league of supervillains


villain name


Powers (if any)




Catchphrase (if any)



Name proctor salvex

villain name sauron

Age 20,000

Powers (if any) power to become any prehistoric animal.

Ambition to plunge the world into a new jurrasic world

History simple proctor, was accidently sucked into a time portal, and dropped into the genetic ooze, making him absorb the dna of every creature, dominating each predator, he however was frozen during the ice age.

Bio unknown

Catchphrase (if any) "im gunna jurrasic stomp you!!!"

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Name: Jairo

Villain name: Just Jairo

Age: 20 years

Powers: Can manipulate the minds of most below average intelligence creatures and plants.

Ambition: To torture as many souls as he can. Just because it's fun.

History: He refuses to tell anybody, but he was accused of a crime that he didn't commit and it's effected his life greatly. The way people treat him, being disowned by his family, even authority.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.95935d712cb785feb278b48682d42f58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.95935d712cb785feb278b48682d42f58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(You know that's not the way I roll ^^; but I can try. Give me a moment)

Edit: added image :P )
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Name: Dumble Dies

Villain Name: The Spoiler

Age: 9

Powers: To spoil any surprise from popular media for anyone around him

Ambition: To become an astronaut

History: Dumble always liked to be a little asshole, so when he found his uncanny ability to ruin everything for everyone, he jumped at the chance to level up to a giant prick.

Bio: Dumble isn't old enough to take bio yet.

Catchphrase: ****** Dies! ***** killed ******!!

Appearance: A fat nine year old boy with the complexion of spilt vanilla ice cream.
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Name: Gerald Hamphauser

Villain name: White Knight

Age: 54

Powers (if any):

  • Divine Punishment: White Knight locks his target into place with the power of a bright light. As darkness cannot break or consume light, only the truly good may pass, however many heroes have a few sins that they have not confessed to, and as they begin to go blind from the light, they cannot help but to confess to all of their wrongdoings, exposing them as the horrible people that they are.
  • Holy Sight: White Knight can see souls, and where they fall on the scale of good and evil.
  • Seals of Purity: White Knight can not be corrupted by any wordly means.

Ambition: Gerald seeks one thing, to unite all people under his rule.

History: Gerald is a longlost remnant of the Knight's Templar, he is angry. Angry about Elves that don't exist.

Bio: He had a bad life growing up, beaten up by the quarter master with no hope of salvation. Then he kiled the Quartermaster with a divine strike. Then when he fell asleep he actually slept for 500+ years, waking up in today-time. He now wants to purge corruption, and make hero's pure by beating the bad out of them. Most people don't like that idea so he is a "Bad guy"

Catchphrase: DEUS VULT!



Villain Name: Darkwraith Kirk

Age: Twenty-Six

Powers: Can make others bleed with his weapon, shield, and armor. Able to respawn at the nearest bonfire at the price of Humanity.

Ambition: To heal the Fair Lady, gain her adoration as a Chaos Servant.

History: Kirk was an undead brought to the realm of Lordran to free himself of the curse, and return to his order. When he had traveled below the ruins of Blighttown, he had stumbled upon the lone chaos sister of the witch Quelaag, Quelaan. He had felt remorse, and had vowed himself to getting her life back through other undead's Humanity. He is equipped with an armor set with patches of protruding thorns that cause bleed, a barbed straight-sword, and a thorned shield. After invading this world to defeat the hero, Oscar, he was thoroughly defeated and had his humanity reaped from him, and decided to join the league to retrieve it for the Fair Lady.

Bio: Unknown

Catchphrase: "Thanks for the humanity, the Fair Lady appreciates it"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-23_21-22-23.jpeg.70ecc840befe6f01fa5386811a67e1aa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-23_21-22-23.jpeg.70ecc840befe6f01fa5386811a67e1aa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name Murry Lex Geen

villain name Brute

Age 20

Powers: None

Ambition He wants to destroy so that he can prove that he is better than everybody else even though he has no natural born powers.

History: Murry is an exellent mechanic. he was allways picked on so he built his mech "Brute" he used is to avenge his past.

Bio Unknown

Catchphrase: What are you, Casual?

Appearence: Below


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