Last Train West (Wild West on an Alien World)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Edit: Roles currently taken, part of character profiles, or part of the ongoing story.

Sheriff (Player)

Mayor (NPC - part of a character background)

Doctor (NPC - part of a character background)

Veterinarian (Player - also a doctor, but forced to accept less savory patients)

Edit: New players are welcome to write up a backpost that occurs prior to the RP start much as Sharlene and I did. This helps give some flavor to a character's personality where a profile might otherwise be stale. No, it isn't mandatory. Neither does it have to be a small book. Ours were actually a collection of short scenes.
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I'm currently working on a law enforcing woman. I hope to get her posted tomorrow sometime.
So I see. We needed to get a Sheriff. I do have a town mayor. He's extremely prejudiced against women in men's roles. But he does turn a blind eye when money gets involved. That's how Sharlene's character got her license to practice medicine in town. Of course, he never expected her to succeed as a doctor. The role of sheriff is easier if a past as a ranger is on the resume.

The NPC on my character - Bill - is a former ranger. He is old enough to be a Civil War vet (fought for the Union). Watching him teach Josie to shoot might be a source of amusement. However, it might be very apparent to a lady that Josie is nowhere near as inexperienced as she pretends to be. (200 shots before getting sore .... )

Sharlene's character is one that rubs elbows with the wrong people - all races and creeds - including criminals. She doesn't seem to care as long as she gets paid. On the other hand, she would definitely show respect to a female Sheriff. I am beginning to think we should really do the backposts we have written up.
Okay. I am debating sheriff or Texas Ranger that was traveling through the town. I was thinking for the Sheriff that she would have been a Texas Ranger making her base of operations out of Bangs, TX while also fulfilling a role as the Town Deputy. Sometime while she stayed there, the Sheriff either stepped down or was killed or something else. Rose, an excellent shot, former ranger, and relatively widely liked across the town would make it a pretty easy choice I think for the mayor. Once she became Sheriff, she stopped patrolling with the Rangers frequently, mainly sticking to keep the law within the town.
Actually the mayor and doctor are part of write ups for mine and Sharlene's characters. They are both men and anti feminist. The mayor does overlook the female if they are good enough, or money is involved. If popular enough with the town, the mayor would likely have no issue with making her Sheriff. If the people are happy and the town is safe .... Maybe Rose started as security for the local tavern and got herself deputized, then finally made Sheriff when the old one died.
That sounds good to me. I will work that into her history. I'll send you a PM when I finish the CS sometime after I wake up tomorrow/today. Right now, it is time to sleep.



Sharlene and I have posted a couple of backposts. They were originally a few posts each that we wrote for an RP under another mod. That was a group that tended to create and drop RP's at the drop of a hat. And the GM just went off the grid without a word to anyone.

The backposts end with Josie having fled into the night, leaving Bill to deal with Pinkertons (who are beginning to realize they have been lied to). Of course, Josie is only going to make it a few miles. And while out there the town will be transported. Yes, I have a post ready for her initial scene following the quake. 

New players are welcome to write up a backpost that occurs prior to the RP start much as Sharlene and I did. This helps give some flavor to a character's personality where a profile might otherwise be stale. No, it isn't mandatory. Neither does it have to be a small book. Ours were actually a collection of short scenes.
I really love the idea of this rp, but before I go in and join, I just want to know your requirement on activeness. Like how long would you wait before labeling us inactive?

Just thought I`d check, because it gets annoying when I`m kicked from rps because I had a rush or emergency to take care of or had no time to get on, even though I warned people before hand. My irl life is really, really busy.
Getting to the apps soon ... 16 hour day of work. Yeesh. Almost done. 
@RinDaVamp ... my rules cal for an Intermediate level of posting. These won't be one walls of one liners. (If anyone didn't read ... please go back and look. *watches everyone clicking madly to find the rules and sighs ... Just kidding ... I hope.) anyways this means I am not looking for daily posting by everyone. I just don't want people to vanish for a week or two while everyone else is posting and waiting on YOUR character. That isn't fair to them.

I will have times when I get stuck in an area with no internet for a day or so. Doesn't happen often fortunately, but I don't get a choice. It's the job. (Someone has to pay for my internet.) I realize my answer is a little vague. But if you expect constant long away periods, then this may not be the RP for you. It IS possible for you to run your character on the side - not involved with other characters, but in a couple weeks you might return to find the town of Bangs overrun by alien critters or totally lost on the plot.

Bookmark the RP if you aren't sure and want to wait and watch the pace. It is possible to join in later. 
@BadMasterYouJerk Your paper boy would be fine ... as an NPC ... but not as a main character. A main character needs to be able to communicate effectively and participate in the ongoing events "intelligently". (I used the quotes to indicate that intelligence isn't the same as wisdom.) In short Rob is going to become dinosaur fodder very quickly.

Now I DO have a game mechanic that could unlock his mind and allow him to develop as a character. But the abuse he's suffered may become an issue. If you want to go this route, I would suggest easing up on the abuse angle.
And, Is it alright if I keep Robby in? I know he's not "Intelligent" but, could I keep him as a side character and half his father as the main character? or even his mom?
Guys, if you would, leave the introduction of the local lifeforms to me. Really, very little alien life will have made it to the town - with the exception of This One. next will be the carnivores - essentially raptors the size of a child (about 4 feet tall). The edge of the Bangs region is 5 miles distant.

I am working on a post for the raptors. They are going to be following the train back to town. The train rolled out to check the tracks and discovered the critters.
No worries. Just picked me up a few DVD's to watch - cheap sci fi and horror stuff mostly - and enjoying a day off from work. I notice we had some chronological issues in the RP. I had wanted to start up the action a little after sunrise. I also wanted to introduce the aliens slowly ... and with a more obvious source of danger.

I also already have the intelligent alien races already prepared as you might guess from the part about the Ankhyri and Kree. There are a few other races I haven't mentioned yet. Some are hostile; some are potential allies. Some ... will all depend on how they assess you. You do not want to make unnecessary enemies. I strongly recommend you offer extreme punishment to anyone who threatens possible peace (like shooting outlaws who try to start a war). Outlaws, I strongly recommend you not get yourselves forced to go on the run. You won't survive on your own. 
Folks, I am slowly building a list of the local races, fauna and flora at the end of the Overview. I will include pics when possible.
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