Land of the Gears- Character Creation- (STILL ACCEPTING)


The Seeker of Jello
Character Sheet

Note from Cap- "I work on a creativity basis in that I will never fault you for being creative. I just ask that you keep into the guidelines of this world. I also ask for some descriptions beyond a single word/sentence, Aside from that I will only interfere if it makes no sense at all."

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Homecity: (See Settings and Locations Tab for more info.)
  • Appearance: (Pictures can be used, but if one isn't able to be found, I will accept a very well written description. Remember to keep within the guidelines of the themes.)
  • History: (Biography of character, but can include if family have past as well. It's all in how you handle it. Please be descriptive and don't forget about specific things, such as criminal history.)
  • Personality:
  • Personal Protection (If any): (See Below for Details)
  • Occupation/Trade: (Creativity is your friend. See Below for Specific Details.)

Personal Protection

In The Fault, there are times of which you must protect yourself, 'cause no one else will. You never have to use your weapon, but you might want to carry something to make sure you are protected from those who do have something.

Weapons found in most places are commonly firearms, as rarely there are individuals who know the skill of bladed weaponry. In terms of what specific types of firearms, that relies on what you can make sense of. Common types of firearms are rifles and single-fire pistols, though more people have gotten their hands on some pistols that can hold multiple bullets, (Figure these to be revolver's/revolver-like).

However, weapons can be innovative if your character, or someone they know, has the knowledge. This can range from staffs that can shoot various chemicals to create attacks similar to the magic you hear in other stories, hybrid weapons created by a mad inventor, or whatever you think is interesting. Alchemists are also known to use bottles themselves as projectiles and make potions according.


Everyone needs to make a living in the cities, and you can't always just take anything either, unless your cunning enough. Men, women, and even children work to make sure they can survive in the cities, as you already have safety assured, as they always tell you.

(Not having a job can happen, but that would need to be explained.)

Occupations that are relatively common are work in Factories, Mines, and Farms. If you are content with the potential for danger, there is also the Royal Guards, of which the sign up would be in Erodel.

Jobs that are common per city.

  • Bastion: Farming, Manufacturing of Food, and Trading.
  • The Forge: Mining, Plant Harvesting, Wood Harvesting, and Manufacturing of Mechanical goods.
  • Waterfront: Manufacturing of Large Machinery, Trading within/without city limits, and Mining.
  • Erodel: Manufacturing of all goods, Trading within/without city limits, Mining, Ore Processing, and Plant Harvesting.

This doesn't mean you can't potentially have a store for your trade or own some form of a restaurant. Remember, Creativity is your friend.

Trades are sort of like handy skills that are majorly considered to be contributions to society. These range from...

  • Alchemists- Known to be the Doctors and Potion makers of The Fault, they work with plants and elements to create potions and tonics for their fellow humans. They are also knowledgeable of poisons, drugs, and various other things that one would be weary of, if you were to cross one that is.
  • Inventors- The men and women that think of new ways to solve a problem with machines and tools. These are people that often own stores and workshops to work in peace, and often sell their creations to the public. Most know how to repair most things, most are even understanding automotive repairs with their recent mass productivity in Erodel. Some talented Inventors can figure ways to create reactions that those who don't understand call "Magic".
  • Mystics- Considered to be more based around intelligence gathering. These people heavily rely on knowledge, often having vast libraries of information of all forms. These people can manufacture constructions similarly to Inventors, but do it for the knowledge over the experimentation.


I would like to also add, your character doesn't have to be literate. This is actually a common issue among people in The Fault due to most worked since they were children. While they maybe illiterate, that doesn't mean they don't know how to speak properly, so please type according if you chose to make this a factor.

You are not allowed to instantly be part of specific groups, such as Valkyries or any that seems to dictate some areas, minus the Royal Guards. They are left ambiguous for reasons that pertain to stories for the group in general. This also includes being of higher/highest ranking, but this doesn't mean you cannot become highest through RP. This is left so you have something to work for in the RP.

Occupations aren't limited to those you see there. You can think of anything as long as it can fit into a Victorian-style world or a Wild West-style world, and abides by the RPN rules. (Sorry to be a kill joy on the enforcement.)

You may also add what you will to the character sheet in terms of information that you feel would better explain your character, but please have at least what is shown currently.

I know it's a lot of info, but if you have any questions I can always answer.


Yes, I do decline characters. If your character doesn't fit, or is too vague to pass as an actual person in this world, then I will 100% decline you. If you have a question if it would fit, I have no problem helping or even writing in something to help explain it, but this is only if it would work or make sense in the context of this world.
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  • Name: Geon Ignacio
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male
  • Homecity: The Forge
  • Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.f7eef498598c2483d6df383addf0a8f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.f7eef498598c2483d6df383addf0a8f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • History: Geon is a well-renowned smithee and inventor. His strange, exciting creations boggle the minds of the citizens of the Forge. He was originally a miner, but got bored of digging holes. He instead used the metal and chemicals from the mine to start making "Magical" inventions. From poisonous flamethrowers to water-producing accordians, this guy is a frickin genius. He was born and raised in the forge and lives alone in a humble house at the end of a thin road.
  • Personality: Creative and crafty, friendly but has a short fuse. Very loyal to friends and family, 99.92% Trustworthy.
  • Personal Protection: His inventions. "From poisonous flamethrowers to water-producing accordians," Geon is armed to the teeth.
  • Occupation/Trade: "Magical" Inventor



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Woofers296 said:
  • Name: Geon Ignacio
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Male
  • Homecity: The Forge
  • Appearance: View attachment 116630
  • History: Geon is a well-renowned smithee and inventor. His strange, exciting creations boggle the minds of the citizens of the Forge. He was originally a miner, but got bored of digging holes. He instead used the metal and chemicals from the mine to start making "Magical" inventions. From poisonous flamethrowers to water-producing accordians, this guy is a frickin genius. He was born and raised in the forge and lives alone in a humble house at the end of a thin road.
  • Personality: Creative and crafty, friendly but has a short fuse. Very loyal to friends and family, 99.92% Trustworthy.
  • Personal Protection: His inventions. "From poisonous flamethrowers to water-producing accordians," Geon is armed to the teeth.
  • Occupation/Trade: "Magical" Inventor
Not saying that the character wouldn't work, but I am now realizing something about the grey areas that I didn't take into consideration with the Trades. Sorry if this part becomes an annoyance and I actually wouldn't change anything, but I am just going to say that I am reworking the rules on them. You can keep it how it is and I like what you have.

Accepted, RP will start soon. There are some people in the OOC if you would want to talk with everyone before we start.
Woofers296 said:
Cool, thanks. What grey areas?
Mystics were essentially the same things as inventors, but they had one thing they could do that made really no sense now that I look at it.

(I didn't put it in, but that actually helped me see the redundancy of the matter.)

  • Fester T. Qang

    Name: Fester T. Qang

    Longevity: Twenty-three years

    Gender: Male

    Mentall State: N/A

    Home City: Erodel

    Fester's masks serves many purposes to him. He is rarely seen without it. It is composed a several layers of pig hide fashioned together with metallic bolts. Due to its thickness it stops most bullets from fully penetrating. More importantly the copper fashioned mouth piece acts as a ventilation of sorts stopping most gas born substances from penetrating unless they are atomic like O2. The eye pieces simple serve to magnify things as desired. His attire is mostly for proper appearance to clients. Underneath it lies a chest piece made of material like that of his mask. Around his wrist is a trinket he calls the Sun Stalker that tracks the position of the sun and thus time. For whatever skin people can see it is a sickly yellow color with fuzzy growths here and there. No one but himself knows what he suffers from or if it even causes him suffering at all. When going causally around Erodel he is seen in a thick black leather coat. Not so much for protection from dust storms but rather to hold certain utilities as certain people have found.


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TheMadIceCreamMan said:

  • Fester T. Qang

    Name: Fester T. Qang

    Longevity: Twenty-three years

    Gender: Male

    Mentall State: N/A

    Home City: Erodel

    Fester's masks serves many purposes to him. He is rarely seen without it. It is composed a several layers of pig hide fashioned together with metallic bolts. Due to its thickness it stops most bullets from fully penetrating. More importantly the copper fashioned mouth piece acts as a ventilation of sorts stopping most gas born substances from penetrating unless they are atomic like O2. The eye pieces simple serve to magnify things as desired. His attire is mostly for proper appearance to clients. Underneath it lies a chest piece made of material like that of his mask. Around his wrist is a trinket he calls the Sun Stalker that tracks the position of the sun and thus time. For whatever skin people can see it is a sickly yellow color with fuzzy growths here and there. No one but him knows what he suffers from or if it even causes him suffering at all. When going causally around Erodel he is seen in a thick black leather coat. Not so much for protection from dust storms but rather to hold certain utilities as certain people have found.


I can't really see to much to really nitpick. I only have one request that you mind your weapons and humanly limits, you have a lot of weapons and items that can be OP given situations, even if its an NPC, you are still a human. Aside from that I can only say...


I will say he will have an interesting time in some places of The Fault. RP will start soon, I don't need to tell you about the OOC.
Most certainly. Fester is human and has his limits of endurance as does Jo'Jon if the opponent manages to reach that point. Outside of the "Suit" he is rather vulnerable if Jo'Jon isn't around to protect him.
RP is open for those with finished characters and Lore is relatively finished for those who may have been waiting for those.

I also ask that OOC is checked out as I tend to put the updates of this group as new posts there to make sure you don't miss out on important info.
  • Name: Lucrezia "Zia" Holt
  • Age: twenty two
  • Gender: female
  • Homecity: The Forge
  • Appearance:

  • History: Zia grew up with a family of forgers and machinists, their interests never transferred onto middle child Lucrezia. She was the third of five children, the eldest all worked in the machinery industry while the two younger siblings decided to move to Erodel and try making it big. Uninterested in pursuing the big city, nor was she interested in following her family's footprints. So she joined the leagues of miners with her childhood boyfriend at the age of fourteen. She never finished her education, having a tutor help her.
  • Personality: Zia is witty and easy to offend. She is quick to say something mean without meaning too and hurting someone, as she is rather observant when she isn't ranting or teasing someone. She's not particularly loyal, as the offer of money in the right quantity will make her contemplate leaving even one of her closest friends.
  • Personal Protection : While uncommon for her to be brandishing it, she has a copper blade she designed herself that is usually tucked into her custom made Swiss Waist (basically an under bust corset but it isn't as restricting). She doesn't find the need to keep herself visibly armed, as it usually just draws unnecessary attention. She does however have a hammer hanging on either side of her hips, as well as a string of mixtures that can be both beneficial and harmful depending on the mixture used.
  • Occupation/Trade: Lucrezia works as a miner, spending her spare time concocting and selling mixes of the plant life in her home city.
WantYourSoul said:
  • Name: Lucrezia "Zia" Holt
  • Age: twenty two
  • Gender: female
  • Homecity: The Forge
  • Appearance:

  • History: Zia grew up with a family of forgers and machinists, their interests never transferred onto middle child Lucrezia. She was the third of five children, the eldest all worked in the machinery industry while the two younger siblings decided to move to Erodel and try making it big. Uninterested in pursuing the big city, nor was she interested in following her family's footprints. So she joined the leagues of miners with her childhood boyfriend at the age of fourteen. She never finished her education, having a tutor help her.
  • Personality: Zia is witty and easy to offend. She is quick to say something mean without meaning too and hurting someone, as she is rather observant when she isn't ranting or teasing someone. She's not particularly loyal, as the offer of money in the right quantity will make her contemplate leaving even one of her closest friends.
  • Personal Protection : While uncommon for her to be brandishing it, she has a copper blade she designed herself that is usually tucked into her custom made Swiss Waist (basically an under bust corset but it isn't as restricting). She doesn't find the need to keep herself visibly armed, as it usually just draws unnecessary attention. She does however have a hammer hanging on either side of her hips, as well as a string of mixtures that can be both beneficial and harmful depending on the mixture used.
  • Occupation/Trade: Lucrezia works as a miner, spending her spare time concocting and selling mixes of the plant life in her home city.

OOC is where I will update with information and ask/answer questions. If directly, I will link you to it.

RP can start when ready.
  • Name: Brais Iago
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Home City: Waterfront
  • Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_static_anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpeg.f3e5c05d4b260e1f8fba39093f0f00b2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_static_anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpeg.f3e5c05d4b260e1f8fba39093f0f00b2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • History: Brais Iago, born on a monday. Brais was born in Waterfront with his father (Amias Wane) and his mother (Shara Iago) His father was a mechanic that was known all across Waterfront. He was a wiz when it came to anything that ran with a motor or generator. His mother on the other hand worked as a local alchemist. They met in the black market in Waterfront fighting over ingredients. Shara needed it to make some kind of concoction and Amias needed it to make dinner that night. They came up with a compromise, Shara would take half to make what she needed and Amias took the other half to make dinner for both of them that night. (Amias's idea) as the years went by the two fell in love, married, and made a family together. Brais was born into a household of two different professions, both alchemy and technology mixed in his life but Brais took a liking to the inventing side of things, like father like son. At a young age his father began teaching him the ins and outs if the oil life (thats what Amias called being an inventor). Brais enjoyed it and his family greatly. Then the split happened. Brais's dad was offered a job in the Forge that he couldn't refuse, but Brais's mother couldn't leave Waterfront for reasons that to this day she still cant say. So Amias moved to the Forge and Brais stayed in Waterfront with his mother. While his family was split up none of them considered this a divorce, so twice a year Brais and Shara would visit Amias in the Forge and Amias twice a year would visit them. Once Brais was 19 his mother fell ill, she could no longer leave Waterfront. Brais had to cut down going to the Forge to once a year and start providing for his mother. Brais now runs a local shop in Waterfront where he continues to live out his days.

((Few things I forgot to put into the bio. Brais learned how to read from his mother at the age of 10 and he learned how to write at the age of 16. His father left him with many books and personal notes for Brais which he used and is still using to teach himself. His father also acts as a mentor when Brais is in Forge.))

(Biography of character, but can include if family have past as well. It's all in how you handle it.)

  • Personality: The ambitious dreamer of Waterfront (technically there are a lot of those but hes one too). Brais is a big dreamer for better or for worse, he has a tendency to usually bite off more then he can chew especially towards things like inventing or building things. "Whats that? A automobile made from scratch in two days? No problem! Ill have it done in one!" Despite that he is has an unyielding passion towards anything he does, it doesn't matter how impossible the goal is; he will get it done or die trying. Brais is an uplifting soul that always seems to be happy even in some strange situations. he can be awkward and at times cant read the situation at hand but everything he does is sincere.

  • Personal Protection (If any):
  • The six shot(2) : A needle gun that Brais made himself. As the name implies its able to shoot six times before having to reload. It fits around his wrists and it soots from about his the back of his hand. It fits custom bullets that Brais made all by himself.
    Basic needle: A normal led needle a little skinnier than a bullet and the basis of most of the other needles.
  • The penetrator!: A needle with a steel jacket intend to pierce armor. Brais keeps very few of these because most he encounters are indeed not armored
  • Hell's sting: A needle with a flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact. (Best used on a flammable object)
  • The shatter shot: A needle made of weak material meant to break upon contact with something harder than it. (Things like bone and metal and stone) It has a hollow center that can be filling with many things or nothing at all
  • Potential: Other needles can still be made for it.

[*]Fathers protection(1): A simple sword made of simple metals. While Brais does not know how to wield a sword to the effect of someone who had real training he does know the basic. Stick em with the pointy end. Was given to him by his father, keeps it in his shop unless he knows he is going to need it.

View attachment 116856

[*]The shocker(1 finished and 1 in the making): A glove that once it comes in contact with anything that conducts electricity with send a shock through that object. Runs on batteries and had limited uses until Brais gets new batteries. The voltage can be adjusted, higher voltage means batteries run out quicker.

[*]Gun blade (prototype): Just as it sounds. Always kept in the shop.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Vanishing_Star_1.jpg.3f2b90403f884c5186a3011f556ddf32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Vanishing_Star_1.jpg.3f2b90403f884c5186a3011f556ddf32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[*]Bombs: Boom, boom baby!

  • Basic bomb: Getting hit by this is bad news, while the explosion radius is not that big still sucks to get hit by it. No bigger than a medium sized apple.
  • Shrapnel: Filled with small metal bits that scatter once it explodes.
  • Gas bomb: Rapidly releases gas upon explosion.

[*]Ballistic knife: A knife that Brais keeps with him at all times. By unlatching the blade and pressing a button the knife blade can shoot out from the handle. He keeps replacements for the blade at his house but usually doesn't carry more than just one blade when he leaves home.

[*]The gauntlets of DOOM!: Something that Brais always keeps with him. Theres not much special about them, just look at this picture.

[*]One shot: A basic one shot gun. "You can always trust the gun at your side." - Marcus, Borderlands 2

  • Occupation/Trade: hybrid inventor, weapons inventor, stuff inventor and repairman.



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Rantos said:
  • Name: Brais Iago
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Home City: Waterfront
  • Appearance: View attachment 117035
  • History: Brais Iago, born on a monday. Brais was born in Waterfront with his father (Amias Wane) and his mother (Shara Iago) His father was a mechanic that was known all across Waterfront. He was a wiz when it came to anything that ran with a motor or generator. His mother on the other hand worked as a local alchemist. They met in the black market in Waterfront fighting over ingredients. Shara needed it to make some kind of concoction and Amias needed it to make dinner that night. They came up with a compromise, Shara would take half to make what she needed and Amias took the other half to make dinner for both of them that night. (Amias's idea) as the years went by the two fell in love, married, and made a family together. Brais was born into a household of two different professions, both alchemy and technology mixed in his life but Brais took a liking to the inventing side of things, like father like son. At a young age his father began teaching him the ins and outs if the oil life (thats what Amias called being an inventor). Brais enjoyed it and his family greatly. Then the split happened. Brais's dad was offered a job in the Forge that he couldn't refuse, but Brais's mother couldn't leave Waterfront for reasons that to this day she still cant say. So Amias moved to the Forge and Brais stayed in Waterfront with his mother. While his family was split up none of them considered this a divorce, so twice a year Brais and Shara would visit Amias in the Forge and Amias twice a year would visit them. Once Brais was 19 his mother fell ill, she could no longer leave Waterfront. Brais had to cut down going to the Forge to once a year and start providing for his mother. Brais now runs a local shop in Waterfront where he continues to live out his days.

((Few things I forgot to put into the bio. Brais learned how to read from his mother at the age of 10 and he learned how to write at the age of 16. His father left him with many books and personal notes for Brais which he used and is still using to teach himself. His father also acts as a mentor when Brais is in Forge.))

(Biography of character, but can include if family have past as well. It's all in how you handle it.)

  • Personality: The ambitious dreamer of Waterfront (technically there are a lot of those but hes one too). Brais is a big dreamer for better or for worse, he has a tendency to usually bite off more then he can chew especially towards things like inventing or building things. "Whats that? A automobile made from scratch in two days? No problem! Ill have it done in one!" Despite that he is has an unyielding passion towards anything he does, it doesn't matter how impossible the goal is; he will get it done or die trying. Brais is an uplifting soul that always seems to be happy even in some strange situations. he can be awkward and at times cant read the situation at hand but everything he does is sincere.

  • Personal Protection (If any):
  • The six shot(2) : A needle gun that Brais made himself. As the name implies its able to shoot six times before having to reload. It fits around his wrists and it soots from about his the back of his hand. It fits custom bullets that Brais made all by himself.
    Basic needle: A normal led needle a little skinnier than a bullet and the basis of most of the other needles.
  • The penetrator!: A needle with a steel jacket intend to pierce armor. Brais keeps very few of these because most he encounters are indeed not armored
  • Hell's sting: A needle with a flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact. (Best used on a flammable object)
  • The shatter shot: A needle made of weak material meant to break upon contact with something harder than it. (Things like bone and metal and stone) It has a hollow center that can be filling with many things or nothing at all
  • Potential: Other needles can still be made for it.

[*]Fathers protection(1): A simple sword made of simple metals. While Brais does not know how to wield a sword to the effect of someone who had real training he does know the basic. Stick em with the pointy end. Was given to him by his father, keeps it in his shop unless he knows he is going to need it.

View attachment 116856

[*]The shocker(1 finished and 1 in the making): A glove that once it comes in contact with anything that conducts electricity with send a shock through that object. Runs on batteries and had limited uses until Brais gets new batteries. The voltage can be adjusted, higher voltage means batteries run out quicker.

[*]Gun blade (prototype): Just as it sounds. Always kept in the shop.

View attachment 116858

[*]Bombs: Boom, boom baby!

  • Basic bomb: Getting hit by this is bad news, while the explosion radius is not that big still sucks to get hit by it. No bigger than a medium sized apple.
  • Shrapnel: Filled with small metal bits that scatter once it explodes.
  • Gas bomb: Rapidly releases gas upon explosion.

[*]Ballistic knife: A knife that Brais keeps with him at all times. By unlatching the blade and pressing a button the knife blade can shoot out from the handle. He keeps replacements for the blade at his house but usually doesn't carry more than just one blade when he leaves home.

[*]The gauntlets of DOOM!: Something that Brais always keeps with him. Theres not much special about them, just look at this picture.

[*]One shot: A basic one shot gun. "You can always trust the gun at your side." - Marcus, Borderlands 2

  • Occupation/Trade: hybrid inventor, weapons inventor, stuff inventor and repairman.

Occupation could be summarized as just "Inventor". Really it all would apply to him. An inventor IRL who knows how to make a car without blueprints could figure out a washing machine through specific constructive principles, so this would most of the time include repair of most mechanical items, unless specified that it is too complex.

I'm trying to figure out why he has so many weapons for being just an inventor. I'm going to allow it for now, but this is a case where his overabundance can make fights become odd, so you may need to figure out if bringing as much as he does really is worth it or not.

Approved, but watch yourself with those weapons!
His character has a ton of weapons, but its all mostly alchemy-based items. If he fights your character one-on-one, which would probably not happen with your characters being on a one-on-one basis due to yours really doesn't have the makings of a known killer like his, I am sure he will probably not use everything.

Remember, I can always step in with NPC's if its needed to make it interesting for both parties. Maybe eventually it can change through RP.
I don't see a reason to be. Characters cannot die unless specified by both parties. If he's gravely injured from an encounter, then use it as a personal character plot mover.

You have little to nothing to fear about your character's death. This doesn't include torture, experimentation, and slight dismemberment which are all up for grabs! Seriously though Fester won't fight unless paid to or provoked.
No worries I have plans to have him visit Waterfront. So many species of Fungi to see and explore.
Ladies and Gentlemen who are currently observing this conversation on this thread who have yet to create a character.

This is what is awaiting for you.

So make a character today!
Let us continue this chat in the Ooc part to not flood here with our knowledge.


Cap said:
Ladies and Gentlemen who are currently observing this conversation on this thread who have yet to create a character.
This is what is awaiting for you.

So make a character today!
I love being propaganda!

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