Last stand-~-union city


New Member

Sirens. Bells. Warnings.

Union City was in a state of disarray. The Zombie Outbreak to the west had caused Civilians to panic. Politicians claimed that the outbreak was nothing more than a scary story invented by some troublemaker, but obviously no one believed them. Army Soldiers were called in to keep order in the city, whilst also putting up barricades ("Put I <3 BRAIINS" in your app)and security outposts to stop zombies from entering. Riot Shielders were used to control civilians.

Soon, Union City was slowly overwhelmed. The Mayor had long since got onto a fancy executive jet and flown off to Australia, where it was said that the Outbreak would never reach, Australia being an Island with Top Security forces. Many Soldiers had gone with them. What was left of the army attempted to restore order and organize a defense of Union City. The soldiers placed various traps around Union City, including Bear Traps, Claymores, and Bouncing Betties. They placed barricades around a certain army base which was they were defending. Unfortunately, many civilians had already contracted the disease. Many of the infected were also inside the camp. Even more panic ensued as civilians inside the camp became zombies and attacked the defenders. What was left of the force fled to various parts of the city.

And that is where one group's story begins.



Age:(You should know)


Items:(You can have one blunt and one blade also a firearm.)


Bio:(You should know this)

Appearance:(how you look like)

Here's My App:




Items: A bat, a Kitchen knife and a Beretta M9 pistol.

Personality: Short tempered, quiet and very VERY serious

Bio:Chris had armed himself with whatever he could use against the zombies that he could find in his apartment. A bat and a kitchen knife. His plan was to board one of the military destroyers that were carrying the remnants of the meager military and police force away. Of course, he would have to "go ninja" as some people called it and sneak on board without alerting the guards. But first, he had to get to the cruisers.

The cruisers were leaving on Union Island, quite far from where Chris Lived. He knew he might not make it, but he was determined to try.

Chris slowly opened his apartment door. Looking around, he saw nothing but some ugly white walls. "Good", he thought. He quietly tiptoed down the stairs. At the bottom floor, he found a reanimated corpse wandering around. He quietly snuck up to the zombie, and bashed him with his bat. The zombie instantly fell to the ground. Searching the Zombies body, he found, to his delight, a Beretta M9 pistol, fully loaded, though he couldn't find any spare magazines. He slipped the M9 into his backpack, thinking he would save it for later.

Chris opened the door of the building, and leaned out. Seeing nothing, he slowly crept out of the building. "So Far So good", he thought. The first part of his journey was complete.

(Start roleplaying as soon as you get accepted.)
Name: Vayne Christhall

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Items: Switchblade, Hunting Knife, Remington Hunting Rifle

Personality: Tough and tomboyish

Bio: Vayne's lost her father at a young age, leaving her mother to look after Vayne and her brother. She vowed to protect her family and proceeded to learn skills for survival including martial arts and the usage of fire arms. However, these skills were useless to her when one night, unknown to her, a zombie broke into the room where her mother and brother were sleeping. She awoke to the screams and rushed over to find the mangles bodies of her family. Filled with rage and anger, she swore revenge on the monsters that took her family, the only things that kept her happy.

Appearance: Dark black hair, unkempt and dirty from neglect. Bright, blue eyes that seems to pierce with daggers. Slim and extremely athletic build. Tan, smooth skin from being in the sun.

Personal Note: First time writing in a real RP on a site. Wrote with friends and enjoyed it very much. Should have lots of fun with your Union City idea!
Name: Faith Lehane



Items:battle ax, crowbar, pistol

Personality:sarcastic, flirty, unwilling to show weakness, blunt, but with caring interior

Bio: Faith, born in an abusive alcoholic home, was called as a Slayer when she was fifteen. This means she has increased strength, speed, and adrenaline to fight evil forces. For the most part, however, she lived the life of a normal young woman, albeit one who drifts with no real home or family. As an older teenager she committed accidental, then deliberate murder, and eventually turned herself in, spending three years in prison repenting of her crime. When the zombie invasions first began, Faith broke out of prison, determined to help the survivors.

Appearance:Long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, dimples, 5'5, 120 pounds
Name: Rowan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Items:Blunt, oak branch 6 inches thick; blade, Nintendo official merchandise Master Sword replica from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; firearm, rifle.

Personality: The silent type.

Bio:Rowan was forced into the action by the zombie apocalypse. His entire family has been zombified and to his own dismay, he had to shoot his little sister's face off in order to escape their house. Rowan fights the zombies in hopes of saving a life to justify himself.

Appearance: Rowan is 6'1" skinny and pale skin with three freckles on each cheek. Green eyes, a black, emo hairdo. His outfit is a pair of Marvel Heroes pajama pants and a "Get a Life" Mario Mushroom tee-shirt.
^ Everyone above me is accepted, We'll start in the mall; we meet when we reach the entrance.

View attachment 2334

Name: Victoria Ann Mccoy

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Items: She has a AK-47 Rifle that she stole from her Father, and a sharp Hunter's knife.

Personality: This girl is tough, fearless, and aggressive. Definitely not your typical girl. She will fight against anything that wants to fight, and always wins. The Zombies, however, are in trouble if there around this chick. She shoots them, cuts them, beats them, and kills everyone of them in her sight until there all gone. She hates zombies THAT MUCH.

She thinks she can survive on her own and that she doesn't need anybody. But truthfully, she needs someone more than anything, and she knows it.

Her past has caused her to act like this (Cruel, heartless, ect.), since her parents abused her psychically everyday for not doing things right. That's why, she thinks that every movement, thought, or decision that she makes, has to be right. And if she isn't? Let's just say she expects a proper beating. And not just from her parents.

Bio: She lived with her parents, but there house was like in the middle of nowhere, so if her parents abused her, she would have nowhere to run.

She had to deal with this for about 19 years, until finally, the plague broke out. She figured this was the perfect chance to get revenge on her parents. She stole all of the weapons, food, and multiple things for her to survive and than stole her dad's Dodge Viper, and took off.

Her parents, however, soon found out that Victoria had taken everything, and tried to go after her. But they were soon eaten alive by Walkers, and became one of them the next day. Victoria, now tries everything in her power to survive.

Other: She is crazy good at shooting guns and fighting. Her Father had multiple guns in his closet, and when her parents weren't home, she would go out and practice on trees or targets.

After a few years, she could shoot flies and bugs in midair and never miss.
Name: Zuri Alala (Zuri- beautiful, Alala- Lost one)

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Louisville Slugger



Personality: Zuri means business and trust very few people aside from Marcus. She has to be tough and views pain as a weakness, she has to be either passed out or held down in order for anyone to give her medical treatment. Zuri is strong from all of her pain and doesn't let it bring her down she is just very quiet and distrustful until she gets to know you.

Bio: Zuri grew up in a small village in Africa, for as long as she could remember there was a constant stream of missionaries through their village which was good and bad. She gained part of an education but it also made them a target for raids. As the danger escalated the missionaries started coming less and less until they only sent things by mail. People worried about raids and the children were trained to operate guns and how to handle knives. They were only supposed to teach the boys but her father and brothers taught her in secret.

Sadly the day came when the other tribe attacked. There were too many and they wiped out the village, they killed everyone except the woman young enough to be sold into a marriage program. It was basically a program where rich men from around the world could purchase a bride. Some call it Mail-order-brides but it tends to end in sexual slavery. This is where Zuri ended up but not before she lived as a slave to the other tribe, doing anything and everything they ordered. If she stepped out of line she met the crack of the whip.

When she 18 Frederick Pride ordered his bride and she was transported to American and acquired a marriage visa. Her year with Frederick Pride was terrible and she hardly speaks of it although the nightmares haunt her.


Other: She found a puppy on the street who either walks with her or she carries around in her backpack. She calls her Rose.


Name: Marcus Pride




Knife: Powerframe, Black BL., ComboEdge 41964.jpg


Golf Club

Personality: Protective, Outspoken and well spoken, Confident, Loyal

Bio: Marcus had already moved away pursuing a career in journalism. He had a terrible relationship with his father and when he ordered Zuri offline he had been furious. He was very protective of her, she was like the little sister he never had but it was impossible to stay at the house 24/7. He came back during the epidemic in hopes of getting some of his old friends out of there but he was too late. When he got to his house, he found his father undead but also dead again, with multiple stab wounds. After searching the woods behind the house he found Zuri.



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