Showcase Larkspur's latest character sheets

I have a few of my latest character sheets written below, if you'd like to pm me at all and maybe discuss a potential plot idea, I'd be more than happy to see what we could come up with together. ^_^ I'm even open to writing up another character all together if something outside of these descriptions comes along. There's more to come any how haha
Without further ado:


Name: Stevie
gender: Female
hair color/Length: Thick black hair that falls just about to her hips when down, mid-back when tied up
eye color: Honey brown when human but orange when in wolf form
scars if any: Large scar that covers almost the entirety of her left shoulder down past her shoulder blade and somewhat up her neck about mid way.
clothing/accessories: Black tank top that looks a bit tattered from being worn so often, red and navy blue long sleeved flannel that she keeps unbuttoned but on, mostly due to some of the buttons missing. Dark green cargo pants. held up by a black leather belt. Dirty red high top converse. Her ears are pierced with small black loop earrings, has a woven bracelet with a red half moon aged emblem on it.
Personality: Observant and playful, timid but once she warmed up to someone she's protective over them. She can miss social cues at times due to her own upbringing, this can make her uncertain of herself.

wolf form:Black fur, white patch streaked across left side and only on left side. Seems almost like a pup but large (reference comparison think the size of a Clydesdale) rather than a fully matured wolf (due to not being at full potential) Orange eyes as stated above, very expressive.
Abilities: Can still shift even on a full moon, abnormal strength, advanced healing, advanced speed, tethered telepathy (Has to have a meaningful connection), night vision, healing saliva

Goddess (daughter of Artemis)

Name:Lark Grivas
Hair color/ Length:Light brown wavy hair, Shoulder blade length when down
eye color: Hazel eyes with more of a brownish tint
scars if any: scarred over slit in her eyebrow, similar scar on the left corner of her mouth on her upper lip
Clothing and accessories: Mist grey shirt that's sleeveless and has more of a V-neck at the collar with a hood attached to the back of it. Material of shirt is light but the fabric is strong so it doesn't tear so easily. Light brown shorts that also seem to be made of a similar material to the shirt, pockets that can be buttoned shut for protection of anything inside. Bronze buttons on the pockets and leading up each side of her shorts. As for her jewelry she often has Dark green wrist cuffs about 4 inches wide, made of metal etched with designs of white leaves and arrows. A silver metalic moon necklace, it falls right to the center of her collar bone. The same emblem of the moon that's on her necklace is center of a tiara that fits more like a headband, her hair over it. Often without shoes.
Personality: Thoughtful, very in touch with her instincts. Can be avoidant in certain circumstances, drawn to nature of course. Sarcastic at times.
Powers/Abilities: Can shift into animals. it takes up a lot of her energy so this is something she has to build up ability wise. Can naturally understand animals, communicating with them in her own way. Mastery with a bow and arrow, not too bad with daggers and hand knives. Can make others sick/ill but also something she has to work on to control. In the same way she can cause sickness, she can help someone else recover from it. Great immunity to venom and poisons.

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