Land of Destiny

Name: François Q. Reginald Featherblazer III Esq.

Nickname: Franq

Age: 26

Species: Human

Class: Theif

Subclass: Fancym'n

Rank: Aristocrat



Personality: Whimsical, and often unaware of any danger. Very naive about the world.

Bio: Franq lived a privilidged childhood. When some kind of revolution happened amongst the plebians, his mother was killed.

Unaware of any of this, he was raised by his father in the most luxorious cabin in all of the forest. When he reached the age of 20, he wanderer whimsically into the wild, where he stole all the treasure from a kobold cult. However, all of it was silverware and various cakes.

Crush: Adventure


Claims to have several powers, but he has none.

Weapon: Various pieces of silverware
Crenando said:
Name: François Q. Reginald Featherblazer III Esq.
Nickname: Franq

Age: 26

Species: Human

Class: Theif

Subclass: Fancym'n

Rank: Aristocrat



Personality: Whimsical, and often unaware of any danger. Very naive about the world.

Bio: Franq lived a privilidged childhood. When some kind of revolution happened amongst the plebians, his mother was killed.

Unaware of any of this, he was raised by his father in the most luxorious cabin in all of the forest. When he reached the age of 20, he wanderer whimsically into the wild, where he stole all the treasure from a kobold cult. However, all of it was silverware and various cakes.

Crush: Adventure


Claims to have several powers, but he has none.

Weapon: Various pieces of silverware
Accepted my friend!
Name: Gaven Deliure

Age: 47

Species: Human

Class: Fugitive

Subclass: Cultist leader

Rank: Outlaw

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/13090701___ghetsis_by_rekurobis-d6llmjh.jpg.18a323ba00954b8b664a0a9bcc13c637.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/13090701___ghetsis_by_rekurobis-d6llmjh.jpg.18a323ba00954b8b664a0a9bcc13c637.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Malevolent and collected, easily prone to outbursts of indignant rage. Arrogant and intelligent, long term schemer. Slightly insane.

Bio: Parents were honored members of society, mages and aristocrats who gave great studies into the magic of living entities. Gave birth to Gaven, both as parents, and as scholars. They taught him their arts, and he flourished in them. However, it was subtly obvious he had a mental impairment of sorts. He was too inhumane at times. Treating values of life as mere calculations, and prone to asking to endeavour in owtlawed studies. However, one day, everything his parents were working on was shut down by the king, and his parents set up for execution. Gaven had no idea why, but he would press for discovery. He was capable of reading his parents dense research articles, at age 20, and soon discovered then that they were doing research into a creature with god-like strength, and attempting to bring it out of its own realm of constant twilight, of constant destruction and creation, of calm oblivion, and into ours. The king, seeing this as incredibly dangerous, would continue to silence these works. Gaven, however, managed to escape with his parents research information, long before the kings men came to destroy the place. Even now, he seeks to bring his parents view into fruition, and birth the ultimate creature into existence, requiring immense amounts of materials and anima (The word I've decided to dub as a sort of life force energy) to carry out.

Crush: Slight favoratism towards his golem

"Pet": The false middleman we encountered. I'll elaborate this later though


+Spirit Summon: Can summon powerful spirits, at varying strengths.

+Total Domination: Has the ability not only to crush wills, but bend them towards his favor. Capabilities depends on the opponent.

Weapon: Meter tall steel staff, appearing as twin serpents entwined, at the colliding mouths is an onyx


+Eyepiece: can shift through different "views"


-Spirit Sight

-Detect invisibility


-Aura vision (capable of detecting willpower)



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Name: Alyson

Nickname: Dragon Queen

Age: 48

Species: Human

Class: Warrior

Subclass: Queen

Rank: Royalty/Noble


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dragon_Queen.jpg.a7a55f529a70f660628bac023acd8a52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dragon_Queen.jpg.a7a55f529a70f660628bac023acd8a52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Since her Adolescence, Alyson has been always very social and was known by many to have a big heart. For a Battle-hardened Warrior, she has a Gentle Heart and is known to be Nice and Caring, especially towards her Children. A Family Woman, Alyson will put her Family first, before anything else, including Politics. Although she loves the thrill of Battle, Alyson can be very Diplomatic and prefers to settle disputes before bloodshed ensues, especially if she deems it unnecessary. As a Mother, Alyson is known to be very Gentle and Patient with her offspring, at least until they cross the line or break the law. But when it comes to Discipline, she isn't usually very harsh. Rather then using a Whip and lashing her Children, she instead has a "Nice Little Chat" with them.

Bio: Alyson comes from a Family of Warriors and had a different upbringing then other Noble Families. Her Father was a Knight and her Mother, a Guard Captain. As the Youngest and only Daughter, Alyson received the best of both worlds. From Adolescence to her Teenage Years, Alyson's days were filled with intense training and exercises, which she enjoyed. In addition, she received the best education that money could buy. She would join the Military at seventeen and saw her first battle the following year. After her first year, Alyson became known by allies and enemies as the 'Dragon Lady' because of her Symbolic Armor. At the young age of twenty-one, Alyson was married off into the Royal Family and became Queen not long after. After her first year as Queen, Alyson was blessed with six children, four handsome sons and two beautiful daughters.

Crush: She's a Queen, her Crush would be the King, her one and only...

Pet: Although it seems unlikely, Alyson has a pet Hawk named Leon, whom she gives a lot of Freedom.


-Mental Shield: An Ability that she was born with. For as long as she can remember, Alyson has been almost always unaffected by Mental Abilities or Spells. As she got older, she learned how to lower this shield, but it is not often that she does. If she prefers to do so, she can use this ability to protect others around her, but she cannot project this so far, so this Shield has its limits. As one of her more natural abilities, using it does not really exhaust her or drain her energy. Another limit to this shield is that it is not invincible, so depending on her mental state, the shield can either strengthen or weaken.

-Battle Meditation: Remarkably Strong-Willed and a Natural Leader, Alyson can easily boost morale out on the battlefield, boosting the confidence of her allies and, at the same time, decreasing enemy morale and deteriorate their will to fight. However, Alyson must be careful when using this, because she mentally exhaust herself if she overuses it.

Weapon: Sword and Shield



-Proficient in using the Sword and Shield

-Battle Outfit (Boots and Gauntlets not pictured)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/druchii_female_armor_and_the_costume__unfinish__2_by_deakath-d561tph.jpg.d0f701d45f9733998abab091ff758c40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/druchii_female_armor_and_the_costume__unfinish__2_by_deakath-d561tph.jpg.d0f701d45f9733998abab091ff758c40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Casual Outfit



Name: Luciana

Nickname: Lucy

Age: 24

Species: Human

Class: Sorceress

Subclass: Princess

Rank: Royalty/Noble


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_340x270_694186052_e9vm.jpg.dd96c8d5905d7169c9c399cb0467ae92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_340x270_694186052_e9vm.jpg.dd96c8d5905d7169c9c399cb0467ae92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Luciana is a Kind and Understanding young woman, known to be Sympathetic, Tender and Generous at a young age. She is not kind only to those that she holds dear, but to everyone else around her so long as they are the same to her. This results in others, Noble or otherwise, being able to get along with her easily. Overall, Luciana is a very Outgoing person, especially for a Princess. However, even with such a Gentle personality, Luciana can be unforgiving when crossed, whether its Physically, Mentally or Emotionally.

Bio: Out of Queen Alyson's Six Children, Luciana is the Eldest. Unlike her Younger Sister, who is shy and not very Social, Luciana herself is quite the opposite. Like her Mother, Luciana is quite a people person, loving to socialize, have a cup of tea and does whatever the stereotypical noble likes to do on a regular basis. However, unlike most other Nobles, she is not self-absorbed or full of herself. Currently, she is expecting her first child.

Crush: (Up for Grabs...Well, kind of)

Pet: She has a Pet Chameleon named Axel.


-Sorcery: At a Young Age, Luciana learned that she had control over Mystical Powers. Although it was unstable at first, Luciana learned to control it the older she got. Now of age, she is able to cast a wide variety of spells, from Elemental Magic to Illusions and anything in between.

Weapon: Throwing Knives


-Midwives have predicted that her baby is a Boy

-Eight Months along



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[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Name: Alyson
Nickname: Dragon Queen

Age: 48

Species: Human

Class: Warrior

Subclass: Queen

Rank: Royalty/Noble


View attachment 114708

Personality: Since her Adolescence, Alyson has been always very social and was known by many to have a big heart. For a Battle-hardened Warrior, she has a Gentle Heart and is known to be Nice and Caring, especially towards her Children. A Family Woman, Alyson will put her Family first, before anything else, including Politics. Although she loves the thrill of Battle, Alyson can be very Diplomatic and prefers to settle disputes before bloodshed ensues, especially if she deems it unnecessary. As a Mother, Alyson is known to be very Gentle and Patient with her offspring, at least until they cross the line or break the law. But when it comes to Discipline, she isn't usually very harsh. Rather then using a Whip and lashing her Children, she instead has a "Nice Little Chat" with them.

Bio: Alyson comes from a Family of Warriors and had a different upbringing then other Noble Families. Her Father was a Knight and her Mother, a Guard Captain. As the Youngest and only Daughter, Alyson received the best of both worlds. From Adolescence to her Teenage Years, Alyson's days were filled with intense training and exercises, which she enjoyed. In addition, she received the best education that money could buy. She would join the Military at seventeen and saw her first battle the following year. After her first year, Alyson became known by allies and enemies as the 'Dragon Lady' because of her Symbolic Armor. At the young age of twenty-one, Alyson was married off into the Royal Family and became Queen not long after. After her first year as Queen, Alyson was blessed with six children, four handsome sons and two beautiful daughters.

Crush: She's a Queen, her Crush would be the King, her one and only...

Pet: Although it seems unlikely, Alyson has a pet Hawk named Leon, whom she gives a lot of Freedom.


-Mental Shield: An Ability that she was born with. For as long as she can remember, Alyson has been almost always unaffected by Mental Abilities or Spells. As she got older, she learned how to lower this shield, but it is not often that she does. If she prefers to do so, she can use this ability to protect others around her, but she cannot project this so far, so this Shield has its limits. As one of her more natural abilities, using it does not really exhaust her or drain her energy. Another limit to this shield is that it is not invincible, so depending on her mental state, the shield can either strengthen or weaken.

-Battle Meditation: Remarkably Strong-Willed and a Natural Leader, Alyson can easily boost morale out on the battlefield, boosting the confidence of her allies and, at the same time, decreasing enemy morale and deteriorate their will to fight. However, Alyson must be careful when using this, because she mentally exhaust herself if she overuses it.

Weapon: Sword and Shield



-Proficient in using the Sword and Shield

-Battle Outfit (Boots and Gauntlets not pictured)

View attachment 114724

-Casual Outfit



Name: Luciana

Nickname: Lucy

Age: 24

Species: Human

Class: Sorceress

Subclass: Princess

Rank: Royalty/Noble


View attachment 114711

Personality: Luciana is a Kind and Understanding young woman, known to be Sympathetic, Tender and Generous at a young age. She is not kind only to those that she holds dear, but to everyone else around her so long as they are the same to her. This results in others, Noble or otherwise, being able to get along with her easily. Overall, Luciana is a very Outgoing person, especially for a Princess. However, even with such a Gentle personality, Luciana can be unforgiving when crossed, whether its Physically, Mentally or Emotionally.

Bio: Out of Queen Alyson's Six Children, Luciana is the Eldest. Unlike her Younger Sister, who is shy and not very Social, Luciana herself is quite the opposite. Like her Mother, Luciana is quite a people person, loving to socialize, have a cup of tea and does whatever the stereotypical noble likes to do on a regular basis. However, unlike most other Nobles, she is not self-absorbed or full of herself. Currently, she is expecting her first child.

Crush: (Up for Grabs...Well, kind of)

Pet: She has a Pet Chameleon named Axel.


-Sorcery: At a Young Age, Luciana learned that she had control over Mystical Powers. Although it was unstable at first, Luciana learned to control it the older she got. Now of age, she is able to cast a wide variety of spells, from Elemental Magic to Illusions and anything in between.

Weapon: Throwing Knives


-Midwives have predicted that her baby is a Boy

-Eight Months along



Gabauchi said:
Is that accepted then?
Name: Matthew Liontin

Nickname: Matt

Age: 18

Species: Human

Class: Animal Lord

Rank: OutLaw


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/bryce.jpg.fc47c00160fe7f7b26d1bc7bcbf66d69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/bryce.jpg.fc47c00160fe7f7b26d1bc7bcbf66d69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Matt can sometimes think he is the best, because he usually is. He is usually cruel but there is always that special person that he truly cares about.

Bio: He was found on the doorstep of Lar's school for future animal lords, when he was 5. Ever since then he has been the best in his class and hasn't made very much friends. The same year a boy the same age named Jeremiah joined and the two have been fighting and competing ever since. He did fall in love with a very impressive and beautiful dragon lady. But when he took her out to take a walk, she was attacked and killed by a S-class animal. He has became cruel and left the school. No one ever saw him again.

(An Animal Lady is like the female version of a Animal Lord. But they go to a school just for girls.)

Crush: Jasmine (His girlfriend who died)


1) Markl

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2247862474_5b7f0e61b0_b.jpg.84188fc376b6dd8f5f9f075830fb49b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/2247862474_5b7f0e61b0_b.jpg.84188fc376b6dd8f5f9f075830fb49b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Mainly useful.for stealing stuff.)

2) Jina

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/wlion.jpg.0efbc765eff275027e97f60dbbcab85c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/wlion.jpg.0efbc765eff275027e97f60dbbcab85c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His combat animal.)

3) Rider

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/330px-Athene_noctua_(cropped).jpg.8f767ba6ec06918410f7b017b1b2a896.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/330px-Athene_noctua_(cropped).jpg.8f767ba6ec06918410f7b017b1b2a896.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(For sending messages.)

Powers: He can control, speak and hear animals.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c23702dd1_T2eC16ZHJIEFHSq!O38CBSeLhV0Rew60_1.JPG.d415d67fcd95f0ee20159afa74b794a0.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c23702dd1_T2eC16ZHJIEFHSq!O38CBSeLhV0Rew60_1.JPG.d415d67fcd95f0ee20159afa74b794a0.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(He also has a blade strapped to his waist.)

//Also @Gabauchi is it alright that Matthew becomes the subordinate of Gaven? If not then ok.//<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/06940aedfda390c9417e668685430b1e.jpg.719f9bbfca083b08e3c63363a3891737.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/06940aedfda390c9417e668685430b1e.jpg.719f9bbfca083b08e3c63363a3891737.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Caricon Gerimoowe

Nickname: The Destroy (feel free to call me this (that is if you wish to live))

Age: 21

Species: Human (The strong and powerful race)

Class: Wanderer


Rank: No Kingdom dare say they have anything over me (he was born in a rich noble family, he doesn't want the rank, but he has it)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2530e45e_StrongMan!.jpg.7fa336fb24a8b238511023cfc6f403ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2530e45e_StrongMan!.jpg.7fa336fb24a8b238511023cfc6f403ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bio: Why should I tell you about how my rich and weak family failed to make me like them, as I became STRONG.

Crush: You will stop asking questions. Now,

Pet: I crush everything I pet (or sit on)

Powers: I WILL CRUSH YOU (and use my flames to burn your body)

Weapon: My bare hands

Extra: (I might have over exaggerated this a little, but his favorite food is raw meat(tell me if you want me to make a serious one)



  • Strong Man!.jpg
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Hunnyhelp said:
Name: Caricon Gerimoowe
Nickname: The Destroy (feel free to call me this (that is if you wish to live))

Age: 21

Species: Human (The strong and powerful race)

Class: Wanderer


Rank: No Kingdom dare say they have anything over me (he was born in a rich noble family, he doesn't want the rank, but he has it)


View attachment 117439


Bio: Why should I tell you about how my rich and weak family failed to make me like them, as I became STRONG.

Crush: You will stop asking questions. Now,

Pet: I crush everything I pet (or sit on)

Powers: I WILL CRUSH YOU (and use my flames to burn your body)

Weapon: My bare hands

Extra: (I might have over exaggerated this a little, but his favorite food is raw meat(tell me if you want me to make a serious one)
I like this waaay more than I should.
Hunnyhelp said:
Name: Caricon Gerimoowe
Nickname: The Destroy (feel free to call me this (that is if you wish to live))

Age: 21

Species: Human (The strong and powerful race)

Class: Wanderer


Rank: No Kingdom dare say they have anything over me (he was born in a rich noble family, he doesn't want the rank, but he has it)


View attachment 117439


Bio: Why should I tell you about how my rich and weak family failed to make me like them, as I became STRONG.

Crush: You will stop asking questions. Now,

Pet: I crush everything I pet (or sit on)

Powers: I WILL CRUSH YOU (and use my flames to burn your body)

Weapon: My bare hands

Extra: (I might have over exaggerated this a little, but his favorite food is raw meat(tell me if you want me to make a serious one)
Thank you for making my day,this is the first thing I saw getting out of the hospital. It's awsome
[QUOTE="aja maji]Thank you for making my day,this is the first thing I saw getting out of the hospital. It's awsome

Aww, thank you... That means a lot to me. (I also saw Caricon burning down a forest in your honor, or in the honor of the nymth that crossed him, we can never really know what goes through his head)

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