LAST person to post is the winner!!!

Here, we can see people posting in their natural habitat, a thread named "LAST person to post is the winner!!!".

An acute observer will notice that recent posts bear no relation to claiming victory. This may confuse some of you listening, as it contradicts the purpose of this thread, but I assure you, there is a perfectly logical reason for this. Allow me to explain.

This thread, at my time of writing, has 2199 pages, and began in the year 2018; it has progressed quite a lot since then, and that, my friends, is the cause. "How", you ask? Simple. As time progresses, many things begin to deviate from their original purpose, whether for better or for worse. Using this thread as an example, we can deduce that as time progressed, the topic of conversation shifted in a different direction, leading to what we see now; it has shifted so drastically, that some may even find it incomprehensible.

Of course, there are always those who wish to keep the old way, so you will still occasionally see posts reflecting the thread's title. However, the thread as a whole has changed, leading to new ideas and advancements in the world of communication and understanding, as can be seen here.

I do hope that my analysis of this fascinating phenomenon, and these creatures in their wonderful habitat was enlightening. Do tune in next time for more of my nonsensical tangents!

Voider's Nonsensical Tangent #17

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