[Last Fading Light] Decoration and Decor (Character)


Have Towel - Will travel
First things first, we need to introduce your characters. We aren't worried about background yet, that will come later. You don't even need to list any moves, especially if you haven't chosen any. What we want is a brief description, name, profession, look and appearance.

We will also need to know where you boarded the ship (New York City or Clydesbank, Scotland). Then we need to know your final destination (Rio de Janiero, Sydney, or Hong Kong). Lastly, we need to know your reason for the trip (business, pleasure, or other).
Name: Herman Van Cleef

Playbook: Alienist

Look: Always wearing a beaten suit that is almost as old as the man wearing it, his freindly and cheerful face peers out at you- mesmerizing eyes seeming to draw you in. He is an almost skeletal thin old man beneath his voluminous suit, with a shocking frailty about him.

Herman Van Cleef, is an dutch psychologist of fifty seven years, and only minor reputation. He boarded in Scotland, and is headed for Hong Kong to learn the mysteries of the Orient.
While we wait for @Teh Frixz to get her computer back in line, I am going to ask a few questions of you @SephirothSage

1) how many patients are traveling with you?

2) what are their names and psychosis?

3) how we'll have you cured them? Really?

4) what method do you use to cure them?
Name: Maxine Hobbeson

Playbook: The Detective

Look: One of the best ways to stay unnoticed is to look like you belong. Not poor not rich but always in a Cheap grey dress made of thick factory spun fabric. Her face pretty enough but kept out of the spotlight by her hat. Hair short enough to not have to wear it up yet still covers the ears, she has a well cultivated ability to pass her over. The only things odd about her are her clever eyes and lithe body.

Background: Maxine is a failed author with a little business in finding missing people. Especially out of country. She boarded at New York and has been in the boat since.
Excellent. So let's start with a few questions?

1) is she a Mrs. Hobbeson or a Miss Hobbeson?

2) has she ever found a missing person that earned her some renown? Who was her best known finding?

3) what type of books does she write? Mystery? Romance? Espionage? How many?

4) what methods does she use to track down her missing person?
1) how many patients are traveling with you?- Four

2) what are their names and psychosis?-

Mr. Brokavitch, Sociopath and Schizophrenic

Ms. Sternwoods, Hypochondriac and Hysteria

Mr.Brad Fairlight, Kleptomaniac

Ms. Janet Fairlight, Manic-Depressive

3) how we'll have you cured them? Really?

Mr. Brokavitch- New Patient, just getting to meet him and settled in- he seems very calm, polite- when not having a Fit.

Ms. Sternwoods- Reasonably Well- she is calmed down significantly, and is in fact planning on this trip being her celebration.

Mr. Brad Fairlight- He just keep's stealing things....

Ms. Janet Fairlight- Just keeps see-sawing, but I've managed to help mitigate the extremities.

4) what method do you use to cure them?

Mr Brokavitch- Yet to begin

Ms. Sternwoods- Calm, Logical Discussion in conjunction with demonstrations of how /actualy/ sick people act, compared to her own "Illnesses".

Mr. Brad Fairlight- Calm, Logical Discussion- electroshock therapy for attempted theft when possible. I believe in Psychology, not Psychiatry.

Ms. Janet Fairlight- Calm, Logical Discussion- Provide more stability, and a more pleaseant life- less to be depresseda bout. Channel Manic Phases in to positive endeavors.
Name- Lilly Frost

Playbook- The Drifter

Look- Lilly always looks upset, but it's not for lack of trying to be happy, for the most part she is happy. The nerves and muscles in her face are just in a permanent scowl because of a childhood accident that left her with one blind eye and a scar stretching from just below her right eye (the blind one) to her chin. She is pretty shaggy looking, with light brown shoulder length hair, shaggy cloths usually pretty layered for warmth. She is quite tan and has freckles that cover her body from being out in the sun so much.

She may look like a ratty mess of a girl but when she needs to clean up she does a fairly good job.

Background- After leaving home at the age of 19 Lilly traveled with a group of hippie runaways until they were dispersed by the police one night for camping out in a no trespassing area. Lilly is no stranger to stealing what she needs to survive, or hiding to get away from the authorities.

She bought a ticket with money she had been saving up for a few years and boarded the ship in New York. She doesn't know where she is getting off but that's alright with her, she never knows where she is going only that she has to see all their is to be seen before her time runs out.
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1) Well...both I guess. Not together after he ran off after that woman. But I don't seem to be divorced either. I don't wear my ring at least but I do think about what might have happened to him.

2) Judge Joshua Pittford. I dragged the fellow out of some seedy hole he loved to visit but hated to pay in. Some smooth talking and calling in some favors allowed me to get him out and to keep his squeaky clean image intact. I got some really good contacts and lived easy for a while.

3) I wrote mystery and romance novels. The kind where I liked to idealize my job and my marriage. The ever loving couple solving crime. Problem was, as my marriage fell apart so did my sales

4) I talk, but most of all I listen and tend to play others against each other. Sort of an instigator. Still, hubby was a Pinkerton so if I have to, I can handle myself in a fight.
We have 4 more passengers that we need information on. I'll need both their look (dress, physique, eyes, face) and the demeanor (attitude, conversation, and approach). The four passengers are Mr. Brokovitch (sociopath), Ms. Sternwoods (hypochondriac), Mr. Fairlight (kleptomaniac), and Ms. Fairlight (manic-depressive).

@Teh Frixz you get to tell me the look of these four patients.

@TheCreationist13 you get to tell me what their demeanor is like. Also, are Mr. And Ms. Fair light related,mane if so, how?

@SephirothSage you need to tell me something about the elusive Mr. Hobbeson. Give me his look, his demeanor, and let me know what he is doing now. What does he think about his estranged wife.

@TheCreationist13 if Lily was a drifter, was she always in and around New York City, or did she live in some other part of the country? If she saved for a ticket, what did she do to get enough cash to buy it?

I need characters posted for Lily Frost and for Maxine Hobbeson. Once they are posted in the character section, we will get to relationships with characters and assigning trust. At that point, I will stop addressing the players and start addressing the characters directly.
Do you want a full sheet with a splat and moves, or just an NYC sheet?

Edit: and who got the (tiny) Rocky horror show reference in the married couple?
Mr. Hobbeson only need a brief description. Same for the patients.

For Maxine and Lily I'll need mostly a full sheet. Don't need all the moves selected yet.

And I did notice Brad and Janet. Interested to see if they will be related or just a strange coincidence of last names.
I agree with marriage for the Fairlights.

Mr. Fairlight is really out going and cheery, someone people like to be around, that is how he gets his hands on so many things.

Ms. Fairlight is pretty meek most of the time, but when she is alone with her husband she is a time bomb and is often annoyed with how happy her husband is, she feels like she is being judged by others so she tries to be the perfect house wife, but she doesn't do a very good job.

Also her cooking is awful!

Lilly Frost lived in Benson New York, which is about three hours out of the city. She had some money from when she lived at home, she pawned off a lot of her belongings. After getting separated from the hippies she worked at a corner drug store for a few months, she is also pretty good a poker and won a few hundred playing.

I'm gonna work on the other two a little more.
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