Last Ones Standing

That's good, I guess. It doesn't sound like I missed too much. D:

But still.
@BennyAxC @Cherrywitch Are either of you still here? I was just wondering if like Superioralis soldiers would have any sort of devices not available to the public like maybe eye implants to scan the people around them or something??? I dunno, that's just something I see in a lot of dystopian future shows that have heavy surveillance. Also would having one of those make my character too OP??? because if anyone thinks it does I won't use it... ono

If it were a thing, I think it would be similar to ECHO eyes in Tales from the Borderlands (if anyone knows what that is lmao)
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@robotjack im back for a little while just to say ECHO eyes for the Superioralis' sound amazing. Though this is just my opinion and Cherry is the real brains of this rp.
@BennyAxC Alright nice!! I'll probably have Tannis use one them if that's okay!! (I thought you were asleep haha)
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I, however, am headed to bed. School for me starts in less than four hours and I have yet to sleep. This can only mean trouble for me. I'll respond whenever possible. Nighty nighty all.
I am now. For real this time though. I took a pill in Ibiza and am now falling asleep.
@Sugar Honey Iced Tea Damn, you'd think being homeschooled you could pick your own hours...

@BennyAxC Okay welp goodnight both of you! Sleep well!!
You'd think. But, I get to do school in my pajamas while eating ramen. It works out in the end.

Sleep well!
Okay goodnight if anyone is still online (I certainly hope not, it's 6am where I live lmao)

I'm finally going to sleep after spending the last little while drawing Tannis again whoops... I'll post it tomorrow (later today) if anyone wants to see it!

Hi hello I am having extremely late second thoughts on what I named my character and for reasons that would be far too difficult to explain I am going to rename him Lazarus. I'm very sorry if this inconveniences anyone, also @Sugar Honey Iced Tea oops crap uh I didn't do that thing and also I'm renaming my character and you could totally use Casper now and ehrehjkhdas

So summary,

  • @OGTomahawk 's character Victor (Nickname: Ivan) sold old crates of hella awesome guns to LAST
  • @Cherrywitch 's Trialis girl Chrissy- after going to see the shipment and doing some messing around with robots- went out on a walk near the wall that separates the Trialis from the Minumalis (I forgot if there was a special name for the wall itself, I apologize). There she found @BennyAxC's kid Val and smuggled him through the wall like a pro.
  • They were walking and Val scraped his knees, poor child :,c and they are currently stopped in a back alley to tend to these wounds.
  • @Kira Times 's boyo Luka is sitting in his office presumptuously not in the LAST building because he is not a part of LAST.
  • Lazarus (previously Caspar) is walking down the block near the Hospital, planned to run into Chrissy and Val.
  • @robotjack 's character is and I think that's about it! Every character not mentioned here has not been roleplayed yet.

Feel entirely free correcting me if any of this information is incorrect due to my shitty reading skills. I would say to try intercepting Laz(arus) but there is already a plan for him, Chrissy, and Val to meet up! Maybe ask one of the people who has not gotten too far into something with someone else, such as Tomahawk, Kira, or Jack?
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BennyAxC said:
@The Departure Recheck the CS bruh. But you're accepted now. Just make sure to edit the appearance later on in your CS.
Making me doubt myself, sheesh.

It's actually not in the CS.

So... Yeah. Easy for a stupid like me to miss it when it's not there...
I rechecked and refreshed the page three times. Appearance is there.

(Appearance- non-realistic preferred)
Ayye, @The Departure the Appearance is in parentheses at the very top of the CS. I almost missed it too, believe me, because I'm used to it being after the name and nickname of the character ^U^ It's an honest mistake!

Also, @BennyAxC @Cherrywitch So, our characters are going to meet, yes. But what is the goal in the conversation and actions that they are going to exchange? There has to be something to further the plot, or to at least put something in motion that can be acted upon later. Do either of you have any ideas?
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@SpooksinaBox um, I was thinking that your character would question them and notice that Val didn't act like a Trialis and.... My mind went blank there. Sorry, I'm very tired. ;-;
Cherrywitch said:
@SpooksinaBox um, I was thinking that your character would question them and notice that Val didn't act like a Trialis and.... My mind went blank there. Sorry, I'm very tired. ;-;
@Cherrywitch @BennyAxC @SpooksinaBox (sorry if I'm sorta butting in here, but maybe if this happened, Laz makes a big commotion (unless thats out of character then don't mind me) and Tannis hears? Agh I'm just really excited to get into this rp :0 )

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