Leaving for Oklahoma.


Auburn Mystery
Well it's been fun. After today, can't guarantee I'll be on much. We get the move truck tomorrow and hopefully if all goes well, by saturday or sunday, Andrew and I will be off to a new state. We don't know if and when we will get internet again. Might be as soon as we get there, might not be until we find jobs.

Until then, huzzah and fairwell.
Good day to you, Kaine and Backlash! You are fantastic friends, and incredibly slashpairableable people! Oh, the fangirling. Yes, you are worthy of a yaoi franchise.

Good luck to you! I hope that whole internet thing works out for ya. See you eventually!
wow kit. that is ummmmmmmm................interesting. but we are off to Oklahoma in like 3 days. we will try to get internet as fast as we can get it.
You can look at that message and pretend that all of that sincere emotion occurred at the exact moment of your leaving, if you wish?

Anyways, good luck in that whole internet business...In three days! Yes!
please dont use my name, backlash's name and yaoi in the same post again... EVER. Or i may need to slaughter someone.
Ah, Good luck to both of you with finding jobs and the move itself, of course. Hope you enjoy your new home. We'll miss you.

I'll miss yew gaiz, but at least your closer to Canada now! ;u;

<3 luffs and good wishes~
i do believe that we we will be further away from canada. LOL but it was the thought that counts.

we will miss you all as well

untill we get the internet that is.
Ima miss u gaiz ;A;

You'll be so far away nao ;n;

Just remember, you will always be Californians at heart! T^T)9

You'll leave your heart in San Fransisco 8'DD *kills the mood gewd* ouo

Just take this Cali sunrise with you and wake up with the fondest memorieeeeeeeeeeeeeeez~

*is done nao*

I hatechoo for leaving, I hope you fail and have to come back Dx

Nah, I wish you both the best.

And get that dang interweb so I don't gotta miss you so much ;u;
I'll miss you Kainah & Andrew, especially mah hawt stallion of a sexy friend Kainah :'(

I genuinely hope everything will go for the better in Oklahoma for you lot.

See you soon!

Don't leave me hangin' ! :'(

* Waves *
Kaine.. Backlash.. Dun't Leave Us!!! Wait O.o Oklahoma is closer to PA. Mwhaha. Stalking Time~ JK

Good luck. Hope you two find jobs and get back on the internet as fast as possible.

I'll Miss You Two. *waves before running off into the sunset*
I will go from Florida to Oklahoma... and drag you closer. >________________________>

Bai baiz peoplez.

*hit in the backz of zeh head forz tehz uze ofz of 'z' tooz much.....z*
I can only wish you guys the best of luck. hate to lose you guys for the time being but I 100% understand as I just recently did a move from one state to another.

Please keep in touch! (steal wifi or get an iPhone)
Whereabouts in OK? If you're near Oklahoma City my bro's near there or I know Wolf lives in OK. If you're near Tulsa my drug head step grandmother lives there.

What's the move for? Change of scenery?
California sucks. Can't find jobs in our small town. Andrew already has family in OK so a moving we shall go.

No matter who lives in OK we're not gonna visit them. <.<, i have no desire to see anyone in RL. As for locating we will be 40 minutes SE of OKcity.
Can we get together in OK and have slumber parties, movie nights, and all that fun stuff? This excites me beyond belief.

[/sarcasm] xD
Tektek if you actually live in Oklahoma, i think your one of the only people i would visit.

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