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Doncha hate it when teachers just wreck your break by making the last week full of stressful work then give you an unreasonable about of homework and assignments that crash the purpose if the so called "break"
Well I mean they gotta make your life miserable some how right? be fair, they are making it relatable to how it is with certain jobs. Lots of paperwork depending on your profession.
You will be fine honestly as long as you get an hour of sleep sorta like a cat nap then generally your not very tired after. Atleast that’s how it is for me. I’m a night person though so that’s probably why.
Will I'm the type who has more energy with less sleep but this isn't the problem. Problem is, parents see bloodshot eyes they know I'm staying up late or "staring at screens to much" either is bad in my parents eyes so they'll keep my devices till my eyes are better. I find it ridiculous.
Well I used to get blood shot eyes but well that’s for more of when I was younger I would literally stay up all night and not blink once (playing xbox). And by young I mean like 8-9 years old dont really remember though but like remember to blink cause that shit hurts. A lot.
Used to binge watch. Would stay up till like 3 am watching Netflix or Hulu, my mom wakes up and I try and turn the thing off as quickly as I can and hide before she hears it. Let me tell ya that also gave me blood shot eyes and a bad time at school the next day cause like no sleep... (about 12 years old at the time so you can see why I’m not exactly making the best decisions)
at thirteen I pulled three all nighters in a row because I was in a roleplay that everyone came on at night and no one was on during the day. (please don't do this I started killing my immune system because of it and almost made my self sick it was very idiotic –_–)
Now I will say I’ve made that mistake in the last few days (though not like 3 days in a row cause Jesus Christ...) that’s probably why I still had the flu for like half this week and the last week... and the week before that... well... that’s more every year but you know what I mean.
Yeah I getbwhat you're sayin. Also when my brother went in for the usual yearly visit at the clinic the doctor told me that lack of sleep makes you more likely to get sick easier, I asked her about it. So i quit staying up frequently to build my immune system back up and now I only stay up for conversations and I don't stay up past one usually but I'm breaking that tonight.

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