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Fantasy Land of Lynthia


Voice of Reason
While this would be my first time posting a thread here, I've hosted this particular RP twice before in another forum, both of which started out great and lasted for awhile before the members in it became inactive due to real life events. But because of how great it was turning out, and the interesting characters/events I got out of it, I want to try bringing it here and see if more can be done with it!

Lynthia takes place in medieval times. It's pretty basic in terms of setting, with a single King and races such as elves and dwarfs within it. A neat factor about Lynthia is that even the animals are able to communicate, but only some. Believed to be part of "Lynthia's Mysteries", some of the animals become smart enough to speak in Common Speech (aka English) and therefore talk to others with said language.

What's really notable about Lynthia, however, is that it's inhabitants can be born with unique abilities. These "abilities" range from a number of things, such as a simple special talent or knack for something (taking care of animals, cooking, etc) to something more extreme such as wielding fire! The drawback for this, however, should your character have an ability, is that it needs to be unique enough to pass in the RP. For example, saying your character can "summon fire" isn't unique enough. I can think of twenty others that can, also, without batting an eyelash. You have to be more creative with your character's ability, something that can be there's and there's alone. This doesn't mean it has to be 100% original, but think outside of the box.

Lynthia has it's own map, with cities, towns, rivers, etc included, but the whole purpose of Lynthia is going to be to allow everyone participating to add on to it and extend it as much as possible. The RP would thrive on the creativity and ideas of EVERYONE joining, the whole point of the RP is for everyone to have fun and be creative! It has the basic information necessary to get started, but the rest is up to us!

That said, plot would be the main thing needed to work on. I have a possible idea that may get us started, but to be honest, I don't think it's original enough to be considered that interesting. So ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated ^^;

However, to keep things fun and unexpected, the RP won't stick too close to the plot's route, because (as I'm sure most of you already know) an RP could take an unexpected turn, and for the better. While we may have planned for one thing to happen, something else could have changed and now a different path has been set for our characters. The plot is pretty much just there as a kind of guideline, to keep the RP from aimlessly wandering, but if we try being too strict with it then the RP can get pretty boring cause no one is able to do what they want to do, or it may seem out of character for some because they weren't allowed to do what their characters would normally do in such a situation.

So, there you have it! I swear that the actual thread would be much more flashy and organized than this, with better details and information, but this is just to see if it'll catch anyone's interest in the first place. Let me know what you think, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

@BoyPlantsGraves @Thinslayer @LeviathanL @korigon @AsherMastrImmortalis @simj22 @TheJipan @WaterPandas

I tagged all of you guys because of the RP we were all in that very recently got closed down due to the host's irl struggles. It was quite out of the blue, and now we all must wait for the Rp to be brought back. In the meantime, however, and with the possible chance that you're now all looking for a new RP to join, I thought you may take an interest in this one here. If not, it's okay, and you can ignore it ^^;

If you are interested, however, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, and any ideas or suggestions you may have! I was really enjoying Anteheroes and was incredibly upset to find out it had to come to a close (not that I blame Kuroakuma at all, stuff happens, you know?), and I was having a good time RPing with the majority of you, and others I would of liked to RP with a little more and get to know you. I apologize for the lack of substance to this thread, but as I mentioned before, the Rp thread itself will be a lot more flashy and detailed, I just didn't want to put in all the effort if the RP wasn't going to have much interest anyway, haha.
Count me in too! But one question are dwarves and elves the only other races allowed? :-3? If not what else?

A bustling city and trading center in Lynthia. Often trades in its namesake diamonds, magic opals, rupees, and occasionally mithril, most of which are mined from the nearby mountain. Several suburbs surround it which provide much-needed food and supplies. The city is protected by a castle constructed and owned by House Valderis, a small household in the grander scheme of things, but surprisingly well-off as the Great Families go.
I have a fair amount of RPs going on and exams looming on the horizon, so it could be touch and go whether I join this, but it looks too awesome to give up~

And @Aqua, I love your profile picture :3
Proposed character sheet format:




-how they work

-how they were acquired

History, personality, bio, and appearance should be sectetly PM'd to the game host so they can be vetted without compromising the mystery surrounding new characters.
Thinslayer said:
Proposed character sheet format:



-how they work

-how they were acquired

History, personality, bio, and appearance should be sectetly PM'd to the game host so they can be vetted without compromising the mystery surrounding new characters.
That sounds good
I'm kinda feeling down at the moment... Mostly because nobody wants to look at my RPs and the RPs I look at die... But I'll probably take more of a look a bit later, when I'm feeling up to creativity. It's kind of all leaked out of me through the holes created by all that waste...
Wow, so many people interested! Alright, I'll start working on the thread and it should be up by tonight or tomorrow, so look forward to it!


Other races are definitely allowed =3

If the races are made up by the player, I'll need a detailed description of them explaining their appearances, traditions, where they prefer to live, etc. That way I can include it with the other races such as humans, elves, and dwarfs, and everyone will know what they are and can make one themselves if they so wish. There will be a limit on how many races can be accepted so Lynthia isn't being overrun by so many, but I'm sure we can all work it out lol. Otherwise, already existing races include a number of mythilogical creatures such as brownies, nymphs, and so on. More info on this will be included on the thread.


It'll be detailed, but I won't stress the length of posts so long as they're written well and there's at least a paragraph ^^


So glad to have you join us!

Diamont should definitely be able to fit in with Lynthia, we can work on an exact location for it once the map has been posted =3

As for the character sheet, I already hve one saved though I think I'm going to include your "how they work" and "how they were acquired" (except change it to "discovered"), those will be handy. I haven't thought about having the forms secretly PM'd before...

I think that can be arranged, though would anyone mind on having the accepted forms posted for everyone else to see? It would only include what could be seen from the character upon first sight, save for names (it'll make it easer for us RPers to identify the characters), such as appearance. It'll seem more realistic for the characters to find out one another's personalities through RP, too.


Oh, I'm sorry =(

I know how that feels, it's never fun when it happens to you or someone else. I hope you pick up soon and your RPs can attract more attention, or you feel up for another RP! We'll always welcome you with open arms ^^

Just letting everyone know that it may take me a bit longer to get the thread up. I was experiencing problems with the layout which is delaying me a little, and there's still some info I want to add, but rest assured it'll be done soon and I'm still working on it. I promise the wait shall be worth it!
Hmmmm Rather Interesting indeed...Have a minde full of SPARKING ideas! so im up for it!
Awesome, glad to have so many people interested!

A little update on the thread: It's coming along great, however it's going to be a few days until I can make any real progress due to plans over the weekend and a few internet problems that are being resolved, but fortunately nothing serious. Thanks so much for everyone's patience, I can't wait until we can RP together!
hey, any spots open? Been dying to play a paladin of sorts and I figure one could sit into this sort of scenery.
Hmm, the two classes, while both upstanding types of folk, do part ways in the fact one is more militarily based and the other more religous. basically a cool military guy in armor and a cool priest guy in armor.

That of course is looking at it from the namesake of knight and paladin, the characters can be whatever we wish, similar and different. I only speak of all this out of fear you maybe thinking I am trespassing on your idea, which is not what i mean to do of course, while similar, they have different jobs entirely.
Rest assured I had no such thoughts. If anyone were to do any trespassing, it'd be I trespassing on yours, though I've done no such thing either. ^_^
Well then.

*Cocks shotgun*

Get off mah property.

In anycase I wonder what story/guide-line our GM has in story for our little adventure, possibly some dungeons to explore, heritics to burn, princesses to slay, dragons to save.
Yea....Kill all the Princeses and save the dragons...see who will the king save but Meh

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