LAST person to post is the winner!!! should've seen the olden days then XD that was true war, challengers from all over came, but only a few remained until now... and though I fell off as I hid in seclusion... I returned and I won't give it up again
That's okay. Every post after mine is just another person bowing down and paying homage to the winner. Moi.

LAST person to post™ has spoken. should've seen the olden days then XD that was true war, challengers from all over came, but only a few remained until now... and though I fell off as I hid in seclusion... I returned and I won't give it up again
I was there for one day, never to return until now.
Hmm then I’ll continue bowing down! I don’t really mind

Yes yes I endorse this bowing down to me as a peon would to their Queen.

Again all other posts that fall below mine are officially paying homage to me, LAST person to post™. Thank you all for your continued support and participation

LAST person to post™ has spoken.
Me who just woke up and understood all that but honestly couldn't care less because status's are removed once it passes over... I am the current king until someone (watch it be father again) takes over my spot... tis a fact of this thread unfortunately, but may the longest reign win XD
lol, my prediction was right... today I won't be active all too much, so you can keep it

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