Absence Laptop Issues. >:c

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

Hello! If I've tagged you in this, it's either because we're friends, and I don't want you to worry if I go missing, or we're currently role playing together, and I want you to know I'm not abandoning our role play(s)!

So, I just recently spent a bunch of money to get my laptop fixed, but it appears it's messing up again. And this time it's a lot worse.

So currently I'm copying everything onto an external hard drive, so that's at least one positive thing from all this.

If my laptop dies before I manage to get my hands on another, I won't be able to reply to anything except PM's and out of character chat.

I plan on buying a cheap laptop as soon as I have the money, which hopefully will be sometime next week. I will at the very least be able to use that one to post. In the future, I plan to buy another good laptop, but currently I don't have the funds.

If I don't have the funds to buy a cheap laptop, I'm afraid I don't know when I'll be able to post in role plays. I can't post much, if at all, from my phone.

I just wanted to keep you all informed, and I figure this is the best way to do so, without having to PM each and every one of you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you did. <3 I'll do my best to continue posting!

(Pls send luck my way so I can afford a cheap laptop lmao)





@Lycan Queen

@Chaotic Pastel







Take your time, hun. RL first ♥

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