recovery ain't nice tis true. My first was emergency c section cos during labour baby's heart stopped twice, but I'd been labouring for 49 hours at that point... they dropped the ball with me on that one. Second was planned c-section cos I wasn't doing that agian. Soooooooo much easier and less stress, but yeah the healing takes way longer and you can't move for like 10 hours afterwards. In the UK they don't take baby away they leave them with you and just go "Here you are good luck" and feck off for about 4 hours, coming back to check your vitals for about 2 mins a time. So when you can't move at all apart from your head and arms, it's reallllllly hard to deal with baby if they fuss or need anything in that time.
wow thats crazzzyyy
here they take the baby and they're like yeah you just...chill out
my best friend had a c section after she was induced and her kid was just comfy af and three days later there was still no sign of him coming out