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Legacy of the Elder Races



Fighting for turtles since the begining of life
The Year 2,345

It has been thousands of years ever since the wars between the Elder Races devastated the world. While the scars of the devastating conflicts yet remain, most of the world has already moved on. What used to be massive cities or sites of battle had mostly been reclaimed by nature, while various new nations had been established on Dwashar over the millennia, given a chance to live and prosper by the decline of the Elder Races.

For most of recent history, the realms of Magic had dominated the world, their power unopposed by the primitive, magicless states that made up the rest of the world. However, times had changed. The ascendance of what used to be the magicless states has upset the old world order, their invasion and humiliation of what used to be the greatest states of Dwashar had opened the eyes of the realms of Magic to the fact that they are no longer the lords of the world. The fate of the world is now open for all, could the realms of Magic successfully modernize and turn the tables on those who had humiliated them, or would the merciless advance of technology eventually ground those who rely solely on magic to dust? Only time would tell.​
The Dark Lord of Morgul looked out over his realm. Two million slaves of varying races toiled within the walls of his City, another three million dwelling around the countryside in lesser cities. He stood, his grim Eye sweeping from the Tower of Morgul. A flicker of light glared from the Tower’s summit, seeping into the deeps where his Aarkila labored and crawled in their millions.

The Will he wielded kept them in line, marshalled their ranks and held their minds in thrall. The Will was unquestionable. Soon he would go forth, and establish diplomatic relations with one of the other kingdoms. His dragons were hungry, and new slaves were needed to farm the fields.
Arcturus knelt in the throne room of the Chiropteran Kingdom. It had been a week since his father, Regulus, the 46th Lucifer had passed on. Today he was to be crowned as the 47th Lucifer of the kingdom and take his rightful place on the throne. Those witnessing the momentous occasion were members of the elite families of the capital and, per Arcturus' own request, elders from villages across the nation. He had many goals for his reign, namely to end the isolation of the nation and to strengthen the nation as a whole. As is tradition, the high priest, wielding the sword of the first Lucifer, tapped Arcturus on both shoulders, before placing the crown upon his head. Arcturus rose, taking the sword from the priest, unsheathing it, and pointing it to the heavens, signifying the start of his reign. As he did so, each person in attendance knelt down, swearing their undying loyalty to their new king.

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