LAST person to post is the winner!!!

Interestinggggg I wooondeeeer iiiif theyyy caaaaan fiiiniiish baaaassic paaateerns, rather thaaan juuust miiiimic.

meow GIF by Super Simple
It seems the Anomalies have failed to maintain their mimicking pattern. Odd

I will report this to the O5 Counci immediately. The guards will notify me if anything happens.
IIt seeeems thee AAnoomaaliiees haavee faaiileed to maaiintaaiin theeiir miimiickiing paatteern. OOdd

II wiill reepoort thiis to thee OO5 Coouunciil iimmeediiaateely. Thee guuaards will nootiify mee iif aanythiing haappeens.
Iiiit seeeeems the AAAnooomaaalies haaaveee faaaileeed tooo maaaaintaaain theeeeir miiimickiiing paaattterrrns. Ooodd

Iii wiilll reeepooort thiiis to the Ooo5 coouuncil immediaaatelly. Theee guaards willl noooootiffy meee iiif aannyythiiing happeeeenss.
*Swiftly returns, frantically writing down in my small notepad. I then trip and fall, standing back up with a small readjusting of my glasses and wiping off my lab coat.*
*Swiiftly reetuurns, fraantiicaally wriitiing doown iin my smaall nooteepaad. II theen triip aand faall, staandiing baackuup wiith aa smaall reeaadjuustiing oof my glaassees aand wiipiing ooff my laab cooaat.*
*Swiiiifttlly reeeeturnnns, fraaanticaally wriiitiing doooowwn iiin my smaaaalll nooteeepad. Iiiiii theeen triiip anaand faaail, staaanndddinggg baaack uuuuup wiiiith aaa small reeeeaaadjustiiing oooof myyy glassseess aaand wiiipping offf mmmmy laaab coooat*
*Swiiiiiiiiftly reeeeeeeetuurnnns, fraaaaaantiicaaaally wriiiiiitiiiing doooooooowwn iiiiiin my smaaaaaaaalll nooooooteeeeeepaad. IIiiiiiiiiii theeeeeen triiiiiip aanaaaand faaaaaaiil, staaaaaanndddiingggggg baaaaaack uuuuuuuuuup wiiiiiiiiiith aaaaaa smaall reeeeeeeeaaaaaadjuustiiiiiing ooooooof myyyyyy glaassseesss aaaaaannd wiiiiiippiing oofff mmmmy laaaaaab cooooooaat*

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