Last Remaining But No Longer Lonely (stormhawk324 and Divine Cluster's rp)

December 17th, 2035. Tokyo, Japan.

This is Reporter Jenny Chuii from Tokyo111News! Today will be a rather special view on things. Instead od like usual where. I'd discuss upcoming events dramatic topics about our famous celebrity's lives, I'll be sharing you in on something a bit different. As you know, this is the year of 2035, twenty years from The Furry Fight. I know right, lame name for a war but it fits in a way. Alright, this battle took place all across the globe, involving two different form of races. Us powerful humans versus the unearthly fuzzy-eared freaks. I'm talking about Nekos. That's right "Nekos". These creatures who once roamed the earth were actually quiet common throughout all the continents. Nobody knew about them for they chose to seek shetler hidden in the shadows. Expectantly they soon grew tired of this life, I know I would, it'd be hard having to spend everyday sneaking around just to survive. Their sudden attack caused this whole chaos! But unfortunately for them we had the upper hand of things; Weapons of all sorts, knives, guns, arrows, cannons. All they had were their little claws and fangs. Not too long later these strange beings were wiped from the face of the planet. Survivors were quickly executed or brought to special labs for certain tests.

I'm proud to call myself a human and announce officially that humans are definitely the most high and mighty being of this Earth.

Thank Jenny. We now move on to the weather. Take it away Zee.

Zee Mitsubishi here. Today's forecast is sunny. Well, as sunny as it's gonna get through those foggy green clouds in the sky. But be careful around the next weeks for there is a high chance of a smog storms heading our direction. It's nasty!! Oh, make sure to buy a gas mask just incase!


Yuki, a regular sixteen year old citizen girl of Tokyo, Japan. Yuki grumbled under her breath when her mother shoved her outside. Being kicked outside was usually the punishment for doing something wrong; It was a punishment because of how gross and unclean the atmosphere was. Also she had nearly ripped out her sister's hair in anger for stealing her cell phone. Never mess with a girl and her phone. You will get hurt.

She flicked her ling brown hair to the side as her naturally straight bangs slipped infront of her eyes. Today like anyday was a boring day.

(Okay, basically the plot of the story, as you know...all the nekos have been permanently destroyed EXCEPT FOR ONE. Also I kind of added a bit more to the story. I know it's weird to start with some news forecast-thing for the starting summary, I just thought it'd be interesting for helping expain. It's sort of a ways in the future. Humans not only destroyed the Neko population, but they're also slowly destroying the planet. Pollution, global warming, stuff like that. It's a bit of a gloomy atmosphere. Sorry, sorry! I can change it if you're not found of the general idea.)
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Zen Smith, a boy or should I say a Cat boy who lives in his secret hiding spot where no humans can find him. Zen sigh as continue to remember all of his friends that was kill in front of his eyes. His beloved and kind mother has force to him hide in cave the was a the only utopia for all of our kind, The Nekos but before we could enter here we were ambush, his mother Leila Smith use herself as a bait to lure out all the humans in which cause her to die and leave Zen Alone.

(I really love your idea actually , and I hope that my part isn't lame cause I'm still new to doing best in unfamiliar areas such as this. I know that being new is not a proper excuse so please forgive me. And by the way The Neko only perfect hiding spot is in a territory that no humans has ever seen before)
(Awesome, I'm glad someone likes it! ^^ I've personally never tried a rp like this before, so it's new for me too. You're not alone.

I have a question though: How should Yuki and Zen meet eachother? Does he he sneak outside in curiousity of the world? Should Yuki go for a walk and somehow stumble upon the secret hideout cave?)

Yuki stuffed her red jeweled cellphone into pocket, after placing one earbud into her ear and turning on some music. She moved her lips as if lipsyncing along with the lyrics as her favorite song "Trespassing" flipped into the playlist. Adam Lambert was her absolute favorite artist that she would literally jam to his albums until her parents stormed into her room and demanded to turn the muaic down. Loud and bouncy music was addicting. She just wished she had someone to share her music with...not even a friend or even her sister cared. Not that all she cared about was music.
(Didn't Zen have a bandana, I was planning on using it as a away to hide his cat ears and let him wear gloves so that nobody know he has claw,and he'll just hide his tail in his pants. The way that they should meet each other how about Zen and Yuki found each other while they're in an supermarket? I don't know really how they should meet if you know another way they should meet, let's hear it)

Zen ruffle his very unruly hair and continue to ponder what he should do. Well he is hungry and hunting for food is not his strong points. He scratch his fluffy ear as he just sat on a chair and just looked at his new home. It's very huge it has a lot of beds,chairs, and other necessary stuff for survival. His stomach grumbles loudly he could say it even echo thru out all the cave.
(Huh, good idea. So he hides but in plain sight?)

Yuki rolled her eyes when mother called out an order. It was more of a command more than a request. Though she clearly didn't have a choice. Her mother sent her off to go buy some groceries. She had nothing better to do, so she was fine with it. Getting bossed around, she wasn't fond of that.

She quickly scribbled down a list of items needed onto a loose slip of paper before starting on her walk towards the nearest supermarket.
(Well, how about if Zen is going to kidnap Yuki because he wants to learn how to kill the human race? Or what if Zen was walking around aimlessly for about an hour then he notice he went into human territory then when he was about to run he suddenly bumped into Yuki? I like the last one it's better the Zen going to a supermarket and Sorry about the late reply school is going to start soon and being a first year college is totally making crazy and scared.)

Zen curse under his breath about the stupidity,cruelty and how unfair the human race is for destroying all of his kind making him the last survivor of all the Neko(s) out there. Damn, what will happen if he got caught, will their race be forever be no more he ask himself. His grumbles again and this time he stood up and started to go to the forest where he could get some fruits or hunt some food. As they say you can't think good ideas if your stomach is empty or whatever they call it.
(Okay! Sounds interesting! Either one is fine. He could somehow knock her out by hitting her with a stick and dragging her away...or if it's the other one, Yuki could stop him out of curiosity before he got away.)

(College? I didn't know that. Awesome! I wish I was old enough for college!)

Yuki covered up her face with the collar of her shirt as a blast of toxic wind swept in quickly. A couple coughs soon followed after the gross cloud passed by, it also left her feeling a bit dizzy too. She glanced up at the gloomy sky to that was still daytime...probably. It was dark looking all the time, so pretty hard to tell. Later in the day, was her guess, evening. "Stupid scientists...they're the one's who messed up our planet with all their fUcking chemicals that polluted the air..."
(Sorry For the late reply! Class is going to start next week and I need to prepare a lot of things like school supplies, and other thing I need buy. By the way, are you in high school Stormhark?and we should do the former, you know Zen Hitting Yuki with a stick then ,he would carry to the his secret lair.)

Zen was munching on his apple, that he personally picked and was now thinking of ways on how he could avenge his whole kind. "Maybe I should capture one," Zen mutter as he continue to bite his juicy apple. Hey at least the food here taste awesome he though, and the air is not not vile and disgusting being a, Neko makes us more sensitive to smell ,with his smelling sense enhance ." I wonder why humans think they are the better kind while, they're the ones who are destroying this world" He said. Well I better head home and sleep, tomorrow is a brand new day to thing on how to take my revenge..
(Almost highschool! Literally just finished 8th grade and I'll be heading into 9th grade soon! Whooo!!! But sadly I'm basically just a little kid -____-)

(Do you want to skip ahead in the rp to the next day? So that Zen can capture Yuki?)
(At least your going to be a high school student soon. College is really a new experience for me,and it's even harder than Highschool. And I'm really sorry If I replied longer than usually. I promise to reply to this Rp 2-3 days tops! I really sorry storm!)

(Sure, and Can you start the next day)
(At least your going to be a high school student soon. College is really a new experience for me,and it's even harder than Highschool. And I'm really sorry If I replied longer than usually. I promise to reply to this Rp 2-3 days tops! I really sorry storm!)

(Sure, and Can you start the next day) 
(At least your going to be a high school student soon. College is really a new experience for me,and it's even harder than High school and I'm really sorry If I replied longer than usually. I promise to reply to this Rp 2-3 days tops! I really sorry storm!)

(Sure, and Can you start the next day)
(College would seem a bit difficult, but exciting at the same. At least that's what I'd expect of it. Okay, sure that's no problem with replying. I often slag off when it comes to answering, so that'll work out fine!)

(Alright! I'll have Yuki be like heading to classes o something but Zen obviously captures her before she even gets there.)

Yuki pulled her chocolate-brown hair back into a loose ponytail as she stumbled out the front steps. Today was Monday and she was already late for school...again. Swinging her backpack up over her shoulder then adjusting the collar of uniformed shirt, she took off down the sidewalk, almost tripping over her own feet in the process.
(I agree. It is exciting ,but it's very time consuming. But I like it none the less ,and thank again for considering my very tardy replies.)

(Okay, and should I make Zen hit her with a stick? Or just blindfold her ? Or Use chloroform?)

Zen woke very early and why you'd ask? Well let's just say his brillant little mind gave him an awesome idea. Yes, you heard it. A awesome idea which consist of a devious deed. Today, was the day of redemption. Well If wondering what the hell is goin' on then, let's rewind yesterday night..


Zen was laying on his bed,cracking his mind ,so that he could think of new ideas on how make his revenge. "Damn it" he shouted,which echo all thru out his new home. He cringed,dang sensitive hearing, he mutter in his head. What will happen if those so called maggots *cough*humans*cough* what if they could feel his pain,

Then it hit him. What if they could feel his anguish,his pain ,and his suffering. Yes, I will capture one them and let them feel what he felt... He laugh and not those happy ,but the insane one. Tommorrow morning he will capture a one of his preys. Whether they are young or old. Damned or innocent. He WILL TAKE HIS REVENGE.
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(Probably the stick thing as originally planned. I don't know where he'd randomly find a blindfold or amount of chloroform.)

Yuki was completely oblivious --along with the rest of this quiet town-- that there was one remaining neko, and he was at this very moment planning to steal away one of their very own into captivity. Though, most people don't think of these things. Everyone thought that these creatures were all dead. They had been destroyed many years ago.

She came to a stop along the sidewalk when her phone began vibrating in her pocket. It was a call from her mother. "Mom...I have school, I can't talk to you right now......."

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