The temple was Humble on the inside, but clearly of Atlantean origin... and devoted to various gods of the oceans and the sea in general -- the names of all entities either unreadable, forgotten, or rendered too fine by the current and erosion to be identifiable. Still, it was nonetheless a hallowed place. Simple enough work was done to clear it of blood and dead euripatids, the absence of eggs seemingly evidence that there was recently a great bloom in their population.
The Holy Water fount was cleansed, and a source of Water Mana was claimed and tappable by the Vythan. It was said too that these waters had disease-cleansing properties and could be used as a base in potion-making...
The mining operations in the caves below were fruitful, yielding 2 wealth, and an effectively renewable source of copper -- and a unit of "Flashing Phasasite" -- a highly reflective mineral that had a tendency to disorient light-sensitive creatures.
The Vythian Spearmen were decked out in new armor of Euripatid chitin -- which was learned after the fact to hide the scent of the wearer underwater, but was speculated to stink were it ever brought above the surface. Vythian spearmen gain *Stealth*!
The temple was Humble on the inside, but clearly of Atlantean origin... and devoted to various gods of the oceans and the sea in general -- the names of all entities either unreadable, forgotten, or rendered too fine by the current and erosion to be identifiable. Still, it was nonetheless a hallowed place. Simple enough work was done to clear it of blood and dead euripatids, the absence of eggs seemingly evidence that there was recently a great bloom in their population.
The Holy Water fount was cleansed, and a source of Water Mana was claimed and tappable by the Vythan. It was said too that these waters had disease-cleansing properties and could be used as a base in potion-making...
The mining operations in the caves below were fruitful, yielding 2 wealth, and an effectively renewable source of copper -- and a unit of "Flashing Phasasite" -- a highly reflective mineral that had a tendency to disorient light-sensitive creatures.
The Vythian Spearmen were decked out in new armor of Euripatid chitin -- which was learned after the fact to hide the scent of the wearer underwater, but was speculated to stink were it ever brought above the surface. Vythian spearmen gain *Stealth*!