ℒearning to ℱly


a sad lil bean


1. Dylan @RedInkKid

4. Rice @Rachel Lynn

4. America

5. Lilly


Name: {Make it hippie-ish or nature-y.}

Age: {18-20}

Gender: {Keep it equal homies.}

Appearance: {Gifs only. No anime.}

Details: {Scars, piercings, etc.}

Quote: {Describes you.}

Personality: {Detailed.}

Traits: +___,___,___-___,___,___

Theme Song: {For kicks and giggles.}

History: {Totally optional.}

Role: {One or two words to describe you.}

Other: {You know what to do.}

My character:

Alaska Rae Willows // 19 // Female



Alaska has one long scar down her back that she doesn't talk about, and callused hands. One nose stud and a homemade belly-button piercing.


"I'm so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I'm saying."

-Oscar Wilde


Alaska is sarcastic and can think of a comeback or reply very quickly. She's clever and can figure things out easily, although she keeps to herself. To most, she's a total mystery, and she likes to keep it that way. Alaska is curious about the world outside the commune, as the commune is all she has ever known. She's spontaneous and makes rash decisions, but also awkward in a kind of adorable way.


+Witty, Clever, Spontaneous -Mysterious, Curious, Awkward

Theme Song:


You'll find out eventually.


An Unconventional Mystery.



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River Ariella Hill // 18 // Female




a dream catcher tattoo along her ribcage, an industrial piercing on her ear


Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.

-Satchel Paige


Simply put, River is a big jumble of craziness and fun. She's an extrovert, she enjoys putting herself in new situations in unfamiliar surroundings and taking risks. She is a rebellious, impulsive girl who likes getting out of her comfort zone. River has a constant desire to see new things and new faces; she lives for adventure. Although she is crazy and carefree, Ariella is sincere and when she loves, she loves genuinely. Her friends are near and dear to her heart, and she is always there to lend an ear or cheer them up.


+adventurous, outgoing, sincere -impulsive, carefree, impatient

Theme Song:

Girls by The 1975


To be found out later on.


The Rebellious Free Spirit


A dying breed


Melody Sage Phoenix | 19 | female



Nose ring, arrow tattoo on her index finger and "words are so heavy" on the inside of her upper arm.


"Take a breath and let the rest come easy"

-Dear Maria


Melody exudes light and happiness, she tries to never let the small things get her down. She

is almost always looking for something to get into, whether is be an adventure or someones

business. Her childlike persona and curiosity, has a tendency to get her into trouble; she

doesn't know when to stop talking. But don't let her bubbly personality or childlike actions

fool you, she can be a spitfire. She isn't afraid to say what is on her mind.


+Caring -Sarcastic

+Bubbly -Strong headed

+Childish -Spitfire

Theme Song:


That's a mystery to you.


Flower Child


We're a dying breed
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Dylan Wolf Carmichael







(Apologies, I couldn't find a gif ;-;. I'll try change it if necessary)


He has a gauge in his left ear and scars across his body for various reasons.


"Yeah, okay, but consider this: Who cares"


Dylan is just a guy who wants to be here. He isn't happy because he believes everything is going to happen for a reason. He's happy because he believes he can change his fate with everything he does. He doesn't believe that God punishes those who sin and reward those who are good. He believes it's a bunch of bull, and that we evolved in to the people we are today because there are rule breakers and innovators. Never has he questioned the path he's taking, nor has he considered where he's going. To put it simply, he believes in what he does, and he just goes with it.

Traits: + Witty, Smart, Has good perception on the world- Sarcastic, Blunt, Forthright

Theme Song:


Not much to tell...




It's a shame, you know. We're a dying breed.



"The USA."

America "Ricky" Sunshine


"My hip's busted."



"Oops, I'm bleeding."






"Every rose has its thorns."

• Has a belly ring

• Almost always has a bag of weed on her so she can give it to someone who wants it

• Her smile is contagious

• Has minimalist tattoos



"Sometimes words aren't enough."



Her personality has always been one word described by everyone at the camp: Happy. Ask anyone and they'll always describe her as that. She's always been a little ray of sunshine on everyone, and ironically that's her last name. Ricky knows almost everyone at the "Hippie Heaven", as she calls it. She's always been very spontaneous, blurting out things that people would find weird, but that trait had made her very endearing. She's humorous, and can make anyone laugh till they're in tears. Though she has these traits, she can be very feisty at times and very oblivious to things. She taunts people for fun sometimes, and has pulled an array of pranks in her lifetime.


"Describe me like one of your French girls."

+Spontaneous, Funny, Happy; -Oblivious, Feisty, Taunting

Theme Song:

"I don't got one."


"Not much."

She's been at this place her whole life, and so have many generations of her family.


"Labels suck!"

The Sun Soul


"Dude, leave me be."

A dying breed
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Eden Benedict Waters








He has a nose piercing and often wears eye liner.

His nervous habit is chewing on his lip and he often stutters when he speaks.

He often carries a small notebook and pen in case others get annoyed by his stuttering which in that case he writes down what he wants to say.

He often finds himself blushing, always embarrassed when faced with talking amongst others and despite his stuttering often messes up his sentences.

He has scars down his arms and wrists which he often keeps covered as to not remind himself of that rather unpleasant time in his life.

He also has a crown made out of flowers and often wears it while walking outside to feel one with nature.


Due to his thick hair, he often if in front of others will hide his face under that black messy hair

He plays his guitar often, enjoying the sounds of the his own melodies that he likes to share with nature. Believing the musical notes help the trees, flowers, mushrooms and other things in nature grow.


I could be myself. I'm very shy and awkward. I think the best thing is to embrace it"


Shy could describe Benedict's whole personality, however that doesn't mean he's rude in any way.

He tries his best to smile and be happy around others though his shyness prevents him from speaking most of the time.

He's often bashful and wishful, willing to be helpful for those who need it.

However that doesn't mean he's perfect. Oh no.

He also has a stubborn side to him and often looks down upon himself, often wishing he could be someone else.

He can be humorous in his own way, often trying to find entertainment for himself.

He often likes to watch others, envying them for their lack of shyness.

But none the less, he spends his spare time drawing or writing.

Often spending time away from others and hiking the woods or picking flowers or even playing his guitar for the trees of nature to hear.

He continues to wait for the day he'll have enough courage to overcome his shyness.

Traits: +

Shy, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Timid, Observant, Artistic, Negative, Friendly, Happy, Oblivious, Musical and Quiet.

Theme Song:

Shy Girl by O-Town


Just Shyness and struggles


Shy Guy


Benedict is actually bisexual but he'd never tell anyone and when he isn't stuttering, his voice sounds smooth and rich.

A Dying Breed

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Evan "Truth" McNab




Peircings: Nose, Lip, Navel

Tattoo: A hummingbird on his ankle

"Blue skies."


Truth is a brutally honest being of nature. He loves the wind and the rain, often dancing in it when he feels good enough. He is a man of the Cannabis. It doesn't make him who is is though. Believes that the path to love is littered with honesty, for if we are not honest how can we convey love in the first place? Very crafty, 'the Macgyver of life' as he calls himself.


+Honest, Compassionate, Easily-Exciteable -Harsh, Lonesome, Evasive

Theme Song:

"Hanging On" by Active Child


"I want a clean slate, ya know? Tabula Rasa."

Forget even trying to ask him that.

The Stoned Nomad

'A dyin breed, babe'

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Name: Lilly Spriggan

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Details: Lilly possess several burn scars on her right leg and a scar across her nose. She wears earings which usually have a small bit of nature attached. E.g., carrots, flowers etc... She doesn't cut her hair and it comes down to her bottom.

Quote: "I love everyone and nature will take care of us if we take care of it."

Personality: Lilly is a kind welcoming woman. She loves everyone and always encourages people to look out for each other. She loves to smoke weed. S he loves making everyone their meals and always tries to help the others if she is not busy with her tasks or just waiting for something to cook. she loves spending time with people and her favourite place is the swimming hole.

Traits: +Kind,Welcoming,chatty,a bit flirty,adoptive mother,protective

Theme Song: {For kicks and giggles.}

History: "I learned the truth after the crash. Nature has embraced me as her own and i will look after her."

Role: Stoned chef

Other: Lilly only wears dresses and doesn't believe in shoes. She wears bright colours and looks out for everyone.

(I couldn't find a gif, is this ok?)

Leonard "Rice" Riceman







Rice at his current age.


Participating in a riot as a teenager.


Rice has no noticeable scars or piercings, but he has one tattoo; a small star on his right upper arm vertically bisected with one half black and the other half a deep green. His eyes are a dark olive and his hair, a medium brown.


“Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.” - Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club


Rice is a generally upbeat and sociable person. Outwardly, he seems relatively at ease, if a bit brooding at times. He is a loving person at heart, but he struggles to balance this with frequent profound boredom and a vestigial god complex.


+Charismatic, Passionate, Insightful

-Arrogant, Violent, Cynical

Theme Song

This Bright Flash - M83


Rice is a relatively new arrival to the commune. He grew up in middle-class suburbia with an older sister and a single mother with little more than the common amenities. In his adolescence, Rice found himself disdainful of the decadence displayed by those around him, and as his sister went off to college, he dropped out of high school and began to enter the work force. He worked odd jobs through a temp agency, until he was able to buy his own apartment in the city. There, he struggled to make a living as a writer, and it wasn't long before he sold his apartment and most of his possessions and set out toward the woods. Eventually, he stumbled upon Silver Lakes and decided to settle there, if only temporarily.


The Ascetic


A drying bread?

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