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Fandom Left 40k Dead Reboot(Closed)

Ah your missing out on core canon.

Arbites is a technical term.
Adeptus Arbites - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

You mean any random police-esque force.
That has a whole host of other issues.
(I could of thought of that but to be fair googling arbites, provides 0 non- adeptus-arbite responses for 40K)

But the actual arbites, everything I said for them is true.

Not missing out on core cannon, you're ignoring that arbites do in fact answer to Terra they also have various branches that do more than just collect Tithes from planetary governors because anything that should be cut and dry in the imperium gets muddled extremely quickly. It's how and why the guardsmen for some reason decided it would be a great idea to use ratlings as snipers.

Each branch is pretty subject to whatever that planet they're stationed on happens to really need to make sure things are orderly. This can be open to very liberal interpretations. It's one of the reasons why the arbites work with the inquisition so often.
Not missing out on core cannon, you're ignoring that arbites do in fact answer to Terra they also have various branches that do more than just collect Tithes from planetary governors

I would be interested to see any source on various arbites "Branches" to my knowledge no such canon organizations exist. (I asked the 40K lore discord that edits the wiki they never heard of it, nor does google show any such branches, but google shows the wiki they edit anyway)

Though yes they do more than collect tithes, they enforce the Imperial law, however that law is incredibly limited and loose (it has to be due to the varied nature of the imperiums planets) so it normally comes down to collecting the tithe, and fighting off traitors (or other things that stoped the tithe, normally xenos)

So essentially I think your inventing a carefree attitude that doesn't exist so that a PC you made wasn't a traitor who went "AWOL" and to quote you "Hardly ever did their job" "Because they felt like it"

Like read the wiki page that describes them.

The members of the Adeptus Arbites are the final bulwark against heretical uprisings and other major threats. Their precinct-fortress is the often last bastion of Imperial rule during revolutions or invasions, holding out to the very end whilst alerting outside Imperial agencies and Adepta of the dire situation.

Each member knows that should they fall, so follows the planet. To merely survive in such a hostile environment, Arbitrators must show no hesitation, regret, or compassion for those they protect, and they must consider every citizen guilty until they are proven innocent.

The Adeptus Arbites face a monumental task to enforce the law across countless Imperial worlds. Those that take the oaths, don the Carapace Armour, and take Shock Maul in hand are often obsessive and pitiless individuals, who see the law as an extension of the Emperor's will upon His subjects, and its enforcement their sacred duty. Whether they are skilled in combat or possessed of a keen mind, an Arbitrator knows he faces an implacable and remorseless foe, one which he must counter with all the talents at his command.

To be part of this Adepta is to be apart from their surroundings, for after training in the Schola Progenium, Arbitrators are never assigned to the world of their birth. They are beyond local authorities, serving none but higher Imperial law. Once a man puts on the distinctive dark armour of an Arbitrator he stops being merely a man, and is now a representative of the greater Imperium upon a world, there to ensure planetary compliance with Imperial law.

Arbitrators are always active with investigation and enforcement, for crime never sleeps. The surrounding populace overwhelmingly outnumbers them, so it is essential to detect and crush crime before it grows too strong. On many worlds, they bring massive firepower to bear at the slightest hint of resistance, often reacting to crimes before they occur, and preemptively arresting citizens who are "at risk" of becoming criminals.

hahahaha... yeah about that... Galvanoth regularly abandoned his post to go do imperial guardsmen shit.... Like... He never once actually did his job he just got bored, wandered off, and happened to get wrapped up in things like repelling xenos, killing daemons, raiding traitor cults, fighting mutants.. you get the picture.
"If they fall so does the planet"
"Yeah he just got bored and wandered off"

The job is to monitor for traitors, develop spy networks, infiltrate and shut down opposition organizations.
And by your own admission he got bored and wandered off. That is "Going AWOL" and a traitor.

As for "Lol so random"

Here is a quote from the meme page and the urban dictonary on being so random.
"the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognize how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. "

I think an arbite who wanders away because he was bored (aganist the grain of the norm) to get into wild adventures on the front line (really crazy and out there) qualifies. Even applying as such an arbite in an only war IG game qualifies for "Plea for others to recognize how totally against the grain of the norm you are"
(If that comes off as mean, I apologize it is meant in the spirit of constructive criticism)

Anyway the GM rejected it, so it hardly matters. If you have the sources I'd love to have them PMed to me, otherwise I really think I need to just let this die since this in theory a chat for the guardsman game and the arbite is excluded from that.
I would be interested to see any source on various arbites "Branches" to my knowledge no such canon organizations exist. (I asked the 40K lore discord that edits the wiki they never heard of it, nor does google show any such branches, but google shows the wiki they edit anyway)

Though yes they do more than collect tithes, they enforce the Imperial law, however that law is incredibly limited and loose (it has to be due to the varied nature of the imperiums planets) so it normally comes down to collecting the tithe, and fighting off traitors (or other things that stoped the tithe, normally xenos)

So essentially I think your inventing a carefree attitude that doesn't exist so that a PC you made wasn't a traitor who went "AWOL" and to quote you "Hardly ever did their job" "Because they felt like it"

Like read the wiki page that describes them.

The members of the Adeptus Arbites are the final bulwark against heretical uprisings and other major threats. Their precinct-fortress is the often last bastion of Imperial rule during revolutions or invasions, holding out to the very end whilst alerting outside Imperial agencies and Adepta of the dire situation.

Each member knows that should they fall, so follows the planet. To merely survive in such a hostile environment, Arbitrators must show no hesitation, regret, or compassion for those they protect, and they must consider every citizen guilty until they are proven innocent.

The Adeptus Arbites face a monumental task to enforce the law across countless Imperial worlds. Those that take the oaths, don the Carapace Armour, and take Shock Maul in hand are often obsessive and pitiless individuals, who see the law as an extension of the Emperor's will upon His subjects, and its enforcement their sacred duty. Whether they are skilled in combat or possessed of a keen mind, an Arbitrator knows he faces an implacable and remorseless foe, one which he must counter with all the talents at his command.

To be part of this Adepta is to be apart from their surroundings, for after training in the Schola Progenium, Arbitrators are never assigned to the world of their birth. They are beyond local authorities, serving none but higher Imperial law. Once a man puts on the distinctive dark armour of an Arbitrator he stops being merely a man, and is now a representative of the greater Imperium upon a world, there to ensure planetary compliance with Imperial law.

Arbitrators are always active with investigation and enforcement, for crime never sleeps. The surrounding populace overwhelmingly outnumbers them, so it is essential to detect and crush crime before it grows too strong. On many worlds, they bring massive firepower to bear at the slightest hint of resistance, often reacting to crimes before they occur, and preemptively arresting citizens who are "at risk" of becoming criminals.

"If they fall so does the planet"
"Yeah he just got bored and wandered off"

The job is to monitor for traitors, develop spy networks, infiltrate and shut down opposition organizations.
And by your own admission he got bored and wandered off. That is "Going AWOL" and a traitor.

As for "Lol so random"

Here is a quote from the meme page and the urban dictonary on being so random.
"the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognize how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. "

I think an arbite who wanders away because he was bored (aganist the grain of the norm) to get into wild adventures on the front line (really crazy and out there) qualifies. Even applying as such an arbite in an only war IG game qualifies for "Plea for others to recognize how totally against the grain of the norm you are"
(If that comes off as mean, I apologize it is meant in the spirit of constructive criticism)

Anyway the GM rejected it, so it hardly matters. If you have the sources I'd love to have them PMed to me, otherwise I really think I need to just let this die since this in theory a chat for the guardsman game and the arbite is excluded from that.

I don't mean proper branches I mean branches as in each section of the adeptus arbites acts as its own unit based on the planet that it happens to be stationed on. Also the developing spy networks isn't really an arbites thing nor is the monitoring for traitors, that's basically the inquisition's job. Shut down opposing organizations I will give you absolutely.

And no he's not a lolsorandom character because he's not really out there. He was told to go work for the arbites, decided guardsman work was more fulfilling, so he fucked off and slipped into the guardsmen ranks. That's not really out there considering how out there the 40k universe is in general.
In order for it to qualify as a "lolsorandom" character it has to be really out there for the setting. For the sheer fact that we have Rambo Sly fucking Marbo as an imperial guardsman... Yeah I'd say Galvanoth isn't even close to being out there enough to be considered lolsorandom.

This of course completely ignoring how absurd some of the xenos races get. 40k for as dark and gritty as it may seem is still, at its heart, a satire universe. This is the universe that has an entire race of creatures that have the ability of "if it should probably work then it does."
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Mirgris is right here, while the character idea is cool and might be fun, it is not really in line with the lore of Warhammer and theme of this particular RP. I suggest you to drop it and find other way to make an interesting character, or just pick a regiment of guard and go with stereotype of that regiment.
I love that mental image. A horde of greenskins on the horizon.
"ello ello, what's all this then? Ah, greenskins! Tally ho gents!"
Show me a well-known historical military force that isn't represented by some astra militarum regiment. You cannot.
To this I reply, there is a guard regiment that is based on them, but it is too obscure to be mentioned in the lore.
Okay, so sorry for not being around, my work came calling yesterday so I’ve been swamped. Imma try to get this cs up in the afternoon.

Airagog Airagog While I’m receptive to creativity and what not, my initial requirement stands FOR NOW. I would like it if you had an imperial guard regiment in mind for the start, again this is a mainly IG rp. We will start out in space and then transition to a planet, and if we do make planet fall I’ll hear out an arbites character, sound good?

Indubitably my good man. Since I'm still learning 40k stuff... Please tell me their battle cry is 'tally ho'
Welcome aboard!
Show me a well-known historical military force that isn't represented by some astra militarum regiment. You cannot.

The sacred band of Thebes.
Sacred Band of Thebes - Wikipedia

300 men,
150 pairs of gay lovers.

The psychology behind using lovers was genius.

Most people even in war and combat have a huge natural psycological barrier to actually killing, this is true of all human warfare in history (Read PHD LTC David Grossmans books if your curious)
(This is why no retreat fighting to the last man often worked so well when it is on the surface a stupid idea)

So the lovers got around this partially by
A) Fighting not to embarrass yourself in front of them
B) Fighting to protect them (Doing poorly may be the cause of their death)

They were so good when outnumbered by the Spartans , they still won.

If we had a book about an IG regiment of outcasts for being gay.
(I'm thinking a very religious planet "Procreation is to create new soldiers for the emperor other wise your evil for not making new soldiers")
Who then took this "mark of shame" and this apparent death setence and became excellent out of a righteous spite, I would read the FUCK OUT OF IT.

"You said that our love was a failing, that we were weak and broken and wrong you sent us to die, to get rid of what you called a sickness. We were given the worst of the equipment, the poorest of training and the most terrible of missions. Yet we endured. When you refused to train us, we trained each other. What you refused to equip us with our own meager pay went to acquiring. What we could not buy we took from battles won. We rose to challenges to show that we were not to be forgotten and we would not go quietly into the night.

You said our choice of love made was wrong, but I think it made us strong. We stand side by side knowing the man we love is in the trenches with us. Let me tell you this, few things in the universe will motivate a solider more to hold his ground, than knowing his spouse is beside him, counting on him. That they are counting upon each other. You sent us to die, but we choose to fight. For glory for honor and even for spite. Our name is becoming legend among the guard, the black mark you are ashamed of becomes what the planet is known best for. It is our greatest pleasure that our honor is your embarrassment.

Let it be known, we are the Sacred Band of Thebes, we are gay, we are guardsman and we are unafraid."
OOC or discord is up to the general consensus, I'm fine either way. I'll send a message later on here soon about the chracter I had in mind, make sure it all runs smooth enough.
What exactly is the scenery of this RP? I want to make sure I don't pick an out-of-place regiment for my character. We don't want to end up with Tallarnian or Valhallan guardsman in the middle of a space hulk.
What exactly is the scenery of this RP? I want to make sure I don't pick an out-of-place regiment for my character. We don't want to end up with Tallarnian or Valhallan guardsman in the middle of a space hulk.
Oh, but that is the beauty of it, let’s kudt say an expositionary fleet was ambushed by a nurgle fleet, and well, some people will be out of their element.

That said, we will eventually make planetfall, though that part is still surprise.

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