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The Dark Wizard

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Loving the latest page but I wonder what he's talking about. Who is this new mysterious threat?
Hmm I'm rather surprised with the new serious tone Clang is still in cannon. I though she would have been retconed in some way or other. I can't wait to see some violence in this new art style.
LaFreeze said:
Hmm I'm rather surprised with the new serious tone Clang is still in cannon. I though she would have been retconed in some way or other. I can't wait to see some violence in this new art style.
Hehehehe. Well, she better get out of that cannon before she gets blown out! (sorry, couldn't resist.)

Violence will come......eventually. Stupid Sidereals and their stupid talking.
Eventually? :eek: Eventually? :confused: Eventually? o_O

That......doesn't sound very much like that someone in that room is secretly a disguised servant of the Yozi and that the meeting will end shortly when everything erupts into an orgy of essence fueled violence like I've come to expect from anything remotely involving our circle of adventurers. This is a perplexing paradox: This lack of violence must be a serious problem for Ozzy and he solves all his problem violence, and yet he still isn't committing any violence which is a problem for him. Truly the Maiden's and their chosen conduct themselves confusing and strange ways.
pffffffffffffffffffffffffft it's better than Blizzard's "Soon."

If you haven't noticed, Ozzy isn't in that room, explaining why orgies of violence haven't erupted.'s Yu-Shan, those stick-in the mud Celestial Lions don't like random violence in the streets, and Ozzy isn't strong enough to take a group of those lions down.....yet.

That said, Ozzy's going to show back up in the comic in... ~15 pages from now. In a completely unrelated event, violence will come to the comic ~16 pages from now.
On comic 1011 now, and I enjoy that the cabal is considering everyone. If the comic is near canon though, I'd say that "Clang" is far less mortal than the cabal. In fact, they should probably be suspecting that, unless they suspect she's an abyssal, as there's certainly no other exalt typse out there. No sir or ee.

LaFreeze said:
Hmm I'm rather surprised with the new serious tone Clang is still in cannon. I though she would have been retconed in some way or other. I can't wait to see some violence in this new art style.
I figure she'll be retoned, but that outsider character was a major plot axis.

And BTW LaFreeze, are we going to see a link to your own Infernal comic again, and maybe some updates? I still find "Mastah" too cooky, but I liked how it was developing.
I'm just waiting on my copy of Photoshop to arrive in the mail before resuming the Mastah's adventures.
LaFreeze said:
I'm just waiting on my copy of Photoshop to arrive in the mail before resuming the Mastah's adventures.
Bit late now if you didn't know, but did you consider GIMP.
LaFreeze said:
So no page today? :(
I'll get it out as fast as possible. We just had some issues with dropbox is all.

The backlog gathering was supposed to fix issues like this, but so much for that. :C
Okay, it's up, but we forgot the colored trim on the cloaks. That will be retconned back into reality before the next update.
LaFreeze said:
I thought that was her side kick that she sent to spy on people last chapter. :oops:
Ha, I see that, that is a problem with the change in art style. No, this is her robot base form.
Yea art changes can be tricky. :confused: I bet this sort of thing happened all the time after She Who Lives in Her Name blew up several levels of reality along with three of her spheres.
Is this on off canon thing, because in canon, having a soul does not mean one can exalt- ie Dragon Kings, Mountain Folk, etc. It's more restricted to humans, though wyld mutations, god/demon/exalt blooded, etc can possibly exalt. I don't remember the specifics, but while the Sidereals had problems with I Am and other truly sentient constructs (with souls I think), it wasn't out of fear of exaltation, but their effect on the Loom of Fate. And really, I think it just creeped them out on a non-rational level.

And it looks like Ozy has a close relative in the cabal. I mean, that guy has some anger management issues.
It is a complicated topic. But if I remember correctly, Dragon Kings, Mountain Folks, etc. don't have a "Soul" soul. It is more of a "Spirit" soul, which in turn is slightly different than a true Spirit. The distinction is subtle, and usually of no interest except those interested in the Occult. It's made worse by the fact that people use spirit and soul interchangeably.

For the sake of simplicity in my comic, I'm just defining "Soul" as those types of life-essence that, when not horribly mutated, maimed, or altered, has the ability to Exalt, and was designed to inhabit the human body.

The point is, Clang has that type of Soul. It just so happens that she can't exalt due to it being altered in a way that completely doesn't make her an Alchemical. They'll buy that, right? Totally not an Alchemical. Nosireee.


As for their fear of exaltation... Yu-Shan has a bagillion fears about uncontrolled enlightened essence. Exaltation was just the first one I thought of.


Shang, the Chosen of Battles, isn't a blood-relative of Ozzy. He is his direct superior and long-time sifu, (there's only 20 Chosen of Battles. He's probably trained all of them at some point in his life.) so that might explain their similar anger-management issues. That, or being a Chosen of Mars requires a minimum level of boiling rage.


On a side note, it's kinda a funny thought that once the Seal separating Autochthonia on Creation is down, Solars and Lunars can exalt there. (Maybe Sidereals too, for certain interpretations of how Sidereal exaltations work.) All I can think of is a young Lunar, never having seen anything but rats, roaches, and machines: "WHAT AM I? WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT ARE THESE THINGS THAT LIFT ME OFF THE GROUND? I'M SO CONFUSED" ---adorable Bird-Totem.


oh, and the Cloak trim thing has been fixed.
Dragonmystic said:
On a side note, it's kinda a funny thought that once the Seal separating Autochthonia on Creation is down, Solars and Lunars can exalt there. (Maybe Sidereals too, for certain interpretations of how Sidereal exaltations work.) All I can think of is a young Lunar, never having seen anything but rats, roaches, and machines: "WHAT AM I? WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT ARE THESE THINGS THAT LIFT ME OFF THE GROUND? I'M SO CONFUSED" ---adorable Bird-Totem.
Better is the Sidereal. "Great Maker, it's full of stars." "Hey, supervisor, Dave's talking jibberish. Can I paired up with some else?"
We're still having communication problems. So we're taking the Thursday update off, using it to upgrade the site, and be back on Tuesday.

Sorry about this, I'm not happy about it either. :(
:mad: NOOOOOOOO! You expect me to wait all weekend to see how this meeting ends? :P

Seriously though, no worries things happen. However if you want to post up the page here in the forum as a sneak peak for your loyal readers or something like that I don't think anyone would object.
LaFreeze said:
:mad: NOOOOOOOO! You expect me to wait all weekend to see how this meeting ends? :P
Seriously though, no worries things happen. However if you want to post up the page here in the forum as a sneak peak for your loyal readers or something like that I don't think anyone would object.
I wish I could, man, I wish I could.

The problem is that the communication problem involved the artist getting the script from me....

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