pushed forward, commanding the shadows behind her.

And out from the darkness came the heartless at her decree.


Post Objective: Welcome to the final battles of the Kingdom Hearts story! These battles will take place over the next three weeks, with some changes to the usual rules.

Team 3 will have a multiplier for the second part of the battles. To balance this, there will be no multiplier for Team 3 this week, ensuring they still get two full weeks of multipliers, just like the first group did in the earlier battles.

This week, the Heartless will have lower health. While there’s no immediate reward for defeating them with your rolls, maybe it'll help the story lolol. No rewards will be given out immediately for who defeats the Heartless first, or at all. All points from this battle will be calculated and explained at the end of the story.

And if you're wondering about the effects of your group.. well.. that'll come in a moment :')

Code by Nano
Heartless Theme
Night Of Fate


  • giphy.gif

    "Be Prepared" - The Lion King

coded by weldherwings.



"Aw come on!" Xirene threw their arms up when everyone reached the vault. Though they'd been the first to arrive, their efforts were for naught as the Moon key refused to turn. Unlike Val however, The Trickster had no means of reshaping the metal to fit the lock, and she didn't seem to want to risk breaking the lock. Instead, it was The Scholar who found purchase. Zexal unveiled a sword that outshone the stars. Far from his usual weapon, the Vorpal Blade emanated a befuddling energy. Much like everything else in Wonderland, they couldn't place it within the realm of good or evil, safety or danger, relief or discomfort--it was simply strange.

Alas, there was no time to ponder the irregularities that would inevitably stem from the weapon nor ways to snatch it away from The Scholar--the walls were cracking and the monster was coming.

Xirene fled the cave with an electric dash, only stopping once the creature came into view--the White Queen did not do the Jabberwocky justice. Mountainous in size, vast in wingspan, and sharp in tooth, this creature would not go gently, blade or otherwise. Would The Elder really be able to control the beast? Asking for the sword was obviously a contingency plan; however, he'd never seen The Elder fight before. The nine had always performed the field work so he could only approximate his leader's power.

That wasn't to say The Elder was weak but it wouldn't be unlike him to leave the other nine to deal with the beast should it go rogue.

Xirene stared at The Scholar, wondering whether his loyalty outweighed the fascination he might have had with the Vorpal Blade. They may have been very different people; however, the one thing they shared was natural curiousity.

The universe gave Zexal had no time to decide because the moment The Elder unfurled his hands a red-headed woman emerged from seemingly nonexistent shadows (seriously, did everyone do that?).

"Enough." She snapped, her voice sharp and dripping with disdain. "I'm sick of your idle chat. I never understood why you bothered with such pointless conversation. Hand over the Vorpal Blade."

The Red Queen. It had to be. They should have expected the Red Army to overwhelm the White Queen; however, they hadn't expected it to happen that quickly. Should they have stayed back and eliminated all those soldiers? No, fighting the same five soldiers would be too boring.

"Well, hurry along now. I've got a world to take over." She spoke again, earning an eye roll from The Trickster.

"Buzz off, we found it first." Xirene snapped back. Where others might have been planning their escape route, he crossed his arms in irritation.

He didn't always agree with The Elder but when there was a common enemy, he had no choice but to add gas to the fire. The Red Queen reacted in kind by summoning her own monsters--Heartless far fiercer than anything they've faced before.

Xirene dashed away from the initial rush, meeting Valyrixis and Xathos at the edge of the perimeter. They faced an armored Heartless with a the playing card cleaving through their torso. Where the previous Heartless lacked a face, each of the skulls embedded into their opponent's armor had its own ungodly smirk. Though its numerous eyes stayed still, their mouths spewed a dark miasma.

The Trickster raised her hand to cast a bolt of lightning until a cough overcame her. Whatever the Heartless emitted snaked around and into her throat, causing her to nearly topple over. Though she held her sleeve up to her nose the damage had already been done. Her lips cracked, her tongue swelled, and her throat dried to the point of desiccation. Where she might have once made a wisecrack now there was only a haggard breath.

"Twas brillig?" she rasped, glancing back at her team. "and the slithy!"


Ah forget it, He thought to himself. They wouldn't get anything done by sitting around and talking. Xirene somersaulted away from the noxious gas before aiming a blast towards the enemy's scepter.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

♛ Dauxine ♛

The Elder brought comfort.

With the sight of him coming into view just over the biggest spikes of the Jabberwocky, there was an almost cultish relief that befell Dauxine, as though salvation had come at last. In the back of her mind, like she'd been on autopilot, there was a reward center that went off in reaching the destination of their outing to Wonderland. The mission had been completed: they'd found The Elder.

Only, there wasn't a Dark Corridor to escape through afterwards. The world still shuddered & shook beneath her feet. Actually, no resolution had magically revealed itself at all. Anxiety still plagued her allies & still lingered an impeding war in this world. In finding her leader, there was nothing about their current predicament that changed at all. A grave danger still hung in the air & even more so when the man began to speak. Lured out in response appeared woman whose very appearance sent a shiver down Dauxine's arms despite the cloak she wore & even again when she called upon Heartless themselves to attack.

The first to do so did so with the swipe of a sword that seemed to summon a banshee. In the instant, the piercing cry made Dauxine cower & her hands clamp against the sides of her head in an effort to dampen the cacophony. Somewhere in the auditory chaos, a sizzle could be heard, not unlike that felt within The Sage's boiling blood. Of the three, there might've been less resistance to the sudden onset of irritation brought on by the sound so it was Dauxine to act first on her group's behalf.

Like the Heartless were no different than a human who might've called her a name, Dauxine rose with a sudden ferocity that empowered her to relieve a hand from one ear & reach for her staff that she'd earlier dropped in the sudden chaos. As though it had ears to listen, she told the damned Heartless: "You don't have to do this! You don't even know what you're doing, do you? Can you think for yourself?!"

One-handed, she conjured an almost electric sparkling of her healing ability to the tip of her weapon. Her power, usually a steady & inviting flame, now crackled & lashed about. Still, the nature of it didn't change. No matter what she launched at the Heartless, there was no amount of damage that her own magic could inflict.

Instead, with a hasty lunge towards each, Dauxine casted irritated healing spells toward both Axrael & Leox. n doing so, her intention was to relieve both of any minor injury brought on by the earlier earsplitting attack but the reality was that she simply wanted to make use of herself. Finding the Heartless before them all unaffected by her action, she chirped out some semblance of a war cry & bonked the creature's swordhead whenever it got close.

That would be her attack. In her heightened mood, she cried out, "Serves you right!"

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


The Elder’s presence had never been one that brought comfort to The Replica, and the same applied when he came charging through the cloud of oppression atop the back of a great beast. One that was mighty unfriendly-looking, mind you. Regardless of the murky intentions that she failed to decipher, it didn’t take much to confirm that the Elder and his new-found ally weren’t keen on waiting around for the more loyal members of the organization to decide whose hand they were to grasp.

Why was the Elder being accompanied by an entourage of the Heartless? What good would result from destroying this world? Had the White Queen deceived them after all? Had the Elder been seduced by the Red Queen of this world?

Too distracted by her thoughts to notice the shadowy hands looming over the group of three, Xanthe barely whipped her gaze back towards Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber before she felt her mind be awash with white.

All of The Replica’s questions disappeared like bubbles, alleviating the headache and uncrossing her wires. In turn, it left a void within her mindscape, equivalent to the dissatisfaction of being unable to properly let loose a sneeze. She recalled contemplating over something, but what was her train of thought again? Oh well. If she forgot, it clearly wasn’t anything important.

In strict contrast to her thoughts, Xanthe’s nerves sang of danger, and her hands instinctively tightened around the handle of her axe. Something was ther-

Suddenly, a heavy weapon struck down with a thunderous clap. As it cleaved through the air, The Replica jumped away from the presence of ill intent. But she leapt away a fraction of a second too late—the twin’s axe hungrily tore into the side of her right leg. Blood dripped from the deep gash running from her kneecap down to her ankle, and the damned creature had even taken her boot along with her dignity.

“The only one allowed to swing an axe in my presence…”
Xanthe muttered with her teeth grit. The shadow cast by her body crept up her leg, tightly wrapping itself around bloodied flesh before forming a dark carapace around the rest of her lithe body. Though the wound burned and caused her to stumble an inch to the side as she attempted to brace herself against the dirt path, The Replica pushed through the pain and dashed straight toward the Heartless that had struck her.

“-is me!”
she shouted, hefting her axe behind her and swinging it into a horizontal arc.

In the midst of her swing, a niggling feeling in the back of her mind reminded her that she wasn’t the only person there, and that she should have verified a certain someone’s status before charging straight into the fray. As for who and where, she couldn’t tell. All she knew was that there was only one thing left to do:

Swing first, ask questions later.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


Watching Dauxine attempting to open the door with the key of their choosing and failing caused Leox to angrily stare at Axrael, who was just standing there, almost like a statue, unmoving and staring at the door. Leox grabbed Axrael's collar but let go before doing anything more as the door was open with a different key. Leox stared at what seemed to be a never ending dark corridor and gulped as he looked at the group. "I guess we have to walk through here" Leox tells the group but with a hint of annoyance. As the group was walking, Leox felt a twinge of hunger which caused him to rummage though his pocket in hopes to find another piece of bread he may have hid but to no avail.

This angered Leox and grabbed Axrael by the collar of his shirt and was about to hit him but quickly stopped as he heard Dauxine yell something. Leox let Axrael go and looked to where Dauxine was standing and saw a Heartless walking towards them. The Heartless was exerting such a presence that made Leox sick to the stomach. Leox quickly started to form sharp blades, where the knuckles are on his gauntlet, while willing the ground around the Heartless to crack, in hopes to stop it's advances. This did not stop the Heartless so he made some of the debris into the shape of blade and threw them at the Heartless, to Leox's dismay, did not stop it's advances, nor any reaction. This angered Leox and shouted at Axrael to do something other than just watch with his little keyblade.

The Heartless suddenly dashed at the group all while swinging it's head, which was in a shape of a sword and swinging it's lance in unison. This caught Leox off guard and the Heartless was able to leave a big gashing wound on Leox's arm. This made Leox even more angry as he felt even hungrier and he willed the ground he stood on to launch directly at the Heartless. Leox landed a flurry of punches, as the blades he made left the Heartless bleeding. Leox crouching and about to uppercut the Heartless, was caught off guard as the Heartless had swung it's long lance at Leox, barely missing him, which he would have lost his arm if it didn't miss. This made Leox even more agitated and yelled angrily at Axrael to again do something. Leox about to yell at Dauxine to heal him, saw that she had already done so and looked back at the Heartless.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


Wonderland was anything but calm, anything but logical. Chaos was to be expected here, after all. But seeing The Elder riding atop the Jabberwocky, commanding the very beast they had all sworn to destroy - that was beyond anyone's imagination. The sight of such betrayal shook Valyrixis to her core. She couldn’t bring herself to look at his face, not during the entire encounter. It was too much to bear.

All those years - the trust, the missions, the sacrifices she had made in service of the cause - it all felt like it had been for nothing. Every battle fought, every hard-fought victory, now felt hollow. The Elder, the one she had once looked to for guidance, was standing against them. Everything had been a lie, and that was a truth Valyrixis wasn’t sure she could ever face. She kept her gaze on the ground, heart heavy with the weight of shattered faith, even as the looming presence of the Jabberwocky cast a dark shadow over the battlefield.

It was only the sound of an unfamiliar voice - sharp and commanding, a woman’s shout - that forced Valyrixis to finally look up. Her gaze landed on a striking figure. Beauty, cloaked in crimson, radiated from the woman as though it were a part of her very essence. The air around her shimmered with power. Valyrixis felt an overwhelming sense of authority from this woman, her strength undeniable and almost suffocating. There was no time to process it fully, however. With grace, the woman extended her hand, and from her rule, new Heartless poured forth into the battlefield. Dark, twisted creatures, formed from nothing but shadows and malice, swarmed the area, their energy glowing with hunger.

Maybe it was for the better. After all, this way she could avoid processing the crushing betrayal of their commander. If she didn't have to face it directly, it was easier to pretend it hadn't happened at all. In the chaos of battle, there was no time for heartbreak, no room for doubt. So, almost gratefully, Valyrixis shifted her focus away from the painful truth and onto the creature now stalking toward her.

A dark, looming Heartless, its form twisted and grotesque, locked battle with her as it approached. She welcomed its threat, finding strange comfort in the simplicity of combat. Fighting was familiar - clear, decisive. It didn’t require the emotional turmoil that came with betrayal. And so, almost happily, she readied herself, her weapon at the ready, prepared to meet the creature head-on. This, at least, she could handle.

She couldn’t begin to count the number of faces twisted into the creature's form, each one a grotesque skull slowly parting its mouth, revealing a gaping maw. As the monster advanced, a thick, black mist began to pour from each of the skulls, creeping toward her and her allies. It reeked of decay, and Valyrixis knew instinctively that this mist was more than just a visual horror - it was dangerous.

Without hesitation, she fell back on her instincts. Her sword ignited in a blaze of brilliant flames, and with a swift motion, she hurled a crescent of fire toward the approaching mist. The arc of flame burned brightly as it sailed toward the creature, cutting through the air with fierce intensity. But as it made contact with the mist, the flames sputtered and vanished, swallowed whole by the dark cloud.

Before Valyrixis could warn her allies, the mist snaked its way around her neck, cold and suffocating. It felt like invisible hands were tightening around her throat, slowly crushing the air out of her. Panic flared within her as she clawed at her neck, desperate to find something solid to hold onto. Her vision blurred as the pressure intensified, and her knees buckled, sending her crashing down to the ground.

She gasped for breath, but no air came, her lungs burning as the black mist constricted tighter. The world around her began to fade, her strength rapidly slipping away. But just as suddenly as it had begun, the pressure vanished. The mist dissipated as if it had never been there, leaving her lying on the cold ground, gasping for air.

Dazed, Valyrixis blinked, her fingers still hovering near her neck, unsure of what had just happened. The lingering chill in her bones reminded her that whatever had attacked her wasn’t done yet. "įɒϱɿɘϱɿɘɒ."


"oɒnįʞbnįʞnϱɘ?" Valyrixis’s gaze darted between Xirene and Xathos, her mind struggling to comprehend what was happening. Xirene's mouth moved, forming words, but Valyrixis couldn’t understand a single thing she was saying. It was as if the sound itself was garbled, the meaning stripped away before it could reach her ears. She stared back at Xirene, who seemed equally confused, her words lost to the void. Then she looked to Xathos, hoping for some explanation, but his face showed the same bewilderment.

What had the heartless done to their throats?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Heartless Theme
Night Of Fate

Scene 012

The Void Seeker, shrouded in its mist, drifted ever closer to its group, the dark wisps of fog curling and creeping with a life of their own. Its skulls' hollow, gaping eyes bore into the hearts of those facing it, as if it sought to unravel them from within. The mist that followed it seemed to pulse in time with its movements, as if feeding off the fear in the air. The Void Seeker made no sound as it advanced, but its presence was suffocating, a silent threat that grew heavier with every inch, unphased by Valyrixis's fire and Xirene's elecricity.

The Abyss Knight, sword in hand, loomed ever closer to the group, its movements slow yet deliberate, as if each step was an unspoken promise of destruction. Dauxine's relentless strikes against its head seemed to do little more than chip away at its darkened armor, each hit resounding with a hollow clang but barely causing the creature to flinch. Despite the visible dents and damage inflicted, the Abyss Knight remained largely unaffected, its grim focus unwavering. Leox, too, had unleashed a flurry of rapid punches against the towering figure, his fists colliding with the armored behemoth with all the speed and strength he could muster. Yet, the Abyss Knight continued its advance, seemingly indifferent to the pain it should have been feeling. Though its armor was cracked in places and dark ichor leaked from a few wounds, the creature seemed unhurt, as if its resilience came from something far deeper than its physical form.

Dee and Dum, with their boundless energy and carefree hops, continued their playful skipping toward Xanthe, their movements erratic but synchronized in a twisted sort of dance. Even as they shoved and bumped into each other, they seemed oblivious to the seriousness of the battle. That was, until Xanthe's axe came down, striking Dee with a powerful blow. Though initially knocked down by this, true to its Heartless nature, Dee quickly scrambled back to its feet.

The battle dragged on, each moment feeling longer than the last - or at least, that was how the Red Queen saw it. Frustration was etched deeply into her expression as she revealed herself once more, her voice booming across the battlefield. "Boring. Boring! And slow. Slow!" She stamped her foot, her scarlet dress billowing with the force of her anger. "I’m sick of this waiting! Unhand to me the Vorpal Blade and Keyblade now!"

Her voice echoed with fury, and as if in response to her tantrum, the Jabberwocky, the monstrous beast that had been looming in the distance, suddenly turned its attention toward the group. Its massive, gleaming eyes locked onto them, and a low growl rumbled deep within its chest. The Red Queen’s impatience had finally stirred the creature to act. The Elder, standing atop the Jabberwocky, showed clear irritation as the Red Queen's outburst continued. His face tightened with displeasure, and after a brief pause, he spoke, his voice cold and stern. "Fine. We end this now."

With a simple pull of his hand, the Jabberwocky moved instantly, obeying his command. Its enormous, terrifying maw opened wide, revealing rows of sharp, gleaming teeth. The beast lunged forward with unnatural speed, targeting not the group, but the Heartless that had once filled the battlefield. With a swift and terrible motion, the Jabberwocky began to devour them, one by one. The Heartless, mindless in their battle instinct, were helpless as they were scooped up by the massive creature, swallowed whole without hesitation. The battlefield, once swarming with the relentless grim forms of the Heartless, was now eerily empty as the Jabberwocky feasted on its prey.

The Red Queen watched with a smug satisfaction, while the Elder remained focused, his control over the beast absolute. The Heartless were gone in moments, leaving only the key players of the battle remaining, their fates now tied to the Red Queen’s increasing impatience and the looming threat of the Jabberwocky’s next move. The true final battle was just beginning.


"I may have underestimated these heartless. They may look foolish, but they're far more difficult to deal with than I had initially anticipated!" the Scholar gruntingly remarked, dodging one axe swing before parrying another. "Xanthe, Axiron, watch out-" the man tried to warn of the imminent attack heading their way.


"Huh?! What was I-?!" he shook his head, confused. Though, his train of thought, or rather, lack of, was shattered the instant a terrifying roar hailing from above made the entire cavern tremble.

The Jabberwocky swooped down, its looming shadow stretching wide over the battlefield. Its scales were like dark iron and its wings beat with a force that sent gusts of wind tearing through the air. With a swipe, it snatched the twin heartless in its enormous, clawed wing, lifting them effortlessly into the sky. They squirmed and thrashed, but there was no escaping its grip. The draconic monster let out a draconic roar, tossing the heartless into the air, letting them hang for a moment, suspended above its colossal maw. Then, with a thunderous snap, it swallowed them whole.

The Red Queen was growing restless. Her crimson lips curled in a venomous snarl, eyes burning with fury. She demanded the Vorpal Blade and the Keyblade be handed over at once, or else.

Zexal's grip on the Vorpal Blade tightened, his knuckles turning white. The raw power in the blade was palpable, pulsing like a heartbeat.


His gaze flickered over to the Jabberwocky, now circling above, its wicked eyes scanning for its next target.

"What a magnificent creature..." he mused, in both awe and terror. He had seen countless horrors and wonders in his time, but this… this was different.

Alas, there was no time for his twisted admiration. The Scholar appreciated the significance of this next battle, and he knew what must be done.

"You may have plans... But as do I..." he sneeringly responded to the appropriately named woman clad in red from head to toe. "After I learned what the Jabberwocky was capable of, for a while, I was afraid of being consumed by treachery, but it seems you've saved me the trouble by seducing our revered leader himself to join you... I must admit, I'm rather impressed." The Scholar patronizingly clapped.

The silver-haired man stepped forward, ahead of the others.

"Given the nature of this upcoming battle, I believe it's finally time to unveil my true power."

And thus his transformation began with a single breath. In, and out.

The surrounding air stilled. A shimmering, cosmic green aura exuded from deep within his very being. He relinquished his grip on the two swords—the Vorpal Blade and his own—and they floated up, orbiting around him. Zexal lowered his arms with a grandiloquent flourish, his palms open wide, welcoming the dormant power that coursed through him.

From beneath his feet, a gentle swirl of wind began to spiral outwards, stirring the dust on the ground, lifting small stones and debris into the air. The wind grew stronger with the passage of time, growing in intensity. It roared as it whipped through the cave, sending powerful gusts that lashed against the walls like invisible waves.

Slowly, Zexal's feet left the ground, his form ascending higher. His cloak billowed around him like a banner caught in a storm, his body alight with that radiant green glow.

The rite of Ascension was upon him.

His hair was the first to change, silver strands shifting and shimmering as if touched by a heavenly hand. Colour drained from the roots, turning pure white that spread rapidly to the tips. Next, his skin. Its natural pigmentation faded, becoming ghastly white, unnaturally smooth and luminescent, devoid of any flaw or imperfection. His eyes, once a vivid green, shifted, replaced by soulless crystals. Even his clothes began to shimmer and change, the fabric itself morphing under the aero magic. And then, finally, a soft light began to form behind his head, growing brighter and more defined, forming into a unique halo.

The wind howled one final time, a gale that screamed with the wrath of a thousand storms, and then suddenly fell silent. Zexal hovered there, suspended in the air, his transformation complete, an emotionless gaze locked with the dragon opposing him. In threatening silence, he levelled his moonwhite blade at the creature, its emerald edge glinting with the immense power that consumed Zexal.

He was ready. It was time this was all put to rest.

In a flash, Zexal streaked through the cave, leaving a starry green trail in his wake, like a fearless comet tearing through the night sky, straight for the Jabberwocky—his focus narrowed. The creature sensed his approach and, with a great sweep of its claw, tried to pluck him from the air.

But it was too slow.

He twisted his body and slashed across the beast's chest with his sword. A roar echoed through the cave as the Jabberwocky recoiled in pain, its scaled hide splitting under the lethal precision of the strike.

The Second circled around, preparing to strike again, but this time the dragon was ready, having already adjusted to the timing of his movements. The Jabberwocky swung its massive tail with a sudden jolt, and Zexal, caught off guard, took the full brunt of the blow. The impact sent him flying, his body twisting through the air like a ragdoll.

Pain shot through his ribs where the tail had hit, but he did not cry out. He tensed his muscles, gritting his teeth against the pain, and extended his arms, using his mastery of the air to slow his fall just enough to avoid smashing into the jagged rock wall ahead. For a split second, he hung there, mere inches from death. Then, without hesitation, he launched himself back into the fray, hurtling through the air toward the beast once more.

The Jabberwocky's maw opened wide, spewing a barrage of fireballs. Zexal twisted, spiralled, and weaved through the air, evading the onslaught with poised grace. The fire rained around him, filling the cave with a blinding heat and the stench of burning rocks.



Again, he lost focus, forgetting that he was in the middle of dodging raining hellfire. A massive, searing orb of flame, hurtled straight toward him, too close to dodge. On reflex, he swung his sword, unleashing a crescent of wind that met the fireball midair. The two forces collided with a deafening boom, and the fireball exploded into a dark, billowing cloud of smoke.

For a moment, everything was still. The smoke hung heavy in the air, swirling and twisting like a living thing, forming impermanent shapes that dissolved as quickly as they appeared. The Jabberwocky, cautious and uncertain, flew closer.

Had The Scholar been hit?

Just then, in a blink, something shot out from the smoke—a streak of green light that closed the distance between them in an instant. Zexal emerged, having used the explosion as a smokescreen, and flew straight toward the creature's head, his sword ready, eagerly anticipating what was to come next.

Just as the calculating scholar predicted, The Jabberwocky reared back in shock, its maw glowing as it prepared to launch another fireball. But Zexal was faster. He slashed the air with his sword, and a wind blade tore through the air, straight into the creature's open mouth. The fireball exploded within the Jabberwocky's own jaws, causing the dragon to reel in agony, its body convulsing and twisting, its wings flapping wildly in pain. An airborne seamster, The Second ducked and dodged through the air with uncanny agility, avoiding the thrashing tail and flailing claws that sought to tear him apart.

The dragon was disoriented, and vulnerable. Now was his chance to bring it down for good, to give his comrades the opening they needed.

Zexal released his sword, letting it hover in its aerial sheath behind him, alongside the Vorpal Blade. He brought his hands together, feeling the air swirl between his palms. The wind fought him, wild and untamable, trying to expand and escape, but he held it back, concentrating with all his might. His hands trembled with the effort as he forced the swirling air into a condensed orb. It grew brighter and more potent with each passing second, its power straining aggressively against his control.

But once the attack was fully charged, and could be contained no more, he thrust his hands forward and released the orb. It expanded instantly, erupting into a powerful green tornado that roared through the cave. The whirlwind struck the Jabberwocky with brutal force, lifting its colossal body and slamming it into the cave floor.

Now that it was grounded, the others could help him finish it off.

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© weldherwings.


What had initially looked like a solid blow on the rotund body of the clumsy heartless only resulted in the creature hopping back onto its feet as if it had hardly felt anything.

“Tsk. Roaches, the lot of them,”
Xanthe clicked her tongue and readied her weapon for another strike. Before she could take a step toward the twins, a great gust whipped loose sediment throughout the battlefield. Chaos descended upon the Red Queen’s army, devouring everything in its wake until only the members of Organization IX remained to face down the flying beast. Of course, to The Replica’s dismay, the prey that had slighted her had been snatched up like the rest of the heartless.

Even while engulfed in the shadow of the Jabberwocky, Xanthe’s left eye twitched in irritation at the dragon’s meddling. Make no mistake. The damned thing wasn’t on their side, certainly not with the way malice curled around every claw tip and the leer of its hollow eyes.

An odd brain fog muddled her thoughts once again, prompting The Replica to blink in confusion until her attention was pulled back to the weight of the weapon in her hands. A strong sense of deja-vu hit her as she scanned the clearing devoid of…whatever they’d been fighting save for the one massive dragon looming ominously above them. Upon spotting the Elder sitting atop the great beast, she blinked again. Was it a friend, or an enemy?

Fortunately, The Scholar picked up where her memory had lapsed, engaging the Jabberwocky and moving to ground the overgrown lizard with wings. As soon as Xanthe witnessed verdant winds tear the dragon away from its lofty place in the skies, she sprung off of the trembling earth and slammed her axe down upon the dragon’s snout. Using the momentum of the blow, she vaulted off of the pole and tumbled back into the air. A ribbon fashioned from darkness trailed behind her, ending at the location where she’d left her axe, but before it could grow taut, she stretched her legs into a downward fall. Her armored heel, sharpened like a blade, aimed at the Jabberwocky’s right scapula, and she hoped to cripple its ability to fly for good. If she could even dissuade it from taking flight once again, that was good enough.

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© weldherwings.

♛ Dauxine ♛

As if backed by genuine force, the red woman's booming voice nearly toppled some of the smaller Heartless.

Emotionally, it'd felt like a hurling of wind itself, strong enough to blow the staff right out of Dauxine's grasp; though, the reality being that it was fear that made her loosen her hold. Even bound to a spell-casted fury, there was an anxiety that bore a deep root within the woman's psyche. As a result, like cattle suddenly made weary of sudden rustling in distant bushes, her head whipped up to attention as the Red Queen & her organization's leader, atop the beast, addressed each other. For a minute, all was still & especially so, in the heat of their conversation, the moment before calamity struck the surrounding Heartless.

Then, as if the entirety of the field were posted atop a stage in that moment, the spotlight of the scene beamed upon none other than the her organization's Scholar. There was practically no one with eyes toward her to witness the way her jaw loosened at its hinge from such a display of power. Were there anyone to tilt a glance her way, she might've been caught raising her own black sleeves, tipping her chin up toward the clouded skies above, & waiting for but a moment for her own turn at ascension.

Of course, when it didn't come, that same gaze might've been witness to a deflation of equal grandiosity overtaking her figure. Like a coat tossed toward a chair's back but missing, she heaved out a sigh that nearly overbalanced her. As it did, though she caught her weight with the stabilizing help of her staff, the same couldn't be said for the fit that, in turn, came out of her.

Words made mindful—the result of a deeply ingrained appreciation for being out of the fray that even the spell couldn't overcome—her anger was whispered & kept under her breath. In it, Dauxine huffed: "Sure, give one of the organization's eleven damage-dealing warriors powers of the heavens."

In her lament, she hung back behind the others closest in proximity to her, kicking up the dust of strife in her sulking as she went on, "No one thinks to reward a mage for her efforts in keeping everybody alive. Why wasn't it in the stars for myself to have latent abilities like the damned scholar?" In her soliloquy, she casted a limp wrist toward the scene before her, deriding, "A healing laser would've far more useful, I think... Like, a massive Curaga beam..."

With the beast bested, even Dauxine—bitterly—sauntered over to its incapacitated body & gave it a heavy glance. At the sight of it, it was apparent to her the reasoning of Zexal being bestowed godlike abilities rather than her. Almost offended, a mighty huff came out of her. Imbued with her own, pure ability, she brought her staff over her head & swung it down as though it were a club over one of the Jabberwocky's bony elbows. Though the thwack of the blunt object itself might've stung, the real kicker was the near-burning flecks of pink magic that shot out from the impact. In all directions, her allies might've indeed been hit by her frustrated healing & bitterly relieved of any minor injuries, though at the cost of another sigh from their sage.

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© weldherwings.


"Well fuck," Xirene huffed, glancing between her allies. Not fire, not lighting, not water; nothing fazed the Void Seeker. Every attack faded into the void that was its miasma. The Trickster struggled to make eye contact with the Heartless whose numerous faces bore into her soul. Though there wasn't any outward damage, it created a nagging feeling--one that pricked her heart with each advancing step.

"Any bright ideas, Val?"

The Kingpin's response came in the form of garbled speech. Yes they were words and they sounded like they were from the same language but what they meant baffled her. Retreat? Rush? Blast? They turned to Xathos who seemed reticent to speak (which for once, was unwelcome). No of course they didn't have a plan. He couldn't understand what she was saying, much less what plans she may have laid out.

So keep blasting, got it.

The strikes continued with little efficacy, stopping only when the Red Queen's boredom's broke the stalemate. He'd nearly forgotten she was still here, watching like the spoiled monarch that she was.

"Boring. Boring! And slow. Slow!" She whined as though it would somehow sway The Scholar. "I’m sick of this waiting! Unhand to me the Vorpal Blade and Keyblade now!"

Could she do nothing more than kick and scream like a child? Could she not face off against the Elder like a true commander? Whatever fear Xirene felt subsided in a fit irritation not unlike the one prior to the fight.

"Wah, wah. You talk too much," Xirene grumbled, only to remember that the effects of the Void Seeker were still present (which was to say that the Red Queen was immune to their insults). More than that, the Red Queen's antics finally caused the Jabberwocky to react, gobbling Heartless one by one. The Trickster turned to The Elder for confirmation of its obedience only to find him expressionless in an effort to control the beast.

Zexal stepped forward wielding both the Vorporal Blade and his own. Green light danced around The Scholar, enveloping him in an otherworldly energy that could have only come from the Vorpal Blade. This wasn't merely a boost in his abilities, this was his zenith. His mighty blade cleaved the air before he followed up with another wind attack, successfully sending the Jabberywocky spiraling to the ground. His follower--"The Replica" took to her axe with acrobatic grace, attempting to puncture one of its wings.

Not to be outdone by either member of the Organization, The Trickster took his own stance and pointed dramatically at the Jabberwocky. Wind created static and Xanthe created the perfect opening. Gold gathered around his middle and index fingers as if feeding off the residual energy left from Zexal's transformation. "More, more." The words came out like an incantation laced with inspiration from The Scholar and his student. "Boom." With a snap, lightning discharged into the injured beast, causing it to seize in place.

With the Jabberwocky nearly dead, Xirene would have normally looked for his teammates; however, there was another enemy to deal with. Where was the Red Queen?

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© weldherwings.
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The Jabberwocky, appearing as it took little to no damage, licked it's small wounds on it's arm. This surprised Leox as it did not seem like it would have mouth and made him jump back while shaping the debris again into shape of swords and grabbed it. As Leox was charging at the Jabberwocky with the two earthen swords, the Jabberwocky, with it's quick reflex, almost stabbed Leox. Leox noticing what the Jabberwocky was going to do, he quickly sidestepped but it still was able to leave deep cut on his side. Leox getting more impatient and angry charged at the Jabberwocky again and unleashed a flurry of strikes on it.

The strikes seemed to have done little to nothing again to it besides leaving some wounds again. Leox ran at it again and this time kicked the Jabberwocky and leave a huge scar on it's left eye. This angered the Jabberwocky and kicked Leox in retaliation, this left Leox stunned. Leox backed up to recover and observe what the Jabberwocky might do but Leox did not expect the Jabberwocky to punch him and kick him, making him fly and hit the wall. The impact left Leox dazed and unable to get up.

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© weldherwings.
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The legends had done the dragon no justice. Standing before it now, no words could truly capture the sheer terror that something of its size could evoke. Its colossal form dominated the battlefield, casting a shadow so vast it seemed to swallow the world. The Jabberwocky's exposed flesh pulsed with a murky light, as though the very essence of darkness itself radiated from within its body. What was even more disturbing were the jagged swords embedded within its scales. The weapons of countless fallen soldiers, broken and shattered, were melded into the creature’s hide like twisted trophies. Each blade told a story of defeat, a grim reminder of the countless battles the Jabberwocky had won. Perhaps it wore them as a mark of pride, or maybe, even worse, it was mocking those who had fallen before it - taunting the living with the silent promise that they, too, would soon join the ranks of the defeated.

Every step it took sent tremors through the ground, the air thick with a suffocating sense of impending doom. This was no mere beast; it was an embodiment of conquest, a living monument to war and destruction, and the sight of it was enough to strike fear into even the bravest of hearts.

And yet, Valyrixis stood frozen for a moment, watching in awe as her comrades charged into battle without a shred of hesitation. There was no fear in their hearts that wasn’t overpowered by their unwavering sense of justice. They moved with purpose, determined to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Each step they took, every swing of their weapons, radiated a fierce resolve.

She shifted her gaze toward the Elder, still perched atop the monstrous Jabberwocky, his cold eyes surveying the battlefield with detached indifference. For a fleeting moment, Valyrixis had begun to lose faith, unsure of what justice even meant anymore. The Elder had once been a symbol of that very ideal, a guide, but now he was nothing more than a dark shadow, a betrayer of everything they stood for.

But as she watched her comrades - fearless, bold, and driven by the righteousness of their cause - she felt a flicker of hope reignite within her. Their courage reminded her of the ideals they had all sworn to protect. Justice wasn’t just a word, and it wasn’t something the Elder or the Red Queen could twist. It lived in their actions, in their hearts, and in their refusal to yield to darkness.

With her hand clenched tightly into a fist, her body surging with newfound strength and purpose, she cried out a battle scream: "!Ɀ𐌃𐌅Ᏽ𐌄𐌐𐌕Ꮤ𐌄𐌔𐌃𐌅"

Oh right. Dammit..

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© weldherwings.
Final Mix OST
Lingering Will

Scene 013

Impatience was plain on the Red Queen's face as she watched from the sidelines. Her reputation wasn't of fabrication - she was as detestable and irritable as ever - not even flinching when the Jabberwocky suffered blow after blow.

The creature was under assault from all sides. The Scholar had whipped it out of the sky with a fierce whirlwind, after already having slit deep gashes across its chest. Its right wing was punctured by a heel-blade, and the pain forced its left wing to falter as it let out a guttural roar. The occasional staff hit (with pink gleams) briefly mended its wounds, but no magic could dull the searing shock of electricity that The Trickster hurled at its legs, rendering them immobile no matter how desperately it struggled. Even its eye was now useless, sealed shut after a brutal kick from The Disciple.

The prodigious Jabberwocky, once a terror of the theater of war, seemed on the verge of defeat. And yet, as if from some hidden reserve, the beast huffed in a long breath - its chest swelling as it drew in the air. The exposed flesh of its neck pulsed with a dark, malevolent aura, growing larger with each inhale, as if preparing for one last storm.

At the peak of its respire, the Jabberwocky unleashed a torrent of dark energy -- a concentrated beam that cut across the battlefield like a deadly laser. The blast tore through the air, its path aimed to cleave through anything in its way. All would be forced to hasten to evade it, the sheer force of the attack threatening to slice them in half. The ground itself was left scorched in its wake, a trail of destruction marking the creature’s desperate bid for survival.

With its final breath drawn, the Jabberwocky's colossal form shuddered, and the last remnants of its dark energy flickered and faded. The beast let out a low, pharyngeal groan. Its massive body slumped its the side with a thunderous crash. Dust and debris shot up from the impact, and for a moment, the battlefield stood still. The dragon was defeated, its reign of terror ended. The once mighty creature now lay still. A fallen giant. Its war finally over.

Or, so they thought.

If anyone had glanced toward the Red Queen, they might have noticed something hair-raising - a rare smile curling on her lips. It was a smirk of mockery, a silent taunt aimed at the warriors who believed they had secured victory. She said nothing, but her expression spoke volumes. Slowly, a dreadful realization began to dawn on observant warriors: they hadn't used the Vorpal Blade. It was the only weapon capable of truly destroying the Jabberwocky. Without it piercing the beast’s heart, their triumph was an illusion.

Yet no one had time to react prior to the Red Queen snapped her fingers. Instantly, a darkness - reminiscent of the monstrous energy the Jabberwocky had unleashed, swirled around its fallen form. The dense, suffocating mist engulfed the beast, shrouding it from sight. But the reprieve was brief. Out of the thick haze, the Jabberwocky reemerged, transformed. Its new form unveiling teeth, ravenous for revenge, bared at the group.

Before the beast could make its next move, a blue butterfly drifted into view, cutting through the air with delicate wings- a trail of glittering mist following its graceful movements. The butterfly fluttered with an air of calm, seemingly aloof and untouched by the monstrous presence before it. It danced in the air, almost as if unaware of the danger it faced, before finally coming to rest gently on the tip of the Jabberwocky's snout.

For a brief moment, the battle seemed to freeze in time. The massive creature, poised to unleash its fury once more, was inexplicably still. The butterfly was beautiful, undoubtedly, yet its presence felt strangely out of place - unsettling, even. It felt concerning.

And it was.

With one final slow flap of its dainty wings, the butterfly suddenly crumpled, folding in on itself as a thin trail of blood dripped from its broken form to the ground below. Then, in a violent explosion of gore, the butterfly's remains erupted, showering the ground with crimson. From the splattered blood emerged a familiar figure - Alice. Her warped smile sent a chill through the air as she stood amidst the carnage. Without hesitation, her sword plunged directly through the Jabberwocky's naris, piercing deep into the monster’s skull.

But its fate wouldn't be sealed yet.

"Let's put an end to this."

! Alice's presence cleanses all status effects on the field !



"Is it over?" Xirene asked, still looking at The Elder. The man hadn't moved since the beginning of the fight as if testing his subordinates' abilities. Per usual it seemed like he wanted the team to perform the dirty work while he reaped the reward. The only guarantee they really had that the Jabberwocky was key to opening Kingdom Hearts was the White Queen's word and The Elder's active interest in unleashing the beast.

Xirene jumped back when they felt the ground rumble; by The Red Queen's command, the Jabberwocky rose once more, enveloped in dark energy. The Trickster let out a cough, not unlike when the Void Seeker's gas hit their lungs. What was that thing doing alive? And why the fuck wasn't The Elder helping them? He clearly had the power to subjugate the Jabberwocky so what was he waiting for?

The pieces came together once they glanced over at the vorpal blade which had a distinct lack of blood or viscera. Zexal, what the fuck? is what they would have said if they weren't still speaking in tongues. Instead, Three Trickster braced themself for a blast that never came.

A blue butterfly made a home on the Jabberwocky's snout seemingly unaware of the surrounding danger. Unlike everything else in Wonderland, the butterfly seemed utterly, completely ordinary. It was a creature no larger than their hand, no shinier than a coin, and no stranger than Wonderland's other inhabitants. But that is also what made its presence so concerning and so odd. A very normal thing in a very abnormal world made it not so normal anymore. It's novelty disarmed everyone, bringing the battle to a standstill.

Were they all mad for transfixing on the butterfly? No--that moment of respite disappeared in an explosion of blood that revealed a truly extraordinary figure.

Alice...of Wonderland? A sudden cool washed over his throat, as though he'd finally found an oasis in the middle of the desert. The fog that strangled his words was replaced by renewed vigor and the ability to speak.

The pictures in the Organization's library had not done her justice because she looked far less...demure in person. But honestly, who still looks how they did in childhood? Certainly not Xirene because he couldn't remember anything before his time as Number Seven.

"Let's put an end to this." She announced, stabbing her sword through the Jabberwocky's snout.

He snapped his fingers, opting to follow up Alice's attack with his own attack...only for the magic to fizzle out.

"What the fuck?" Another few snaps and nothing. Barely a spark! Had the Princess sapped his power in exchange for an antidote? He rubbed his hands together, tactic only used in times of desperation to generate energy but found only minute static. He must have gone overboard during the initial shock, but he did had little choice. Xirene aimed a pithy blast at the Jabberwocky's front leg, hoping to at least stun it long enough for someone else to strike.

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© weldherwings.


If the Jabbywhatshisface was ugly before, it certainly became even uglier now, having lost what little magnificent splendor it had once possessed. Its sleek frame had morphed into a jagged body with spines dangerously poking out of its scaled hide, and wisps of dark drool slowly dripped from its crooked jowls. Xanthe winced when the beast opened its maw as if to let out a roar of anger, shielding herself from any potential spit that would come flying her way, but the deafening sound never came.

Curious eyes followed the trail of the blue butterfly, and The Replica squinted at its choice of an impromptu perch. A terrible decision, really, and she was sure that the others around her were inclined to agree. Yet without a single twitch of the muscles controlling the dragon’s snout, the dainty little butterfly proved its ephemerality in a crimson shower. A young girl in blue stepped out from beyond the crimson curtain, and she mercilessly plunged her sword into the empty head of the enslaved beast.

Xanthe knew not the mysterious woman’s name or identity, but the sudden attack as well as her presence seemingly chasing away that irritating fog plaguing her mind was reason enough to draft up a preliminary truce. As far as they were concerned, she was the Red Queen’s enemy, even if her odd taste in entrances could use some work.

With a flick of her wrist, The Replica used the ribbon of darkness tethering her axe to her hand to retrieve the weapon that had clattered down uselessly upon the floor during the monster’s transformation. The moment the axe was securely held within its owners hands once again, the young woman rushed forward, ducking under the trajectory of The Trickster’s lightning and aimed to cripple its other leg. Failing to take note of the oddly weakened power of The Trickster’s magic, greedily attempting to claim its other leg instead of doubling down on the first would become her folly. Her weapon cleaved through the air with great force, yet her reach danced an inch too far from the dragon who pulled the leg that hadn’t been stunned out of the way. For such a large creature that had taken a terrible beating just moments before, it seemingly grew more nimble. Perhaps it viewed their attacks with a greater degree of trepidation.

Before The Replica could react to her missed swing, the Jabberwocky swung its claws downward. Had she not lifted her weapon in time, it would’ve been her head that went flying rather than a few of the dragon’s claw shavings. However, the momentum of the blow knocked Xanthe off her feet and onto her back. Her arms shook as she used the head of her axe as a shield and pushed against the massive foot that attempted to crush her body underfoot. With one, final strained grunt, she managed to force the appendage far enough above her body to barely roll out of the way as it mercilessly slammed back down upon her axe and pulverized the ground under it.

Without another second of delay, Xanthe scrambled rather ungracefully to her feet and out of the range of a second swipe. Though no one could see it past the cover of her helmet, the young woman glowered viciously at the beast, silently demanding it to count the number of breaths it still had until it drew its last.

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© weldherwings.


A swift, fleeting shade of blue flickered in Valyrixis's peripheral vision, dancing in the air like a aloof, fading memory. But the moment was short-lived, and soon all she could see was red/. The beast before her had returned, larger and more monstrous than before. Its massive, gaping cavity oozed pools of dark acidic energy, the stench of its rebirth filling the air with a sickening intensity. The once-fallen creature had risen again, transformed and angrier than ever.

Valyrixis tightened her grip on her sword, bracing herself for the impending onslaught. The monster was already in motion, its massive limbs churning the earth with each step. She glanced down at her armored boots, noticing the damage - the metal chipped and worn from her narrow escape earlier, when the beast had unleashed its dark energy beacon. Her exposed knee throbbed, gore staining the torn alloy where her skin had been laid bare.

Alice's prodigious strike against the beast gave Valyrixis a surge of hope, a much-needed boost of morale in the face of the Jabberwocky’s terrifying resurgence. After all, Alice wasn’t just anyone - she was, in essence, a Disney princess, and more importantly, a Keyblade wielder. The legendary connection to the forces of light seemed to glow around her, a symbol of strength and resolution.

Surely, Valyrixis notioned, this would be enough. If anyone could take down the beast, it would be Alice. But even as her heart lifted with renewed determination, Valyrixis knew the truth: the Jabberwocky wasn’t any ordinary foe. Its power was ancient, its rebirth formidable. Even Alice, with all her might and connection to the light, would need help. This battle was far from over, and Alice couldn’t face the beast alone. Valyrixis and the others would have to stand strong beside her. The Jabberwocky might have been a creature of nightmares, but together - with Alice’s light and their united strength - they might just be able to defeat it once and for all.

Well, so she thought - until she actually went in for the strike.

Xirene and Xanthe were already locked in battle, aiming their attacks at the Jabberwocky's legs, trying to weaken its massive form from the ground. Valyrixis, seeing an opportunity, decided to take a different approach. She would strike from above, hoping to hit the creature's vulnerable eye. Gripping her sword tightly with both hands, she ignited the blade, flames roaring to life as she charged through the air.

But, as fate would have it, the Jabberwocky moved. Of course it did.

Her well-aimed strike missed its mark, and instead of piercing its eye, Valyrixis found herself slicing through the layers of scales on its massive tail as she landed. The impact jarred her, but she held firm, her sword carving through the thick armor-like scales. To her dismay, the fire she had summoned seemed to have no effect. The creature's hide was resistant—perhaps even impervious - to flames.

The beast was fireproof. Of course it was.

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© weldherwings.


Once Leox was able to regain his composure, the jabberwocky was looking directly down at Leox, it's feet on his chest and Leox feeling it's claw ripping into his chest. This triggered Leox's flight or fight response and he quickly grabbed his earthen sword and stabbed the jabberwocky in it's feet. This caused the jabberwocky to stagger back in pain and Leox was able to repoise himself and watch the Jabberwocky closely. Jabberwocky, in pain, dashed straight at Leox with it's claw barred at Leox's face, just barely missing Leox as he dodged them. Out of desperation, Leox slices off Jabberwocky's left leg. The sight of it's left leg being sliced off, appeased Leox.

Leox took a deep breath to calm his wits and stared back at the jabberwocky as it was withering in pain and staring at Leox with animosity that he never felt before. Leox trying to not mind its stare, sprinted to the jabberwocky again and Jabberwocky catching onto what Leox was about to do, slashed the air where Leox was briefly there. Leox however slid in between it's leg and Leox stabbed it's mediastinum. This made the jabberwocky howl in pain and it jumped back all the way to where the entrance was and glared at Leox, as it was trying to pull out the sword. Leox, attempting to make another sword with the debris left over from the clash, however could not as there were not enough materials for him to work with, but instead made a dagger. With a dagger in hand, Leox ran at the jabberwocky again and slashed it's other eye, rendering the Jabberwocky blind. Jabberwocky even more angry and in pain blindly slashed at the air which Leox was able to calmly dodge and weave out of. The sight of it's desperation gave Leox a sense of tranquility. Smiling and jumping side to side, Leox dashed at the Jabberwocky again and kicked it, causing it to fly to the wall. Leox watching the jabberwocky struggle, sat down and hummed a tune while searching his pocket for some bread to which he could not find any. This saddened Leox quite bit.

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© weldherwings.

♛ Dauxine ♛

Dauxine had nearly gone lightheaded.

Of all things that happened that afternoon, it was an exploded butterfly that sent a faint feeling straight behind the sage's eyes. In the world, few things fascinated her more than pretty creatures, like deer or dove, so butterflies were no exception. Her rage & irritation was suspended in air as she watched the butterfly perch on the beast's form; curiously, she had lent her staff toward it in case it had decided to fly onto it. Instead, it was her staff to be first cast as canvas for the sudden splat of blood in all directions.

A single droplet landed on the mage's cheek, as if blessing & lifting her spell of anger. In the newfound moment of clarity, Dauxine rapidly blinked to herself, wiping away the drop of gore to gaze upon the new addition to the battlefield. Looking up from her position on the ground, just beside the creature, it was as though a savior had come though she'd been surrounded by all kinds already. This woman's presence was truly something else; Dauxine could only watch in awe, though she winced when the blue figure's sword was plunged into the beast's skull.

In a moment of clarity, cowardice taking familiar hold of her person once more, she staggered back & simply took in the sight of her allies all exerting their efforts in taking the beast down. With her staff planted in place to hold her up, she'd been watching & let everything unfold before her. Occasionally, there'd been a cry of pain from someone to her right or left that called for a bit of healing in their direction but, for the most part, her role in this play had been fulfilled.

The culmination of their actions led to this moment where everyone was fighting a single enemy, allowing her to retreat to the sidelines & support from afar. This was her nature & she was content with it, almost sleepily so. Had it not been for a stray bit of the beast's carnage flying in her direction, she might've closed her eyes & leaned her head against her staff for a little standing nap. Instead, she squawked at the sight & leapt nearly half her height off the ground.

In her sudden onset of athleticism, it was her foot landing on the beast's claw that dealt a tickle of damage to it.

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© weldherwings.


Just when they thought victory was within reach, the Jabberwocky resurrected itself in a swirl of dissolving darkness. The rumours had been true—this creature was immortal. No matter how much they tore it down, it would rise again, and again, and again.

The only thing that could harm it, that could sever its soul from reality, was the shimmering dagger that hovered behind The Scholar.

As he reached for the legendary weapon that was their only salvation, a strange butterfly fluttered into the cave. Its wings, delicate and iridescent, shimmered for only a moment before it withered away, collapsing into a pool of blood. The sanguine puddle stirred, rippling, and from it emerged a figure, a young woman. In one hand, she wielded a massive greatsword, too large for her delicate frame, yet she carried it with ease.

She made her entrance by smashing her sword into the Jabberwocky's snout with a heavy blow. The creature reeled, momentarily stunned, its massive head snapping back.

Placing a hand on his temple, Zexal's eyes widened in surprise as his mind suddenly cleared of the strange fogginess that had been clouding his thoughts. Still expressionless, he grabbed the Vorpal Blade in his left hand, gripping his own sword in his right. Crossing the two blades before him, he slashed them to the sides, flying upward, high above the battlefield to gain a vantage point. Below, the fight raged on, fiercer than before. Alongside their new ally, the others attacked in unison.

But no matter how much damage they inflicted, the creature's regeneration was a problem. Flesh and bone re-knit in moments, armoured scales growing back even thicker than before.

It was reckless. It was destructive. And it knew it was almost invincible.


Zexal’s crystal optics flickered to the Vorpal Blade in his hand. The Jabberwocky could sense it. Its eyes, once crazed and wild, locked onto him whenever he tried to get close. It knew that the dagger was the only threat. Each time he approached, the beast lashed out with renewed fury, beating its wings with violent claps, sending fiery beams, and swiping razor-sharp claws in his direction. It would not allow him to land a killing blow.

Frustration gnawed at The Scholar's nerves. Their only weapon against the Jabberwocky was also the reason he couldn’t land a hit. Every attempt to engage was met with swift retaliation. The others were doing their best, but it was all for nothing unless he could drive the dagger into the creature's heart.

A deafening roar shook the cave. The Jabberwocky’s maw began to glow, its jagged teeth illuminated by a bright, pulsating light. Zexal narrowed his eyes. Something was off. This was new. Dangerous. A low hum echoed through the chamber, growing louder, and faster, each pulse of light racing from the creature’s core to its mouth. It was charging something.

The Jabberwocky’s eyes were fixed on the group below—and Xanthe was among them.

A fearful sound became trapped in the The Second's throat. His body tensed, heart pounding. This was his one chance to strike the beast while it was distracted. But in doing so, the rest of the group would be obliterated by the creature's attack. And Xanthe—Xanthe would die.

He couldn’t allow that... No, he wouldn't allow that.

Without a second thought, Zexal dive-bombed toward the ground, streaking through the air like a comet. He landed in front of the others, positioning himself directly in the Jabberwocky’s line of fire. The creature, fully charged, unleashed a massive beam of light. Zexal threw his hands forward, summoning the winds into a swirling barrier of air to counter the blast. The beam collided with the shield, sending shockwaves through his body, rattling his bones, but Zexal tried, and struggled, to hold firm.

The barrier wavered under the unrelenting force. The Jabberwocky's beam was too powerful, burning through his defences as if his shield were nothing more than a flimsy veil. Zexal gritted his teeth, pouring every ounce of his strength into holding the barrier, just long enough for the others to escape. He could feel the heat of the beam scorching through the wind, his skin beginning to burn, his muscles trembling under the strain.

He knew it was over. The air barrier was being devoured, giving way to the inordinate amount of energy. Zexal, still holding out against the attack, looked over his shoulder. His eyes found his creation, and though his Ascended form rendered him mute, a warm smile curved on his lips, his eyes softening as he nodded, a silent farewell.

In that instant, the beam completely shattered his defences, consuming him in a burst of hot, blinding light. His silhouette vanished in the blast, burned away without a sound.

The ground where he once stood cracked, crumbling beneath the immense pressure of the Jabberwocky’s attack, breaking apart into a dark chasm that seemed to swallow the earth.

Zexal was gone.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Alice stormed over to the newly formed precipice and peered over the edge. "Seriously, Mister?! If you were going to die like that you could've at least given one of us the Vorpal Blade first! Now what are we supposed to do, huh?!" She took in a very deep breath, sucking all the air from the cave before yelling at the top of her lungs, "Jerk!" her voice echoed as she bellowed down into the darkness.

Alice turned to the others, chuckling with dread.

"Tehehehehe!... We're so dead..." she croaked. "Without the Vorpal Blade, we have no way of winning! Ohohohoho!" she added, laughing nervously.

A clawed foot came crashing down toward her with the weight of a mountain. Irritated by her maniacal laughter, the dragon tried to squash her like a bug. Alice swung her greatsword upward, effortlessly batting away the monstrous talons.

"Hey! Watch it, you overgrown lizard!" she growled, stomping back toward the group with the grace of a petulant child. Her arms crossed, muttering angrily under her breath, “Big dumb dragon, doesn’t even know who it’s messing with…”

The Jabberwocky growled, unaware of what the young woman had just said, but it wasn't about to let her go so easily, and it lashed out again. Alice’s eyes gleamed with a maniacal glint, spinning on her heel, a wide grin spreading across her face.

“Oh, you want to play? Let’s play!” she licked her lips.

She leapt into the air, swinging her sword against the Jabberwocky’s claws with a thunderous clash. Sparks flew as the massive greatsword collided with the dragon’s talons, forcing the beast to recoil in surprise.

“Ha! Take that, you smelly lizard!”

The Jabberwocky barred its teeth and snapped, but Alice hopped and skipped to safety with surprising agility. She spun and twirled like a dancer, each strike of her blade accompanied by a burst of butterflies that flitted around the beast.

The woman cackled as she stabbed the creature repeatedly, drowning herself in the blood that sprayed from its wounds. The Jabberwocky snapped at the butterflies, and Alice tauntingly stuck out her tongue. “Catch me if you can!"

With a spring in her step, she bound into the air, transforming into a swarm of glowing butterflies. The creature’s tail smashed into the ground where she had been just a moment before, missing her entirely. The butterflies scattered, swirling through the air before reforming into Alice a few yards away.

She landed gracefully, twirling her sword in one hand before pointing it at the Jabberwocky. “Bahahahahahahaha! You’re going to have to try harder than that, ugly!”

The creature snarled, infuriated by the girl's childish, and slightly psychotic, antics.

However, as the battle dragged on, there was one slight problem. No matter how many times they struck the dragon, it regenerated. Scales, bones, even the flesh itself healed in an instant. She frowned, her manic grin fading slightly. Now that they no longer possessed the Vorpal Blade, the creature was impossible to defeat.

"Hmph! This isn't fair! You're cheating! Cheating! You hear me?!"

Alice cast a glance toward the Red Queen, who was watching the turmoil unfold from a distance.

Her eyes lit up with a new idea. “Oh, I see how it is. You’re the boss around here, huh?” She grinned wildly again, tasting the blood that stained her weapon, and turning her attention away from the Jabberwocky and toward the Red Queen.

With a determined cry, she raised her sword above her head, both hands gripping the hilt. Alice charged at the Red Queen with a crazed battle cry. “Raaaaaaaaaghahahaha. If we're alll going to die anyway, I'm might as well take you down with me! Take this you darn vixen—!”

But before she could strike the Red Queen down, the Jabberwocky’s tail lashed, swatting Alice like the insect she was. Hurtling through the air, she let out a dramatic wail.

“I can't have nice thiiiiiiings in this wooooorld!”

The woman crashed into the ground with a heavy thud, rolling a few times before coming to a stop. For a moment, she lay there, arms splayed out, staring at the roof of the cave. Then, with an exaggerated groan, she kicked herself back to her feet, her face flushed bright red, and fists clenched, about to throw a tantrum.

She stomped her foot, "That's it! I've had just about enough of this ugly, scaly, smelly, stinky, dumb, stupid, fire-snot-breathing, bat!"



Zexal drifted deeper into the suffocating abyss, the world around him fell away, leaving only silence. His body, weightless and shattered, plummeted further into the emptiness.

So... this is how it ends.

The thought wandered, unbidden, through his mind.

I was so close, yet so far... So close to finding the answer. So close to discovering the ultimate truth.

His lifeforce was slipping away, a rushing stream.

It was within my grasp... And now... it’s all gone.

His grand ambitions that once burned bright like the sun now seemed like distant, dying embers.

Now I face oblivion for my sins... Hmph.

There had been moments, fleeting, when he believed he had attained godhood, that the avaricious pursuit of knowledge alone could shield him from the fragility of mortal bondage. But now, only the cold, cruel void embraced him. The Scholar realised how even someone as erudite as he had been deceived by arrogance. All things come with a price, and he had underestimated the cost of his sacrilegious path.

I guess my time has come...

Now, he would pay with his life. No one would ever know how close he had come. No one would understand the sacrifices. It would all fade, as he would fade.

Farewell... Xanthe... my beloved creation.

A faint smile played on his lips, his eyes, heavy and tired, began to flutter shut as finality settled into his bones.




But then... there.

A light.

Small, distant. It flickered in the far reaches of the abyss, a lone star in an endless black sky.

It was impossibly far. But it was there. And for reasons he couldn't explain, he was drawn to it.

"Is this...?"

In what was barely more than a feeble gesture, His fingers stretched toward the distant glow, even as his consciousness began to dwindle.

His eyes flickered. Once. Twice.

And then they closed.


All of a sudden, an eerie, almost angelic, howl echoed from the depths of the chasm, an otherworldly sounds that caused the cave to quiver. The ground shuddered as a blinding beacon of light shot up from the void, piercing the darkness. Emerging from the abyss, as if defying death itself, Zexal rose, his clothes tattered, his face pure white, but alive—somehow unscathed.

He was breathing heavily, each gasp of air like he had been drowning moments before. His chest heaved, his skin damp with sweat, his white hair clinging to his face. His crystal eyes, wide with disbelief, flitted down toward the others, confusion carved into his very conscience. He looked at the Vorpal Blade in his hand, its gleaming surface radiant with a bright, ethereal light.


How was he still here? Alive? Had he been resurrected? Was it the Vorpal Blade that had saved him? The questions churned in his mind like a raging tempest, overwhelming him. But no answers came. Just silence.

Too many questions, too few answers.

His gaze snapped upward, locking onto the monstrous form of the Jabberwocky, the very creature that had sent him spiralling into the jaws of death. The dragon's eyes glowed with the same burning malevolence.

Zexal's eyes narrowed.

There was no hesitation in his heart. It was time to finish this, once and for all.

Imbued with the power of the Vorpal Blade, he raised his hand, and above his palm, a small sphere of condensed wind began to take form. The Ascended scholar released the sphere into the air, and it shot high above the Jabberwocky, expanding rapidly, twisting into a swirling vortex, pulling at the air, at the earth, and dragging Jabberwocky itself into its centre. The beast let out a piercing roar, thrashing wildly against the force of the storm, but it was too strong, even for it.

Zexal’s green aura surged around him, growing in size, burning like wildfire. With every ounce of strength he had left, he rocketed through the sky, a falling star cutting through the air. The Vorpal Blade shone brightly in his grasp, and in one final strike, Zexal plunged it straight into the Jabberwocky’s chest.

It was as if time slowed. The dragon’s scales shattered like brittle glass, the blade slicing through monstrous flesh and bone. Zexal ripped through the creature’s body, emerging out the other side, drenched in its blood.

It was over.

The tyrannical dragon, let out one last pitiful growl. Its wings faltered, and its great body plunged into the cavern. Zexal hovered for a moment longer, his body trembling with exhaustion. His once celestial form began to dissolve into shimmering stardust, unable to sustain it any longer. As his body returned to its normal form, it went limp, his eyes fluttered shut, and he fell, unconscious, toward the ground below.

A golden light began to glow from the Jabberwocky's heart, starting at a single point, the light grew, spreading like cracks over every inch of the dragon’s form. And then, with a brilliant flash, the Jabberwocky exploded in a burst of light that filled the cave, washing over everything.

Alice was the first to break the silence. "We... won? ... I mean..." she cleared her throat, "We won! Of course, we did! Kahahahahahaha!" With a whoop of uncontained joy, she jumped into the air, her greatsword waving in celebration. A kaleidoscope of butterflies erupted from nowhere, their wings glimmering in every colour imaginable, infested the entire cave. As they fluttered around, they burst into delicate confetti, raining down over the battlefield as if to celebrate their triumph.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Legacy Unbound
Scene 014
As the dragon’s body crashed to the ground, the earth trembled beneath its weight, sending tremors through the field. Then, a stillness settled over the scene, a strange quiet after the storm. Slowly, the Jabberwocky’s colossal form began to dissolve, fading into gleams of shimmering light. Its monstrous figure, once so imposing, gradually dissipated into the air, leaving behind only the faintest trace of its existence. In mere moments, it was as if the legendary creature had never been - reduced to nothing more than a fleeting memory, a fading legend.

And yet, the scars of the battle remained. The deep trenches gouged into the earth by its claws and the holes torn from the ground during the struggle were reminders of the fierce fight. Though the dragon’s body had vanished, the devastation it had wrought would not be easily forgotten. The land itself bore the tale of the battle, ensuring that the legend of the Jabberwocky would live on, even if only in the wounds it had left behind.

Left behind from the vanquished beast, as always, was its heart - a glimmering, soft pink gem that lay where the creature's core had been. It pulsed gently, almost invitingly, as though it beckoned to be saved. Alice gave her sword a swift, practiced swipe through the air, flicking the blood of the beast off the blade. Then, she approached the heart, her sword's tip dragging delicately against the ground, leaving a faint line in the dirt. Her eyes were fixed on the shimmering heart, and in that moment, nothing else seemed to matter.

As Alice drew nearer to the heart, The Elder watched with widening eyes, his composure slipping for the first time. Her hands lifted the heart as if claiming something that had once been his. His knees buckled beneath him, and he sank to the ground, the weight of defeat pressing down on him. It was over. All of it - his plans, his ambitions - crumbled before his eyes.

With trembling hands, he slowly reached for the mask that had concealed his face for so long. A crack, formed during the pandemonium of battle, ran notched across it. His fingers hesitated for a moment, but then with indolence, he removed the mask.

His face was revealed, bearing a deep, jagged scar that stretched from one corner of his face to the other, a brutal mark that told a silent story. The scar was dated, its color pale and faded, but the weight of its narrative was still etched in the lines of his weathered features. As the disguise fell to the ground; the mask of authority, power, and control crumbled with it. The Elder, once feared and revered, was now just a broken man in the shadow of defeat.

"The power of Kingdom Hearts... I wanted it. I needed it. The power to start over. To rewrite history. To undo the evil that..." His voice faltered as his fingers traced the scar across his face, the old wound seemingly burning fresh again with the memories it held. "The evil people do to each other."

"Since the beginning, it was always my mother and I. Just the two of us. We were each other's worlds. She worked so many jobs, struggling day after day just to keep food on the table. And I... I did everything I could to help her. I studied, went to school, delivered mail... whatever I could do to ease her burden. But the one thing I couldn’t do was protect her."
He swallowed hard, as if the memory itself was choking him. "There was a man... admired in the town, a man who watched from afar. He couldn’t accept the rejection she rightfully gave him. He couldn't take no for an answer."

"There was a fire at our lodge. A man made fire."
His eyes flashed with the faintest trace of tears he refused to shed. "And they never caught him. They never caught the man who took my mother from me." The Elder's hands quivered. "I thought... if I had the power to rewrite everything, to erase those evils, I could fix it. I could change it all. But..."

"There is a balance to everything - a necessary balance."
Alice said as she turned away from The Elder, walking toward her comrades once more. In her spare hand, the heart glowed faintly. She paused for a moment, casting a glance over her shoulder at the broken man kneeling behind her. "I am sorry for what happened to you." She added, her tone softening. "But erasing the worlds would not fix what has already been broken. To know good is to know evil."

"The Kingdom Hearts. The heart of all worlds, a force beyond comprehension - capable of unimaginable creation, but just as capable of annihilation. It’s said that in the beginning, the World was born in darkness. Then came the first light, Kingdom Hearts, and from that light came everything: the people, their hearts, and the world as we know it. But with great power comes a counterpoise. The χ-blade was forged to protect Kingdom Hearts, ensuring its mysteries remained untouched, hidden from those who sought to abuse its power. To open it is to create the Next World, to become something more than human. But the truth… the truth is far darker than your desires, Elder. To unlock Kingdom Hearts would be to unleash a purge - a reset that would return everything to the darkness from which it began. The World as we know it would be destroyed."

Alice looked over her shoulder once more towards The Elder. "The light and the darkness are part of the same story. And it’s not yours to rewrite."

Alice looked over at Axrael and Xathos, and she extended her hand, the soft pink heart of the Jabberwocky resting delicately in her palm. "One born from a Keyblade wielder, and one from a Disney royal. Together, you have the power to form the χ-blade. And together, you can open the Kingdom Hearts."

Post Objective:
Await for the next post by Alex/Khai for further instructions

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